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HP/Familiar of Zero

Discussion in 'Story Search' started by Nargles, Jun 11, 2012.

  1. Nargles

    Nargles Seventh Year

    Apr 2, 2011
    East Coast, USA
    Has anybody read any good HP/FoZ fanfics? I found one, but it was incredibly stupid.

    I'm looking for one where Harry just kind of wakes up in the FoZ universe. I don't really want to see him as some Familiar, though. Is there anything like that around?
  2. Jarik

    Jarik Chief Warlock

    Feb 13, 2008
    I recently went on a mission to read pretty much all the Familiar of Zero fanfics and crossovers. Shockingly, there wasn't the abundance of HP fics you'd expect - and the one I did read seemed shockingly bad.

    On a side note, there's an abundance of Fate Stay Night crossovers, but I still haven't seen one where instead of casting Summon Familiar successfully, Louise herself gets summoned (like in Making Magick) as a Servant into the Holy Grail War. Now I can see that being funny/interesting. After The Third Magic, it has to be as Ilya's servant. =P
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2012
  3. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    Jarik.. link me to good ones.
  4. Nargles

    Nargles Seventh Year

    Apr 2, 2011
    East Coast, USA
    Jarik: I agree with Jon - link me!

    I was just reading a xover of FoZ and Assassin's Creed and I thought it was surprisingly good. I might recc it.

  5. Nocdia

    Nocdia Sixth Year

    Apr 5, 2008
    That was surprisingly good, though there doesn't seem to be all too much to go on yet. I'm not sure how I feel about the age reversal gimmick though, there's just something badass about a grey haired grandmaster assassin. At any rate, thanks for the link, definitly something to keep an eye on.

    Oh yah and obligatory link please Jarik
  6. Robo Jesus

    Robo Jesus High Inquisitor

    Jan 23, 2007
    Spacebattles Creative Writing has done a lot of work in regards to fanfiction of the FoZ series (Unfamiliar, Green Sun Prince, Be Careful What You Wish For, etc.), but there are no full HP crossovers worth mentioning (a few small snippets here and there, but that's not the same thing).
  7. oakes

    oakes Unspeakable DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2011
    I had a plot bunny in my head that involved somehow transporting Harry to Albion before the whole revolution thing and try to show the fall of royal family of Albion (does that make sense?), but I didn't managed to get past that after attempting to watch new season of Familiar of Zero. (It was horrible)

    Edit: Almost forgot. Any other links?
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2012
  8. Torric

    Torric Third Year

    Mar 26, 2012
    Of those snippets, the best was Sayle's Dumbledore cross. Hasn't been updated since 2010 though so I'm not too hopeful about it being developed into an actual fic.

    Snippet links below;



  9. Nargles

    Nargles Seventh Year

    Apr 2, 2011
    East Coast, USA

    Ok, that was pretty good.
  10. Greener

    Greener Sixth Year

    Oct 18, 2010

    Wow, that had so much potential... a character like Dumbledore is perfect for dealing with that world.

    I'm not a fan of FoZ at all, mostly because of the characters (Louise especially), but a calm, no nonsense Dumbledore like that is perfect for dealing with all those idiots. I've read a couple crossovers into that world, and every one of them let her walk all over them...

    Anyways - these ficlets make me wonder if there are any other fics out there (good ones) that have Dumbledore as the one to travel between worlds? It's usually Harry, but this makes me think that one with the headmaster could be good.
  11. Robo Jesus

    Robo Jesus High Inquisitor

    Jan 23, 2007
    I hate to say this (because it might make me sound presumptious), but that sounds like it's because you've been looking at just FFN alone for FoZ fanfics, and not in all the right places for that either.

    Hmm, lemme put up some links for you guys.

    This thread lists every story snippet done for the FoZ discussion/content/story threads. It's still updating in regards to the latest ongoing thread, but even so, this is a full listing of story snippets (some of which expanded into full blown stories in their own right) starting with author name, series title, and if provided character name and story title.

    Beyond that you've also got stories not even listed on FFN or ones that have not gotten a lot of attention, like...

    Unfamiliar, which is a must read crossover with Prototype's Alex Mercer. Yes, you read that right, and things get bad for damn near all of the characters involved. The amount of world building is also damn near awe-inspiring as well, considering this is something of a fusion fic.

    Breaking In Rumia, which is acrossover with the Touhou character who embodies the fear of the night, and thinks Humans are delicious. Louise ends up having to kill a lot of people, some of them quite "Innocent" by our standards, due to events that occur in-story.

    The Eternal Sovereign, which is a very amusing crossover with a very hammy D&D Dread Necromancer who is on the path to Lichdom.

    Finally, you have Velle Anima, which is considered to be one of the most emotionally gut wrenching oneshots ever created.

    These were just a few off the top of my head in regards to that. Maybe you'll find some of them to your liking.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2012
  12. TMNTurtwig

    TMNTurtwig Professor

    Oct 9, 2011
    Good God, that was depressing. And the knowledge of where it's going... no. I don't think I'll be reading any more of that particular crossover. Fucking hell. It's well written, but damn. Holy shit. I mean, seriously? Fuck. Damn. Excuse me I'll be in the "Official pics that make you go :3" thread. I need some good feels after that.
  13. yak

    yak Moderator DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Jul 28, 2007
    Thanks to Robojesus' indexing efforts I've found a fourth piece to that.

    The first 3 links you gave were later re-posted as one by the author: http://forums.spacebattles.com/showpost.php?p=6182933&postcount=184

    The new bit: http://forums.spacebattles.com/showpost.php?p=6187110&postcount=265
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2012
  14. Jarik

    Jarik Chief Warlock

    Feb 13, 2008
    Okay, so I haven't really read any of the ones on Space Battles, just Fanfiction.net. And to make matters worse, I haven't actually read/watched Zero no Tsukaima - I pretty much started the fandom with Hill of Swords.

    Anyways, the ones I enjoyed (I'd hesitate to call any of them "great", but more Almost Recommendable Material):


    Drifters Series - One of my favorite (Despite being a complete guilty pleasure). Pretty much insertion of a Japanese-American soldier into the fic. One thing unique is instead of being summoned by Louise, he wakes up in Albion and starts a revolution there (similar to what you were saying ocs), then ends up at war with everyone else.

    It's what you'd expect of a Gary Stu - undefeated in tactics and battle, super honourable and moralistic, always ends up on top, etc etc. Still it was decently written and pretty fun. Sequel is being written now. But seriously, as bad as it sounds, it's one of the better (full length) ones. I'd suggest giving it a go.

    Emperor of Zero - Makiri actually recommended this in the Other Fandom's Almost Recommendable thread. Pretty much Louise summons Napoleon Bonaparte, who decides to restart his campaign to take over as much as possible. Written pretty well, and Napoleon is characterised pretty decently.

    Fate Stay Night Crossovers (most of these were recced in another thread):

    Hill of Swords - Gabriel_blessing...so expect a lot of wordy text. One thing unique about it is well...it's actually finished. Louise summons Shirou, who might as well be Archer at the stage he's at. Pretty fun at the start, becomes a bit boring at the middle (might just be because I haven't read/watched ZnT) and has a decent ending.

    Like a King - Louise summons Gilgamesh. Didn't seem to be continued, despite having a pretty hilarious premise. Still, quite fun.

    Alexandriad - the Song of Fire- Also had a lot of potential. Rider/Alexander the Great was the target of the summoning spell this time. Once again, short and seems to be discontinued.

    The Third Magic - Louise summoned Ilya (who then summons Hercules). Abandoned now, though got through a bit more than the above two did. Also had an annoying side story about Tiffania summoning Archerko (character from FSN doujinshi).

    Assassin's Creed Crossover:

    On the Wings of an Eagle - As mentioned above. Somewhat fun, though still in the early stages.

    Evangelion Crossover:

    Surrogate of Zero - In DLP library

    Magicka Crossover:

    Making Magick
    - In DLP library

    Shorter list than I was expecting actually. And most of them have already been recommended here....oh wel. Seriously, most of the others are pretty much....not very good. I read them out of desperation and boredom, but I won't even bother listen them here.

    I don't think I've read the ones posted above, will give them a go. Thanks RoboJesus and Torric. Can be a real pain going through Space Battles forums looking for updates (like seriously, why have discussion threads going for 200+ pages, with snippets from multiple fics hidden in there?), the few times I have been there. >_<
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2012
  15. yak

    yak Moderator DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Jul 28, 2007
    I've never played Prototype, but that didn't stop me from enjoying the story. The author included just enough background info that you can follow along without trouble.

    The early chapters were not very good, but it constantly improves to the point where the last few chapters are 5/5. It's well worth taking your time to read Unfamiliar.