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Complete A Summer of Change by Lorddwar - M

Discussion in 'General Fics' started by Giovanni, Sep 5, 2005.

  1. Giovanni

    Giovanni God of Scotch

    Aug 4, 2005
    Gilligan's Island
    Title: A Summer of Change
    Author: Lorddwar
    Rating: M
    Category: Action/Adventure/Romance
    Pairing: Looks like it might be Harry/Tonks
    Chapters: 19
    Words: 332,503
    Updated: May 13, 2006
    Published: September 5, 2005
    Status: Complete

    Summary: COMPLETE Edit in process. PostOOTP, Very Little of HBP. Harry returns to Privet Drive and Tonks helps him become the man and hero he must be to survive. HONKS. Action, Violence, Language and Sexual Situations
    Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2567419/1/

    Review: Aside from a few grammatical and spelling errors this is shaping up to be a good story. Post OOTP but Pre-The-Book-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named. Of course then again the spelling and grammatical errors are bound to occur in a 17k word chapter. So far only one chapter, so why am I posting this review? Simple, because although it looks like it will have the cliche Tonks Teaches Harry about his Metamorph abilities and various other things it managed to keep me reading. Hopefully it will update regularly.

    Checked by Minion, March 25, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 25, 2013
  2. Avitus

    Avitus Groundskeeper

    May 1, 2005
    very nice, a little confusing at first, but i like it...waiting for the next chapter :)
  3. magyareagle

    magyareagle Guest

    I agree

    I agree, great potential for the fic.
  4. Giovanni

    Giovanni God of Scotch

    Aug 4, 2005
    Gilligan's Island
    I checked his profile and it says it will be updated approximately once a week barring unforseen circumstances.

    Then I got an email from him in response to my review. Turns out it will be updated between once a month and once every 2 weeks, though he already has 2 or 3 unposted chapters written.

    It looks like this will be one of my more eagerly anticipated updates.
  5. ChuckDaTruck

    ChuckDaTruck Overlord

    May 19, 2005
    Inside YOUR closet. Go check.
    I wanted to like it. I REALLY did. Its just too many cliches. Tonks will spend the night?

    I couldn't read it anymore.
  6. Giovanni

    Giovanni God of Scotch

    Aug 4, 2005
    Gilligan's Island
    Just overlook that.

    Seriously, look past a couple of the cliches and give it a chance to evolve out of them. I have a feeling it will.
  7. magyareagle

    magyareagle Guest

    It's hard to avoid chliches

    I agree with giovanni, the potential for this fic is amazing. Some of the best fics have started with cliches and grown into masterpieces. After all, a cliche has to start somewhere.
  8. ChuckDaTruck

    ChuckDaTruck Overlord

    May 19, 2005
    Inside YOUR closet. Go check.
    HATE PETUNIA WHEN SHE'S "nice"!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

    Better than I thought though. Dialogue kind of sucks, but it could be a LOT worse

    I'll follow it and see what develops
  9. Giovanni

    Giovanni God of Scotch

    Aug 4, 2005
    Gilligan's Island
    Yeah the whole Petunia being nice is kind of wierd... But then again the reason she doesnt respect Harry is because she truly thinks he is worthless, showing her proof to the contrary would probably work towards changing that.

    Or maybe her finidng out he is rich could have something 2 do w/ it.
  10. magyareagle

    magyareagle Guest

    More likely the money

    More likely the money. In my mind Petunia is an absolute bitch, just as bad as her husband. Still trying to think up of what, if anything should happen to them when the invasion fleet returns. Although the shock of finding him appointed governer of earth might be enough. After all he is an absolute ruler... :Evil Grin: :Cackles like a madman:
  11. ChuckDaTruck

    ChuckDaTruck Overlord

    May 19, 2005
    Inside YOUR closet. Go check.
  12. magyareagle

    magyareagle Guest


    I don't write the chapters in order, so the first chapter I wrote was the invasion of Hogwarts, while the third chapter I wrote was the first chapter published. Maybe I should post the snippet when Petunia finds out as Lord Harrold Black makes his announcement?

    "Hi ho! Hi Ho! Off to war we go!
    With hand grenades
    And razor blades
    Hi ho! Hi Ho!"
  13. ChuckDaTruck

    ChuckDaTruck Overlord

    May 19, 2005
    Inside YOUR closet. Go check.
    Either way its happening too fast when she says "he won't talk to me"

    OF COURSE HE Won't. Why does she even want hsi forgiveness? And if harry does forgive her than he's retarded. The Dursley's in my book are as bad as Voldemort. NOT EVERY KID WHO'S PARENTS DIE GROWS UP IN A CUPBOARD!!!!

    Voldemort stopped him from having a loving home WITH HIS PARENTS. Petunia and Vernon made sure he didn't have one period. Everyone overlooks this, though every time they have Harry reconcile with Petunia. MAYBE with Dudley, but that's only because he was a kid. Even that's pushing it though. and especially not over one summer.

    Petunia is at best negligent, irresponsible, mean, and cruel (everyone forgets that she was also calling him freak).

    Also WHAT IS A KID SUPPOSED TO HAVE DONE TO IMPRESS an ADULT?! Cause Dudley SURE as shit didn't do it, yet he's treated like the crown prince.

    OTher than that, I do like this story, and I hope it gets updated soon. :D

    Just re-read this. I really blew a gasket, huh? I just don't like Nice!Petunia. That's all. Whew! Sorry about that. Points are still valid though.
  14. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    Your right. The only one he would even have a chance of forgiving his Dudley because monkey see, monkey do. He saw what his parents were doing and followed because he thought it was right. When he's older he continues doing it because its what he's always done, why change? Anyway, it'd take more than one summer at any rate.

    I reckon he would rather eat a flobberworm than be nice to his aunt and uncle. He should burn them alive for all they have done to him.
  15. ChuckDaTruck

    ChuckDaTruck Overlord

    May 19, 2005
    Inside YOUR closet. Go check.
  16. ChuckDaTruck

    ChuckDaTruck Overlord

    May 19, 2005
    Inside YOUR closet. Go check.
    Updated again.

    I had nothing to do so I read this, but I still don't like it. Harry takes crap from the Dursley's! Its such a load of Bullshit! AND PETUNIA BENG NICE!!! That is one of the WORST fanfic cliches ever created. The woman doesn't give a fuck about Harry. And even if she did, after 15 years its already WAY too late.

    the best that even Dumbledore can say is that they fed and clothed him. SO stupid.
  17. RagefulLlama

    RagefulLlama Seventh Year

    Aug 10, 2005
    "still takes crap from the dursleys" er. . . have you even read this chapter? I honestly thought that this story wouldn't be good until I read it know it is one of my favourites at least for the moment.
  18. ChuckDaTruck

    ChuckDaTruck Overlord

    May 19, 2005
    Inside YOUR closet. Go check.
    Vernon grabs Harry, Harry's response "DON'T DO THAT, AGAIN!"

    Harry tells Vernon not to badmouth Tonks. Vernon DOes it again anyway, Harry's Response, "NOW YOU HAVE TO SAY 'I'M SORRY' "

    SOmeone grabs me, ESPECIALLY after the crap he's gone through and I will BEAT the SHIT out of them. Harry says "DOn't touch me again, and now watch my eyes glow." STOP! Pummel ALL THEIR ASSES. PEtunia too. She called him a freak as well. HE should just GO TO TOWN on Vernon's face. As in KNOCK out his Teeth, break his nose, and leave with BROKEN ocular cavities (fuck black eyes).

    In a good Harry independent the Dursley's are either terrified of Harry, beaten up, or make a deal with Harry. THe only time its been done well is by Midknight in Traitors Within.

    Harry allowing them to even talk back to him is too much. He's taken enough shit from them over the years.

    When Harry says something he should mean it and follow through.

    Harry shouted, "You speak to me like that again, Vernon, and I will castrate you."

    Vernon bellowed, "You useless RUNT!! I should ha...AHHHHHH!" Vernon never finished screaming as he fainted from the shock of having his testicles ripped from him and looking down to see his own pants beginning to soak with blood.

    THAT is Harry not taking shit.
  19. Giovanni

    Giovanni God of Scotch

    Aug 4, 2005
    Gilligan's Island
    lol :)

    Wait till I post the one I have been working on.

    Harry/Bella pairing :)

    Its gonna be a bit cliche as Bella is going to be a bit on the battered side. But then again, I could care less.

    It will also have Nicholas Flamel doing some major ass kicking as the new Potions instructor. I couldn't resist... I mean seriously, the guy is 650 years old... He has to know how to kick a fair bit of ass.

    And as for Snape... Well... Lets just say that Flamel will whoop his ass for:

    "Horribly mangling the Potions education of these students."

    Right now I am about 1500 words into chapter 1.
  20. True Story

    True Story Third Year

    May 16, 2005
    Washington D.C.
    ARGH!!! I was just about to send you the plot, that is Flamel infested...ARGH! Now it's going to look like I copied you... :cry:
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