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Plot Bunny Thread: Other Fandoms

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Oneiros, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. Oneiros

    Oneiros Groundskeeper

    May 2, 2009
    Essentially this:

    Except for other fandoms. I see individual threads talking about plot bunnies on here so I figured why not make one official thread?

    I'll start with an admittedly ill thought out plot bunny I've been recently struck with...

    The Fandom: Bleach

    The Idea: Ever wonder how Ichigo made his huge jumps in power possible? I did, and the only decent idea I could come up with is that he used to be a captain, but he lost his memories/had them repressed in an effort to help evade the soul society's gaze. This takes place shortly after the Rukia goes MIA, and the fight (if you can call it that) with a captain was enough to override the memory block.

    From there it would diverge into a semi-cross with Zatoichi. Wherein, Ichigo discovers his past as the former captain of the 11th division. If anyone has seen the movies, you could guess his fighting style already. He is much like Zaraki in that he was impatient to become a captain so he decided to use other means to achieve this end namely he slaughtered the entire division unseated and seated alike which gained him the name Ichi the Killer.

    He would be the polar opposite to Zaraki's bloodthirsty fighting style preferring to show his mastery of the zanpakuto by killing with a single strike while his zanpakuto is in the sealed state all the while keeping both of his eyes closed.
  2. Lion

    Lion Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Jul 8, 2009
    That place

    Pretty cool idea if you could find a way to make him loosing his memories realistic or at least not something stupid than that would be an extremely great story.

    Naruto Plot Bunny
    Madara becomes the Hokage instead an Hashirama. Hash leaves and gains control of Kyuubi and instead he is the one to attack Konoha. Hashirama forming the Akatsuki would be pretty cool. That and having Sarutobi train under Madara and Tobirama would likely change more than a few things in Konoha.

    Or to take it another way both the first and second leave and have a completely different konoha with some OC as the second, Danzo as the third, and Minato as the fourth. Seeing the Sanin trained under Danzo would be so different the author could radically change Konoha.
  3. ChaosGuy

    ChaosGuy Unspeakable

    Aug 21, 2009
    Naruto Plot Bunny
    The sealing technique that Minato used calls for the souls of the sealer and sealed to be in the Shingami's stomach. However, by sealing the Kyuubi into Naruto it messed up the technique. The Shinigami uses this to his advantage, instead of being in the Shinigami's stomach they, Minato and Naruto(or maybe just Naruto), become his servants/tools in a proxy war between varies deities.

    The idea itself came from SMT overload in case anyone was wondering.
  4. turtle7

    turtle7 Backtraced

    Apr 18, 2010
    So like prophets of a god?
  5. ChaosGuy

    ChaosGuy Unspeakable

    Aug 21, 2009
    Sort of, but less warnings/spreading the word and more killing/hindering of other gods and their champions.
  6. Grubdubdub

    Grubdubdub Supreme Mugwump

    Feb 22, 2008
    Fandom: Pokemon.

    The idea, in a nutshell, is Ash becoming a Pokemon Master.

    Groundbreaking, right? Well, it's never been done properly before, so what the heck.

    I don't have anything specific in mind -I'm thinking as I'm writing- but it probably should start as Ash being an already established trainer, and then having him as a gym leader, then Elite Four, then Champion and finally a Pokemon Master. This is obviously bullshit: it doesn't matter as long as you make him a Pokemon Master - srsly...

    What's a Pokemon Master? well, surprisingly (or maybe not) it's never explained on the show - or anywhere else that I know of for that matter. The most common view of it is the champion of champions.

    Also, unlike the other successful Pokemon stories that are spurting out of nowhere right now, I think this shouldn't have a dark/edgy feel to it. Mature, but not dark.

    I realize that the bunny isn't much as far as detailed story lines go, but this is more of a plea for a completed Pokemon fanfiction with the feel of the first 2 seasons. Any attempt would be appreciated, and I do feel that I'm not alone in this wish.

    Last edited: May 1, 2010
  7. Oneiros

    Oneiros Groundskeeper

    May 2, 2009
    The way it was stated that he wanted to be a pokemon master made me always assume there is more than one master. Though, I have no clue what being a master would entail. If the average gym leader is any indication they are far from being masters what with the average trainer being able to beat them. Some are fairly easy to beat.

    It isn't catching every pokemon either because lord knows with the way more of them keep popping up, you'd never get to the end. Is it someone who has trained with a set number of pokemon so much that he has honed their skill to the highest ability of that type? I'm not sure. It could just be someone who has won a certain number of battles though that seems too easy. You would first need to come up with a rock solid definition of what it is be be a master then figuring out where to take the rest of the story will fall in place much more quickly.
  8. Innomine

    Innomine Alchemist ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    This is quite possibly the only worthwhile thing i've ever seen you post.

    I do however like the idea, and would be interested in reading it ,if the quality was like The Sun Soul.
  9. Krogan

    Krogan Alien in a Hat ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Dec 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    This has been done to an extent, I forget the name of the fic but I think Howdy wrote it and the basic idea as I recall was that due to a screw up during the sealing process Naruto ends up working for the Shinigami directly.
  10. ChaosGuy

    ChaosGuy Unspeakable

    Aug 21, 2009
    ...seriously? Any chance it was ever finished? Either way it should be a nice way to kill time.

    EDIT: Any idea what the title was or maybe a link? I can't seem to find it.
    Last edited: May 1, 2010
  11. Hashasheen

    Hashasheen Half-Blood Prince

    Sep 10, 2008
    Scooby Dooby Doo:

    8 years ago, one Shaggy Rogers discovered the truth on a Boy Scouts camping trip: Monsters are real. The only survivor of his troop, he became an outcast afterwards as he spent his time delving into the supernatural. 3 years after, he saved Fred Jones from a vampire, and in doing so, made his first human friend in quite some time. The two of them later saved one Daphne Blake and one Velma Dinkley from a wraith they encountered when entering an abandoned hospital on a dare. Together with Shaggy's latest battle-hound Scooby-Doo, the 5 ride the Mystery Machine all over the United States, hunting down anything and everything supernatural.

    Hadn't had much more than this planned out, but it was going to be a Supernatural like story.

  12. azrael

    azrael Professor

    Mar 14, 2008
    Hash, I would totally read that shit.
  13. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Sounds like it could make a decent Dresden crossover as well, though I'd be hesitant to bring Dresden himself into the action.
  14. Hashasheen

    Hashasheen Half-Blood Prince

    Sep 10, 2008
    So would I. Which is why I'm putting out there for our better authors to work on. I've offloaded nearly 95% of my ideas onto various forums, from Scooby Doo to DC Comics to Republic: The Revolution to Stargate SG1, etc... I've only got a couple of Ben 10 ideas left and I'm angling to drop that somewhere as well...

    True. It's not that complicated a concept: Monsters exists and the Scooby Doo gang hunt them. You could put in anything from Bleach to Buffy and it could work. *shrugs* :)
  15. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Heh, fair enough. Just the mention of ghouls got me thinking Dresden so I went with that. :p
  16. Deplore

    Deplore Seventh Year

    Mar 22, 2011

    Attempting to recreate Minato's prized Flying Thunder God no jutsu is risky; more so when you're dealing with seals. Doubly so when the said seals control space-time continuum.

    Naruto flubs the seal upon casting it due to his poor chakra control. Instead of landing at his intended target in his world, he lands several thousand years into the future -- a hellish world where the End War has been incited by Archangel Abbadon... for the Horsemen of the Apocalypse walk upon earth once more.

    Dazed, Naruto attempts to figure out his situation as he is besieged from all sides, from the demonic hordes to the squads of angels with advanced technology to everything in-between. Unfortunately, his plans are shattered when the Charred Council summons representatives from each race to determine the fate of Earth. As the last living human on earth, he was forced to participate in an arena facing the chosen champions from Heaven and Hell, Archangel Uriel and Archdemon Samael, in a battle royale to determine the fate of Earth.

    This has been kicking around in my mind for a while. Damned persistent.
    Last edited: May 13, 2011
  17. ASmallBundleOfToothpicks

    ASmallBundleOfToothpicks Professor

    Aug 24, 2010

    So basically, you plot-ex-machina Naruto to Earth, during the Apocalypse, to be put into a martial arts tournament with the Devil?

    When I saw Abaddon, I was all :D, because I thought of WH40k. Then I was like: :fire:fire:fire:fire:fire:fire:fire:fire:fire:fire:fire:fire:fire:fire:fire:fire:fire:fire:fire

    So yeah. Anywho. If you do write it, please post it somewhere that I don't frequent enough to read it, like FFN or Ficwad. If you do post it in WBA, you may very well be flamed. That is a piece of irredeemable crap.

    On a different note: I mentioned this in the Prisoner Naruto thread, but I am working on a story based on that awful, awful cliche of Naruto being raised by Summons. The basic idea is that Naruto couldn't find the Forbidden Scroll of Seals (which is something that has always bugged me about canon, how the hell did an academy student, with what I assume is next to nil for a security clearance, know where to find something with every single technique in the ninja village?) and settled for a different scroll that he picked for looking awesome. It turns out that it's a summoning scroll, and Naruto follows the instructions (signing his name in blood with a hand print) only to summon one of the creatures who then grabs him, and brings him before its lord.

    Thus, Naruto never becomes a ninja of Konoha.

    Three years later, Team 7 is reunited to investigate reports of chakra usage, by many unregistered signatures, on the boarder of Rice and Fire country. Specifically, they're afraid that Oto infiltrators are instigating a peasant uprising. So Sasuke, Sakura, and Kiba (Yep. Kiba.) are off to investigate. What they find is that some guy, called the Sage of the South Gate has been teaching the peasants how to use Chakra to help them do their jobs. Farmers suddenly can furrow their fields with a couple of handseals, irrigate their crops much easier, and so on. Basically, they can do all the D-ranks themselves.

    Naturally, it turns out that the Sage of the South Gate is Naruto, and he is searching for the Four Heavenly Scrolls, Birds, Tigers, Dragons, and Turtles, which guard the Gates of Heaven. Naruto is the Bird summoner, and is in the area because he heard that the Tiger scroll was hidden there. He'd find it, move on to the Dragon Scroll, and then eventually the Turtle Scroll. The way I figure it, Maito Gai is the unwitting inheritor of the Turtle Scroll, and thus Naruto will go to great lengths to get a hold of it from Gai.

    I would imagine a fairly antagonistic relationship between Naruto and Konoha at first, since he is literally slapping the bread from their mouths. I would also like to explore how the characters of Sakura and Sasuke might develop in the absence of Naruto (not going to that ill-fated chunin exam, for instance) and how these changed individuals would react to Naruto in all his campy glory. Nagato and Tobi would eventually get involved as soon as they realize that the Sage of the South Gate has the Kyuubi in his stomach.
    Last edited: May 26, 2011
  18. Deplore

    Deplore Seventh Year

    Mar 22, 2011
    Well, do you have any better idea on how to send Naruto traveling through time into the End War era?

    Time travel jutsu? Kakashi's mangeko-sharingan (sp?) dojutsu? Madara's space-time continuum jutsu? Botched summoning jutsu?

    Quite frankly, I chose the Flying Thunder God jutsu because it's the easiest (logical) deux ex machina that Naruto has access to. Seeing how Minato's jutsu is genuinely a space-time jutsu, it would stand to reason that Naruto would want to emulate his father through the jutsu.

    No, I likely won't write it, but if I do, I will post it somewhere on this forum. Criticism is a excellent source to find holes/problems, and this forum is not lacking in that regard. So if I do decide to churn out something, I'm very sorry to say that you likely will see it.

    Regarding your plot bunny: Honestly, I have some reservation. I've been lurking at that other Naruto Plot Bunny thread too. On paper, it sounds great. Botched summoning (wait a minute... this sounds familiar! I wonder... :awesome) Given a task to gather all four summoning. Awesome.

    But, uh, teaching chakra to civilians? That's not exactly something you can easily teach, anyway. Konoha has an academy that's designed to weed out those who can't use chakra (the final exams which requires you to demonstrate a jutsu is a good indicator of that). Moreover, it is implied that Konoha Academy has a high failure rate. Plus, every person who became a shinobi knows how to use chakra (Rock Lee is an exception).

    I would recommend changing that part to something else: Have Naruto do the equivalent of low ranked missions in Wave. This would tweak Konoha's nose, as low ranked missions are their bread and butter (speculation) and Naruto is taking their business away. This, IMO, would warrant a valid reason for Konoha to show up demanding restitution.

    Everything else sounds great. If you can develop this into an AU (as in, no character in the story follows the canon storyline in any way), I would definitely give it a shot.
    Last edited: May 27, 2011
  19. ASmallBundleOfToothpicks

    ASmallBundleOfToothpicks Professor

    Aug 24, 2010
    Oddly enough, my problem is with the rest of your idea, not the Deus Ex Machina. You're right- the Hiraishin is the most elegant manner to teleport him to another universe after the Naruto plot has wrapped up. It is cliche, but it's cliche because it does solve a lot of xover problems. The hole, in this case, has more to do simply including Darkstalkers elements. You know, the whole martial arts tournament with mythological creatures of the Judeo-Christian tradition. Gah.

    Well... maybe you can execute it well enough that reading it won't make my eyes bleed. Best of luck there, you've seriously got some stinkers to work with, if you do.

    Cliche plot elements? In fan fiction? Sacrilege!

    Ah, I see you interpret canon a bit differently than I do. This is my interpretation: The Ninja villages do not have a monopoly on how to use chakra (For example, the samurai, who's primary power seems to be their numbers) but they do have the most extensive knowledge. I also seem to recall Sakura healing some civilians who did still have chakra systems, and that was why she was even capable of healing them. Thus, I base my assumption that every human being has a chakra system, even when dead, unless they are ashes (Hidan, Sasori, Wave Arc). This assumption leads me to conclude that either enough people are born with the ability to use chakra for it to be irrelevant to the plot, or every human being is born with the capacity. In the ninja villages' position, I would do just about anything to prevent the knowledge of how to awaken your chakra.

    However, the facts presented from canon are hardly conclusive. My explanation for Rock Lee would be deformed or incomplete Chakra Coils, given that Tsunade was able to heal him.

    Except that really, really wouldn't tweak Konoha's nose. They'd shrug, and simply move onto the next batch of missions. It would take decades and decades for them to even begin to notice or care. Although, it could be interesting if he did the missions... after Konoha was hired to complete them, but before they arrived on the scene. Consequently, the populace is less than willing to part with the mission payment, and thus he's getting in the way of Konoha making money, which would tweak noses- especially if he was regarded as something of an unknown.

  20. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:
    Very ehhh to this idea. Has a bit of an "I am awesome, tremble before me" kinda vibe. Maybe it's just cause you called him the Sage of the South Gate, but it feels like a showing in the Epic School of Drama (not the good kind) to me. Ditto with Naruto apparently becoming some sort of hero to the common man.

    His seeking of the summoning contracts sounds awesome though. You'd want to give a damn good reason for Naruto not just making his way back to Konoha after whatever the summon creature took him away for. Reason for antagonism between Konoha and Naruto also feels a bit contrived; I can't see them being too upset at his "slapping the bread from their mouths", as they only seem to be missing out on D-Ranks, and would ninjas even be hired for that sort of thing--especially on a border with a hostile Village?

    But I like the idea of a treasurehunter!Naruto, going after summoning contracts and the like, maybe earning his daily bread by going after nukenins (starting at low level and working his way up). Take away some cheesiness and superness vibe that I'm getting and throw in some grit and realism and it has potential.

    My Naruto idea:

    Naruto is almost incapable of channeling normal chakra. His attempts express themselves naturally as his elemental affinity (probs wind, but whatever the author wanted it to be really) instead of him having to alter his normal chakra to get elemental chakra (can't recall correct term/process atm).

    Naruto, with all of his vigor and determination, strives to master his affinity and turn an apparent disadvantage into strength. He would still have reserves and stamina up the wazoo, as well as the Kyuubi, but the demon wouldn't be a focus. This story would be about Naruto mastering his element to a degree never seen before.

    Plot wouldn't follow canon at all, I'd like to see Naruto given some brief time to hone his skills with his genin team under whichever instructor (no, he can't be on a team with Hinata/Sakura/other random chick taught by Kurenai and Anko) before tensions between the Five Great Villages and their allies break out into the Fourth Great Shinobi War.

    Naruto then cements his legend in the furnace of war, dealing with the issues that you would expect to sprout from a World Ninja War--child soldiers, killing the enemy, losing comrades, growing up fast--and above all, actually growing rapidly in skill as he and the other genin of his class are taught frantically what they need to survive.