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Other Fandom Almost Recommendable: Barely Readable to Almost Good [Volume Two]

Discussion in 'Almost Recommended' started by Antivash, Aug 19, 2013.

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  1. Captain Trips

    Captain Trips High Inquisitor

    Oct 24, 2008
    Isn't that true to the Anime as well as games though?
  2. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    I was talking about fics, not the canon source. But yes, it does hold true for canon, except for one reason:

    Target audience.

    Fanfiction is not normally written to be marketed at kids. Yes, a lot of adults and teenagers play pokemon, but the main market is younger children, especially the show. So giving a protagonist that the audience identify with more strongly is therefore a good idea (think about how many kids' shows have children in the major roles, where possible). Just like how we don't mind other wacky stuff in a show for kids, I don't mind the main character being a child, especially when they're animated and therefore not actually a real child (also, how often do they go into the character's ages during the show?).

    It isn't a dealbreaker for me. And I have seen worse - we don't get constantly reminded of Ash's age in this, so it isn't massively relevant. It's just something I dislike in pokemon fanfiction in general.

    Similarly, I dislike having an eleven year old Harry Potter being Lord Potter, and outmanoeuvring the wizengamot, and arranging betrothals, and not arguing over whatever the wizard version of Robot Wars is.
  3. Silly

    Silly Third Year

    Oct 12, 2015
    High Score:
    I would put this up for review, but I'm not sure if it's DLP's usual cup of tea. So I'd like a second opinion on this fic.

    Making Arrangements - Author: CrownsofLaurels (FF.net) (AO3)
    It takes a Village to make a relationship-Or, at least, a bunch of over-reaching grumpy old farts, a military leader with a bit too much to drink, a nosy but well meaning kunoichi, eight ninken, and the power of youth. And a really cranky chakra monster with nine tails and a penchant for swearing. Kakashi/femNaru
    Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Humor - Naruto U., Kakashi H., Naruko U. - Chapters: 23 - Words: 202,710 - Reviews: 1,834 - Favs: 3,553 - Follows: 3,137 - Updated: Mar 5 - Published: Sep 27, 2013 - Status: Complete - id: 9720350​

    Short description, because the story summary doesn't tell you that much about the actual plot. The story is set in post-canon, except Naruto is and has always been a girl. When Naruto gets assigned a mission to seduce her former sensei, shenanigans ensue.

    Most gender bender fanfics are awfully bad, but I found this one to actually be really well written. I'm not sure if it's just because I have a soft spot for these types of stories, but this is probably one of the more enjoyable Naruto fics I've read in a long time. It starts off kind of slow (honestly if you skipped the entire prologue you probably wouldn't be missing much), but quickly becomes great, in my opinion. It's kind of hard as a writer to pull off a romantic comedy well, but I think the story definitely succeeds at doing that.
  4. Puzzled

    Puzzled High Inquisitor

    Jul 24, 2014
    To Rebuild A Life is a pretty solid X-Men story set in an amalgam of the MCU and the X-Men movieverse. If it were completed or a bit longer I'd put it up for review, but the story thus far is worth reading.

    Summary: Alex Summers didn't have the best relationship with his family. That was only to be expected, considering his parents couldn't stand mutants, and Alex is about as mutant as they come. The only bright spot had been his brother, Scott, but he had been dead for years. Or so Alex had thought, until the CIA called the X-Men for help with an illegal mutant experimentation lab run by Trask Industries.

    A lab that just so happened to be holding an apparently-not-dead Scott Summers.

    And now, Alex doesn't care if he has to burn all of Trask Industries to the ground. He's getting his brother back.​
  5. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    Title: Parting the Clouds
    Author: Derin
    Rating: T, although one unrated (probably accidentally), and some G
    Genre: Action
    Status: WiP (18 stories completed, none still in WiP)
    Library Category: Alternatives/Other Fandoms
    Fandom: Animorphs
    Pairings: None so far (book 9 of 18), although it looks like it'll be canon pairings.
    Summary: From book one:
    Link: Ao3 series page here, first chapter of book one here.

    This is the second rationalist Animorph series I've found. The first was R:Animorphs, which I really enjoyed for a while, until the author decided that the rules for morphing made no sense, and changed them to fit logic, rather than trying to make arguments supporting canon. There was a bunch of other stuff with it too, but I haven't read it in a while, so I don't remember it all. Also, it's been much longer (at least a decade, probably) since I read canon.

    First issue with this series is the viewpoint - it's all from Cassie. This isn't a massive negative, but it does limit the view quite a bit. It might've been nice to see other people looking in on a 'rational' Cassie.

    Second issue is the rationalism. Cassie complains about "how are humans worth saving and termites/rabbits/horses/trees not? What is sentience/sapience?" and so on. I know canonically she did this, but backed up by rationalism, this exacerbates things. Also, she's thirteen. Teenagers aren't the most rational, or reasonable, so having a super rational character seems really weird, especially when compared to Jake and Marco arguing about Superman.

    On top of that (this is written after the rest of the review, I just jumped back) is how nobody listens to Cassie. The rest of the animorphs just sometimes shrug off what she says -
    actually must mean that Cassie is mental and can't morph insects. Despite her morphing fly with no problems, and being the best at morphing by a long shot.

    actually means "bitch and moan about how you're not as good at morphing as me, and don't listen to my advice!"

    That said, I am enjoying the stories so far. Unlike my previous Animorph rec, this one retreads canon, rather than skipping things other, so you don't have to have a clear memory of the main story to understand what's going on.

    I'm not sure whether I can fully recommend it or not, so I'll see how I feel when I finish. If I finish.


    I think what annoys me more than anything else in this series, and most stuff about Cassie, is how they depict her "how do we not become the bad guys?" attitude.

    I understand not wanting to kill everything on the planet for the lulz, that's fair enough. As is wanting to mitigate collateral damage. Caring about collateral damage is good... But caring about winning is, to me, just maybe that bit more important.

    If there was some alien species dedicated to enslaving humanity, and scouring the face of the planet, I think that there's not much you can baulk at. If the Yeerks are going to kill all reptiles, and your plan to stopping them involves 'merely' killing all snakes... I understand Cassie holds her morals close to herself, and truly believes all life worth saving, but she knows that the Yeerks will destroy the majority of life on Earth, but still doesn't like to have to take sacrifices with definite and near-immediate gain.

    Honestly, sacrifices for a nebulous "in the future it might come in handy, or save me thirty seconds" are something I could see being a hard decision to make. But when the 'sacrifice' is going to be near essential or life saving in the near or now, that should be a much easier decision.

    Also, when these issues keep getting raised (Is it moral to morph human?), then the smart character should try and find a time that this can be discussed and decided upon, but not under fire. Maybe by consulting someone who has prior experience, such as the alien from the species that invented morphing tech.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2016
  6. Majube

    Majube Order Member DLP Supporter

    Aug 2, 2016
    High Score:
    Kaze No Uta https://m.fanfiction.net/s/10027415/1/Kaze-no-Uta
    An avatar the last Airbender fanfic about a realistic SI ending up at the southern air temple where the repercussions of isolation occur.
    Gotten back into it because the author is picking up where they left off for nanowrimo this year. It's almost recommendable because of not having a lot to review so far but when it finishes hopefully it'll continue being great an worthy of the library.
  7. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    I thought it was pretty funny but seeing as I've so far had a zero success rate for recc'ing comedies I think I'll see if anyone else is interested.
  8. Sorrows

    Sorrows Queen of the Flamingos Moderator

    Jun 17, 2008
    This thread needs bumping.

    The Way of the Wind
    By: Just Enough


    Now right off the bat this is an Itachi/Sakura romance in a non-massacre AU. Yeah I know but hear me out.

    Despite having a premise that usually results in the worst kind of fics this story is better than it has any right to be. Writing a good Itachi POV is hard, writing a good Itachi romance has to be damn near impossible. Yet this story totally pulls off both an interesting characterisation and a fun romance focused story. One of those fics that proves any premise can be written well.

    From what I can tell, the AU splits when Mikoto insists Itachi stays in the academy till he is 12, resulting in a slightly more emotionally stable/connected Itachi and no massacre. The results of this are nicely explored, the characters are all plausible AU versions of themselves, the side plots are interesting and the interactions and romance are genuinely fun to watch.

    So yeah, despite the fact I can't imagine the premise finding many fans on DLP I gotta recommend it anyway.

    Edit: Yeah this is post timeskip Sakura if that's not clear, I think they are about 18/19 and jonin though I can remember the exactly. She's well characterised, competent and not in love with Sauske.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2017
  9. Nuit

    Nuit Dark Lord

    Feb 14, 2010
    The Peach State
    I have trouble imagining what Itachi could find interesting about Sakura with pre-Shippuden characterization but I suppose I'll give it a shot.

    Edit: Just opened up the story, might have spoke too soon about the characterization. Looks to be further in the future than I expected so maybe she'll be more mature.

    Edit2: Eh, I didn't make it very far.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2017
  10. Silly

    Silly Third Year

    Oct 12, 2015
    High Score:
    Considering how old this fic is, I'm surprised that it hasn't been brought up sooner.

    Anyways, I happen to have read that story pretty recently, so I'll talk a little bit about it.

    The story is okay for a romance. It's technically sound and the characters are reasonable, so it seems like it has a lot going for it, but I found the content of the story to actually be somewhat mediocre. The romance doesn't develop completely naturally, but rather it seems like it's done for the sake of there being a romance. Itachi is actually pretty creepy and goes full obsessive stalker in a lot of parts, Sakura is super stubborn and doesn't seem to develop beyond "I hate you but secretly find you kind of exciting" until she suddenly decides that they belong together after all, and it seems like the story just decides "hey if he's around for long enough and makes enough unwanted physical content eventually she'll eventually change her mind and fall in love with him" is a good avenue for a romance to develop.

    This may seem like I'm making out the story to be awful, but it's not. I read the entire thing, which is not something I would have done had it been 150k words of garbage. The story is definitely not bad, but it's just not great either. I'd probably rate it somewhere in the 3-3.5/5 range. If you like romance or you like stalker Itachi as a character, by all means it's probably worth reading.
  11. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    reverse by black.k.kat (Naruto fic)
    To make a tragedy, you break something beautiful and frame the pieces. To make a victory, you break something mighty and rebuild it piece by piece. To make a life, you glue the pieces together and hope for the best. Kurama's still getting the hang of this 'human' thing, but since he's 30 years back in time with a blond brat to save, he'll have to figure things out on the fly. Slash

    First of all... yes, it's tagged slash. Though after 300k words we haven't gotten to the main pairing and there's only been one one-night stand and some random flirting. So the slash aspect of things is rather minor.

    It's also... fluffy. Enough so that I find myself rolling my eyes at times. Kurama is extremely good with children.

    If you can deal with those two things it's a decently written story.

    In short... Kaguya won, and the world was down to only a handful of humans. Naruto and Sakura sent Kurama back in time in Naruto's body to fix everything. His body is altered a bit in the process (red hair to match Kurama's fur, fingernails a little like claws, etc). Naruto is six years old in the time he arrives in, so he's a character but a fairly minor one given his age.

    Doesn't follow canon much at all. Feels pretty original. I liked it if I'm honest, though it would be better if I felt like things might go wrong a bit more often. I have the feeling that despite the tension and suspense the story generates at times that everything is going to work out just peachy and wonderful in the end.
  12. Otters

    Otters Groundskeeper ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jun 8, 2010
    High Score:
    Despite this being 300k words long, at the end of it I felt like nothing had really happened. It was okay enough that I got through those 300k words, but in all honesty the only thing which stood out to me was the little etymological notations for the chapter titles. Those were kinda neat, mind you.
  13. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    CareOtters - More or less my thoughts on it exactly. Almost exactly how I'd define "Almost Recommended."

    I tried some of the authors other stuff and... to be honest, it's all like that. I finished their Founders fic, I guess because Harry Potter made it feel a bit different, but even that gave off the same vibes. The author likes specific tropes and every story is chock full of the same ones.

  14. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    Title: Honor Among Thieves
    Author: BracketyJack
    Rating: T
    Genre: Drama/Sci-fi
    Status: Complete]
    Fandom: Honor Harrington
    Pairings: N/A
    Summary: An Honorverse AU. I know the story-arc of the Honorverse is one of its great glories, but haven't you ever, reading the latest best-selling doorstop, wanted radically to short-circuit the whole thing, and see those morally defective, small-souled Manticoran aristocrats taken down hard? And all Detweilers whatever fed to a passel of treecats, with BBQ sauce? I know I have ...
    Link: ff.net

    I have no idea how I found this originally - I did a clear out of my bookmarks recently, and re-discovered it there.

    Now, I'm only semi-familiar with the HHverse. I think I was introduced to it through SB (it's their cup of tea), and I've read the first three books or so, as well as wikiwalked around on it. Whilst not my favourite series (I dropped canon, but I'll get onto that in a minute), it's decent enough if you like your sci-fi to be more military-fiction than techno-wizardry.

    This fic shares a lot of problems that canon does. The first is that utter banality of names - the main cast all have relatively normal names, except for the heroine herself. Melanie, Elizabeth, Mike, Roger, William, and so on - the kids I went to school with had these names. None of them stick with you, making the characters quite unmemorable. Whilst it's been a while since I read canon, this fic doesn't go in for much description of characters, making everyone faceless, nameless, and completely forgettable.

    Most other "countries" have the same problem - Grayson and Haven are both big players, and you can't tell where someone's supposed to be from just by their name. Aldermani and San Martinos much less common names, but don't tend to be very major in the plot.

    The other big problem is all the military jargon, abbreviations, and acronyms which is why I dropped canon - I don't have any clue about the relative displacements, speeds, sizes, or total biggaton output of freighters, carriers, battlecruisers (light, heavy, or fast), cruisers, sloops, and so on. The distinction between these different classes of ships is something every character seems to be aware of, so is never explained. So when someone says "our BCs can beat your SDs five to one", the only way I know how impressive (or not) that really is, is by the reaction of everyone else.

    The acronyms are common, because militaries are fond of TLAs. But ONI and GONI are completely different, GNS are part of the GSN, but the INS has nothing to do with any of the above... It all gets muddy, and I just started pretending I had any idea what was going on. I certainly could have looked up each one, but that gets tedious really quickly.

    As an aside, how would you write someone speaking an acronym? The Royal Navy has a ship - The HMS Queen Elizabeth. Now, writing how I would say it (the Haych Em Ess Queen Elizabeth) looks really stupid, but some you say like you write. Not massively relevant, although seeing things written in speech that you can't say because they're text-based simplifications(mr. instead of mister, 5 instead of five, brackets in speech in general) winds me up.

    But going back to the story itself...

    It's actually not bad. It isn't as action heavy as I remember the canon stories being, but the author does state that they wanted to write more about the political opponents than fighting ones, so fair enough there.

    What I REALLY liked (and think will go over well here, too) is that most of the political opponents aren't caught because of obscure rules, but because Honor managed to outmanoeuvre them. Most of this comes from them underestimating her, due to non-noble roots, but also because she holds multiple titles that are, effectively, different persons. So whilst the information available to Captain Harrington is limited, the security clearance allowed to Steadholder Harrington as a Head of State means that it technically isn't.

    Chapters are huge, and each scene goes on for quite a while. Everything seems to drag on, and on, and I kept getting distracted from reading this. I did read the whole thing, but it felt labourious, and I don't know why I stayed with it.

    3/5. It wasn't something good, but it was interesting enough.
  15. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    Title: Red Rabbit
    Author: Anubis Dread
    Rating: M
    Genre: Action/adventure
    Status: WiP
    Fandom: Danmachi/Warhammer
    Pairings: N/A
    Summary: Some new gods enter Orario and start a friendly competition! It goes horribly for everyone involved.
    Link: Spacebattles here.

    Useful Danmachi primer here. You can pick the rest up with a quick wiki or two.

    Story is pretty interesting - the four Chaos Gods manage to sneak an application through Anubis and end up on Orario. They've got a month to find a champion, and then they and their familia will compete over the course of a few years, to determine which of the Four can stay, and which have to leave the city.

    Khorne, obviously a woman because anime, grants the Falna to a ten year old bunny girl, because said bunny girl (Fuzzy Flops) got into an alleyway brawl with a local thug. This was pleasing to Khorne.

    Ten chapters over the past three weeks makes this look promising, and it doesn't (so far) really interact with many canon characters. This is good, because avoiding the stations of canon... But at the same time, I don't know whether this is going to fizzle or not. The author's started four stories since January, so it could go either way. I also have no idea if there's a long term plot or not.

    Writing seems decent enough, although I wasn't really focusing on picking up errors. It's a bit cracky, but pretty amusing. I'd probably give it a 3.5 currently, with potential to go higher if the author has plans for the future, and not just a few ideas they want to touch on.

    Because previous bit was lacking

    The main amusement in this is mostly the incongruity of a young bunny girl being the champion of Khorne, coated in blood and screaming about skulls. The reactions of the rest of the gods to one of the Four is nice, and it does seem like the author has more of a handle on Warhammer than you often see in crossovers.

    Also, unlike a lot of stories that focus on younger characters, the author doesn't tend to forget the main character is tiny. It's normally played for laughs, but most characters the protagonist interacts with make mention of how she's a little short for an adventurer. It's nicely refreshing.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2017
  16. Shouldabeenadog

    Shouldabeenadog Death Eater

    Sep 3, 2010
    Second the rabbit. It's fun and cheeky and not too serious.
  17. sildet

    sildet Sixth Year

    Apr 10, 2015
    Title: Triumvirate
    Author: Ranaerys
    Rating: M
    Genre: Adventure/Romance
    Status: I think it is complete, and the first of a series
    Fandom: Pokemon
    Pairings: Unsure so far
    Summary: It is a manga/anime rehash of Ash and Gary's trip around the Gyms and their battle with Team Rocket.

    So far I am only 4 chapters in, but it is better written than most of the fandom. It's interesting and fast paced. The characters are also very well fleshed out (I'm on a chapter about Ivy's (Green's) entire backstory right now). I'll update this post when I get further along.

    4/5 so far.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2017
  18. Calen

    Calen Fourth Year

    Nov 8, 2006
    The good old U of K.
    Oath of Flowers by solopy567
    Oh My Goddess! & Fate/stay night Xover
    Rated: M, English,
    Drama & Tragedy,
    Words: 87k+,
    Published: Mar 23
    Updated: Apr 28
    Pairings: Keiichi/Belldandy

    Authors description: Because there are times when just one thing, can outweigh everything else.

    I was looking for a FSN crossover fanfic and found this. l am enjoying this so far. I am a fan of both OMG aka AMG and FSN. It's set post AMG manga end. From FSN it has counter guardian Emiya.

    4/5 so far.
  19. Reign

    Reign Fourth Year

    Oct 27, 2008
    It's been deleted for 'Inappropriate Content'.
  20. Nuit

    Nuit Dark Lord

    Feb 14, 2010
    The Peach State
    At least one of which was the Rabbit girl teaching Aiz, or possibly the reverse, how to Twerk lap dance.
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