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Complete A Black Comedy by nonjon - M

Discussion in 'General Fics' started by nonjon, Mar 3, 2007.

  1. 9th Doctor

    9th Doctor Groundskeeper

    Nov 25, 2013
    Since I started my fanfiction reading before I encountered DLP I ran into some stuff that wasn't worth my time. A Black Comedy was a breath of fresh air...tinged slightly with the scent of stale beer, but whatever. Since that point I reread it several times, as I do with most things I enjoy.

    The dynamics of Harry and Sirius' relationship are what sells this story. An attitude that can be summed up as "I do what I want!" paired with the ability to back it up and the general irreverence made for several moments that had me outright laughing. The more serious parts where Harry talked about magic and how after a long enough time of doing it, certain elements became not just intuitive, but a buildup to wandless magic gives a picture that I like to see in the stories that I read. Harry's various assessments of Voldemort and the other wizards that they run into show a development that's taken place, and one that fits in well with both the story, and that I think works well with where the Harry form the original books would have ended up. The cursebreaking adventures and robberies were both displays of skill and the same tongue in cheek humor that kept me coming back for rereads.

    Remus and Tonk's relationship was one that I liked more in this story than in the original books. The playful banter and various roles that they played in the lives of the different characters around them, especially the Potters, helped to round out and polish this fic. They added depth to the story that would have otherwise felt a bit more flat.

    One of the things that I disliked about the fic (enough that I feel like it's worth mentioning) was one of the phrases that Lord Black states in his insulting the Wizengamot- "Muggles that can use magic." I'm not sure that the idea originated there, but I'm sure the popularity of the fic aided in pushing it farther. While it's accurate in some ways, I think it does a disservice to wizards and witches in other ways. Maybe a minor nitpick, but there it is.

    Oh, and Ginny. I know she was supposed to be one of the funnier parts, and she did have a few lines that made me chuckle, but I found myself skipping the parts with her in them. Couldn't place the reason, and it may just come down to personal taste, but there were several points where I think it broke the story up too much.

    Still- it has some of my favorite quotes: "Pureblood politics bollocks is mainly about who can cheat the most in a dick measuring contest."

    "Is he going to eat me and assume my identity? Why did our brotherhood charm just twitch?"

    "Yes I'm fucking listening, Snivellus," Harry spat out. "That snot-filled wheezing you call breathing is like acid to my ears."
  2. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    Oh if we are going to do a favorite part/or interaction.

    I think I'll go with:

    Sirius: "Fuck you all very much. Thank you, And your mothers twice"

    Or Harry and James fighting over Quidditch at the dinner at Hogwarts.

    While the post Voldemort after party was a bit weak I enjoyed the food fight before.

    Hated the Hermione chapter, I think it was the only chapter you could have cut out of the story and not lost a thing at the end of the day.

    Also the reveal and after chat of That Fucker.
  3. Humankillerx

    Humankillerx Squib

    Feb 9, 2014
    I reread this story once a year or so, and I never get tired of it.

    The scene when Harry reunites with Sirius for the first time, and we're introduced to ghost Ginny, and alternate reality Remus and Tonks makes me keel over with laughter every time I read it.

    The plot has great pacing and you're never really feel like nothing is happening, which usually results in me reading way too much in one sitting.

    The running joke of Harry and Sirius shagging long lost friends/relatives gets funnier every time I read it.

    I'd definitely give the story a solid 5/5.
  4. Aurelius_8

    Aurelius_8 Squib

    Apr 30, 2016
    Cheshire, CT
    High Score:
    Personally for me, I found both the Hermione part and the New Ginny part time consuming without any reward. Also Regulus as TMR's Bitch was a bit weak. Overall this is still one of the best fics I've ever read.
  5. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    I can honestly say that I've read basically all novel-length fics (that are worth reading, plenty of crap and slash that I skipped) on ffnet with more than 400 reviews, and A Black Comedy is by far the funniest.

    Not every joke works and the plot hasn't made a lasting impression on me, but as a comedy it works brilliantly.

  6. Volterix

    Volterix Squib

    Jun 12, 2016
    Vancouver, BC, Canada
    High Score:
    It seems to be a recurring thing for me that if I reread a comedy fic, it's definitely not as funny the second time around. Initially the toilet humor easily made me laugh, but on second read it was disappointing. I also didn't enjoy reading through the thievery chapters, on my first and second read. Wards this, wards that. Just the effort put into describing the wards gave me flashbacks to the disgusting pile of tropes that is A Marauder's Plan.

    I thought it was a 5/5 after first read, and 3/5 on second read.
  7. LordCorvusBlack

    LordCorvusBlack Squib

    Aug 31, 2015
    This is the story that got me hooked on comedies. The first time I read was over a year ago and I've since then read another two times.
    The writing is just fantastic!
    It has clever dialogue, witty jokes and fantastic running gags. It kind of reminds me of a sitcom. And I have seen worse sitcoms.
    Everything about this story is just perfect!!!
    And from all the stories that I have ever read, this still has the best ending.
    "You can keep my sandwich"
    I'm still crying when I think about it!
    5/5 if there ever was one.
  8. ettham

    ettham Squib

    Jun 20, 2016
    High Score:
    I started to read this fanfiction after I have finished "A Champions Champion" and "OH GOD, not again". Compared to those two "A Block Comedy" is more mature, which I personally enjoyed a lot. The comedic approach is different and also more mature, which I personally did not like as much as compared to a "Champions Champion". But the story progression itself is worth it for the rather amazing plot and expect your mind to be blown ;)
  9. mendax

    mendax Squib

    Apr 13, 2015
    One of the best fanfictions I've read. The comedy in this is very well done. You see many other fanfictions and the comedy falls a bit flat, but most of this is genuinely funny. Furthermore, the relationship between Sirius and Harry is one of the best parts of the story
  10. douter

    douter Sixth Year

    Nov 30, 2015
    High Score:
    Just finished reading this, and I have to say that this was probably the most enjoyable story I've read. It was constantly funny, had a good plot and pace was nice and constant plus all the characterizations were amazing.

    Tom Riddle's diary horcrux was probably the last person I would have picked to be The Fucker, that entire scene was incredible. It has made me want read some fics with a smart and powerful Tom Riddle that isn't Voldemort.

    I'm giving this fic a 5/5, mainly for the writing, comedy gold and keeping me entertained. It's great to read a fic that isn't a chore to read, where you don't even realise that an entire afternoon has flown by.
  11. worldbuilder

    worldbuilder Squib

    Jul 11, 2016
    High Score:
    Read this a few years back and had the urge to read it again a few weeks ago, and I have to say that it was just as good the second time I read it as the first.

    It is a really funny story that you can get sucked into easily. all in all one of the better fanfics I have read ever 5/5
  12. SumTwo

    SumTwo Squib

    Jul 12, 2016
    High Score:
    Enjoyable and a slightly different approach to magic. First Humour-Fic I have read and very tempted to find more. Almost every chapter had something that made me giggle and I got some very peculiar looks. Thankyou very much.
  13. SpaceWalesForLife

    SpaceWalesForLife Disappeared

    Jul 22, 2016
    High Score:
    I found this story to be one of my all time favorite comedy fics. The interactions were believable, and the jokes and humor actually made me laugh out loud quite a few times, there were of course some rough bits but i would recommend this fic to anyone with a penchant for dirty jokes and fun loving Harry stories. a solid 4/5 from me.
  14. dezder

    dezder Squib

    Sep 12, 2015
    I have read over 10 fan fictions about Harry potter. This one is assigned as 5. As the title says it is supposed to be comedy, and GOD they have a talent for that. I believe this is the best comedy in harry potter universe. What would happen if the best of a generation forgoes on helping its generation and just chose to have pure fun? If you want to know more, read it:))
  15. Peter North

    Peter North Dark Lord

    Jul 10, 2013
    New Hampshire
    You've read over 10 fics. I've read over 9000!!! Fics, and I agree this is definitely a 5/5 fic and probably the best comedy fic I've ever read.
  16. Blacktyler

    Blacktyler Squib

    Jul 6, 2016
    High Score:
    I really like the plot device of a non-Voldemort Riddle, I feel like the Harry-Riddle relationship is wasted a lot of the time with slash plots. (nothing against liking slash just not my thing). Also making Harry ridiculously OP with something simple like complete control over summoning and banishing charms was funny as hell.
  17. hdiqn28

    hdiqn28 Muggle

    Sep 27, 2016
    High Score:
    I really enjoyed reading this, there was so many childish little snippets that made my chuckle at my desk whilst I was supposed to be doing some work! A shame that like most of the fictions I discover late that the author has long disappeared with no more to look forward to.
  18. Rising galium knight

    Rising galium knight Squib

    Jun 2, 2016
    High Score:
    I laughed so hard when I read certain parts of the story. The dry humor.. the fact that Harry and Sirius are pigs was pretty good. I really liked how to characters were portrayed. And Harry spoiling his little brother was quite fun. It shows what James and Sirius would have been like if not for tha fateful night.
  19. Rilianus

    Rilianus Squib

    Apr 4, 2013
    I believe this is the best work of nonjon - it really feels like what relationship between James and Sirius must've been like.
    It's a great AU - we have novel ideas about the Riddle's diary, the humour is great and the fights and plots are really exciting.
    One of the best in the whole fandom - 5/5
  20. Slurm

    Slurm Squib

    Dec 13, 2016
    High Score:
    I do not normally go in for humour fics but this one was pretty good