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Complete Isis' Bane by althor42 - T - Stargate

Discussion in 'The Alternates' started by The Lord of Chaos, May 22, 2009.

  1. The Lord of Chaos

    The Lord of Chaos Slug Club Member

    Sep 4, 2006
    Title: Isis’ Bane
    Author: Althor42
    Rating: T
    Genre: Drama/Action
    DLP Category: The Alternates
    Pairing: None
    Chapters: 3
    Words: 11,683
    Updated: February 25, 2009
    Published: September 28-08
    Status: Complete

    Summary: SG-1/HP X-Over If Isis hadn't died in the canopic jar, things could have turned out differently. Harry goes to the airport at the wrong time. What will the wizarding world do if Harry leaves Earth? These three chapters will spawn two different stories.

    This story splits off on two different tracks, Isis’ Bane: Tar’Chell’s Wrath and Isis’ Bane: A New Home. In the first track Harry stays in space with the single minded goal of kicking Goa’uld ass, and in the other, he returns to earth, explores magic, and gets adopted. The author has been updating both tracks simultaneously. The third chapter gets a little emo briefly, but they get over that quickly enough. They’re both very good depending on what sort of story your looking for.

    Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4564625/1/Isis_Bane

    This is a great story; I always eagerly await the new chapters. I give it a 4.5/5.

    The Lord of Chaos

    The author continued the story with two different storylines:

    Version 1:

    Isis' Bane: Tar'Chell's Wrath
    Chapters: 15
    Words: 99,025
    Updated: July 22, 2010
    Published: September 28, 2008
    Status: Complete
    Summary: Sequel to Isis' Bane. With the knowledge and technology of the goa'uld, and his own innovation, Harry becomes a force all his own in the galaxy. Exploring science and magic, Harry discovers the price of waging war.
    Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4564882/1/Isis-Bane-Tar-Chell-s-Wrath

    Isis' Bane and the Goblet of Fire
    Chapters: 14
    Words: 115,112
    Updated: September 9, 2012
    Published: December 16, 2010
    Status: Complete
    Summary: Sequel to Isis' bane: Tar'Chell's Wrath. Years have passed, and Harry lives his life at peace, exploring the galaxy. He takes an offer to go to Atlantis, to do amazing things. He thinks he knows where his life is taking him. Voldemort has other plans.
    Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6562075/1/Isis-Bane-and-the-Goblet-of-Fire

    Version 2:

    Isis' Bane: A New Home
    Chapters: 18
    Words: 123,241
    Updated: October 14, 2010
    Published: September 28, 2008
    Status: Complete
    Summary: Alternate continuation of Isis' Bane. Harry returns to Earth with SG-1 and finds a place to fit in. First chapter begins with an alternate of the last chapter of Isis' Bane.

    Additional Oneshot:

    Chapters: 1
    Words: 2,269
    Published: August 10, 2009
    Status: Oneshot
    Summary: Ficlet, in the Isis' Bane universe. A new President has been sworn in, and he's in for more than one surprise.

    Checked by Minion, January 5, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 5, 2013
  2. Captain Trips

    Captain Trips High Inquisitor

    Oct 24, 2008
    I read this story sometime ago and I liked it, but i like the sequels better 4/5 from me
    Last edited: May 22, 2009
  3. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    I like it. I've only read this and the off-world sequel at the moment but so far there has been a massive divergence from canon Stargate (and not totally in a good way) and it's looking pretty damn interesting. I had thought for a while that Harry was getting away with things way too easily but that's been cleared up in the latest chapters because of the major bad guy. Anyone who has seen Stargate will probably be able to guess who it is as soon as it starts been hinted at too.

    4/5 for me.
  4. Skykes

    Skykes Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    May 14, 2006
    I like it. 3/5

    My only problem is that the author needs to stop reusing the same sentences.
    I have seen this 2 or 3 times so far.
  5. Darje

    Darje Groundskeeper

    Sep 18, 2007
    Yesterday's leftovers.
    Agreed, my knee jerked when I saw that.

    4/5 I've read both sequels as far as they go, and I like both. Though there was one scene where Sam admonishes Harry for teleporting, and it's nearly the same in both sequels. (More knee jerking)
  6. Gizmore

    Gizmore Minister of Swedish Affairs DLP Supporter

    Jul 11, 2006


    I don’t like it. Not one bit.
  7. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    The writing is a bit clumsy but it's readable and more original than many HP/SG crossovers. The characterisations of all the SG1 cast are done well. The plot progresses at an OK rate, though one wishes it would go faster so we could get an older Harry Potter.

    Plus, Goa'uld-memories!Harry is always awesome.

    So far I'm prefering the one where he stayed on Earth.

    I felt that Anubis was introduced too early in the space one.

  8. Matian

    Matian Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    Apr 27, 2009
    In all fairness the story might not be the next epic, but it is certainly a good nice read. Not too complicated, but enjoyable enough to keep the reader interested throughout. Harry is nothing like we would expect from a nine-year-old, but then again he has a lot of memories that isn't his own.

    I'm not sure if it's Library material, but a solid 3/5 for now and possibly 4/5 when more chapters are uploaded.

    EDIT: Silly me, more chapters to the seguels of course!

    EDIT: ... and sequel is with a "Q"...
    Last edited: May 28, 2009
  9. Magus

    Magus Groundskeeper

    Mar 28, 2008
    Doctor Who land.
    I found this to be surprisingly excellent, and I'm in no way a Stargate fan.

    I'd give the space based sequel a 5/5 and the earth based one 3.5/5 due to me not really giving a shit if Harry is adjusting at school when he should be out blowing up aliens. Still, its not bad either, just not as good as its parallel.

    4/5 overall.
  10. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    I liked it. I have no idea how to rate it though, as this story alone is more of a prequel to two other stories than much in it's own right. That said the writing quality and story definately rate a 4/5, so that's what I'll rate the thread at.

    My primary issue is that the story doesn't really explain Stargate to the reader at all, and I have no knowledge of the show. I think I watched the movie once when it first came out, and one of my friends used to talk nonstop about a scene from SG1 where some guy hit a golfball through a stargate, but that's the extent of my knowledge.

    That's not a flaw in the story, since I'm sure background and explanations would be a pain in the ass to someone who actually knows both fandoms, but for me it's a downer. I'd personally prefer if the author took a little time to explain to us the things that Harry learned from the... snake god things? so that I know what the hell is going on. Maybe after Harry wakes up after receiving all that knowledge he could just take a minute to sort through it in a paragraph or two for us.

    I'm gonna go check out one or both of the sequels now. Should those be listed in the same thread here instead of just saying that they exist? Eh, either way.

    EDIT: Just read the "Harry stays in space" sequel. I don't know if I should rate it a 4/5 or what. I really don't know enough about what's going on or who the supporting cast (presumably from SG1?) are to really and truly get into it. Too much SG1 jargon for me, but to others that could be reason to jump it up to 5/5.

    EDIT2: And now I read the "Harry goes back to Earth" sequel. It's honestly not as good, which is a pity since I think it had more potential, so still 4/5 I guess, but without a chance of getting rounded up. Harry Potter in space killing aliens isn't really Harry Potter to me, so I was looking forward to this sequel more than the other, but Harry in this one just doesn't seem that interesting. I'd have liked to see this Harry act more like his counterpart in the other sequel -- that would have made for a killer story. It's still good though, and has the potential to get a lot better once the Magical world comes more into play.

    tl;dr -- Good stories with a lot of potential, but I probably won't keep following them. This is mostly due to my lack of knowledge or interest in what I've seen of SG1 and not something wrong with the actual stories, which are engaging in their own right.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2009
  11. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Best use of the Stargate, ever. The episode is called Window of Opportunity, if there is only one episode you ever watch, let it be that one.
  12. Kang

    Kang Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Nov 5, 2007
    The most awesome episode of any sci-fi show ever.

    <3 Stargate
  13. LuckyFelix

    LuckyFelix Seventh Year

    Jan 21, 2008
    Charlotte, NC
    I like it, I'm usually not a fan of crossovers but I happened to be bored and read this one, and I quite like it.

    One problem I have with it though is, why couldn't it have been an older Harry? I'm not really a fan of kiddie Harry. Really, SG-1 starts around the same time that HP is ending, if I recall correctly. I think this starts up during Season 4 but you could easily move that particular episode (Isis & Osiris) up a bit so that, for instance, Harry is seeing Hermione off at the airport when she goes to Oz to get her parents. Or something.

    I'd just prefer that to kiddie Harry, but oh well, it's good enough as is.

    My biggest potential problem is that shouldn't Ba'al have been at the space station? There was no mention of him, that I recall, but iirc he was there during the SG-1 episode. Hopefully he wasn't there, as I wouldn't be happy if Ba'al was dead. He's my favouirte Goa'uld.

    Oh well, we'll see.

    Right now though I'll give it 4/5 stars.
  14. The Lord of Chaos

    The Lord of Chaos Slug Club Member

    Sep 4, 2006
    Well for those of you who haven't ever watched Stargate, or who haven't watched enough to really understand what's going on in this story, I put this together, anyone else can just disregard this post.

    The stargate is an alien device discovered in Egypt around the time of WWII. It can connect to one of many stargates littered throughout the galaxy, by means of an artificial wormhole. The operator at one end dials the seven symbol key for a specific stargate and a wormhole opens between them. Matter can only travel one way, from the operators end to the receiving gate. Radio waves however can travel both ways.

    The Goa’uld- Think brains slugs, think The Faculty, the Goa’uld are snake like parasites that wrape themselves around the spine to take complete control of the body. They have full access to the host bodies mind which makes them pretty good infiltrators. They discovered earth thousands of years ago and found that humans were about the best things they could crawl inside of. Using the stargate they shipped us out like cattle to populate worlds across the galaxy. They use humans as hosts and slaves, maintaining dominance through the use of high tech gadgets that they use to make humans think they’re gods. In fact it turns out that several of earth mythos revolves around various Goa’uld. The Goa’uld occupied person, called a host, though a prisoner in his own body, actually receives a few benefits from the occupation. Greatly increased strength, immune system, and lifespan. These benefits are all caused by the presence of the Goa’uld. In addition, the Goa’uld have advanced healing technology that can actually revive the recently dead, as well as prolong the life of goa’uld and host indefinately. However this technology affects the psyche of both host and goa’uld often attributed to the goa’uld’s intensly evil personalities. As a general rule, the Goa’uld are narcissistic, sociopaths, who have been purporting themselves to be gods for so long they almost believe it themselves. They also for the most part lack innovation, most of their technology has been reverse engineered badly from leftovers of a long dead alien race that left the galaxy long before the goa’uld left the swamps that they crawled out of. The Goa’uld desire power and this is why they spend most of their time at war with one another. The most powerful Goa’uld are the System Lords most of whom have lived for thousands of years. The goa’uld are born with a genetic memory, that means that the knowledge of Mom and Dad are passed on to Jr. It also means that all the evil gets passed along as well.

    The Earth Rebellion- Thousands of years ago, the humans on earth rebelled against the Goa’uld and burried the stargate. Stargate fun fact, you can’t form a connection with a gate that has been burried. Because at the time travel by ship took months, and since the earth had no resources or a location the Goa’uld desired they decided to ignore us in favor of killing eachother.

    The (Stargate Command) SGC was formed to run the Stargate program and it is located under NORAD deep below Cheyenne mountain. There are multiple Stargate teams, the premier one being SG-1. Their main mission is to go out through the stargate to various worlds and find technology and allies to protect earth from the Goa’uld. The program is run by the US Air Force.

    The Jaffa- The warriors of the Goa’uld, the Jaffa are mostly human. Engineered by the Goa’uld long ago, the Jaffa have a pouch in their abdomon in which they carry the larva of the goa’uld, sort of like a living incubator. Like a host, the Jaffa enjoys a long life span, somewhere in the area of a couple of centuries, a powerful imune system, and increased strength (though not quite as strong as a host.) About the time a young Jaffa reaches puberty his/her immune system will fail, and at that time he is implanted with the Goa’uld lava, which takes the place of the immune system. When the larva is matured, the Jaffa will receive a new one and the matured Goa’uld will be implanted in a human host. This makes the Jaffa dependent on the Goa’uld to survive. Now, why, you might ask, would the Goa’uld implant their infants into their warriors who regularly get vaporized in the constant wars the Goa’uld wage against one another. The answer is simple, the Goa’uld live potentially forever, and since the Goa’uld are constantly plotting to stab one another in the back, they don’t much care about their offspring living that long. The Jaffa fight valiantly for the Goa’uld because they believe that they are fighting for their gods.

    Tok’ra- The Tok’ra are physiologically identical to the Goa’uld, but ideologically they are polar opposites. While they still wrap themselves around a human spine they only inhabit willing hosts, and share the body, both having control forming a symbiosis. They have been covertly subverting the Goa’uld for milenia. While the Tok’ra don’t number enough to even hope to duke it out against the Goa’uld, their main strategy in fighting the Goa’uld is to keep them fighting one another while preventing any one Goa’uld from attaining a dominant power. They are waiting until they can destroy the Goa’uld once and for all. Because of the destructive psychological effects of the Goa’uld healing devices, the Tok’ra do not use it, and thus their hosts only live around two centuries, and since the Tok’ra do not take unwillling hosts, and since most humans don’t really want to be hosts, a Tok’ra symbiote might die with the host. This problem is also furthered by the Goa’uld method of propagation. The Goa’uld are like bees, only the queen can make babies. The Tok’ra misplaced their queen quite some time ago. So while they can die, they cannot be replaced. Should a Goa’uld be killed while in a host, its decomposing body releases toxins that kills the host. However if a Tok’ra knows that it is dying, it can choose to kill itself in a way that the toxins won’t be released saving the host. When a Tok’ra and a host join togethe, they share their memories, the connection between host and symbiote is open both ways. The emotions one feels, is shared by the other. The knowledge of one is sharred by both. But at the same time, it is still like two seperate personalities in one body, sharring control in true symbiosis.

    The Jaffa Rebellion- For some time there have been some Jaffa who do not believe the Goa’uld to be gods. In spite of this they don’t have many options, since withouth the Goa’uld larva in them, they would die. But when they found out that the humans from earth were openly fighting the Goa’uld, and had already killed one of the system lords, they decided that the time was ripe to openly rebel. The rebellion was strengthened by the discovery of Tritonin, a drug that allowed the Jaffa to live without the presence of a larval Goa’uld in their belly.

    Iris- Matter can only rematerialize on the other side of the stargate if there is more than a few microns of space in front of the event horizon. The SGC put an iris on the stargate that prevents our enemies from sending massive bombs through to our end. It is opened by a code that returning SG teams send through.

    Tollans- The tollans are perhaps the most technologically advanced humans in our galaxy. They lived happily on their homeworld content with the knowledge that they could just blast goa’uld mother ships out of the sky. Unfortunately they avoid confrontation and don’t want to deal with the consequences of sharing their technology with races that haven’t “earned” it, so up to this point they haven’t been at all a help with the whole Goa’uld problem. Until that is one of the goa’uld developed shields that could stand up to their planetary defenses. Instead of blasting them off of the face of the planet, he tried to get them to build him a weapon that could penetrate the iris around our stargate. They originally decided to go along with it, but then decided that they wouldn’t take part in helping their enemy destroy their friends, so they renegged, and the Goa’uld decided to destroy them... and that’s about the point were they are introduced in the fic

    Azgaurd- Aliens, like alien aliens, like little grey men aliens. They live in another galaxy but they have an interest in humans so they visit from time to time. There are a few planets that they have under their protection, the Goa’uld don’t like it but the Azgaurd are much more advanced than the Goa’uld so they have to put up with it. They would eradicate the Goa’uld from the galaxy but they have their own problems in their own galaxy to take care of. They’ve achieved their own form of immortality by cloning themselves and then downloading into their new boddies. Unfortunately due to replicative degeneration, they have been slowly degrading their genome, they long ago lost the ability to reproduce, and their race will eventually die out if they can’t find a way to correct their genes.

    DHD- or Dial Home Device, is basically a console that both powers and controls the stargate. All of the symbols for the coordinates are represented on the inner ring of the stargate and those symbols appear as buttons on the DHD. The stargate is basically a large superconductor, and without the DHD the stargate can be charged with an outside power source and dialed manually, moving the inner ring of the stargate like an old turnstyle telephone.

    Human tech- it’s taken us a while, but we’ve figured out some of the alien technology. The Goa’uld use a substance called Naquedah to derive power. We’ve figured out how to duplicate that technology. We’ve also figured out how to duplicate their form of space travel. By generating a “hyperspace window” to travel faster than light.

    NID- To oversee top secret military projects, like the stargate program, there is a civilian oversight organization to watch out for corruption and such, their unofficial goal is to acquire alien technology. Unfortunately, there is a corrupt portion of this organization that uses rather unscrupulous means to acquire said technology. They have corrupted a few of the SGC personnel to aid them.

    Ancients/Alterans- A race that has been extinct for quite a long time, they developed the stargates and littered the galaxy with them, as well as a few other goodies lying around. Long ago their race was dying out from a disease they couldn’t cure. Many of them discovered a means by which they could ascend to a higher plane of existence. Think the “Q” from Star Trek. Incredibly powerful, they unfortunately have a no policy of not interfering with the affairs of lesser beings.

    Hope that was helpful.

    The Lord of Chaos

  15. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    Thanks much, it was indeed very helpful. Now the whole story actually starts to make some sense. I'm even tempted to go watch some of the TV show now, especially since that clip Aekiel linked was pretty awesome too (thanks for that). Might go back and have another read of the fic now.
  16. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Two minor corrections:

    The Asgard is spelt "Asgard" not "Azgaurd".

    Naquadah is spelt "naquadah" not "Naquedah".
  17. LuckyFelix

    LuckyFelix Seventh Year

    Jan 21, 2008
    Charlotte, NC
    It's mostly a good show, if you like Sci-fi. First couple seasons can be rough at parts, but the middle seasons are great, and the last few seasons range from average to great.

    And Window of Opportunity is one of my favorite episodes. Poor Teal'c, lol.
  18. The Lord of Chaos

    The Lord of Chaos Slug Club Member

    Sep 4, 2006
    So the author updated the action story today, and he had a challenge at the end of the chapter. He is offering Kudos to anyone who can guess which movie inspired the chapter. Any guesses?

    Spoiler Space

    Spoiler Space

    So how many people think that Sirius should find Harry, cause I don't really see him going along with the whole alien vendetta thing.

    The Lord of Chaos

  19. geogio

    geogio Muggle

    Feb 7, 2008
    I enjoyed reading this and I'm now reading both sequels, I give it a 4.5/5
  20. The Lord of Chaos

    The Lord of Chaos Slug Club Member

    Sep 4, 2006
    Spoilers for the new chapter.

    So in the latest installment of Isis’s Bane: A New Home, the author makes the assumption that you have recently watched the Stargate episode ‘Between Two Fires’. Ok so here’s a synopsis of the episode as it pertains to this chapter. So the Tollans have always refused to share with us any of their highly advanced technology (they tried that with their neighbor planet and their neighbors wound up blowing themselves up). So in this episode the Goa’uld Tanith, who is working for Anubis, shows up at Tollana and shows them that their fancy ion cannons can’t penetrate Anubis’s new shields. He then contacts their government and tells them that he wants them to build bombs that incorporate their phase shifting technology (this would allow them to pass through solid matter, and to get through the Iris over the Stargate at the SGC). He wanted them to send one of the bombs to Earth to destroy the SGC. This is because at this point Anubis is still worried about the Protected Planets Treaty with the Asgard, which prevents him from openly attacking Earth. With the threat of an enemy that can withstand their weapons, the Tollan Curia capitulates and keeps everything from their people. Omac who sits on the Curia, is the only one who objects to this so he has a sudden “heart attack.” This is where the episode starts. So their phase shifting technology relies on Trinium, which they are short on. The Curia contacts the SGC, and after Omac’s funeral they tell them that they’d be willing to trade ion cannons for more trinium. Well at first this sounds like a great deal, but they get suspicious and uncover everything from above. This chapter diverges from the show right at the start of the first scene on Tollana when Sam and Daniel are able to fight off the Tollan guards because of their new shields. In the original episode, Narim destroys the new weapons to prevent them from falling into Anubis’s hands, and all of the Tollans die as they try to escape the planet.

    The Lord of Chaos

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