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General League of Legends v.2.0

Discussion in 'League of Legends' started by Dark Syaoran, Sep 10, 2012.

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  1. Tehlaziboi

    Tehlaziboi Ninja Meido

    Dec 9, 2009
    I've lost taste for ARAM. I had nearly five straight games against poke comp teams while our tanks dive in when no one else is even remotely ready. Hell, the last game I played had us against a Nidalee, Xerath, Lux, Jayce, and Khazix. There was literally nothing we could do but die for fifteen minutes while they just pushed safely to our nexus.
  2. ElDee

    ElDee Unspeakable

    Sep 2, 2008
    Yeah, that happens sometimes. But then you get the string of five straight games where your team has an OP poke / sustain comp while the enemy team has shit like Xin Zhao, Evelynn, Udyr, Sion and Nocturne.
  3. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    god dammit tsm

    I like TSM but I really don't care who wins.
    As long as it isn't fucking curse. FUCK curse.
  4. Kaemrynn

    Kaemrynn Fourth Year

    Aug 29, 2012
    Fuck this. I had a massive wall of text regarding the Yorick re-work thread and Chrome crashes on me. :facepalm

    Here are two kits that Xelnath drew up to get feedback from the community to get a grasp on how Yorick should change.

    First a note: The concept around his passive is that the ghouls are essentially permanent (unless killed) and follow Yorick around.

    Short and sweet:

    Kit #1 is very similar to the current Yorick. The ult is interesting. On an ally it provides DR and a boost in damage. On an enemy it's a 2 second stun and damage from all ghouls at once. Better than his current ult.

    Kit #2 is vastly more interesting. Q skillshot similar to Ezreal's E. W which can allow for 2 slow explosions (read, "snare" = "slow"). E seeks a target, roots them and marks them. Yorick can then melee to expend the mark and heal himself. Provides a risk with his sustain instead of free ranged sustain. R is akin to a Baneling rush of sorts. Could be interesting, I do think a channel for a frontline fighter is detrimental though.

    Overall, I like Kit #2 Q,W, and E with Kit #1's ultimate. They have said that it will be some time before any changes go in to effect, but I would love to see Yorick get some changes. There were some ideas of Yorick becoming a Support champion. As much as I love playing support, I don't want to see Yorick get relegated to that role. But I am tired of a sub-par ultimate that is ultimately reliant on your bot lane to have any effect. Also tired of the "Win Lane, Lose Game" mentality when it comes to playing Yorick. We'll see how things work out. I would love to see some thoughts from you guys. Except Churchy. Because we all know where he stands. :awesome
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2013
  5. ElDee

    ElDee Unspeakable

    Sep 2, 2008
    Having a channel on a frontline tanky dude isn't so bad, just look at Nunu's Absolute Zero. The second you start casting it you turn into the most threatening target on the map. Either they turn and run out of your AoE, waste their CC on interrupting your channel or waste their nukes to burst you down. All are great outcomes, because while they're busy dealing with you they aren't attacking your carries. It's like an AoE taunt that deals a thousand damage if you ignore it.
  6. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    Today I learned Jax shits on Nasus top, but it doesn't matter in the long run because a Withered Jax who jumps on you to initiate can't do shit to the Caitlyn who proceeds to smash him. whilst you go eat his Draven up. Just happy I didn't go with my gut instict to pick Xin as I was blind-picking my 3rd role... Really need to buy more adc's/mids. And practise.

    Into Gold IV promo, wondering if I've earned it as lately I've been playing terribly everywhere but the jungle which is worrying. Gold people showing me I'm still Silver III in lane mechanics at best when it comes to solo's.

    Yorick's new kits sound fun, even if they're only theorised. Think I prefer the first kit though, the ability to empower your team-mates sounds pretty good, forces the enemy to try and kill your ghouls to avoid it, giving your team sufficient time to do damage, catch them out etc, always a good thing.
  7. Oz

    Oz For Zombie. Moderator DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2008
    Baile Átha Cliath
    Holy shit, miss one fucking CS as carry and watch as every single fuckup your entire team makes is now your fault. Shyv jungle initiates 3v5? Cait's bad positioning. Fed as fuck Jax initiates us and our team's aced? Cait's fault, she should build armor.

    What in the fuck? I don't want to play ranked any more. :(
  8. Peteks

    Peteks Order Member

    Jun 15, 2008
    Played my first ranked for season 3. God why must people on EU Nordic East be mentally handicapped. Went 8/0/9 the whole game, outfarming my lane opponent by good 60 CS, roaming for successful ganks and killing enemy jungler. But our top Jax proceeds to go 1/9 top and our Vayne AFK's 90% of the game. Enemy can't even kill me when I go into them 4v5 fights, but team only dies, we lose while I'm still legendary due to scumbags surrendering. And I was being super nice to everyone, and stopping their inner flame wars. I really don't know what I could have done better, apart from picking a true carry hero.

    TL;DR: Ranked sucks Donkey balls
  9. Krieger

    Krieger Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Oct 12, 2009
    So they brought out Oceanic servers recently, I transferred there being Aussie myself (went from 200+ ping to 50-60, which is good considering I'm still a couple thousand km from Sydney), except you can't unlock champions with riot points because you can't buy riots points since it's in beta stage. I'm only beginning League of Legends, so I'm stuck with whatever champions they pick, and I only unlocked Morganna before I transferred.

    So a big fuck you to Riot, I was getting into it but now I have to wait until they unlock riot point purchases for Oceanic, or get a ridiculous amount of IP points to purchase one single champion instead of spending it on runes.

    Still I'm enjoying this, but annoying seeing everyone playing their champions that I want to try but can't. A lot to learn, like what is the difference between bottom and top lanes? People prefer specific champions to go to a specific lane, which between mid and bot/top I understand, but I don't understand the difference between bot and top. They look the same on the map, so meh.

    Edit: Oh and Morganna rapes. Good lane push, snare, stun and shield to stop snares with decent damage. OP.
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2013
  10. Dreamweaver Mirar

    Dreamweaver Mirar Groundskeeper DLP Supporter

    Jun 4, 2009
    Generally in higher level games there's a character that levels in the jungle, so the top lane is mostly reserved for people who are good 1v1ers. Bot on the other hand is close to dragon so there are usually two people in the bottom lane to help the jungler and mid take dragon early on.
    Also don't worry too much about runes until level 20+, and the free champions change weekly so you'll be able to try out some new ones soon enough.
  11. redshell

    redshell Order Member

    Feb 11, 2009
  12. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    Found your issue.

    Yorick on the other team.
  13. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Many of the best Champions are very cheap for IP.
    People like Ryze, Sivir, Amumu, Malphite, Morgana, Tf, Tristana, and many others are either at 1350 IP or below.
  14. Wildfeather

    Wildfeather The Nidokaiser ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 18, 2007
    High Score:
    People in silver are seriously dumb.

    I'm 9/0/7 Rengar 15 minutes in and Kat mid asks me if i'm building tanky. Current items: Elder Lizard, Brutalizer, Avarice blade, Boots, and Bilgewater Cutlass. Then she insists we group, even though we are a team with both Rengar and Singed (who is pants on head retarded and farms jungle instead of splitting while we take objectives), with a sucky Taric support.

    It's okay though, jungle carry OP.
  15. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    Anyone more competent at understanding things than me mind explaining why Hecarim seems to be a real solo-q terror, but is mostly ignored in the pro scene?

    More leaning towards the solo-q explanation over the pro scene mind you. His kit is a nice mix, his passive is interesting and his ult is wonderful for a variety of situations - I just struggle to see why/how he can magically snowball so very hard so early when his main damage ability has a 4 second CD initially - to me, that seems like an age between attacks and far too long to be effective.

    I have an urge to go back to Hecarim as I loved playing him, but I never really did all that well and figured it was more myself than it was Hecarim that was failing - but he's regularly banned and it often feels like the enemy team has too many escapes that to me, are a core counter to Hecarim despite the range on his ult.
  16. Evan Tide

    Evan Tide Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Nov 30, 2006
    So Cal
    Wards, coordination, and jungle builds.

    Hecarim loves back-ganks. His ability to perform a straight-forward gank by charging at an enemy is minimal until ulti. In Solo Q, people don't ward and they do over extend. On top of that kill chasing and all sorts of risky stupidity that Hecarim thrives on fighting.
    This is usually kept to a minimum on pro games.

    Hecarim thrives in dumbasses dropping him low but leaving him alive. He presses W and full heals like a boss off the enemy team in those situations. I've survived more fuck-fests as Hecarim when dropping to 100 HP then hitting W than I should because no one focuses.

    Pro jungle builds also tend to focus on utility/aegis rush jungles. Hecarim wants damage early. Doesn't mesh well.
  17. Peteks

    Peteks Order Member

    Jun 15, 2008
    Plus Hecarim's jungle can be fucked up rather easily with invades on blue. If you can deny him that first blue he is so goddamn slow because can't spam Q and W has a ridiculous early CD.
  18. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    I hope Elise gets more nerfs.
  19. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    Due to her crapping on Dyrus in this TSM vs CLG game? All part of the plan, TSM's late game comp craps all over this CLG comp - just have to be wary of backdooring. Like that.

    Dyrus just hasn't been playing well lately it would seem and Nien is far superior mechanically, Dyrus seems to have dropped off lately, probably just a bad spell as he was on point for a long time prior to this.

    Pretty crazy game though, shame we finish with Dig ve VES, I can only foresee an error strewn mess, probably with a 3rd attempt for Scarra's Yi.

    Edit; Super Minions OP. TSM shoulda based after the inhib, huuuuuge 'what the fuck' moment for me, I nearly jumped out my chair when they kept pushing. Whoever made that call... Mistake.
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2013
  20. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    Never been super impressed with him and hate his e-persona anyway.

    But goddamn that was an impressive match. 100k on both sides, minions win it. And yea, it's that and her dominant play all tournament long. I can't wait to see the stats on her win ratio and kda for this LCS.
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