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Bungie's Destiny

Discussion in 'Gaming and PC Discussion' started by Klackerz, Feb 18, 2013.

  1. Gengar

    Gengar Degenerate Shrimp –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Feb 3, 2009
    High Score:
    You shouldn't be able to cheese LL like that with multiple characters. You may as well just let people run the nf a set amount of times on an account a week.
  2. Dr. Strange Lulz

    Dr. Strange Lulz Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Dec 26, 2006
    On Melancholy Hill
    This week's Nightfall is a cakewalk compared to last week. If youre doing the Rat King quest, or are just looking to farm, this is the week for it.

    Got a Dead Orbit handcannon out of one of Cayde's chests.

    According to a tweet from Luke Smith, the raid's power levels are between 260 and 280.

    Sitting at 294 on my Hunter with the clan and crucible milestones left to go.
  3. Ash'Ura

    Ash'Ura Totally Sirius

    Dec 10, 2009
    Has the Crucible's rewards been garbage for anyone else or is it just me? After playing for over 3 hours, it hasn't made a difference matter if I win a match, get on top of the leaderboard for the match (after winning it), or lose. All the loot has been shitty rare gear.

    Edit: That being said, PvP has been a ton of fun. Just wish the rewards were better.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2017
  4. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Had a go at the raid today, got up to the Gauntlet before I had to call it a night.

    This raid seems to do away with any semblance of combat, boss or otherwise, and focus entirely in puzzle-solving. It's interesting in its own way (exploring the Leviathan was a blast) but it becomes impossible to build up the hype and intimidation that Atheon and Oryx had, even Aksis to an extent.

    Only 1 in 6 actual challenges in the raid include serious combat, that being the final boss and even that is 90% gimmicks.

    This is nothing new in Destiny, but I do feel like it's been cranked up to 11 this time. Still undecided on whether I approve or not. Might be good for raid or two, but I hope we get a raid that involves shooting things eventually.
  5. Dr. Strange Lulz

    Dr. Strange Lulz Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Dec 26, 2006
    On Melancholy Hill
    Agreed. Garden of pleasure is absolute cancer. This was all about mechanics and puzzles, not a huge fan.
  6. Ash'Ura

    Ash'Ura Totally Sirius

    Dec 10, 2009
    Could someone help me out with the Inverted Spire Nightfall Strike? My Hunter is 261 atm, but the furthest I've gotten solo is just past the Vex forcefield.

    My PSN ID is chintu12
  7. Meerkats

    Meerkats Unspeakable

    Dec 16, 2012
    London, UK
    I finally got the game and just got to level 20. My PSN is Meerkatski. If any one wants to add me.
  8. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    My warlock is a 279, so close to being able to buy the +5 mods. So, I leveled a titan up. Went really fast when I used the warlock's guns. Didn't managed to do all the stuff during the last reset, as I didn't get that much time to play. It's about the same level right now but I have all the powerful milestones still available, so I should be able to boost pretty high. Only issue is that titan isn't fun to play at all, not compared to the warlock. Tried all 3 specs thoroughly, and the only one I even remotely liked is the punchy one where you restore life with melee kills.

    Still have yet to do any nightfalls or the raid. Don't have a microphone, so couldn't even join the guided nightfall. Perhaps I should look into getting one.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2017
  9. Meerkats

    Meerkats Unspeakable

    Dec 16, 2012
    London, UK
    I'm destiny 1 I started with a Hunter and moved to a warlock. Titans are Lame.

    A mic is a good investment for the nightfall and other activities they might be adding in the future.
  10. Ash'Ura

    Ash'Ura Totally Sirius

    Dec 10, 2009
    Titan is kinda boring, but the Striker subclass is godly in PvP. I'm a Hunter main and I can't count the number of times some Striker wrecked my shit with their super or solo'd the opposing team.
  11. TSN

    TSN Auror

    Nov 7, 2008
    Hey.. I love my titan.. back in Destiny 1 I played Sentinel going all the resilience/recovery and melee skill cd reduction power/mod and using close quarter weapon, fusion, shotgun etc.. And then wading trough the enemy puching them and shooting them for that overshield all the time.

    Solloed many nightfall that way by playing like a jumping rabbit on crack and punching stuff/using overshield dome when it got tough. Playing the in your face Agro tank is just how I Roll.
  12. Dr. Strange Lulz

    Dr. Strange Lulz Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Dec 26, 2006
    On Melancholy Hill
    Been a Hunter main for ages... Just swapped to maining Titan.

    A big part of it was the class ability, Hunter's has absolutely no utility for groups whatsoever, it is an entirely selfish ability that accomplishes far less than that of Warlock's or Titan's.

    To put it into perspective:

    A Warlock can:
    Provide a 30% damage buff to the entire party
    Heal the entire party at a rapid rate.
    (There might be more but I only started a Warlock yesterday)

    A Titan can:
    Prevent damage from the entire party
    Zone in PvP (barrier damage is fucking nuts)
    Instantly and repeatedly reload the weapons of anyone behind it
    And even heal with the use of an exotic.

    A Hunter can:
    Move 5 feet in any direction while reloading their gun, while still being susceptible to damage.
    Move 5 feet in any direction while reloading their gun, while still being susceptible to damage. But they also turn invisible for 5 seconds (Nightstalker)
    Move 6 feet in any direction, but being mostly immune to damage. And if they're within about 6 feet of an enemy it recharges their melee.

    I also just felt squishy as hell as a Hunter, Titan genuinely feels like it takes less damage/has more health (Even with the same level of resilience on both), maybe it's just my imagination... but that's how it feels to me.

    The raid got a lot easier with a capable team, and we generally beat it in around 2-3 hours now. I still think it's a shitty raid though. I've beaten it probably 8 times now, three of those with groups of mostly randoms... and my patience for fuckups is at an all time low. I don't mind running it with new people and explaining things to them/the eventual mistakes they make, I don't mind random mistakes or wipes due to bugs... but I have better shit to do with my time than sit around for three hours because some dude can't consistently kill his Scions in the shadow realm, or he repeatedly shoots the wrong arrows in Gauntlet. Nah. At this point, if people can't hold their own and repeatedly cause wipes, they just get booted and replaced.

    Crucible is pretty much all about teamshooting people, essentially 2 or 3 people just melting one dude at a time with scout rifles. The maps are all incredibly lane heavy, so scout rifles are a constant. Hand Cannons struggle as they excel in mid range, but everyone is either sitting at the end of a lane with a scouty or pushing hard with a Last Hope or SMG, which you're just not gonna beat consistently.

    Trials is just like crucible but pretty much entirely decided on which idiot peaks a corner too far and get's shot by the entire enemy team. And everyone uses the Multitool, because it keeps radar while aiming down sights, shoots as hard as any other scout rifle at a higher rate of fire, and provides a movement speed buff. It's a crutch gun and they never should have brought it back.

    I still love Crucible and Trials, but I'm excited for the eventual meta changes that come with balancing.

    I just reread this and it sounds REALLY ranty and negative. Honestly I'm loving the hell out of this game. I've had a blast playing with friends from D1, and have made a bunch of new friends already. Unlike in D1, I never find myself bored while playing. There's constantly something to do, and even a simple trip to Nessus to turn in some tokens becomes a 45 minute trip as I get sucked into public events, treasure chest hunting, elite loot mobs, and patrols. I honestly can't wait for more.
  13. Meerkats

    Meerkats Unspeakable

    Dec 16, 2012
    London, UK
    Hunter has been completely gimped with that class ability, and non of the Hunter subclass choices have good synergy like devour voidlock or striker titan. I'm glad I moved to warlock for my main.

    I find it amusing how after 3 years of nerfing everything for the sake of pvp and making multiple design choices that hurt pve for pvp balance, they still can't make a decently balanced game play experience that isn't dominated by one or two weapons within a week.

    I'm hyped for iron banner but it's gonna suck if it's more 4v4 MIDA off.
  14. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Sorta excited for the return of the factions, though I'm not sure I like any of the faction Titan armor, and there's no word yet on faction ships or sparrows.

    I miss my exotic Dead Orbit Titan mark :(
  15. Dr. Strange Lulz

    Dr. Strange Lulz Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Dec 26, 2006
    On Melancholy Hill
    I really like the chest and mark from New Monarchy. But I picked FWC because they were my favorite in D1, zero chance of winning the rally, but whatever.

    Tip for token farming, just do heroic events. 8 tokens per heroic, vs 3 from Lost Sectors and 1 from securing supplies. Just head to Titan and farm the events there, they're easy to make heroic and can even be done solo.
  16. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    Do the factions have to be unlocked or something? When I logged on yesterday, I saw them on my map, but I never saw any actual NPCs at those locations.
  17. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Most of Io's public events are Cabal Lander ones, which are easy solo the Heroic with a decent rocket launcher.

    @Anarchy they loaded today
  18. Meerkats

    Meerkats Unspeakable

    Dec 16, 2012
    London, UK
    Talking about io fuck that HVT phalanx. Genuinely the worst can't even break his stupid shield.
  19. Wynter

    Wynter Order Member

    Jul 31, 2012
    So far I've been running Gunslinger Hunter. Only level 14 as of now but I haven't been doing too bad in the crucible.

    Speaking of, the Crucible is a ton of fun. I was expecting to get rolled as I'm still LVL 14 but i've not been doing too bad.

    Pulse Rifles are a godsend.
  20. Meerkats

    Meerkats Unspeakable

    Dec 16, 2012
    London, UK
    Your level doesn't affect anything in crucible. The only thing you're missing at lvl 14 is class abilities and legendary weapons.
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