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Undead Harry

Discussion in 'Story Search' started by Khortez, Dec 22, 2008.

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  1. Khortez

    Khortez Third Year

    May 15, 2007
    I just read Chill of Death a not very good Death Knight Harry fic, but it got me to wondering if there were any good Undead!Harry fics out there?

    It could be a crossover fic like with WOW where he is Forsaken, or even an unusual inferi!Harry.
  2. Iztiak

    Iztiak Prisoner DLP Supporter

    Dec 4, 2006
    ...Not that often when I'm surprised by a DLP story search, but lol.

    Never seen a story like that. Or if I did, I probably ignored it.
  3. Orm Embar

    Orm Embar Auror

    Mar 18, 2008
    On the shores of Selidor
    I'm not sure if Inferi!Harry has ever been written, but I don't think it'd be very interesting to read. After all, the dialogue would be essentially Harry going "Brainsss!", and various people screaming and running for safety.
  4. Random Shinobi

    Random Shinobi Unspeakable DLP Supporter

    Aug 1, 2006
    Undead!Harry almost always means vampire!Harry, and those are predominantly slash.

    Really, personally I fail to see how fangirls can equate vampires with gay sex...
  5. Corana

    Corana First Year

    Aug 31, 2007
    I always wanted to see a fic about a 1 ft high Potter with decaying flesh and lives off the life of those around him.

    After all, he has quite a will to survive. What happens if he had the will to become a lich as 1 and a bit, years of age?
  6. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
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    I could see a fic where either the prophecy or the Power He Knows Not prevents Harry from losing his mind after being turned into an inferi. It could be pretty amusing.
  7. Tehan

    Tehan Avatar of Khorne DLP Supporter

    May 22, 2007
    Blame Anne Rice.
  8. Chime

    Chime Dark Lord

    Aug 22, 2007
    Undead Harry sounds cool. The idea he has to live off human flesh would be even more amusing. I can't figure a plot from this though. How would Harry overcome fire? And if he's already dead, why should he care about anyone or anything?

    Oh and it would be a little gross to write. Unless you just want Harry to have pallid skin and a penchant for moaning. A real zombie/undead has visible muscles, organs, flaking skin, etc. I can see why it wouldn't be attractive to most, I can't think of a woman (or man) who'd want to touch that. Even fan girls must have their limits.
  9. Krogan

    Krogan Alien in a Hat ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Dec 8, 2007
    North Carolina
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    HAHAHA where would you get an idea like that?
  10. Khortez

    Khortez Third Year

    May 15, 2007
    I was actually thinking that it could come around from him fighting a losing battle against some Death Eaters in the Forbidden Forest. He eventually manages to win or perhaps even lose them but he is slowly dying. He is not willing to die with Voldemort still left alive so he does the unthinkable. He kills a unicorn and drinks its blood, living a cursed half life, or in this case un-life.

    I was actually thinking of Harry becoming more and more decomposed as time went by, and after a while not really even caring if chunks of him got blown off in fights. I had an image of his arm getting blown off and him taking someone elses arm, magicking it to himself, and continuing on.

    I just got really curious about this when for some reason I got to thinking of how Harry Potter would be if he was a member of the Forsaken of WOW fame, with his normal green eyes rotten away but his sockets still glowing with that unholy green light. Plus, as Forsaken, his attitude gets a turn for the better and he finally gets to kill someone.
  11. Argosh

    Argosh Groundskeeper

    Mar 8, 2008
    Harry is an undead lich.

    The Thaumaturger.
    Yep, vampire. (Vampire: Masquerade: Bloodlines)

    Can't say these two are that good, interesting ideas though.
  12. Iztiak

    Iztiak Prisoner DLP Supporter

    Dec 4, 2006
    Ok, I admit it. I might give a story like the one you've described a read if anyone manages to find a well written one.

    But hey, you've got a good idea, why not try and write it yourself. It might not be that great, but nobody writes a good story on their first try.

    Well, almost nobody.
  13. Perspicacity

    Perspicacity Destroyer of Worlds ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    Where idiots are not legally permitted to vote
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    Those who do generally write much better stories on their later tries. Compare the early and recent stuff by nonjon, Shezza, jbern, Joe, and DobbyElfLord, to name a few.
  14. garion1500

    garion1500 Third Year

    Jul 28, 2006
    California, USA
    I personally think Lich!Harry would make for a very interesting Dark Harry story. Liches are supposed to be extremely powerful wizards since they have their own version of a Horcrux (phylactery or soul jar in this case) and can study constantly without the need to eat or sleep. Plus they are extremely hard to destroy. One could write a story where Harry is determined to stop Volde at any cost (to himself of course as he would never harm others in his 'quest'). Of course the question of how he would come by this knowledge might be a problem but it could be done. It might possibly be an interesting twist as Harry tries to be a 'good' lich but finds himself becoming darker because the twisted-ness of his existence prevents him from being fully human and the longer he remains in this state the less of his humanity he retains. In the end, would Harry destroy himself before he becomes too dark or would he let it consume him? (Keeping in mind, Harry would not be in his original state of mind and less inclined to do the 'noble' thing.)
  15. Gullible

    Gullible Headmaster

    Jan 31, 2006
    Sitting in front of a broken compooter, lolololol
    I swear Omagic on this forum had a Lich story going in the WbA section.

    Yeah, Dark Respite.

    I think it is abandoned though.
  16. Dethklok

    Dethklok Order Member

    Apr 16, 2008
    The power of Christ compels him not to tell you.
    I have a perfect idea for Undead!Harry.

    Has anyone ever heard of Evil Ernie, from Chaos! Comics? They're the same people who made Lady Death.

    Ernie Fairchild and Harry Potter have several things in common, such as shitty childhood, powers, etc.

    Put Harry Potter in this mold and Undead!Harry could work.
  17. Sorrows

    Sorrows Queen of the Flamingos Moderator

    Jun 17, 2008
    Its a interesting idea, I think I read the half vampire story ages ago.

    I remember once watching a few episodes of a amine called 'zombie loan,' the zombies in that would make a interesting mold for undead!harry.
  18. The Mysterious Nobody

    The Mysterious Nobody Auror

    Aug 7, 2007
    Even though I'm a fan of the vampiric genre, I've given up the hope to see something worth even a little bit in this fandom. There are few stories that manage to get to "readable", and even then, they aren't too promising.

    I started writing a crossover with "Vampire the Masquerade", then a rewrite, posted at PC, but I do it mostly from time to time, and mainly to pass some time while I'm not working. I'll try to get it somewhere, but I doubt it'll ever see more than a few uploaded chapters; I'm not a good writer, and unfortunately, I tend to lose interest quickly while I'm at it.

    As for the other type of undead, I think that it would be far more interesting to see the Harry Potter universe in a situation similar to "Dawn of the Dead" and "28 days later", and see how magic folk cope with it. I'm not denying a good laugh with a brain-eating Harry, though. Anyone here played "Stubbs the Zombie"?
  19. neopyro

    neopyro Third Year

    Mar 6, 2007
    Erm... My house?
    The answer is Anne Rice.
  20. jts360

    jts360 Second Year

    Apr 26, 2007
    Now that brings up the question what if Harry became a evil litch king, created his own death knights, raised a massive hoard of undead and caused such a situation. For the muggles it quickly becomes too much for them an few survive. The magical world remains mostly unaffected (other than any that interfere) while the muggles are wiped out. Eventually Harry will target the Magical world, this story would mainly be on that conflict after the initial prologue that has the muggle world overrun with undead and left in ruins after Harry turns.

    Contrary to the victory over muggles, the magical world would be a significant challenge. As they would have to adapt to secure themselves from the plague of undead and eventually strikes lead by the death knights.

    Meanwhile Harry remains in the shadows, searching out and learning more magic, like necromancy, blood and other forbidden magics. Growing stronger to perhaps someday in the future conquer the Magical world.

    Of course the muggles do not have to lose quietly, they could launch their missiles nuke everything in site and fight back as best they can. Maybe blow away many magical areas that are poorly protected in the process.
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