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Discussion in 'Story Search' started by Odran, Jan 8, 2015.

  1. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    I don't know how many folks here enjoy reading Warhammer Fantasy and/or 40k novels, but I myself have been doing so for many years now. Unfortunately, what GW publishes via Black Library isn't always enough and lately I've been craving some more Warhammer goodness, preferably 40k, but as I enjoy Fantasy as well I won't look to exclude this from the thread. Hence the turn towards fanfiction.

    Basically, I'm just looking for good 40k fanfiction right now. I don't have anything against crossovers either, whether crack!fics or otherwise, but they have to be at least somewhat decent.

    Really, anything is welcome, though I admit I'm more partial to Traitor Legion-centric stories than others, though I've found quite a few Mechanicus-centric stories to be exceptional too. I'll be scouring the internet, and FFN, on my own in the meantime, but figured I'm going to overlook something, so why the hell not ask DLP about it?

    I suppose you could make this a discussion thread for Warhammer fanfics as well.

    Oh and if there's any good ongoing Warhammer quest, feel free to bring it up and post a bit about it; while that may not be my thing, at least not to fully participate in one, I enjoy reading the archived stuff.
  2. Hachi

    Hachi Death Eater

    Sep 5, 2010
    In the Zone
    The Mission stays the same

    It's a fairly interesting Warhammer 40k/Mass Effect crossover, well written and not about OP Space Marines roflstomping everything, rather a lone Stormtrooper and a Farseer thrown in the ME universe after a fight with a daemon.
    It also has 200k+ words.

    The Corpseman

    A Krieger thrown into the Marvel universe, and discovered by SHIELD. Quite short unfortunately and it hasn't been updated in months, but it has potential.

    There's also the Inquisitor Carrow series : basically Harry Potter is an Astartes. Mayhem ensues. It's definitely more humourous than serious.

    Haven't found a purely Warhammer fanfiction that has interested me, but I haven't been looking too much.
  3. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    I believe I've already read all there is so far of the first fic you've recommended and I've enjoyed it a great deal in fact. Shame about the lack of update, but hey if Santi updated his fic, there's hope yet for everything else as well.

    The second fic you recommended... uhh, let's say I have certain reservations. I mean, from what I know about Krieg and its regiments, they're not particularly lively fellows, are they? Not a whole lot they can bring to the party, not to mention a solitary Kriegsman wouldn't have all that much of an impact on a world already filled with metahumans and super-scientists, would it? I'll give it a try all the same, due to lack of anything else.

    Thanks Hachi!
  4. Dewgs

    Dewgs Squib

    Sep 5, 2011
    Hi Odran!

    Here's a few I've enjoyed over the years, I preemptively apologise about any formatting/description sins I commit with this post (I don't post often!).

    The Warp is Calm
    It's a 40k/Mass Effect crossover. Basically a wormhole is found (from memory) and an inquisitor sets up a presence in the universe. A rewrite is in progress over on spacebattles.

    Confessions of a Wayward Son
    The God of Death
    These two are by the author Tyrant of the East. The first is a 20k word piece about a chaos warband, the second is a crossover with warcraft in which a space marine finds himself.

    Rise of the Tau
    A monster of a fic. My link is probably not the best place to read it, it was just the first one google returned. It's about a Space Marines Chaplain waking up as his ship re-enters reality after 6 centuries into a galaxy dominated by the tau.

    A short one-shot that Gauis Marius posted the other day on spacebattles that had me salivating (a warhammer/asoiaf).

    There's more than a few great warhammer quests running on sufficient velocity forums at the moment. A 40k quest I've enjoyed recently is The Iron within - detailing the defense of a hive world during the horus heresy.
  5. Erandil

    Erandil Minister of Magic

    Jul 27, 2008
    Service in his shadow

    Probably one of the better, non-cross over stories. We follow a young commissar cadet that joins the great imperial hero Commisar Cain when he serves in the Valhallan regiment. Tries to be similar to the books and achieves that-at least most of the time. You should have read the books first through- otherwise a lot of the humour will be lost on you.
  6. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    I just actually finished reading "The Warp is Calm" last night, or what there is of it on FFN. Strange how I'm not that big of a fan of the author's "Brutal Harry" yet this one made me positively giddy.

    However, I remember reading both that "Confessions..." fic and the other one that's crossed over with Warcraft, and while I vaguely remember enjoying the former, I can't remember why I gave up on reading the latter.

    "The Prophet" really needs to be expanded a lot more.

    And I've just started reading that "Rise of the Tau" and am completely befuddled how that particular race managed to survive amongst all the other threats of 41M, let alone rise to ascendancy in place of the Imperium.

    Thank you for all of these.

    And thank you Erandil as well.
  7. Dewgs

    Dewgs Squib

    Sep 5, 2011
    I can't believe I forgot my favourite fics!

    In Memoria
    Following the life of Jolan Gix, an inquisitor. Definitely my favourite 40k fiction, I've re-read it a few times. Basically details the life of an inquisitor and certain members of his retinue through some very dark and harrowing times.

    Under his sign
    In Memoria is a story about one of Jolans inquisitor contemporaries. Maladar, an almost space marine sized inquisitor known for his more brutal approach towards solving inquisitorial business finds himself stranded on a feral world (about ww1 tech) and sets about trying to conquer it and bring it into the imperial fold.

    I highly recommend both of these. Love them to bits.
  8. Nemrut

    Nemrut The Black Mage ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 9, 2009
    Department of Post-Mortem Communications
    High Score:
    Heartily second the Abel and Cain stories.

    If you don't mind a crossover, quite partial towards this one, although, I guess it is more PMMM centric than WH40k.

    Puella Stellea Madoka Magica by Snowflames

  9. Blinker

    Blinker Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    Jul 27, 2011
    Bristol, UK
    For quests I assume you're familiar with Gaius Marius'? If not you should definitely give them a shot (both the long running fantasy one and his more recent one with loyalist Iron Warriors). I've never read much from the black library, what would you recommend as a good starter. My preferences lean towards space marines (vanilla/chaos) over guard or Xenos.

    Edit: have just seen that the Iron Within has already been recced above
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2015
  10. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    Right, Iron Within aside, what's that other quest you're talking about?

    I can't say I can recommend all that many Space Marine-centric novels, but here goes:

    Blood Angels series is quite decent from what I remember, but granted I read these when they originally came out so my memory is a tad murky.

    Better known, or more famous if you will, are the Space Wolf series of novels which follow Ragnar Blackmane, from basic Fenrisian life to all sorts of adventures and horrors as a Space Wolf.

    And one last series of novels I can recommend is the Ultramarine series. Now, it has its fair share of the good stuff, and then there's a 'oh god why' bit which really just wants to make you bang your head against the wall. Fortunately, I can only think of that one particular scene which might turn you off (you'll know it when you read about it), but overall the series is worth it.

    Then there's Deathwatch, mind you that's just the single novel, rather than any anthology you might come across.

    Then there's the whole Space Marine Battles series which is really self-contained novels which talk about the more famous battles of individual chapters. Personally, I've enjoyed reading Rynn's World, Helsreach, and Wrath of Ironj.

    Any other SM related books there might be I haven't read, so I can't say 'yay' or 'nay' for them.

    Hope you actually find something enjoyable in this bunch.
  11. Erandil

    Erandil Minister of Magic

    Jul 27, 2008
    If you mean the Fantasy Warhammer Quest by Gaius Marius it is: Warhammer Dynasties

    You follow the actions of an Elector Count and his family.

    Another entertaining WH40k quest is Death or Glory

    You are a Blood Angel who is chosen to lead a new successor chapter
  12. Audeamus

    Audeamus Sixth Year

    May 22, 2010
    I remember reading this one ages ago.
    It's been a while so my memory isn't perfect on it, but what I remember well enough is:

    • The writing starts off a bit weak, but gets better over time. Since it has many PoVs it was mostly apparent in those shifts and the author messing up a tense.
    • It's complete and covers most of the big factions with some sort of PoV - Chaos, Eldar, Necrons, Imperium, Tyranids. Probably had Orks too.
    • The tone of the story managed to keep a good balance between grimdark and plot progression. All sides have their victories and costs to them, but there isn't needless grimderp wanking.
    • The plot itself was good enough. I don't recall any huge deus ex machina or completely breaking my SoD at any point, but I'm not that well versed in Wh40K lore, so *shrug*
  13. Hachi

    Hachi Death Eater

    Sep 5, 2010
    In the Zone
    A Quest I've found on Sufficient Velocity.

    It follows an ArchMagos and her struggles at setting up a Forge World somewhere in space.

    It's well written and the quest events are quite engaging.

    And more importantly imho, it focuses on a MC that isn't an Astartes or an Inquisitor. I like them well enough, but every time I look around for a 40k quest/fiction or even video games (looking at you Warhammer 40k : Space Marines), it's always about those superdudes and rarely about 'normal' humans (or even semi-augmented humans). Pretty much why I like Creed and Cain that much.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2015
  14. Tasoli

    Tasoli Minister of Magic

    Dec 22, 2008
    Behind the keyboard
    Oooo... I have got bunch of stories I can recommend, I love warhammer;
    The Shape of the Nightmares to Come[50k];
    Summary:It is the 51st Millennium and I cannot wake up from this nightmare! I cannot wake up!
    Link: here *note it is only stored in another forum.

    Age of the Dusk[60k]
    Summary:It is the 61st Millennium, and the Age of Dusk is upon us. Let us hope dawn will break on a new universe. For hope is all we have, screaming against the storm.
    Link: here *note it is only stored in another forum.
    Note:Sequel to The shape of the Nightmares to Come

    Essentially what happens after the canon 40k, It is long and darker than canon than in some places but tone get lighter in the 60k. It is very long.
    Poker Night By: Academia Nut
    Summary:When a Hero of the Imperium perishes, the stakes are never higher. Warhammer 40k crossed with a variety of other universes
    Note: Caphias Cain story with slight Xover.

    Big Sister [40k/Nanaoha]
    Summary:N/A; Vulkan and his sister.
    Link: here *note it is only stored in another forum.

    Return of the Lost Primarch By: drakensis
    Summary:What if the swarming Tyranid invasions were nothing but rag tag fleets? What if someone was chasing them...?

    Short oneshot. Won't spoil but recomend.

    Heritage of Zestra III by Alexander Degtyarev
    Summary: The story of how a girl was turned into Dreadnought to travel trough the Imperium alongside a Techmarine to restore his destroyed Chapter to it's former glory. Read to find out where the Emperor leads them.

    What it says in the sum, I like it, even if it tests your SoD. Sadly dead.

    The Evil That Men Do – A tale of a Heresy.
    Summary:N/A; BY Dark_Demon; It's about a still Loyalist!Horus who finds out about the future thanks to some Warp shenanigans bringing a derelict Strike Cruiser from the 41st Millennium back in time and his subsequent efforts to stop it from coming to pass.

    Story in AH forums and requares an account in order to read.

    If the Emperor had a Text to Speech Device?
    Summary:It's pretty funny, it's basically a crack serial. With the Emperor complaining about the state of things.

    Youtube serial that is practially weapons grade crack.

    that should keep you alittle busy.
  15. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    For "The Evil That Men Do - A tale of Heresy" alone, you have my thanks, Tasoli. I haven't looked at any of the others you linked, and I don't think I will. In truth, initially I doubted I'd even read anything from that list, I almost expected "TETMD" to be some horrible fix-it attempt which would make me nauseous moments into reading it, when in fact it's been fan-fucking-tastic, barring the odd line or two. It really does feel like a HH novel, and not just some poor attempt at recreating that impression.

    Granted, so far I'm only up to Chapter 8, so I can't say the whole thing is amazing, just the portion leading up to it. But I doubt I'll be disappointed with any of the remaining chapters.
  16. OneirosTheWriter

    OneirosTheWriter Second Year

    Feb 11, 2015
    Read through the first few chapters one night and heartily agree, very good so far. I loved the Ciaphas Cain books and this is a very good attempt to match that style.
  17. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    I just stumbled across this today while lurking on SV's User Fiction subforum: Tales of the Primarchs.

    So far, only the alternate take on Angron's upbringing and meeting with the Emperor has been done, but it's been done in such a way that I honestly consider it better than quite a few HH novels published so far (though not all, naturally). Angron's story, as the Conquerer, is over and done and next in line is Konrad Curze, Primarch of the Night Lords. No idea when there will be an update, but I'm putting the thread on my watchlist and I recommend any other who enjoy 40k, or in this instance 30k, to give the story a read, it's absolutely fantastic.
  18. gbbz

    gbbz Professor

    Jul 21, 2010
    I'm surprised no one recced this: Vultures of the Imperium

    It's probably better than most of the official 40k books out there (which are crap usually).
  19. Dr. Strange Lulz

    Dr. Strange Lulz Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Dec 26, 2006
    On Melancholy Hill

    I'm sorry, I must be mistaken... I could have sworn that you just committed heresy up in this thread.
  20. gbbz

    gbbz Professor

    Jul 21, 2010
    Nope, they are crap. Even some of Abnett's work and don't get me started on later Space Wolf books. The Horus Heresy is also not the bright jewel people think it is. It's got the Emprah, sure, but it's still very bad pulp writing. That's my opinion anyway.

    BTW, my orkish friends are not afraid of any Inquisitorial inquiry, we'll stomp dem gud!
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