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Star Wars Episode VIII (Spoilers)

Discussion in 'Movies, Music and TV shows' started by Red Aviary, Feb 15, 2016.

  1. Hush

    Hush Seventh Year

    Jun 7, 2016
    High Score:
    Are you deliberately being obtuse, or am I missing the humour in your straw manning? Or did you ignore my other post as well as the actual point I was trying to make. It's fine. Annoying but whatever. Maybe I didn't make my point very clearly. But then you also didn't read my next post in the thread and there wasn't that many.

    I'm okay with fuel existing. But not it being a precious resource. Like the movie Solo implies. Why? Because it fucks up interplanetary travel and the economics of it. How many people could afford to go planet hopping like we see our protagonists regularly doing? What happens if you run out of fuel and are forced to land on a planet but because it's such a precious resource that planet doesn't have any. Well, you're fucked, aren't you? I don't see how this is an interesting plot device. Especially for movies of any sort. Give me one good movie that wasn't set in a dystopian or post apocalyptic time where fuel was major plot point. The fact that you're implicitly defending its inclusion is baffling. You want fuel done right watch Back to the Future 2.

    No but if suddenly it became integral to the plot that Kylo couldn't fight to his best ability because he needed to take a massive shit, then that would be cause to complain, wouldn't you agree? Some reference to its existence is vastly different to it being a major plot point. Let's actually keep the analogies relevant.

    Just because you make up excuses in your head to fill the narrative gaps, doesn't make it a good movie. Everything should be readily apparent, implicitly or explicitly. A movie needs to stand on its own at the end of the day and if it can't it's due to a flaw in the script. TLJ had the weakest script of any SW movie to date, at least the characters were fairly consistent in the prequels even. I also distinctly remember saying I wanted to stop bitching about it. So can we stop? Because I think on some level when you aren't reducing my points, you fixated on this particular one, to the level of a five year old in your head that you actually agree with me.
  2. Arthellion

    Arthellion Lord of the Banned ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Apr 14, 2017
    Georgia, USA
    High Score:
    I don't think anyone is really disagreeing there are serious issues with the Last Jedi. It sucks and breaks the rules of the universe..

    But the fact you're focusing on fuel in spite of all of the other crap is just odd. Fuel is an established part of the lore. And it is a precious resource. There was a whole arc in the clone wars about the Republic having to save this one planet (think it was malastare) in order to maintain their fuel lines.

    Fuel is a precious resource. Its not so precious that the average spacer cannot afford it, but yeah.

    That said...when you look at the start wars galaxy, there are trillions of people who don't own spacecraft. Who don't go hopping around. So it resource depletion isn't as big an issue.

    There was an interesting article (couldn't find it :( ) I read that talked about how rich the politicians on coruscant must be in comparison to the rest of the galaxy. They casually buy planets.
  3. Hush

    Hush Seventh Year

    Jun 7, 2016
    High Score:
    You guys focused on the fuel point, I made an exacerbated throwaway line that I defended. My point of contention being that Solo was doubling down on fuel when it was never even mentioned in the films ever before and that it was a terrible plot point (oh, look. That link on fuel had one paragraph in it, it must've been important). I felt that they used Solo to try and explain things for the sake of TLJ. I did mentioned a number of other criticisms. Can you guys stop straw manning and bandwagoning, bloody hell. If I was bringing up the fuel thing or fixating on it, it was because it was a less obvious point that no one else was mentioning that was promptly sarcastically attacked. Actually read my posts or do I need to mention to get them to read everyone, stop cherry picking the posts you read guys. I feel like I'm speaking a different language because you guys wilfully choose no to read the thread.

    Did you just want me to whinge about Luke's character assassination, I thought that everyone knew how atrocious his arc was? Just look at Mark, having to sit next to the guy that destroyed one of the most beloved characters in the history of fiction.

    I didn't feel the need to speak about Luke because Mark Hamill said everything that needed to be said in his interviews before he walked them back and went silent. Likely because he didn't want to stir up anymore hate because he knew that it was unproductive... but I hadn't had my bitch and moan yet and gave myself a short burst to rant. So to all of you reading this you're welcome. I'm sure that some of that was at least mildly amusing.
  4. Arthellion

    Arthellion Lord of the Banned ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Apr 14, 2017
    Georgia, USA
    High Score:
    Fair enough..

    Hadn't seen that video yet.

    The pure hatred and loathing on Hamill's face...

  5. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
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    From his many interviews on the subject, some even on major promotion venues, I wish Disney shared even a fraction of his vision for Luke, instead of quaadrupling down on this need to murder the original trilogy so the new movies can ... what? Stand on their own? That's retarded in so many ways.
  6. Arthellion

    Arthellion Lord of the Banned ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Apr 14, 2017
    Georgia, USA
    High Score:
    Gonna be honest. After The Last Jedi, the only movies I'm interested in seeing are if they do a Kenobi movie (with McGregor) and if they decided to touch on the Old Republic with the TV Show or the other trilogy.
  7. Heather_Sinclair

    Heather_Sinclair Chief Warlock

    Jan 19, 2008
    The Eighth Circle of Hell
    It's not officially official, but the Kenobi movie is greenlit. Script to be delivered by January-February. Filming to begin in April 2019. Ewan is in serious talks for the role and is up for at least one, possibly more.

    Fan rage, boycotting Solo (massive Solo studio loss), is also putting Kathleen Kennedy's Job in jeopardy. We can only hope she gets the shitcan. I don't know if it's just internet bullshit or if it's true, but fucking up a virtually guaranteed cash-cow like Star Wars is a sure road to ruin.

    From what I've read, Dave Filoni is a possible replacement. For those that don't know, he's responsible for Rebels, and for the decision to trash the EU whole-cloth, among others. So... I don't know if he's the ideal guy to bring in, but at least he's someone different. He's also responsible for Clone Wars (animated), but I don't give him full credit since it was still under Lucas at the time. Given the freedom to do what he wanted, he went with Rebels.

    With the decisions to go with a Boba Fett and a Kenobi movie, I think it's just an appeasement to the fans for fucking up the universe so badly... and hopefully save their jobs and one of their cash-cows, but I'll take it.
  8. Arthellion

    Arthellion Lord of the Banned ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Apr 14, 2017
    Georgia, USA
    High Score:
    Give TimothyZahn the reigns. I don’t even care if he’s unqualified. He -gets- Star Wars.

    Or...in a perfect world..

    Give it to Hamill
  9. Heather_Sinclair

    Heather_Sinclair Chief Warlock

    Jan 19, 2008
    The Eighth Circle of Hell
    I could totally see this. Now we need a Mark Hamill, shooting Force lighting everywhere, meme with "UNLIMITED POWER!"

    Of course it would never happen, but it's a fun thought.
  10. Red Aviary

    Red Aviary Hogdorinclawpuff ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 25, 2008
    High Score:
    I'd rather have Filoni than Kennedy right now.
  11. Erandil

    Erandil Minister of Magic

    Jul 27, 2008
    The reason their fuel is so valuable is because they manage to secure enough to fuel entire fleets. That doesn't necessarily mean that it is that expensive in "smaller"/diluted quantities. They practically stole several RL tankers worth of fuel which even in our world would be enough to be a massive payday without having the average guy being unable to drive his car around. And if you add to that that fuel is an established concept in the universe, expanded or not I really don't get your critique...

    And as one of the few persons (and even fewer Starwars fans) on earth who seemingly liked both TLJ (at least more than the previous movie) and Solo I really hope that they don't give up on trying to do something different with Starwars. The original trilogy was nice and all but I wouldn't exactly call its story very original. And I honestly prefer their handling of Luke far above the messianic portrayal of him found in some of the EU (the dumbing of which in my opinion was the correct action considering that while it had some interesting ideas and stories most of it is little more than published fanfiction)