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Plot Bunny Thread: Other Fandoms

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Oneiros, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    ASoIaF/GoT fic.

    In the books Jon Snow somehow idolizes Daeron I Targaryen, the Young Dragon, as an example of what a young man can achieve. What if he takes it further and decides that instead of the Watcher he wants to be a conqueror.

    Since he can't do it in Westeros, he goes to Essos and joins one of many sellsword group there though definitely not the Golden Company. He gets experience and proves himself a very capable warrior and commander, allowing him to quickly make his own army.

    The fic, or at least first part of it, would focus on Jon's raise and later machinations to create the biggest conflict between the Free Cities in recent history, allowing him to weaken them and finally get them under his control. Then he would need to make a decision of either getting involved in Dany's uprising in the east or the war in the west, probably choosing the latter since it has his family involved.

    Generally speaking, I want a fic where Jon becomes a king because of his own achievements, not because of his blood, though for that to happen I would increase his military skills even more making him Alexander the Great of his world and give him more Machiavellian personality in order to help him manipulate political situation between the Cities for his gain. At the same time, at least on surface, he would behave and interact with others as original Jon does, so he's not a complete OC with his name.
  2. Nemrut

    Nemrut The Black Mage ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 9, 2009
    Department of Post-Mortem Communications
    High Score:
    There are special circumstances for Dany being able to form an army that follows her, I'm not sure I would like it that Jon does the same in a similarly short time. Wouldn't he reasonably be at least in his mid twenties by the time he achieved the success requried to take over the Free Cities and lead an army? By which time, the whole War of the Five Kings/Dany/White Walker situation might very well be already over.
  3. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    You're right which is why I would need to work a little with a timeline.

    Year: 296/ Age: 13 - After another confrontation with Cat, Jon runs away. He has some misadventures, but in the end manages to get to Essos and join sellsword company.

    297-299/14-16 - Despite his age proves himself exceptional warrior and commander. The old commander retires and a newly elected one proves himself to be incompetent. Jon saves his comrades in a battle and when he decides to leave the company, many follow.

    300/17 - He plans to slowly escalate situation between the Free Cities, but some event gives him a perfect opportunity to start his conquest now.

    301-302/18-19 - The War of the Free Cities. Ends up when Jon conquers all of them with an exception of Braavos. With it he makes a deal, basically making them a capital city of his empire with a special privileges because of that. For both sides it was a batter alternative than an extended war that would be ruinous for both and with an uncertain outcome.

    303/20 - Jon mainly focuses on building a necessary administration of his empire and dealing with any hidden opposition. The GoT starts.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2016
  4. DerHesse

    DerHesse Unspeakable

    Jun 12, 2010
    It sounds like a contradiction. How about Rodrik Stark (The Wandering Wolf), who served the Second Sons, has the necessary education and is a blank slate.

    That said, Jon Snow in Essos sounds exciting.

    They say bastards grow up faster than trueborn children.
    Jon is constantly reminded of his status, but wants to fight and earn his place in Winterfell. He gets increasingly better with the sword and on horseback than Robb, Ned watches with pride and sees his beloved sister in Jon. Cat is anxious, bitter and fears for Robb's place.

    Their animosity comes to a head and Jon runs away. He wants to follow the footsteps of the Wandering Wolf and especially Aegor "Bittersteel" Rivers.

    He relatively easy manages to get on a ship to Braavos, where his troubles start. He has no money, doesn't know the language and is stuck.

    During the day he tries to get the odd-job at the harbors and at night he duels at the Moon Pool. Slowly but surely he learns Valyrian, water dancing and generally his way around the city.

    You could have Jorah and Jon recognize each other during the skirmish. Wanting to see more of Essos Jon decides to stick with Jorah and follows him back to Lys.

    This eventually leads to Daenerys' wedding. With Jorah being a spy to Varys Ned eventually learns of Jon's whereabouts and has a gigantic "Oh Shit" moment.

    You could have Jon and Jorah get the hots for Daenerys, creating tension between them.

    You could have one of Daenery's dragon take a liking to Jon.

    Or you could have Jon part ways with everybody and join some sellsword company.

    So on and so forth. Belatedly word of Ned's death and the war reaches Jon.
  5. DerHesse

    DerHesse Unspeakable

    Jun 12, 2010
    I haven't read the new chapter yet and I'm kind wary given the previous comments.

    I loved the start, where the protagonist wasn't some special snowflake and got better through hard work and dedication. Suddenly there were Legendaries and Masters left and right.

    Is there any Kanto-fanfiction where the protagonist is some nobody (camper, youngster, bird keeper, etc.) on some random route starting with a shitty pokemon like Pidgey or Poliwag?
  6. DerHesse

    DerHesse Unspeakable

    Jun 12, 2010
    Copymoved from this thread: https://forums.darklordpotter.net/showthread.php?t=23758

    I haven't read the new chapter yet and I'm kind wary given the previous comments.

    I loved the start, where the protagonist wasn't some special snowflake and got better through hard work and dedication. Suddenly there were Legendaries and Masters left and right.

    Is there any Kanto-fanfiction where the protagonist is some nobody (camper, youngster, bird keeper, etc.) on some random route starting with a shitty pokemon like Pidgey or Poliwag?
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 23, 2016
  7. 9th Doctor

    9th Doctor Groundskeeper

    Nov 25, 2013
    Funny you should ask that. I've been outlining a quest with three different storylines in the Kanto region. It would be stationed between 5-10 years prior to Red's quest. One of the three would be a Nidoran, one would be a Drowsee. The third is a more traditional starter. I suppose I could easily have a fourth storyline where it's full sandbox rather than slightly prepared.
  8. DerHesse

    DerHesse Unspeakable

    Jun 12, 2010
    Man, that would be so awesome.

    If you want to go sandbox, just roll the route you want your protagonist to start from and give (or roll) him a pokemon, which is found there in the game. Maybe given to him by some irresponsible relative.

    At least that's how I wanted to do it, but I have neither the talent nor the time to do it properly.

    For example:
    Roll: 4 = Kanto Route 4 (Mt. Moon - Cerulean City)

    Pokemon Roll
    Rattata 1-9
    Spearow 10-19
    Ekans 20-29
    Sandshrew 30-39
    Mankey 40-49

    Magikarp 50-59
    Poliwag 60-69
    Goldeen 70-79
    Psyduck 80-89
    Krabby 90-99
    Seaking 100

  9. M.L.

    M.L. Groundskeeper

    Jan 28, 2014
    Beyond the Pale
    If you went rattata, you'd even have a built in tension as everyone knows he's eventually going to have to give it up to progress in the league.
  10. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:
    Not if it was top fucking percentage.
  11. Nemrut

    Nemrut The Black Mage ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 9, 2009
    Department of Post-Mortem Communications
    High Score:
    Been thinking about Fairy Tail lately.

    Have several ideas there. One could be an interesting take on a story where not every interesting person is going to Tenrou island for the S-Rank trials. I mean, the very idea that we never got to see play out was the fact that Fairy Tail, the previously strongest guild pretty much lost every skilled mage they had and very pretty much left with the C-Team. As such, they lost power, prestige and their homes, as other guilds pulled them down. Heck Twilight Ogre was cannon fodder and they dominated the C-D listers of Fairy Tail.

    And I admit, a story on the struggle of those characters would be meh, mainly because every single interesting character was stuck on Tenrou Island for that duration. The rest are...not very compelling individuals. No one really cares about those left behind.

    Now, my idea would be to have a few of the not trash people remain behind, and then show the struggle of those 7 years with some interesting character growth.

    Laxus not hearing the call for the fight would be interesting, to have him come back to Fairy Tail after hearing about the disappearances and then after a while of seeing their struggle to agree to join and even be temporary Guild Master even though he doesn't think he'd deserve it. To see him practically ending up in the Guild he was kinda sliding into during the Festival Arc, that all those who were morally against his way of things are gone and he gets to reshape Fairy Tail into what he wanted. If he had the Thundergod Tribe be also there, and it would pretty much be his dream come true, only now he doesn't want it and tries to do things the Makarov way.

    Only, he can't, his guild is now weak because he is the only one with potential and he can't do everything, especially as the master. So, have Laxus lead FT and maybe kinda slide back into his older mindset at times, mostly out of necessity this time, to protect FT while trying to remain true to the FT way would be interesting to see. Especially if he clashes with those left, who are still resentful and don't trust/like him but know they absolutely need him.

    Give him one or two additional mages who are not too strong but different, be it either Lucy or Levy, and have them clash or be forced to take the more difficult jobs solo because they are the only ones who can handle them and they need to be done for FT to remain relevant would push them much harder than they were used to.

    Could do some interesting things with that, I'd say. Laxus is interesting because it makes thematically sense but it also makes things kinda too easy. I mean, Twilight ogre would have never been a problem if Laxus had been around. His presence would mean that while it's doubtful that FT could thrive as it did before the disappearance of everyone, and they would probably still get spanked in the Magic Olympics, there wouldn't be much danger as well.

    Mirajane, while also an interesting character, would also be a bit too easy on the strength part. I mean, I would be interested in Mira trying to be a leader and all, but still, s-class mage who has few peers.

    So, Lucy would actually be perfect, in a way. She has potential, she has the FT spirit but she isn't too strong. Could she handle Twilight Ogre? Maybe individually but not all at the same time. So putting someone like her, who doesn't quite have the strength and skill to be a leader, nor has the experience or disposition who feels like she has to step up.

    I think that would have potential and is something I would love to see. Additionally, you could include stuff like more silver keys. I mean, we were told that gold keys were rare and powerful, but honestly, we have seen way more gold keys than silver ones and more than half of them are "meh" at most. Would like to see more silver ones in play and have the gold ones be more powerful and rare in exchange.

    Think there is an interesting story there.
  12. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Naruto, but it's set in the Star Wars galaxy and they all are force-sensitives instead of people with chakra.

    They don't even need to be Jedi/Sith. Instead they could be entirely new factions.

    For example Missing-Nin are obviously dark siders. Orochmaru is something akin to a Sith Lord. Tailed beasts could be dark side beasts made entirely out of Force power. Rock Lee could be a Bobba Fett-like character in that he relies mostly on technology.

    Perhaps this is all set in a version of the Star Wars universe with a much higher population of force sensitive people. The Ninja could be simply force-trained mercenaries. The Jedi could even oppose their methods.
  13. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    Retooling an old Naruto concept.


    "Are we in agreement then, Fugaku-san?"

    Lightning flashed in the night skies outside of the compound, briefly illuminating the interior of the simple shack where Commander A conducted this illegal meeting with the head of the Uchiha clan. Four each of Kumo-nin and Uchiha who Fugaku trusted stood guard across the land immediately outside, sensors, skilled masters, alert toward unwelcome scouts.

    Not a one of them saw the outcome approaching as rain fell in a growing torrent.

    "We are."

    Fugaku rose from his kneeling position and extended his left hand out to A, who shook. The next moment their fates were drawn as clearly as the ink which blossomed around their clasped fingers and twined up around their forearms in naked defiance of the village laws.

    As soon as the juinjutsu resolved the earth outside of the shack erupted, raining wet mud, dry earth underneath, and dust for a dozen feet around.

    The Uchiha on guard were blinded to the adamantine staff which had fallen from the heavens with judgment, and so too to his movements as that staff unfurled into the great monkey king, Enma, chief of all the Third Hokage's summons, in the impact crater.

    Enma's fingers completed the handseals behind his jutsu in the span of a moment. He stood at the ready as Commander A and Fugaku resolved into their own battle stances just ahead. All around him lightning crackled and tomoe swirled as jealous obsidian surrendered to infuriated vermilion.

    The next beat the torrent pouring from the stormy skies was answered with wind, wave, and flame. Bright steel. Porcelain-faced shadows crawling up from the wet earth, dropping out of the shaking trees, stepping up from flickering pools. The full might of the Anbu to answer the utmost treachery, directed by two captains - Kakashi Hatake, and Itachi Uchiha.

    While lighting-cutter Kakashi met the Kumo-nin who tried to slip aside the main garrison, Itachi's sullen gaze leapt from mirrored surface to mirrored surface on the troops afoot, dancing in the raindrops and glossy steel, and where so ever he met clansmen-and-women for less than a beat, traitors fell choking to the earth, caught up in the throes of Tsukuyomi. The price for his participation this night came in the flow of scarlet washed away in the rain.

    "You were a great fool, Fugaku Uchiha."

    Enma held his pose, wavering blue flames scorching the air and the soil to either side of his figure yet leaving naught but a faint gray tinge to the summons' fur. Fugaku released the wasted fireball jutsu so that Commander A could cover the distance and catch the monkey king off guard; the heat had barely softened before the proud Jonin charged in, electricity crackling at his sides.

    Enma had no time to react.

    Of course, he had no intention to try, either. Someone else acted as his instincts tonight.

    Enma vanished in mid-air only to reappear to the left of his prior position, and he lashed out as A's eyes blinked disbelievingly, head rocking back in familiar understanding. He stumbled to the side with a forgotten fury renewing even as his rattled brain ordered his limbs to rise, to stand firm, and to strike like the thunder roaring overhead.

    At the same time, however, Fugaku knew that technique as surely as his ally. And for the first night in several years, the head of the Uchiha clan remembered the sensation of fear. Sweat dampened his brow, slicked between his knuckles and fumbled his handseals, and the chakra which he had been molding slipped away.

    'It cannot be,' he thought. 'It mustn't be!'

    As Enma and A carried on, and the Anbu assassinated with little mercy from edge to edge of the compound, Fugaku took a step back. Then he shook himself violently. He reasserted his ego from its shamed position down in his belly, forcefully taking charge of his emotions; fear had its due place upon the battlefield, but so too did honor, and pride, and he would not cower if these were to be his final moments. He felt his eyes crinkling as pain welled up and he grit his teeth in chagrin, before gasping.

    Bloody mangekyo swirled where before had been just three refined tomoe.

    Amidst the torrent of elements and iron, Fugaku retreated to the back of the structure and burst through with no effort, intending that his clan not be extinguished in this unforgivable purge.

    'We were right to rebel,' he thought coldly. This slaughter was proof enough. He would find Mikoto and Sasuke, and together they would escape from Konoha. The words scribed into his left forearm were proof enough to the world his intention with Kumogakure.

    His eyes blazed as he sidestepped the assassins nearest. Hatred, to that point only suspicion upon the edge of loathing, now boiled within his scarlet sight, for everywhere which he beheld, his clansmen lay dying, and it was the fault of his own elder son that such was the case - it could only be Itachi, to fell proud Uchiha shinobi by the masses so swiftly. He caught enemy shuriken with his own hands, deftly plucking from the rain, and returned them with bright blue flames aglow.

    He countered kunai, and jutsu, and proved why he, Fugaku Uchiha, lead their people in the wake of Madara decades gone before his time.

    And yet for all his talent, he could never compare against the sons he had brought into this world.

    Itachi met him like a reaper, a hungry ghost, appearing out of the shadows with mangekyo bright and miserable. "No more, father." He declared with the Hokage's voice behind those words.

    Fugaku felt his senses skewering as the boy's skills in their ancestral kekkei genkai dared to threaten his own, imposing the same punishment which had stricken down the rest of their extended clan.

    Fugaku stabbed back with a howl of rage. Blood burst in the vessels of his whirling gaze and poured down his cheeks as he strained the newly awoken layers. Itachi flinched, for less than a beat. Enough to prove that he was still just a boy, whereas Fugaku was a man grown, and willing to live with what must be done for the sake of their people. That was where Itachi had failed. That was where the traitor before him had fallen, in putting the welfare of the village before that of his own flesh and blood.

    Fugaku drove his blue-flamed kunai into Itachi's chest and through the flak jacket baring the emblem of Uzushio and Konoha. Itachi choked then upon a mouth of blood, and his fingers, that had ever been so deft and agile in performing hand-seals, now reached up to clutch at Fugaku's own and the iron wedged just beneath the heart.

    Even if the weapon itself failed to finish the boy, the chakra driven inward by the blow surely would.

    "You have disgraced us all. I strip you of your identity as my child." Fugaku shook his fingers out from Itachi's grip and retreated a step, then two, watching as the red fell out of his... out of the traitor's eyes, and only anguished slate remained with the dying light of the will of fire.

    The head of the Uchiha clan heard another weapon buzzing through the air and turned to dispatch yet another failed assault. Mikoto and Sasuke were what mattered now, and ensuring the survival of the clan.

    He took less than a dozen steps away in the direction of their soon to be abandoned home and felt an impossible heat seize his left foot. He looked down to behold raging black flames crawling up toward his knee, and the agony of it chewed through to his brain at once. He fell forward in the mud, dug his own blue fire into the limb, to no avail.

    "Impossible!" he gasped.

    He rolled over and dug through the bloody mud for one of the very kunai he had knocked aside so casually before, intending to cut the limb away before those accursed flames could devour any more of his body, and there his horrible gaze beheld the very son which he had cut down by his own hand, staring at him with mangekyo aglow once more. It was he who ordered these unnatural flames, he who even now in the face of death denied the reaper's embrace with one hand and finished his duty with the other.

    A very small part of Fugaku felt proud that even now Itachi would not submit.

    The remainder hated him and what the Third Hokage had done that this is how they must part, on the battlefield of their own land, dying and gravely injured.

    He found the steel he sought, and the bloody task was done, taking his limb beneath the knee. He staggered away, as Itachi lay there unmoving, eyes no longer following after Fugaku.


    The premise is that instead of just attempting to kidnap one of the byakugan wielders when Naruto was just a kid, Kumo held out a few years longer and made a bid to give the Uchiha a boost in exchange for overthrowing the Third Hokage and the other clans in good favor to that point, which would allow Kumo access to any of the clans which they desired afterward.

    Only... it failed. Horribly. Sarutobi ain't no fool, if a bit more drastic in his response to this level of treachery. Don't know if I'd have had Fugaku actually make it out of the village alive or if maybe Mikoto would flee with Sasuke. Haven't gotten any further.
  14. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Infinite Survival

    A middle aged man goes to sleep in his bed at home.

    When he wakes up, he discovers that he is fully clothed, has his smartphone in his pocket and instead of his bed he lies on a field of grass. He also has a leather backpack, but it is empty.

    Shocked and confused by the situation he checks his phone and sees that the time is 7am, but discovers that there is no signal.

    Deciding that just standing in one place will not be helpful he explores the area, looking if there are people around.

    He goes through a forest and finds a small river. He drinks some water and walks with the stream thinking that eventually he is bound to find civilization.

    He travels for a few hours, passes some wild pigs which utterly ignore him and eventually notices something odd.

    The oak trees nearby him have apples growing on them. He's sure that they're oak trees due to bark and the leaves, but surprisingly they have red apples on them. He takes one and tries it, finding it edible and tasty. He takes several of them into his backpack and continues.

    Eventually as he walks near the river, he accidentally falls into a cave concealed by grass and dead leaves.

    Upon impact he breaks his neck and dies. He then wakes up back in the field of grass at 7am.

    Basically each time he dies in this place the day resets.

    Oh, and the place is, if you haven't caught the reference yet, the Minecraft Overworld.

    The man would get shot with arrows by skeletons, eaten alive by zombies, have caves fall on him, be poisoned by spiders, cursed by witches, etc.

    Eventually after like thirty deaths and resets he'd become super experienced in this new reality and be able to avoid danger, hunt for animals, farm food, build a shelter etc.
  15. Mutton

    Mutton Order Member

    Feb 20, 2011
    I've had this idea kicking around for a while but it really formed after reading Pilot and wishing for more conflict.

    Mass Effect/Bicentennial Man with a dash of Altered Carbon and Eclipse Phase

    Basic premise is that the human race has gone such that there is no difference between someone who was born on a server farm vs someone who was born in a womb. Andrew (Robin Williams' character) is held as much of a civil saint in the same was as MLK is, as the first person to really cross the gap and in society it's perfectly normal to have your parents conceive you online via a DNA combiner program and have you simulate childhood while a body for you is vat grown. People are all effectively cyborgs, able to switch between flesh and steel bodies, cyberspace, and fully robot bodies at will.

    First Contact with the Turians happen and it goes bad, far worse than canon. Especially once the fact that you can't tell where the AI ends and the people begin so it feeds all of the Council races' deepest fears about robot uprisings. Humanity makes contact with the Geth who provide a perfect sob story about the evils of the Council (although the actual Morning War would be a lot more complicated and the Geth as a whole do not want the Quarians back, thinking that they'd be more of an Israeli Never Again type) while the Quarians end up elevated due to being poster children for the evils of AI.

    The war's gone cold, but there are worries on both sides about it coming back hot at any moment. A strange alien ship organism called Sovereign (for they would never allow their destiny to be in the hands of others) has made contact with the Humanity/Geth alliance, claiming to be the survivors of a previous war between the Protheans and Sovereigns in which they were both almost destroyed and may hold the key to tipping the balance. Batarian politics is cruel and ruthless, with a rising tide of support for an anti-slavery modernist party which sees attaching itself to the AI races as its way to reclaiming the empire's former glory.

    Humanity attempts to create vat growing technology such that they can allow Krogans to create their own young on human servers and upload them into new bodies to allow for the race to continue and change its allegiance (with the Genophage having been a parting shot from the Rachni and the idea that it came from the Council being dismissed as an insane conspiracy theory).

    That's the background at least. The plot is of course a young Geth student transferring into a former all girls' highschool and the hijinks he gets up to!
  16. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    I have no knowledge of Mass Effect, but Bicentennial Man was an awesome movie. This already sounds interesting.
  17. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    House of Cards / Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. crossover

    Basically how would the events of House of Cards be affected by the events in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

    How would Frank and his machinations be affected by the Chitauri Invasion in Avengers, HYDRA uprising in Winter Soldier, Ultron, Sokovia Accords in Civil War.

    And that's just the movies, what about the slow but steady rise of Inhumans and other enhanced individuals?

    We know from Agents of SHIELD that President Ellis was willing to work with the restored SHIELD and give Coulson a green light to operate.

    I'm tempted to plan out a timeline for this,.
  18. thejabber27

    thejabber27 Groundskeeper

    Jan 4, 2012
    So this is a fallout crossover (mystery/adventure)

    Starts in the 1950's with the cold war and the predessors to Vault-tec and the first few chapters are that slowly evolving into what it became in the games with the villains appearing here and there doing the shaping and at the end of the third or fourth chapter have the building of vaults in the greater gotham era. Chapter five takes us into Finale crisis when batman is hit by the Omega beam from Darkseid and sends Batman into the future (between Fallout 3 and 4). Batman lands by Vault 83. It was an agricultural vault aimed towards raising livestock, but outside of crops for livestock feed there was no food supply. The Overseer was also given a GEKT and was a geneticist, Some of the limited science personal had instructions to introduce a plague 18 months into the stay aimed at the livestock. The population plummets and in a descent to madness part of the population revolts enslaving the remainder and makes them livestock then butchers them for food. The vault opened 150 years after the bombs dropped leaving a cannibal culture that hunts waste landers both for food and to add new blood to their human farms.

    A scouting party hunts Batman who while still injured manages to hide in some of the old Wayne enterprise factories. Two weeks later Batman runs out of the emergency ration pills he had in his utility belt and has recovered a fair bit of his mobility. The worlds greatest detective starts his journey to find found and what happened by making his way to one of the city's libraries, then the Batcave. On his way he looks at old newspapers and runs into some wandering waste landers that think he's a guy that found a batman costume in order to scare the "clowns" away.

    Batman decides that going in a group would be better for him as they have food and he doesn't know what half of this shit is still. They make it to Gotham central station before they're attacked by ghouls, smiling ghouls. after killing a few and losing one of their own they manage to get away. Furthermore Batman and one of the younger members of the group get separated and discover an odd room in the subway labeled "-8 offsite station" with a set of tapes and monitors in the back along with files "smile", "doctor", and "reptile". The holotapes reveal that vault-tec had a set of vaults that were off the record for experiments deemed "unsuitable for normal population" that were set up in prisons and asylums. Dubbed the Negative vaults, these vaults were set-up to work with things that warped humans at a genetic level on prisoners whom the government had long ago deemed expendable. Vault -8 was set up in Arkham and was for synthesizing a better FEV formula using things like the Jokers laughing gas, Killer Crocs DNA, and Poison Ivy's poison. The tapes record the experiments having some success but don't really have any conclusions to the experiments headed by Dr. Wheaten Board, a man that seems to appear in all stages of the project starting in the 1970's to after the bombs were dropped.

    Batman and the other survivor finally get to the bat cave. The survivor amazed that this actually exists and thought that Superheros were a myth to scare the communists back in the day. With the Generator running Batman accesses his computer to find league files and activates the emergency beacon as Mutant crocs overrun the place escaping into wayne manor.

    Booster Gold (post final crisis) gets a distress signal from Skeets, but the signal is out of sync for some reason. Booster looks into it calling up his friend Jaime Reyes, The Blue Beatle, and they head to the location of Origin. The Batcave hasn't been used since Batman "died" but Alfred still cleans it, Upon reaching the Origin the two set about figuring what's up since the Batcaves signal isn't turned on but it's clearly coming from here. The two brainstorm puzzled by this, call in more of the JLA.

    The survivor with batman isn't doing too well, while running from the mutants their arm got a big gash in it. The bleeding has been stemmed but it's not sure if they'll make it through the night. Batman sets them in his old room and goes to see if any of the medical supplies are left.

    Back with the JLA three days have passed since the signal started when they're contacted by the Legion of Superheroes. They're getting the signal on their end too and two work out that it's coming from the Batcave in the 23rd century which the Legion has records on, but they're very vague about them. Wally West and Jesse Quick volunteer to go forward in time to see what the trouble is, with fond farewells they rush into the speed force.

    Batman is being stalked as he traverses the ruins of his former home. He catches them finally to find the only remaining member of vault 97, in which the population's food was spiked with growth inhibiting drugs so that people didn't reach sexual maturity until their late 40's, as such higher and higher amount of miscarriages and birth defects happened until the vault opened due to a coding error. The mishapen human Sara communicates in grunts and guttural noises she is frightened into helping batman and shows him an empty medical room in the manor bowels.

    The speedsters arrive in the future near the Bat cave and scout it out. They see the mutants and see a faint light on in Wayne manor checking it out to find the survivor and stay with him waiting for him to wake up when Batman returns empty-handed. Happy to be reunited with their thought to be dead friend, the group gets each other up to speed and agree that Vault -8 needs to be investigated. Without supplies the Survivor passes a few days later.

    Batman and the Speedsters go to Arkham, the place is mangled and they find the vault entrance. Going in they fight mutant crocs, and poisonous ghouls until they reach the observation deck and listen to the Holotapes by Dr. Board and how he planned for the security system to break so he could spread his creations to the world. Wally Recognizes the voice though, it's Eobard Thawne, the Reverse Flash.

    The Reverse Flash on an oil rig off the east coast. He's still alive and he has an army of mutants and smiling and poisonous ghouls all with collars around their necks, we see a light and then they disappear.

    Wally gets a message on his communicator from the past, an Army has appeared in Gotham and it's consuming everything. The speedsters tell batman and he tells them to go, he can tough it out here. They head back to the past while Batman tries to piece together what's happening in future.

    Thawne has been planning this for awhile, create a place where he can make an army over time and let it grow then take them back and conquer the past for him to rule and get rich for the future him. Batman takes a while before finding the oil rigger and listens to tapes of Thawne figuring out how to transmit the smiling and poisonous ghouls condition to regular humans.

    Back in the present the league fights off the pseudo zombie attacks and Wally fights reverse Flash into a retreat to the 50's and stops Vault-tec from forming, erasing the ghoul and mutant army, but this flings batman through time into the era of the cavemen.

    Yeah, in my head for awhile, needed to get it out.
  19. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Here's a crossover idea:

    I died saving my son, it was the least I could do. But it seems my sins were too great to be easily forgiven. It is fitting then that my new life, like my old one, begins in the desert.

    Thankfully, this time around it is not on an entire world of sand, this planet looks to be less singular.

    While in my old life, I was born to poverty and hardship but was loved, here I am born to wealth and respect, but also fear and hate.

    The technological level of this new world is primitive compared to what I was used to, but what people here lack in machines they make up in raw power and skill.

    Their abilities are something to be reckoned with. They can control the elements at will, they can move faster than the naked eye can notice, they can create powerful illusions, they can tell the laws of physics to sit in the corner.

    Chakra, they call it. I used to call it the Force.

    My name is Anakin Skywalker, but here I am simply Gaara.
  20. Halt

    Halt 1/3 of the Note Bros. Moderator

    May 27, 2010
    But does he get a lightsaber?