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WIP Against the Odds by PolarPanther - T (HP/Naruto Xover)

Discussion in 'Almost Recommended' started by Rahkesh Asmodaeus, May 24, 2014.

  1. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
    Title: Against the Odds
    Author: PolarPanther
    Rating: T
    Genre: Family/Friendship
    Status: WIP, apparently very slow updates
    Category: Alternates
    Summary: Who would have thought that Harry Potter had living relatives other than the Durselys? Living relatives he could actually get along with, and were just as odd as he was!
    Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5372432/1/Against-the-Odds

    So... family/friendship fic. Yeah. So it's not exactly a magic vs chakra fic, in fact, the author is actively trying to make sure both systems are balanced, neither one completely overpowered. What is awesome is that the author isn't ignoring one system in favor of the other, as author are prone to do. Harry still uses magic and Naruto still uses chakra. Neither overshadows the other.

    I'm not completely sure if people will like this fic here, but there's been such a dearth of new fics recently I felt it wouldn't be a bad thing to share. Usually I don't rec fics because as time has gone on, high quality fics have decreased gradually, and I've taken to reading more guilty pleasures than anything. This fic though, for some reason I really like it. It's also a HP/Naruto crossover, so that usually makes people detract a point or two from it automatically.

    The writing is top notch, I don't remember finding any grammar or syntax errors (probably missed a few though), and dialogue and everything flows really well. Characters are well written, no needless bashing of any character which is a breath of fresh air. Unlike most other crossovers the author doesn't immediately dump Harry into the Naruto world or vice versa, time was taken to insure it was done relatively realistic and not cobbled together just to throw two magic systems at each other.

    I dunno, give it a shot. It's not meant to be an action fic (not that there isn't action), so don't go in expecting magic to fix all of Naruto's problems right away. It's not angsty either, most angst is dealt with within a scene or two.

    Let's bring some life back into the Library, guys, if you see a fic you like and think is well written, post it here instead of the Almost Rec thread. This section of the forum has been disgustingly barren for a long time now.

    For me this is a 4/5 or a 5/5 There is a bit of iffyness at how easily Harry was able to integrate... but I'll let that slide because of how well everything else was done.
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2014
  2. Probellum

    Probellum Death Eater

    Jan 17, 2011
    Among the Moose
    Sree, I'd fix the link so it goes to chapter 1.

    I'll read it in a bit and try and get a review out when I finish.
  3. Photon

    Photon Order Member

    Jul 15, 2012
    How it is crossed? Is it more of "Harry in Naruto universe", "Naruto in HP universe" or is it more or less balanced?

    "This section of the forum has been disgustingly barren for a long time now."

    Probably result of fact that number of good stories that are active is constantly decreasing. I am unsure about posting of stories, there are some that I really like but it is not highly likely that DLP will like them.
  4. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
    Ha, yeah, sorry about the link, it was 5 in the morning when I made it and I wasn't thinking.

    And if quality of good fics decreases, so do my standards. I'd rather read something than nothing. And I'd rather there be people linking fics that may or may not be well liked rather than be afraid to.

    It's more of Harry in Naruto universe than anything, I'm not sure how the author wants to play it out in the future. It's post OoTP so Harry isn't keen on returning back home, but he still keeps in contact with Ron and Hermione. He purposely left to seek out any family he had left in that realm, and no one has any way of reaching him.
  5. Punt

    Punt DA Member

    Aug 8, 2013
    I remember finding this fic somewhat decent if a bit forgettable when I read it some time ago. I'll just give it a re-read before rating.

    EDIT: Now that I've read it again, I remember why I dropped it in the first place. Someone more interested in Naruto might find this more interesting but I can't really give this more than a 3/5. The characterization, plot and writing might be better than the average stuff at ffn but nothing that stands out enough for me to call this an interesting read.
    Last edited: May 28, 2014
  6. Probellum

    Probellum Death Eater

    Jan 17, 2011
    Among the Moose
    So, realized after the first couple chapter's I'd read this before. Long enough ago to have not recognized it immediately, but enough to have a vague sense of about half the fic.

    As Sree said, it's a tad bit more realistic, time-wise. A bit of a plus, though it made the beginning kind of slow.

    The characters themselves are pretty great and amusing. most seem in character, though Naruto is a bit...subdued. He acts a bit younger than I'd prefer and though Naruto can be childish, it's always been more in his cluelessness and social tact, not like the easily vulnerable small kid he can come off as here, sometimes.

    The politics are intriguing, though Danzo seems a bit too obviously maniacal for my tastes. It's bearable, though.

    Differences between Magic and Chakra are also handled well. Neither is really more powerful than the other, at least, not as shown so far.

    Plot can be slow and a couple times, tedious.

    Only other thing i that there's a couple minor thing that worry me. The thing with Fawkes and Hedwig, and that Thestral seem to be a clear set-up for something down the line and depending on what it is and how it's handled, it could really take a hit to the stories quality.

    Currently though, as is, I'd give it a 3.5/5 rounded up to 4/5.
  7. Darth

    Darth Third Year

    Mar 7, 2012
    Those character interactions were so weird; just made think "Now Kiss!" at various points.

    I suppose the author does try to explain some of it. He became clingy to his ghost something-uncle because it was his first family member he had met. He became clingy to Itachi because it reminded him of Sirius. Two two guards seemed to just jump on the chance to help Harry. The list does go on.

    I'm not sure clingy is the right word in all cases, but everyone seems to just be too nice to each other which I find to be unrealistic.

    I agree with Probellum, Naruto seemed to be more subdued/younger than I was expecting. His enormous clingyness to Harry seemed out of character for him since this is something like the start of Naruto Shippuden.

    If I can gloss over that it was 3/5. Quite similar to "The Amplitude, Frequency and Resistance of the Soul Bond" that was posted recently - it was good enough for me to proceed to the next chapter.

    Also I agree with Narf (I swear it was Sree yesterday...) on "I'd rather read something than nothing. And I'd rather there be people linking fics that may or may not be well liked rather than be afraid to."
  8. melior

    melior Seventh Year

    Oct 25, 2011
    That would be the feminization of Harry and Naruto. It's not too overt most of the time, but there are little gestures like Harry patting Naruto's hand to comfort him. Then there are things like the utter asexuality of the entire story. Harry spends more time describing the males in the story than the females. Sakura gets "obnoxious pink hair" and Tsunade gets "middle-aged woman."

    Yes, that is the only description a sixteen-year-old male gives upon seeing Tsunade.

    I guess this might be an AU with the implied change that Tsunade does not have outrageously large breasts. Or Harry has some sort of spell on him that makes his eyes slide right over women. Or, as I said, he's asexual, because even a gay Harry would have something to say about that. But let's face it: the most plausible explanation is that the author is female and doesn't know how to write a teenage male POV (and for thoroughness sake I verified the author's gender on her website),

    Additionally, the author has an annoying habit of just skipping ahead of potential worldbuilding opportunities. She either uses the "eyes glazing over" trick when Hermione or Sakura start explaining something, or she makes Harry fall unconscious for one reason or another. I'm all for allowing the reader to fill in some gaps, but it feels like almost all the interesting stuff happens off-screen.
  9. Schadenfreude

    Schadenfreude Fourth Year

    Jul 16, 2010
    Even an asexual person would take note of how big Tsunade's breasts are, they're enormous. It's definitely because the author can't figure out how a teenage male protag would think.
  10. ibskib

    ibskib Second Year

    Oct 14, 2011
    The fic loses one star just from the fact that there's a typo in the summary, it certainly lowered my expectations when it comes to the story's polish.
    Read a few chapters and skimmed a few more, the plot wasn't particularly engaging, and as expected the writing was average at best.

    Narf, it's still linking to chapter 13 btw.
  11. Failcure

    Failcure First Year

    Jun 13, 2014
    Middle-of-snowheap, Sweden

    The author is completely clueless that way. Either one is blind, or one notices things the size of a watermelon attached to the chest of the person one is speaking to. Regardless, it's a cute fic, but it's not great. Naruto and Harry playing around with colour magic was also another hugely feminine thing that seems very OOC for both Naruto and Harry.

    Other than that though, I can't really complain much. There are few grammatical flaws, if any, and the OOCness isn't blatantly in your face all the time, nor is it particularly bad. The fic is just... average. I'd rate it 2.5/5, so round it up and say 3/5.
  12. Xion

    Xion Robot Overlord Admin

    Apr 3, 2006
    Against the Odds has been updated with a new chapter.

    Story Stats
    Chapters: 19
    Words: 178,927
    Updated: 2019-05-06 04:31:00 UTC
    Published: 2009-09-13 00:10:24 UTC
    Previously updated: 8 months ago

    Brought to you by Scryer story thread updates.