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Dragon Age fanfics

Discussion in 'Story Search' started by MonkeyEpoxy, Jan 30, 2016.

  1. Alexeij

    Alexeij Second Year

    Mar 24, 2016
    High Score:
    by: Setrus
    Blessed are they who stand before The corrupt and the wicked and do not falter. Blessed are the peacekeepers, the champions of the just. Dragon Age Inquisition retold like the stories before it.
    Dragon Age - Rated: M - English - Fantasy/Adventure - Chapters: 17 - Words: 62,192 - Reviews: 88 - Favs: 34 - Follows: 37 - Updated: Sep 28, 2015 - Published: Jan 11, 2015 - Blackwall, Josephine M., Trevelyan

    This is the last book of Setrus' DA retelling, which I can recommend in its entirety. The author has a penchant for diverging from canon while mantaining the general storyline and at the same time explores minor characters the games and most authors usually skip over. Also, a warning: major characters can and do die.

    The first book, From Dirt, is much more romantically oriented than Requiem, with Chains of Blood playing the middle ground. I'd recommend reading them all before tackling Requiem, as there are some major changes from canon, but the author wrote a small paragraph at the beginning of the first chapter summarizing the major ones you need to know so far.

    From what I can tell, the author has a good grasp on grammar and the narration proceeds quite smoothly, with its ups and downs.

    Granted, the Inquisitor here is F!Trevelyan, but Anna is a very original, if at times unlikeable character in the sea of Cullen/Solas fangirls.

    Don't worry about the long 'hiatus': it has happened before with Chains of Blood, then in a couple of months he caught up and finished the story.

    I give this one in particular a 4.5/5 only because it's still in the beginning arc of the story (just arrived at Val Royeaux)
  2. fire

    fire Order Member

    Dec 25, 2011

    Basically Maric learns of Alistair's shit life at Redcliffe and naturally chooses to take him back in.

    Disclaimer: I've not actually read this beyond skimming, but the writing seems technically sound enough, and since it's not a fucking female Cousland wank fic (of which AdB's Victory at Ostagar is the exemplar) that's sufficiently encouraging.
  3. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    I've taken a look at the author's other work in Dragon Age fandom, and it's mostly revolving around the same pairing, over and over and over: Alistair and fem!Cousland.

    Rather dull, but in regards to this story I didn't find it too much of a nuisance.

    It's not a bad fic and it certainly gives an interesting take on things if Alistair hadn't been sent to the Chantry to become a Templar, but it's not all that interesting either. I have yet to find something which would pull me to feel something of an eagerness, the want to rush to the next chapter to read more. Instead, I just read these 24 chapters because I had nothing better to do in the meantime.

    Outside of Alistair's fate, the state of the world is more or less how things went in the game. Right now, it's just reached the point of Cailan dying at the battle of Ostagar and Alistair becoming king, because Anora didn't have a child by Cailan, just like in the game. Where it goes from here though? No idea.

    One divergence is Arl Howe being stripped of title and lands because he deserted from the battle with his troops. With this happening, I imagine Loghain pulled out of battle as well, except he's now retelling his own version of the story, rather than the truth.
  4. VanRopen

    VanRopen Headmaster

    Apr 22, 2011
    Los Angeles
    Why was Howe even at Ostagar?
  5. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    He's not in charge of Denerim here, Teagan is the Arl of Denerim, with Delilah Howe as his wife.
  6. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    It's been quite a while since the last post in this thread, but I've had a bit of a rekindling interest in Dragon Age stuff.

    I'm looking mostly for Origins-related stuff, with some focus on Sten and the Qunari philosophy as he espoused it at the time to the Warden, but not solely contained to the events of Origins, i.e containing the Blight and the events of Awakening. What I'd actually like best of all is to see if someone actually wrote a good piece on that bit in the epilogue where Sten says he will return to Par Vollen and the Warden can come along.

    If none of the above exists, I'd be content with just recommendations for good Dragon Age fics that haven't been mentioned before.
  7. Jaska

    Jaska Third Year

    Mar 21, 2015
  8. Jester

    Jester Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    I remember reading Warrior when it was still updating, and thinking it was a solid novelization.

    I just reread it, and find it an enjoyable read through. Not groundbreaking, and stays mostly in line with canonish Human Noble Origins. The flashback storyline was decent flavor, but dragged a ton near the end.