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Plot Bunny Threa(d/t) V

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Minion, Mar 1, 2015.

  1. aAlouda

    aAlouda High Inquisitor

    Apr 25, 2019
    I mean, in my opinion making the elixir of life flawed seeme like it would be more interesting for societal implication. Few people, even those without interest in the concept of eternal life enjoy the thought of getting older.

    Also I don't think him taking it later in life would explain it, considering how unaffected wizards seem by old age. Just look at Dumbledore who at 115 was still able to keep up with Harry on a broom and be even slightly faster than him, despite dying of a curse and just having been poisoned and tortured minutes before.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2021
  2. Steelbadger

    Steelbadger Death Eater

    Nov 9, 2013
    United Kingdom
    So, a fun crossover concept popped up in my brain this morning.

    Harry Potter/Warhammer 40,000 crossover.

    When the Old Ones fled the Warhammer Milky Way, they did so through special portals, completely separated from the greater Webway which had become infested with Enslavers and their minions. These new Webway gates allowed them to access a new Galaxy which was filled with life, and yet entirely without the sentient minds necessary to destabilise the Warp.

    Most of those gates they destroyed, but one, whether through planning or mischance, was left open in the 40k galaxy. In order to protect themselves from the possible advancement of the Enslavers or the Daemons of Chaos, the Old Ones recreated one of their most promising races. It would take some time before they came to full readiness, but they spawned the gateway world with the ancestors of humans. Only, these humans would be unusual. Every single one of them would be utterly blind to the Warp. Every one of them would be Nulls, Pariahs. It was a cruel fate to submit their children to, to be forever locked away from the wonders of the Immaterium, but it was necessary.

    With the planet seeded, the Old Ones then continued their retreat, for while they loved their newest children, they were still a blight upon the Empyrean, and the Old Ones were overwhelmed with both pity and disgust. Outside their sight, the new breed of humans developed into something more than even the Old Ones could have imagined. A small number of them, almost vanishingly small, held an ability never before seen. Magic. Quite what this power is, none really know but it seems that as Psykers draw from the infinite majesty of the Immaterium for their power, Magic users can call power forth from the Material realm, and shape it to their will.

    We start the story with a Hive Fleet bearing down upon a planet. Not sure which. Been considering the secret planet where the Culexus Temple was founded. The Farseers of an Eldar Craftworld have divined that, should the Tyranids gain access to the open Webway gate on the planet, they will bring a darkness to a billion worlds, and uncounted trillions of souls. Believing that it means the Tyranids will be able to use the Webway gate to move around as the Eldar do, they send a force to the world in question in the hopes of closing the portal.

    A battle ensues between the Eldar and either an Inquisitor and his retinue, or some other complication. The end result is that a couple of beings (one Eldar, one Human?) are forced to travel through the Webway until they eventually emerge in the Death Chamber of the Ministry. They may or may not have something big and scary following them (daemon, Lictor, etc).

    Harry is summoned to a battle going on between the two beings, and after a few misunderstandings, shootings, spells and interrogations, they discover the danger that the Tyranid Hive fleet might pose to them. The ICW is convened, and it is decided that a multi-national force of Aurors, Hitwizards and experts will travel through the veil, with the Eldar (a Harlequin) as their guide. Their mission once they reach the other side? To find a Farseer capable of closing the gate. The problem? The Inquisition is bearing down upon them, and a Space Marine battle barge has taken position over the planet. Not only that, but the Shadow in the Warp has descended upon the planet. Hive Fleet Gargantua is mere days away.

    Will they be able to close the Gate? Or will the promise of a race of humans completely immune to the predations of Warp beings lead to the Imperium of Man trying to take Harry's forces and homeworld for themselves? Will the Eldar help, or will the allure of a world, an entire galaxy, untouched by grim darkness and war be too tempting for them?

    What about Harry? His own people must come first, but is there anything he could do to support their distant cousins in their eternal struggle for survival? Should he? Does the abhorrent reality of their government and society make them all unworthy of saving? Even then, is there even anything he could do that might have an effect great enough that it could turn back the ever-rising tide of darkness?
  3. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:
    I'd dig that as a nobledark story, with Harry finding a people who truly needed him and for him to rise up to the challenges posed by the 40k verse. Seems ripe with the chance to sneak in a Lord Potter situation too.
  4. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Death doesn't like cheaters. If you're dead, you're dead.

    There are currently two people in particular Death is annoyed at: Tom Marvolo Riddle and Harry James Potter.

    During Deathly Hallows when Harry goes to the ethereal King's Cross to speak with Dumbledore, he doesn't get to return to the living world.

    Or rather, he doesn't get to return to his world. Instead, he's going to be switched between random alternate universes, every 24 hours.

    First, after he leaves Dumbledore, Harry appears in first random universe: a world where humanity never existed.

    There's no Hogwarts, no Hogsmeade. Just fields and forests. He's confused, explores the area and apparates to various locations like Diagon Alley but again finds only wilderness.

    After 24 hours pass in this world, he's simply transported to the next world: a nuclear wasteland. London is in ruins, and appears to be so since the 1960s. Harry again explores areas known to him but finds nothing of use. He starts to get hungry but is able to kill some animals with magic.

    Some possible worlds he's randomly sent to include a pureblood dystopia, world without magic, opposite world, goblin supremacy, etc.

    However, what Harry doesn't know is that Voldemort is also being randomly transported. Not to the same worlds, since it is random, but sometimes by chance they do arrive in the same universe once in a while.

    Neither of them knows why it happens to them or who is doing this. Given the short time they spend in each world they don't get lots of chances to figure it out either. Especially since some worlds are inhospitable (I'm thinking one may even have lava rain).
  5. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    So I came across Rorschach's Blot's fic Reunion yesterday and decided to give it a read for the first time in ages. It's pretty cliché but reasonably funny for 2008 vintage. Probably because of how blasé it is about Harry killing people.

    It got me thinking though, could you write a post-Hogwarts, second-war goes worse fic that features Harry and maybe a few other survivors being serial killers? I was thinking something along the lines of Dexter and Inglourious Basterds.

    Say Voldemort is eventually defeated, but the war was very close and by the time it's over the anti-Voldemort side doesn't have the strength left to clear house at the end of the war, putting the wizarding world in a compromise/stalemate situation. Things aren't Volemort bad, but there's a large undercurrent of anger, anger at all these lives spent for no gain and in many people's eyes the war is going to resume in a decade or two.

    I was thinking Harry and Luna as protagonists. If Ron and Hermione died and Luna's dad died, I can see them being angry enough to wage a private war against the Death Eaters. I can sort of see Luna going over the edge and Harry being pulled in with her.

    I was actually thinking a Black Comedy would sort of fit in terms of tone? Maybe.
  6. Othalan

    Othalan Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Oct 4, 2007
    I like @Andrela 's idea. It gives me a similar sort of vibe as that 90's sci-fi show 'Sliders', but Harry Potter edition.

    Bonus points if Voldemort actually displays some of that genius he's supposed to be renowned for, and gains some limited control over the jumps. Voldemort relentlessly hunts Harry through the Multiverse in the belief that if he offers him up a ritual sacrifice, Death will release the curse and let him return to the timeline of his choice. Extra bonus points if they occasionally come across a universe so fucked up (Warhammer 40k, I'm looking at you) that they have to do a team-up just to survive long enough to jump out.

    EDIT: Oh, and double extra bonus points if, like in 'Sliders', there's some big multiversal civilization/threat that takes offense at these wizards bouncing around their playground and keeps trying to off both of them.

    Triple Extra bonus points if at some point, Voldemort gets a Big Damn Heroes moment saving a world from this threat, is offered all the recognition, adoration and power he could ever dream of by a grateful populace (who happen to be snake-worshippers or some such), only to be whisked away by Death's curse in the middle of the happiest moment of his life.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2021
  7. MightlessPhilosopher

    MightlessPhilosopher Banned

    Jan 13, 2021
    I have a plot bunny that has never been used to my knowledge in any Harry Potter fanfiction.

    Voldemort used his horcruxes in order to distribute to his most faithful followers his own knowledge of magic and make them all weapons of mass destruction. All of them would let the horcrux control them willingly and gladly, and each would have the same power as Voldemort (aside from the amount of magic, since Voldemort's main body simply has mheore access to magic than his followers).

    Since the "soul amount" in the horcruxes are not the same as a full soul, each individual would have a different personality although twisted by Voldemort's "more powerful" one. They would each retain their peculiar traits and proficiencies in magic.

    Killing each one of them would be extremely difficult. And in order to not risk losing his immortality, Voldemort hides the "useless" horcruxes, mainly those he made in his youth because his knowledge of magic was too little and therefore would be useless in a battlefield.

    For the purpose of the fiction, when Voldemort makes a horcrux, he does not lose half of his soul but only a tiny part that he can more or less control the amount of. Therefore Voldemort still has around 30%-50% of his soul after making all those horcruxes.

    Harry Potter would, since he's a horcrux of Voldemort, have similar knowledge of magic than him when he made the horcrux and would be the most powerful of them. However, since he does not want the horcrux to control him, and the horcrux does not willingly cooperate with him (aside from self-preservation issues since even Voldemort horcruxes are afraid of death and can act quite selfishly), he would have a lot of trouble to control this power. Even if Harry Potter manages to absorb the horcrux into his own soul, his personality will suffer and he will lose a part of his own soul.

    If anybody would be nice enough to use my plotbunny to make a good fic... I'd be very glad since I'm not working on the Harry Potter fandom in my writings.
  8. MonkeyEpoxy

    MonkeyEpoxy The Cursed Child DLP Supporter

    Aug 11, 2011
    So, this is a quasi-plot bunny, if it can even be named that. It's more lore. It's from a pokemon fanfic called Ascension that has tickled my brain like few other story threads can. Dragonair lay eggs in harsh places so their dratini can grow strong. Those dratini can only hope to ever grow into dragonair. Dragonite are borderline artificial. Only a dragonite can lay an egg that will hatch a dratini that can become dragonite. At the present point in the story there were only four dragonite. Oak's. Lance's. Drake in Honenn's, and the Wataru clan's protecter-dragonite. Masterful. In the following passage, as far as names go, Mia is a gardevoir, Drago is Oak's dragonite.

    The inference I believe we are supposed to make is that "the world eater" dragonair of the meteor falls area of hoenn eventually grew and became rayquaza.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2021
  9. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    I like it except for the fact that pokemon speaking their names is an anime-only thing that doesn't happen in the games.

    And if you'd go by anime anyway then all those theories fail because Meowth learned to speak.
  10. MonkeyEpoxy

    MonkeyEpoxy The Cursed Child DLP Supporter

    Aug 11, 2011
    Oh yeah that gobbledygook about names and the difference between humans and pokemon doesn't do anything for me, I just liked the dragonite part
  11. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Oh I agree its interesting. In the context of the pokemon universe there are people with various powers so draconid people are quite reasonable.

    And I like that Dragonite are artificial pokemon. I have a theory that lots of pokemon do not actually exist in nature and were developed artificially. Gengar, Alakazam and Machamp being prime examples.
    Alakazam's 5000 IQ may be explained by Kadabra being forced to unnaturally evolve with technology.
    Machamp's 4 arms? Gengar's weirdness? Side effects of technologically induced mutations.
  12. Nogan

    Nogan First Year

    Sep 17, 2009
    So the trade evolutions? That does make sense. Golem also seems like a weird evolution for Graveler. And Porygon (which are definitely artificial) also evolves by trade (while holding an upgrade, anyway).
  13. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    If these pokemon require trade to evolve then they definitely dont exist in the wild.
    Also objectmon like Magnemite and Klink or Voltorb are of questionable origin.
  14. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    Harry and Co decide that Umbridge needs to go. They try speaking to Dumbledore but his hands are tied so they sit down and try to think about how they might be able to get rid of her in some more unconventional manner. The Twins suggest pranking her, making her life a living hell, but after seeing what she did to Harry and her blood purist views, Hermione suggest skipping the pranking and going to outright assault.

    They weigh the pros and cons of such a thing before deciding one something more criminal in general and that they absolutely can't get caught. That means they need professional advice and who are the professionals who will be investigating such crimes? The aurors of course. This leads to Moody, Kingsley and Tonks offering advice.

    So the story is a sort of "perfect crime" thing where the nitty gritty details of not getting caught are worked out by the gang and the Order's aurors. It's not going to be murder, but still firmly into criminal instead of pranks. I was initially thinking making her uncomfortable/unable to teach (curses etc), but now I've written this framing Umbridge for a crime seems more fitting.
  15. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    With the Dark Lord's diary in hand, Lucius Malfoy begins to research the name Tom Riddle.

    Searching through the records and speaking to the few People still alive who knew the Hogwart's student as a contemporary, he is horrified to discover that the Dark Lord was a dirty half-blood. Now less caring about the property entrusted to him, Malfoy researched the diary, eventually discovering that it is a horcrux and that the Dark Lord may return.

    Destroying the diary, Lucius decides that he could do a better job leading the Deatheaters than some half-blood ever could.
  16. aAlouda

    aAlouda High Inquisitor

    Apr 25, 2019
    Personally, I prefer the idea that Voldemort being a half-blood is an open secret, but that none of the Death Eater's really care since they all have ancestors who's existence they'd rather ignore, especally since Voldemort is obviously extremely powerful and actually furthering their cause.
  17. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Not to mention Voldemort is related to Slytherin himself so that would be more important than his muggle father.

    Also Lucius seems to be the more opportunistic type, who only cares about blood because it is useful to him.
  18. ExperiencedGamer

    ExperiencedGamer Fourth Year

    Nov 10, 2019
    Lucius DOES seem to look down on Muggles and the muggleborn, but yes, he otherwise hasn't shown signs of caring about blood status.
  19. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    Shortly after the Goblet of Fire: Hearing that Grindlewald has reformed, Dumbledore breaks him out of Nurmengard. They then go about faking a network of Grindlewald sympathisers before presenting Grindlewald as a threat to Britain.

    Essentially Grindlewald becomes the face of villainy which moves Britain to a war footing. I'm actually tempted to subvert my own bunny and have Voldemort wrongly become the lesser evil in the eyes of the Ministry.
  20. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    I'm pretty sure Voldemort would wipe the floor with Grindelwald. Especially after so many years of rotting in prison.