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The First Annual Ginny Kill Off.

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Giovanni, Sep 4, 2005.

  1. Lord Necros

    Lord Necros Slug Club Member

    Apr 14, 2005
    LOL more more more
  2. Sepanto

    Sepanto Groundskeeper

    Aug 5, 2005
    *bows to Yarrgh*
  3. Demon God of Chaos

    Demon God of Chaos Seventh Year

    Nov 15, 2005
  4. Amerision

    Amerision Galactic Sheep Emperor DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2006
    The Gardens in the Desert Sand
    I've been secretly reading these in Civics class, embarassing myself by giggling during lectures.

    I thought of this one during English...


    Ginny left Transfiguration, dead tired. The remedial work she had done had went on all the way to midnight. They had been conjuring various kitchenware items and sealing their form. She wondered absently what McGonnagal did with all the forks, spoons, and various muggle items that had replicated from examples in a catalog. Clutching her worn textbook in hand, she took a left in the hall and made her way down the stairs.

    A glint caught her eye and she saw someone watching her from the seventh floor stairway. But when she blinked, the person was gone.

    Was it just my imagination?

    Ginny shook her head and walked on. She must have been tired. The remedial transfiguration classroom was in the far reaches of Hogawarts Castle, deep in an abondoned corridor.

    As she reached the halfway point on the stairway, it moved.

    She jumped, dropping her ink pot. Ginny watched despairingly as it fell four stories and out of sight as it was engulfed in the darkness that pervaded the lower floors at night. The stair swung left and connected to a hallway she had never noticed before. She froze.

    She didn't know how to get back to the common room. Looking back, she saw the now completely dark corridor she had just left. A chill passed through her.

    Summoning all her Gryffindor courage, she walked on.

    As she walked through the dusty hallway, she looked around. The paintings were sinister, evil almost. One depicted a red haired harlot being torn apart by a manticore.

    A blur of color caught her eye and she turned around swiftly, wand in hand.

    "Hello?" she asked, pitifully.

    No answer.

    Taking a shaky breath, she lit her wandtip and moved on.

    Minutes passed, yet it seemed hours as the youngest Weasley walked. She came upon a split in the hall. One was bathed in an eeire blood red, the other in a foreboding green. Looking down both of them, she decided on the red one.

    The hallway stretched to infinity it seemed, as she passed various gruesome sculptures. As she passed by a stone dementor, she quickened her pace. Even its replica gave off an aura of coldness.

    The hallway finally came to an end with a simple wooden door.

    She hesitatingly turned the knob and opened the door. The room was pitch black. Leveling her lit wand, she looked inside. The light reflected back in many different directions.

    Stepping in, she checked the inside. It was a...funhouse? Mirrors stared back at her, reflecting hundreds of Ginny Weasleys.

    She walked up to a particularly large one, with clawed feet and a white sheen to the silvery surface. As she came closer, her image came as well, only it was accompanied by a handsome Raven haired young man, hand in hand.

    She sighed as she recognized her beloved. Sitting down, she gazed at the mirror for hours, trying to take in the beauty of her heart's true desire.

    As she was counting the galleons on the side, Harry moved backwards, into the shadows. Throwing a look behind her, she saw a swish of robes.

    She drew her wand once more, curse on the tip of her tounge. Heart hammering in her chest, she checked behind several mirrors, coming empty. Just as she was about to give up, something rolled out from behind the mirror she had checked only seconds before.

    It was her ink pot...

    Picking it up, she spun around.

    "Come out! I know you're there!"

    A sharp crash answered her as a mirror to her right fell and broke into a thousand peices. A peice of glass cut her cheek, drawing crimson blood.

    She moved backwards slowly, step by step until she hit something hard.

    She turned around, only to be relieved. It was the dream mirror she had been watching, the one with Harry...

    Her relief quickly turned to horror as she saw the image reflected.

    Harry was coming behind her, a shard in hand.

    She looked over her shoulder, terrified.


    She turned back to the mirror. Harry stabbed her reflection in the chest, her robe darkening. Harry looked up at gave her a cold smile before removing a fork from his pocket and started messily cutting off her fingers, toes, nose, ears, and finally her breasts. Blood pooled around the girl. Harry stuck a finger in the crimson pool and rubbed it between his thumb and forefinger.

    Her reflection was screaming in pain, delirious. It was surreal, watching herself being dismembered silently. Harry bound her and kicked her viciously until the sounds were reduced to sobs. The mutilated girl started shaking violently, going into shock.

    Harry dropped the fork and brought out an eggbeater. He jabbed it into her hair and cranked the handle. The metal wisks spun around, grabbing her hair. The famous Weasley hair gathered around the wisks tighter and tighter until her hair was taut against her scalp. The boy pushed on the handle once more, visably struggling until the hair ripped off her reflection's head. She screamed, tears mingled with blood streaming down her face, pain renewed.

    Harry just grinned wider and ripped off the rest of tattered clothes. He moved in on her, carving words in her abdomen with the sharp end of a broken metal spatula he had procured from his robes.

    She stared horrified as words began to form.


    Several soft taps came behind her, but she was too engrossed to care.

    -IND Y

    A couple more taps came, closer. But she didn't care. The words-


    She put it together and took a sharp breath. But before she could turn around, arms snaked around her, pulling her close to a wide chest.

    She struggled in mortal fear, only to be pulled back tighter.

    Something sharp pressed itself against her chest, cutting into her robes. The person behind her bent down and whispered into her ear.

    "Hello Ginny..."
  5. Dubrichius

    Dubrichius Groundskeeper

    Feb 6, 2006
    Solomon Island
    :lol: :twisted: :lol: :twisted: :lol: :twisted: :lol:

    Niiiiiice! 8)

    That one gave me a good laugh, so it did. :lol:

    P.S. Your sig is a little bit too big, remember it can only be 120x500, or was it 500x120, no, it's 120x500. I think. You'll have to check with DGD on the size allowed.
  6. Yarrgh!

    Yarrgh! Pirate King

    Jan 29, 2006
    Purdue University, Indiana

    New one. With the mysterious happenings of my laptop, i decided to fuck around on wordpad, and i wrote this. I'm also pleased to announce that i've done about 6,000 words of Incubus since yesterday morning. I figured it was due faster than Chimera, but i WILL have CHimera finished by Monday.

    Warning: Violence, sexual inferences, cannibalism.

    Warning 2: THis wasn't as good as my previous one...I was just filling time between thinking of what to write next for Incubus.


    Gruesome cannot describe what i feel for you, Ginny.

    She sighed, sweeping the hair out of her eyes with an irritated look on her face. Bubotuber pus, in all it's glory, had run rampant across the Greenhouses earlier that day.

    Of course, this wasn't a good enough reason for her current anger. No...she had, rather stupidly, decided to follow the example set by the Twins, and wreak some havoc. 'What the hell,' she had thought, 'OWLs are in a week, and this year has been particularly shitty. Might as well have some fun.'

    And so she had made a valiant attempt at a prank. Of course, she didn't have a single Slytherin bone in her body, so to speak, and she had been caught easily.

    What she had attempted was far more idiotic...she had charmed every single one of the Bubotuber Roots to give mild shocks to whoever handled them. Of course, in her stupidity, she had forgotten about the Dragonhide Gloves that they all had to wear.

    Consequently, the charge of electricity, being repelled by the material of the glove, saw the only alternative route to be back through the stem of the plant. This, upon contact with the tender roots, had caused explosions so wild that eight out of the ten boys, and seven out of the eight girls had been sent to the Hospital Wing with severe lacerations and burns. Of the two unscarred boys in the class, only one had made it out of the Greenhouses with some degree of decency…poor Colin Creevy had had his clothes vaporized almost entirely.

    It would take a month for the last traces to fade, and Ginny Weasley was now Public Enemy No. 1. Even Luna, sweet, timid Luna, had exploded in anger...a just reaction after having her face scalded and half her hair turned into a blonde goo. The stinging slap on the cheek had nearly dislodged a tooth, a very valuable one.

    This tooth had it's own story, one that can only be mentioned briefly, since this story has nothing to do with that one. You see, dear reader, that this tooth was the last tooth in Ginny Weasley's mouth. An accident on the Quidditch pitch, where her beloved Harry had been playing beater for a change, had resulted in the bludger nearly taking her head off. Unfortunately, it had had to make do with her jaw, removing all but one tooth, the tooth in question barely affixed to her mouth. It was a wonder that Luna hadn't rid her of that one too. Why had she not grown them back? Well, Ginny Weasley had the unfortunate luck to be highly allergic to Skele-Gro, and glamour charms simply would not work on her. It was mystifying, but she took solace in the fact that it was her dear Harry who had done it, not some Slytherin bastard...at least this wasn't done out of revenge.


    Regardless of the tooth, the general ire of her OWL-Level Herbology class had been rather high. Since it was a bare few days before the exams began, such a debilitating injury had unfortunately caused them to miss out on an important lesson, and be struck by pain even when they desired nothing more than to study.

    Professor Sprout, the cheery, dimple-cheeked teacher, easily the most amicable of all the Professors at Hogwarts, had blown a fuse. Dragging Ginny along by the hair, she had thrown her, quite literally, at McGonagall's feet, demanding castigation with such vehemence that McGonagall had been shocked. Of course, the fact that more than half the windows of Greenhouse 3 had been destroyed, eight hundred galleons of valuable Potions Ingredients melted, students maimed and the teacher disfigured in rather vital areas was reason enough.

    So, after having Gryffindor lose 300 points, having Detention for the rest of her school career, and being immensely in debt to Hogwarts, Ginny Weasley was in a bad mood. If Snape had not been a teacher, he too would have beaten her, the look of anger on his face at the loss of his ingredients promising pure agony in Potions. In fact, the bastard would probably give her an O just to be able to torment her in Potions, a class that her mother would insist she take at NEWT level.

    So, on her knees, covered in sweat, and burned in more than one place, Ginny Weasley was scraping mostly dry Bubotuber Pus off the remaining walls of Greenhouse 3. Hagrid, rather kindly, had volunteered to use his height to remove the goo from the ceiling.

    "NO MAGIC, DO YOU HEAR ME?!" had been the words spat out of the mouth of the usually cheery Herbology Professor. Her grumbles did not help her situation...she ached, her body throbbing in rhythm with her heartbeat, pain flashing through her each time she accidentally trod on some of the un-solidified pus.

    Putting the chisel she was using away, she began gathering up the shards of glass in her gloved hands. A darting shadow over the ruins of the Greenhouse alerted her to the presence of an intruder.

    Her head snapped up as she called "Who's there?"

    She was met with silence. Shaking her head, she ruefully decided that inhaling the pungent aroma of the pus had caused her to become delirious.

    She returned to work, whistling a horribly off-tune rendition of the latest song from Celestina Warbeck. Of course, she found her skills to be far from lacking. But that was her...and this was reality. Reality was that she was performing something that even Warbeck would be envious of...a perfect imitation of nails scratching on a chalkboard.

    A groan of pain emerged from the corner, but before she could snap her head up, a pale yellow beam of light hit her in the mouth, cutting off the sound emerging.

    She panicked, trying to reach for her wand, but was stopped by a blow to the back of the head as someone's boot-encased foot struck her hard. As her face impacted against the ground, she made a wild grapple for her remaining tooth, barely securing it in her mouth such that it didn't detach.

    Possessiveness was certainly an issue when one only had a single tooth to spare...after all, Grandpa Weasley had treasured his tooth until he died at the age of 142 years. A five year old Ginny had taken the tooth out of her dead Grandpa's mouth to give to the Tooth Fairy. The next day had found her with a handprint securely creased into her cheek, a demure, castigated Ginny Weasley doing the dishes for the next two weeks.

    A hand, with some considerable strength, bunched her hair into a fist, roughly grabbing her. A large weight settled down on her back, forcing her further into the dirt and glass.

    "Ginny, dear," whispered a voice, the usual seductive timber of the voice as absent as the warmth that his familiar voice usually brought.

    "You have been exceptionally hard to kill. Do you know that I've tried to kill you no less than eleven times?"

    Words escaped her, the incoherent condition of her thoughts causing her to mumble something ridiculous.

    "Mgghhhayuklerrrnt!" she gasped. Since losing her teeth, she had been unable to enunciate regular sounds. Using her gums had provided her with a lisp to make her words far more whorish, but she was able to get her point across.

    It was Harry Potter, the love of her life, with what could only be described as a manic glint in his eyes. Looking past him, her eyes widened in fear as she saw all her ex-boyfriends and the ex-Slytherin Quidditch team, except Malfoy and his cronies.


    It was stated so simply that it sent her mind reeling. He had, with one word, confirmed the possibility of every single one of her fears happening tonight.

    Planting his foot deep into her stomach, the kick viciously brutal, he laughed.

    Petting her cheek as one would a dog, he said "There, there, sweetheart. I simply thought that since you were going to die anyways, that i might as well get everyone together for one last big shebang. I'm sure you'll be suitably entertained."

    He smirked at her, punching her in the face one last time before rising. With a careless wave towards Ginny's prone form, he said "Gentlemen, she awaits your enthusiasm."

    It was sad, he decided, that these people had agreed to his terms before accepting a chance to humiliate Ginny, one who they all had a mutual hate for. Here, House-Rivalries seemed trival, paling before the might of their hate for her.

    The agreement was simple. "I will offer you a chance to debase and humiliate, then kill Ginny Weasley. If you accept this offer, you must swear an oath to never speak to a single soul about what you see and hear. Also, you must swear to your magic that you will forget everything that happened by the next morning."

    The obliviate charm was something that he had meticulously learnt, making sure that any disagreement would culminate with a rather amicable person wondering exactly how they got where they were.

    Turning his back, he sniffed disdainfully. Before leaving the Greenhouse, his last action was to smirk at Ginny, spitting viciously in her face. He missed the look of anticipation on her face.

    **** *** ** *

    When, two hours later, he returned, the carnage evident in the Greenhouse was simply incredible. Males of different ages lay littered about the place, the previous devastation seeming to be nothing more than an untidy room compared to this. Each man had a look of sated happiness on his face, his revenge meted out with excellent results. Raising an eyebrow, trying to avoid noticing their general state of undress, he looked about for Ginny. Apparently, every single one of them had decided to take their revenge physically rather than magically, for she was whole, save for her orifices.

    Each of her sexual crevasses, for they could no longer be described as body parts, were so violently violated that she seemed to have stretched sideways. Enthusiasm, he mused, could apparently work miracles. Floods of sperm oozed out of the crevasses and littered her body, further increasing his distaste.

    Crouching, he grabbed her tightly by the hair, hauling her face up to look at him as he delivered justice. Her eyes seemed blank, but they snapped back to reality upon recognizing his face.

    “Skekolnaksjlllf!” she muttered, and he was horrified by the fact that she seemed to have enjoyed the experience. Logically thinking, the utter exhaustion of over thirty males spoke volumes about just how loose she was…utterly disgusting.

    He brought his hand up to deliver a crashing blow to the side of her face, but thought again of it, noting the semen that streaked her cheek. Gross.

    Standing up in a split second, horror registering on his features, he drew his wand. With a snarled ”Crucio!” she was on the floor, screaming in pain. He laughed, pleased to have finally gotten some satisfaction out of this night.

    Eight whole minutes later, when he released the curse, her screams continued, whimpers of pain slipping from between clenched teeth as she felt the aftershock. Raising a tearstained face to him, she screamed “Hahaopnaskjlakapgkkklnihaoi!!!!!!!!”

    Pointing his wand at her once more, he said in a pleasant tone, “I can’t understand you, whore. Avada Kedavra!

    She dropped to the ground, lifeless. A cry of exultation could be heard all the way to the castle. Most assumed that Ginny Weasley had finally finished cleaning up. With cruel grins on their assorted faces, they rubbed their palms together in a ridiculously clichéd manner, intoning horrible lines like: “Hee hee hee! You have crossed me for the last time, Weasley!”

    For all their preparation, they would find themselves disappointed the next day when Ginny Weasley would be found. She would be dead…but the casket would not contain a body as much as it would contain a beaker, containing the liquid remains of all that could be recovered from the Greenhouses. While exultation would exist, people would occasionally glare at Harry Potter as he walked down the hall, out of jealousy and admiration for his style.

    Emerging from the Greenhouse a few minutes later, and thanking magic for the power of cleaning charms, Harry ran into Hagrid.

    Without a preamble, the half-Giant displayed exactly which part of his heritage he was like. Bluntly, he asked in his garbled language "Cin ah kill ‘er? Ah ain’t eated in a hwile, ‘Arry, and she gonn taste reel good!”

    Harry shrugged, saying “Eh…please yourself. You might want to bring a straw though.”
  7. Spikes

    Spikes Backtraced

    Apr 13, 2006
    Ginny was heading to harrys room to try and seduce harry. When she got there she saw harry shaking in his bed rocking his knees alone. she starts running towards him and yells "HARRY FUCK ME." Harry looks up and in his mind he see's voldemort running toward him. He grabs his wand and crucio'd ginny. She screamed and felled to the ground while yelling. "I want you to fuck me NOW!!." Harry walks up to her and said "hehehehehehe you can't trick me voldemort." He conjures up a knife and slowly inserted it into ginnys skin. He conjured more knives and put them all over ginnys body while healing her to make sure she suffers. Finally when he's done putting the knives, he stands up and pees on her. Ginny shrieked with pain as the urine went into her skin. After a few minutes she died. Her last words were "Harry please all i'm asking you to do is to fuck meeeeeee."
  8. Xanatos

    Xanatos Professor

    Aug 26, 2005
    Hats of to you yaargh! that was brilliant, i especially enjoyed the little backstory, jst made the ending all the more sweeter :twisted:
  9. shlager_5321

    shlager_5321 First Year

    Mar 27, 2006
    Harry Potter had the perfect plan.
    it was a plan that took him a long time to think up but in the end he did it.
    it was a plan that would allow him to get rid of Voldemort AND Ginny at the cost of a single spell.
    Harry's plan was that he would transfer his scar connection from him to Ginny and like that he could kill Both Her and Voldemort at the same time and he wouldnt have to spend years upon years of training and doing shit like that - instead he would be able to party!
    but first the plan...
    "Hey Ginny can you come with me for a second, there is something that i need to show you..." said Harry the next day while they were both in the common room.
    "sure Harry i'll come for you" replied Ginny with Heavy emphesis on the "come.
    after a short walk to the room of requirment Harry led Ginny inside and closed the door and locked it with a slew of spells that were just for occations like this.
    "What is it Harry?" asked Ginny with a purr in her voice
    "Would you do me a favor and turn around for a moment Gin?" asked Harry with beraly concealed glee in his voice.
    "sure Harry" said Ginny.
    as soon as she turned around Harry started the long chant that he spent the last week memorising, as he was casting a circle started forming over Ginny's head, and another, and another... like that thouthend of circles appeard until Ginny's Head couldnt be seen any more - just then Harry completed the spell and.
    as he finished chanting the spell and the circles disappered from Ginny's Head Harry could her that Bitch's voice ask, "Harry what are you doind to me????"
    Harry cast a silencing spell on her that he needed, becuase now came the fun part of killing Ginny.... er,... Voldemort - yeha He was doing this to kill Voldemort yeha right! he though to himself.
    Harry bound Ginny and as she looked around the room for the first time since entering she saw the wall filled with all kind of torture devices and instruments. with dwaning hororr all she could do was look as Harry went and picke a pair of .... chopsticks?! from the wall
    the first thing that Harry did was remove Her eyes with the chopsticks - much more painfull then when using a spoon.
    once Ginny couldnt see him any longer he called Hedwig from the window that appeared in the wall, when Hedwig arrived he had Her eat all og Ginny's fingers in the hands and legs.
    after Hedwig had her fill of "Ginny food" as she dubbed it Harry uesed a special spell to enlarge the hole both in her Anus and Vegina, once the holes were in the right size he took a fe of WWW's specially made firecrackers and stuffed them insed Ginny.
    when he lit them Ginny's whole lower body part exploded in a shower of gore and blood and all kind of cartwheels started coming out of her.
    once that was done Ginny was almost dead completly but still alive Harry decided to finish it- he had his fun tonight and now was the time to go to sleep, all that spell casting earlier made him tired.
    he finished Ginny with a simple brain exploding curse, cleand the room and left - you could see heem looking Happier then ever before and whistling a tune that was quite similar to "Weasley is our queen"

    the next day the wizarding world learnd of Voldemort's and Ginny's death the people celebrated and partied for days.
    for the next year when people were asked about the what Harry Potter did they would always say:
    "i am sooo Gratful the Harry killed the Evil Ginn- ...er... Voldemort.
    yes that's what i wanted to say i am Gratful thatHarry killed Voldemort
    and especially Ginny

    the end

    i just thought of this like 5 mintues ago and decided to right it so i will ask that you forgive me for any spelling mistakes - i say we are all here to share in the joy that is Killing GINNY (Whore, call her whatever you will)
    that there is no need to actually check the the writing is grammatically correct - as long as it is there.
  10. ChuckDaTruck

    ChuckDaTruck Overlord

    May 19, 2005
    Inside YOUR closet. Go check.
    Harry stared into Ginny's brown eyes.

    "Ginny, there are just too many Death Eaters. I'll never be able to get to Voldemort for the final battle!?"

    She bit her lower lip in thought. This was it. The invasion was going according to plan, but there were just too many Death Eaters. There was no way around it. She knew what she had to do.

    Ginny nodded resolutely and looked up at Harry, her eyes glistened with emotion. "Harry, I'll do it. I'll distract them, and take out as many of the bastards as I can." Harry looked at her, mouth agape in shock. "Ginny..."

    "Shhh." She reached up to cup his cheek. This was probably going to be the last time she spoke to him. "Don't speak. I just want you to know that I love you. If it were up to me we'd grow old together at the Burrow and have 12 children, but it seems that's not in the cards for us."

    Harry looked at her thoughtfully. "Gin, I..." Just then an explosion rocked the earth around them. Ginny looked up at Harry intensely. She stepped forward into his embrace as tears rolled down her face, and rested her head on his shoulder. Her breath was hot on his neck and face. Ginny didn't know it, but her breath stank of rotten eggs and phlegm. Harry turned away for a moment, but Ginny grabbed his jaw.
    "Harry, before I go, do you think I could get one last kiss?" Harry looked at her with panic.

    'God, her breath stinks something awful,' thought Harry.

    He reached out and wiped away one of her tears with his thumb as he murmured, "I'd love to, Gin, but I just put chapstick on my lips. It would make your face all greasy, and we wouldn't want that."

    Ginny's mouth formed a small O as she nodded in understanding. "Well, then I'm off," she said with false brightness. And with that she let out a mighty war cry, and rounded the corner to face her gallant death.

    Harry let out a sigh in relief. 'Finally, she was gone and in a way that doesn't implicate me,' Harry thought. And with that he smiled broadly, and apparated away. He had no intention of facing Voldemort. He wasn't suicidal.

    Voldemort would rule the Earth, and Harry would disappear into the Muggle World and have lots of Plastic Surgery.

    1,000 years in the future one of Voldemort's newer Bodyguards would stage a coup and defeat the Dark Lord. No changes would be implemented however, and "James Black," the Dark Lord's emerald-eyed assassinator, ruled as viciously as Voldemort had for the rest of eternity.

    :D :D 8)

  11. Xiph0

    Xiph0 Yoda Admin

    Dec 7, 2005
    West Bank

    Dark Arts section in a nutshell!

    : applauds :
    : Throws muggles up on stage :

    Bravo, very amusing.
  12. ChuckDaTruck

    ChuckDaTruck Overlord

    May 19, 2005
    Inside YOUR closet. Go check.
    Yeah, I did this because No one had done one in a while and the last one I did was maybe 18 pages ago or so.

    Figured I was due for a 2nd one. (My first one, the acromantula death, makes me chuckle now with distance from it.)

    ANyway, I've always like these.

    People, if you've got 10 minutes, write one, there fun, and easy.

    I did this because of the new guy in Intros who said we weren't scary. And I realized it had been a while since I, personally, had done anything grim and malevolent. So...

    Yeah, I wrote this.

    DIE GINNY!!!

    :Stabs violently at monitor as "Psycho" music plays in the background:

    Shit, I thinkk I broke my monitor. Eh, all worth it if I get the satisfaction of slaughtering the red-headed bint.
  13. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006

    IloveyouHarry has joined the server
    Potterpwnage: Shit the stalker bitch has found me. :(
    1337deadbeat: no worries man this is magical counter-strike!
    Potterpwnage: Of course!

    All was quite in the game before-

    :headshot: IloveyouHarry

    Ginny Weasley knew no more; Around her the family started to cry as they began to wipe the remnants of ginny's head off their body. If any of the Weasley's actually cared, they'd realise that the fragments of Ginny's head were sticking out of Ronald Weasley face- But they didn't, No one cares about Ron.


    The Emoticon Story.

    Harry: :rrou:
    Everyone else::mid5
    Herman and Ginny respectively: :axe:
    Voldemort and Snape: :cheers:
    Wormtail: :mid2
  14. Haunted Warrior

    Haunted Warrior Fifth Year

    Jul 18, 2006
    Luton, UK
    Surrain, that was weird. Still, i'm bored, I'm stuck on a scene for my story, being sad that the Whomping Willow has been lost since 3rd year and being in a sadistic mood from reading the other stories. The result? My mini story which is probably rubbish

    Ginny sat on the rock jutting out over the lake, where she knew He always came at that time. She was deep in thought about her one true love, Harry Potter. She heard a twig snap behind her, and she spun around. Harry stood their, wearing some blue, seemingly armour-like robes.

    He shot her a smile, and it looked as though he had said something under his breath. She felt her heart flutter a bit, and she turned back to look back over the lake.

    Harry sat next to her, and for some reason she felt as though impending doom was coming. She shook the feeling off, because as long as Harry was nearby no-one would dare try to hurt her. Because Harry'd always protect her.

    "Ginny?" Harry hesitantly said. She wanted to look at hm to see why he was so nervous, but something told her not to. "I was wondering- uh, as the Shrieking Hack is deserted- and, uh- not haunted, if we could go there? I mean, if you're not busy or anything!"

    "I'd always be able to make room for you!" She replied, estatic.

    Half an hour later, they arrived just a it away from the Whomping Willow. Conjuring a stick, he pressed the knot at the base of the trunk. Just before Ginny moved to enter the cave, Harry held his arm out. Before entering the cave, he called out "Wait! I'll just make sure that the tree won't suddenly attack.

    Five minutes later, Harry beckoned her over. The tree swung at that moment though, and she jumped back to avoid the whip-like vine that would have sliced straight into her stomach.

    An emotion flashed across Harry's face. Was it pity? Sadness? Or, as Ginny thought, Rage? Or maybe even Happiness?

    The tree, however had kept a card up it's sleeve for the approximate 20 years it had been at Hogwarts. As another branch came, it let go tens of thorns, all of them slicing through the air. Shocked, Ginny just stood their as the thorns tore into her flesh. The pain was agonizing, it felt like her flesh was being torn off. She stumbled backwards. A last lot of thorns, which would have gone straight over head if she had not moved, tore into her eyes. Screaming in agony, she fell backwards.

    "Shush, I'll get you to the infirmary." Ginny heard distantly, but her mind was distracted by the pain. If it hadn't, she might have heard the sadistic tone in his voice.

    Hissing the password for the entrance to the Chamber, he unceremoniously threw her down the pipe. He smiled. The plan was going exactly as he planned. Well, she was supposed to have been killed by the tree, but she had stumbled out of range.

    "Accio thorns!" Echoed throughout and around the Chamber. Ginny felt another wave of agony, as the thorns tore her eyes. Healing her eyes, Harry walked over.

    "Harry? Why are we-"

    "Shut up slut. I've dealt with your stalking all these years to make sure that I'd live beyond Hogwarts. Though, with your precious family hating me and no-one to hold me back, you'll just be another tragic victim of Dark Lord Potter! I will hide behind no false-hoods, and I'll let the world fall under my power. And you," Harry said, advancing on the horror stricken Gryffindor. "Will simply be the first of many sacrifices for my ascendence!"

    As Harry grabbed a ritual knife, Ginny got up and ran. Large chains followed her, snaking their way through the air. Shackling her, they dragged her back, tearing away at her wrists and ankles.

    Harry began chanting, throughout a mixture of languges. Swahali, then a long string of Scottish Gaelic and Latin, before Zulu and Swahali once again made an appearence.

    Ginny felt her muscles being torn and shredded, her bones being cracked and splintered. Some of the splinters tore through her skin, just as her blood began to burn. After 5 minutes of the torture, it stopped.

    "Excellent." Harry whispered, as he stretched his arms. "I have no use for you know. Reducto, Explodra”. The two curses hit The hanging Ginny