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pre-fic fact checking

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by yojorocks, Nov 2, 2009.

  1. yojorocks

    yojorocks Seventh Year

    Jun 15, 2006
    Columbus, OH
    First off, thanks to you guys, esp Shezza, for making me curious enough to pick up Storm Front and actually try reading the series; best $90 I've ever spent.

    Note: Spoilers through current (Turn Coat, no Changes speculation)

    Basically, I have an idea that I've been chewing on ever since I read Dead Beat the first time, which mutated as I finished the series. The outline that I have - sketched very, very roughly 25-30k words - is something that I want to present in a oneshot. I have a rough outline, but I really, really need to get some of my book facts checked to make sure the plotline isn't fatally flawed from the start.

    I went back and reread Dead Beat, and I cannot find any reference to Kumori's body taking the hit from Bob-the-Zombie!T.Rex or actual death. We know that Cowl (without his lapdog) survived and is causing Dresden grief later in White Knight, probably later knowing the way Butcher keeps planting seeds of characters for later use (did anyone else catch that Peabody from TC wrote the book that Dresden used to summon the Erlking?). I have been unable to find or remember any point in time where either Cowl or Dresden reference proof of her death. Bob says that Sue collapsed in the backlash, and when asked if he saw them die, he says no. Can anyone confirm that there was nothing in any other books that points one way or another to the direct aftermath of the backlash as far as what happened to her?

    I don't recall any further interaction with Mavra after Dead Beat; Can anyone point me to any scenes after the Darkhallow's conclusion with the Word and Murphy's blackmail that reference her (Mavra) or have her in it? I don't think I'm missing anything, but memory can be a fickle thing.

    The Swords of the Cross: Faith, Hope, and Love. Fidelacchius, Esperacchius, and Amoracchius. Love is passed to Dresden for keeping at the end of Small Favor, which is (roughly) three years after events in Dead Beat, correct?

    Molly's what, 17 in Proven Guilty, and 20ish in Turn Coat?

    Magic is cut off from the surrounding area twice in Small Favor, and that type of magic, that allows the Order to capture Ivy, takes a Fuck-ton of power straight from Lucifer himself to set up. Someone tell me if the handcuffs that cut off a wizard from magic in a similar fashion are canon or fanon, and where I can find reference to them - my brain is really muddled on this one. Are there any other methods we have seen of cutting off a Wizard from his/her magic, temporarily or permanently (aside from death or by choice, by breaking an oath bound on their magic)?

    Uriel's gift of creationary magic -Soulfire or whatever you want to call it, aside from amplifying Dresden's magic when we use it, hasn't been expounded upon too greatly - other than the whole use to much and your soul goes kaput issue. Does anyone know a good webpage that has all the information about this particular concept compiled? I really don't feel like digging through Small Favor and Turn Coat again for bits and pieces of reference.

    Bock, the bookstore guy in Dead Beat- is he ever referenced again later down the line in other books, or do we assume that he is still alive as of the end of TC?

    Finally, would anyone fluent in the Dresden-Verse and Potter-Verse (yes, including the shitstorm that was DH) mind alpha reading a copy once I get finished before I set out a beta for the wolves here to pick apart?
  2. Snarf

    Snarf Squanchin' Party Bro! ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Apr 27, 2007
    Forty-Six & 2
    High Score:
    The beautiful thing about fanfiction is that you can use whatever plot ideas come into your head, even if they have very little relevance to canon.

    Well, within reason, of course.
  3. ParseltonguePhoenix

    ParseltonguePhoenix Unspeakable

    Oct 4, 2007
    South Carolina
    I don't remember any permanent info on Kumori, other than Bob-rex went for her. She may be dead, she may not.

    We haven't heard from Mavra since she got the Word from Dresden, because he threatened to end her, and she seemed to take him seriously.

    At the conclusion of SF, Dresden has Michael's sword, and Shiro's. Consequently, If you've not read the short story The Warrior, there's a plot about the swords involved there that you might want to reference.

    I'm not sure on Molly's age (in either book), but I'd guess you're close enough.

    The magical cuffs were used for sure when Madrigal Raith attempted to sell Dresden on e-Bay, so those are canon.

    We haven't learned much about soulfire. We know that its creation-based, rather than destruction, and literally uses the soul as a battery. Dresden so far (in TC) uses it to amplify his natural magic, rather than using it all by itself (except when he made the offering to Demonreach). And yes, if you use to much soul, no more soul.

    The last reference I remember (for sure) to Bock is that Dresden is no longer welcome there. Because of the shit going on during Dead beat, of course. (Lash, talking to 'himself', Corpsetaker and the ghoul, and so on.) So yeah, we assume he's still alive.

    As for reading through the stuff, I'm game, and I'm sure several others will be, too.
  4. Agayek

    Agayek Dimensional Trunk DLP Supporter

    Mar 20, 2009
    Can't help you there, been entirely too long since I've read that book.

    We have not seen Mavra again since the end of Dead Beat. My guess is that she's gonna show up at some point as the enemy of the Black Council, but it's almost purely conjecture.

    Yes. I want to say Molly is 21 in TC, but I can't remember for sure.

    The handcuffs are fanon. No such thing in Dresdenverse, though technically any magical circle is capable of the same effects. From what I understand, any circle willed into being completely magically separates the inside and the out. The Morningstar powered circle is different in that it cannot be easily broken by mortals, without experiencing an extremely painful death, ala Ursiel or whoever it was that got chucked into it.

    Edit: I'm dumb. Forgot all about Madrigal's eBay scheme. Circle thing still holds though.

    I don't have a list off hand, but here's the gist of it that I remember:
    1) Strengthens/Lengthens spell effects
    2) Can "animate" spells, giving them limited autonomy
    3) Consumes portions of the casters soul

    I believe he's mentioned one other time in the series. I wanna say in White Knight, but I could be wrong. All I remember for sure is that he is attacked in an alleyway near the bookstore after buying something and Gard and Marcone rescue him. I'm pretty certain Bock does not play an important role in anything though.
  5. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Three ways to cut a wizard off from his magic:

    1) A circle. It won't block off his internal reserve, but it will prevent the magic from reaching outside the circle, which I believe Elaine used in Summer Knight to prevent Harry from unleashing his Death Curse on Aurora.

    2) The manacles. Madrigal used them in his attempt to sell Harry on eBay and I'm pretty sure Nicodemus used them when he captured Harry in Death Masks.

    3) Running water. This is the first one we witnessed (in Grave Peril when Harry was fighting the ghost of Leonid Kravos, it will make any magic that the wizard attempts to use just break up and flow away. It also acts as a barrier against Black Court vampires, though it is not completely impermeable (as Bram Stoker's novel accurately illustrates).
  6. Sol

    Sol High Inquisitor

    Mar 19, 2008
    Note: The manacles do not cut off a wizard from his magic directly; they cause an intense amount of pain when a wizard attempts to marshal his will. They are of Fae make and, thus, are weak against iron.

    Agayek, you're confusing Bock with Dresden in Dead Beat, who is saved from Corpsetaker and her ninja ghoul by Gard and Marcone. Bock is still alive as far as we know.

    I should also point out that water doesn't technically cut a wizard off from his magic, but breaks up any magic he uses. I think Nicodemus had Dresden hanging under a stream of water to this effect in Death Masks.

    Circles are still the best way to control magical creatures, a la Ivy in Small Favor and the loup garou in Fool Moon.

    It can also be pointed out that magic has a very difficult time crossing through to and from the Nevernever.

    We don't know the details on Kumori, so do as you like.

    We haven't seen from Mavra since she got the Word.

    Molly is 21 in Turn Coat, as evidenced by her drinking Dresden's beer with the P.I. outside (his name eludes me) to get info on his employer.

    Soulfire is a type of magical support. I believe the in-book explanation is that it makes a spell (and apparently Dresden) more of what it already is, like rebar in concrete. This is how it turned Harry's Forzare into a big freaking hand. The Soulfire took the shape of the hand which cast the spell and used it as a matrix with which the use of force shaped itself around, thus turning a one-time use of force into an extended use of that force. It's still under Dresden's control, so isn't autonomous.
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