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System spec thread

Discussion in 'PC Discussion' started by Midknight, Nov 14, 2005.

  1. Dark Minion

    Dark Minion Bright Henchman DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Sep 22, 2006
    I never noticed this thread before ...

    Just for the lulz I add my system specs for my desktop and couchbottom. Several parts are second hand, third hand, etc. as are the two monitors. I never bought a new system, even the first was second hand, and I upgrade only occasionally and often with used parts - some friends are glad to get some bucks for financing their high-end stuff. Only hard disks are always new.

    The desktop:
    for - err - serious stuff

    AMD-Athlon XP 2400+ / 2.0 GHz, 256 MB DDR
    Graphic: ATI 3D Rage Pro, 8MB Ram
    Sound: Via on board
    HDD: 80GB Maxtor, another 80GB WD already waiting to be installed.
    19" Monitor, Proview 986M (manufactured March 2000)

    The couchbottom at one end of my couch.
    for reading, writing, surfing, and controlling the model railroad

    AMD-Athlon K7 / 750 MHz, 128 MB-Ram,
    Graphic: Cirrus Logic 5430/40 PCI (RWR*) max. 1024x768 / 256 but I use it at 800x600 / 16bit
    Sound: SB Audio128 PCI
    HDD: 20GB (Maxtor I think)
    19" Monitor, LG-Electronics CB910C (manufactured Oct. 1998 - I have been using it for a year now.)

    Both Systems run with Windows 98 SE, and the desktop starts (and I think runs) a lot faster than most of the so called high-end pcs some friends run with XP or Vista :)
    As an additional bonus: No one is programming viruses for Win98 anymore :D

    *RWR = Ram? What Ram?
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2007
  2. chronic dragon

    chronic dragon Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    Jan 28, 2006
    Processor: Intel Pentium D processor 925 featuring two processing cores (3.00 GHz 800 MHz FSB 2x2 MB Non-ht em64t

    Memory: 512MB ddr2 sdram (667MHz) pc5300 dual channel

    hard drive: 160 GB 7200rpm serial ata w/ 8mb cache

    optical drive: 48x/32x/48x cd-rw &dvd-rom combo drive

    video: ATI X 1300 128 MB with TV-out 2x DVI

    sound: Integrated Intel 7.1 high defeinition audio

    expansion slots 2 PCI, 8USB, 2 PS/2 ports, 2 IEEE 1394 firewire

    dont really know much about specs so any good?
  3. Darius

    Darius 13/m/box

    Aug 23, 2006
    The Octagon - Say that to my face and not online m
    Seems like a powerful processor for only 512mb of ram.

    I would suggest upgrading that, it's really cheap, another stick of 512mb would be under $150 and make any games you might want to run much smoother.
  4. Dryops

    Dryops Second Year DLP Supporter

    May 29, 2007
    United States
    My System Specs

    Mobo - ASUS P5B
    Proc - Intel Core Duo 1.6 ghz
    Mem - 2 gig
    Video - NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GT
    HD - 320 gig x 4
    DVD-Rom Drive : LITE-ON DVDRW LH-18A1P SCSI CdRom Device x 3
    OS: Windows SP2, Ubuntu 6.21 (not quite sure on the version #)
  5. Amerision

    Amerision Galactic Sheep Emperor DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2006
    The Gardens in the Desert Sand
    I think you mean 6.10, Edgy Eft.
  6. Vir

    Vir Centauri Ambassador ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    May 21, 2006
    High Score:
    My system specs:

    AMD athalon 64 x2 Duel Core Processor(s) 5000+ (3.0ghz)
    2024 MB DDR2 (667mghz) duel channel RAM
    Nvidia GeForce 7950 GT (512MB)
    NEC 22" flat screen Monitor
    Samsung 22" flatscreen monitor.
    Realtek HD Audio 7.1 intrigrated sound
    10/100/1000 Nic
    DLink Wireless N (draft) network adapter.
  7. Richard

    Richard Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 5, 2006
    My own system specs, I have like 7 computers in my house. 3 don't work (they just sit and collect dust), 1 computer partially works, exe files won't open, except Nero works for some reason. Then I have 3 other computers that do work. The computer I use most right now has this:

    Video Card: Ge-Force TI-4600 (I think it has 128mb ram).
    Sound Card: Sound Blaster Live! 24bit.
    1 gig of memory.
    DVD player that burns onto the normal 700mb disks.
    CPU: AMD Athlon 3500+ 2.22GHz
    OS: Windows XP Professional SP2
    Don't have a clue which motherboard it is, seeing as how the PC is a tad old.

    My computer in my dads room is this:

    CPU: AMD Athlon 6600 2.40GHz
    Video: Ge-Force 8800 GTS 256mb ram
    Sound Card: Audigy 2 ZS
    Memory: 2 gigs (If I remember correctly)
    Don't know the motherboard model.
    OS: XP Professional SP2
    Also has cd-rom/dvd burner in 1 cd drive. Also reads at 58x.(I think or maybe its 64 or 68.) DVD burns at 16x, cd burner runs a lot higher. 58x maybe.)

    The 3rd computer is this:

    CPU: 5600, 2.00GHz(+ maybe), 1 gig of ram I think. (I haven't used this one in a long time)
    Sound Card: Onboard sound, its as affective as a Sound Blaster Live! 24bit
    Video Card: Ge-Force 7800 (2 of them) 256mb ram I think.
    OS: XP Professional SP2
    Don't know model of motherboard.

    All computers have a 19 inch monitor. 2 of them are flat screens. The one in my room I use most has a 19 inch "Proview" normal 50 pound monitor, lol. Its a good monitor though, supports 1280x1024. Although I keep it at 1024x768, its good enough for me.
  8. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    Lmfao, I never noticed I didn't make a post in here updating

    CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo e6600 @ 3.4 ghz

    Case: Thermaltake Kandalf LCS liquid cooled, with a Swiftech GTX waterblock

    Mobo: eVGA 680i motherboard w/ a Swiftech NB water block

    Monitor: Hyvision 22" LCD

    Memory: 2 1gb sticks of Crucial Ballistix DDR2 @ 4-4-4-8 @ 1100mhz

    HDs: 2 400gb Samsung SATA 2 drives

    Sound: Creative Audigy 2 ZS

    PSU: 680w Iceburg

    Video: eVGA nVidia 8800 GTS 640mb

    OS XP Pro SP 2. Vista's buggy as fuck, and I will not reinstall even for Dx 10.

    Drives: HP Lightscribe DVD burner 16x.
  9. Koenigg

    Koenigg Squib

    Apr 11, 2007
    My brand new one week old system:

    Intel Quad Core Q6600 (2.4ghz)
    2GB Corsair Dominator DDR2 SDRAM 1066mhz
    eVGA 8800GTX 768mb
    Seagate 500GB 7200RPM
    750W PSU
    Lite-On 16x DVD Burner
    22" Dell Monitor
    XP Pro
    SoundBlaster X-Fi
  10. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
  11. Darius

    Darius 13/m/box

    Aug 23, 2006
    The Octagon - Say that to my face and not online m
    I just got a new shitty desktop for $600. Not sure if it was a good deal or not.

    17' Widescreen LCD monitor.

    Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 3.0 GHZ

    RAM 1015 MB

    Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 950 - Graphics Card

    160 GB Hard Drive

    And Vista home edition, which I am not really a fan of. XP seems much smoother.

    Good deal, Y/N?
  12. Snarf

    Snarf Squanchin' Party Bro! ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Apr 27, 2007
    Forty-Six & 2
    High Score:
    That's a damn good computer for 600 dollars, I'd say. Add 50 more bucks and you could buy another G of memory to go with that first one. You want to tell me where you got that computer from?
  13. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005

    FUCK no. Nig you got robbed.

    You paid 200 for the monitor. 200+ for Vista, 100 for the hard drive. The rest of the shit was picked out of the trash bin.

    The worst part, the "card" is integrated graphics. Good luck with that. Most can't even hit 128 megs of memory due to stealing bandwidth from your RAM on your motherboard. So with the ram hogging back and forth you may as well only have 512mb of memory, and Vista runs sluggish for me in gaming with 2 gbs of high performance RAM.

    Vista is a resource hog and will murder that computer. Run the Vista score assessment and see what you get. My score is like a 5.9, b/c run I use a IDE hard drive for music and pictures, so the slower transfer rate drops my score.

    Vista needs a min of 2 gbs decent DD2 RAM, better to have 4gbs if you're going to game on it.

    The CPU is a relic of ... like 4+ years ago. D's get hot as shit and don't hold up well. The D line was Intel's way of overclocking the piss out of old p4's and charging more for higher speeds, when folks though high clock value, and not chip architecture were the way to go

    e6600 CPU, $200 ebay.
    650i SLI $110
    400gb hard drive $100 newegg
    Cheap ass case $50 ebay
    2gb Budget ram $75
    XP home SP2 $80
    nVidia 7900gs 256mb dx9 card $50-100 ebay/newegg
    Use your old monitor.
    665$ for budget

    I just built you a PC five times stronger then the poor D you got screwed into. The 650i, if you toss on another 60$ for aftermarket cooling, could over clock that chip to one 8-10 times stronger then the one you have.

    You can surf the net on the PC you just bought, but I'd bet it's slow as piss unless you have every single feature of Vista disabled, and very jerky. I'd love to know what your CPU temps are. Download Coretemp and lemee know.
  14. Snarf

    Snarf Squanchin' Party Bro! ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Apr 27, 2007
    Forty-Six & 2
    High Score:
    I honestly thought that was a damn decent computer for that price (the only bad-side I saw in that was the Vista which sucks), but damn you raped me a new arsehole. Though I'm high-jacking the thread just a tad, that hypothetical computer you just layed out right there would be able to run .. what? Would I be able to play CoD4 or Hg:L on a high graphics setting with those specs and a good internet connection? I need a new computer and from the difference in opinion on Darius' specs I'd say that I don't know rats ass compared to you.
  15. Darius

    Darius 13/m/box

    Aug 23, 2006
    The Octagon - Say that to my face and not online m
    Well, I need a computer right away so I walked into Bestbuy and got one that looked decent :p.

    It runs fine though, plays all the games that I've tried fine. Not amazing games by any means but so far: Fifa 07, NWN and Call of Duty 2 have run smoothly.

    It's pretty damn loud though, I'm tempted to just pirate a copy of XP and install that though because start up times seem pretty slow and load times are a bit longer then I experienced before on my computer at home which is more or less the same thing but with XP.

    EDIT: tried the coretemp thing but it said it wasn't an intel core so it could not continue.
  16. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    Hellgate maxed out. CoD4 maxed out, AA at around 4x, get 30 fps

    Thats basically my computer, with the exception that I have a 400$ graphics card in it, and the 680i board, which just lets me have 3 slots for PCI-E if I decide to get a physics card

    I run Hellgate fully maxed, and I mean everything fully maxed including AA, and don't go under 60-70 fps at damned 1680x1050 res.

    Everyone gets burned when they buy prepacked by Dell/Gateway/HP/Compaq computers unless they pay out the ass. I got frustrated with my first 2 computers I bought, especially because I was stupid enough to believe that the Celeron line were just as good as the P3/P4's.

    Building your own PC is stupid easy, everyone thinks it's uber hard for some reason.

    You want Intel?

    Buy an intel board. Read reviews, best one out right now for overclocking is the 680i board. Get the 650i if you don't want to SLI the cards. If you're buying bundled bullshit, you probably don't know what SLI is. That's fine.

    Buy a e6600 or if you must, a quad core Q6600. But most stuff doesnt use 2 cores yet, much less 4.

    Aftermarket heatsink. Zalman 9700

    Case. Pick up whatever looks cool to you, I heavily recommend the Antec 900. It cooled almost as well as my water setup at 200$ cheaper. You want an ATX form factor case. Read, nearly every one out there. You'll see BTX, but that format has flopped. If not the Antec 900, get the Thermaltake Armor.

    Ram. Crucial. Hands down. Their parent company is the people that supply everyone with the quality memory chips in the first place. 2gbs plus

    Hard drive. Whatever

    Sound, use onboard sound. If you're a bundler normally, you won't have speakers worth a fuck to appreciate slightly higher quality audio anyway.

    Video. Either nVidia 7900/7950, or 8800 gts/gtx DO NOT was money on anything that doesn't have either an 8 or a 9 in the 2nd number spot. Anything lower in nVidia numbering means, budget. 8800gtx 640 mg card is the best bang for the buck out.

    Power supply. 50-100 bucks, higher number the better, you want 2 12v rails pushing over 18amps each. Dirt easy to find on newegg.

    It's now time to put it in the case, thanks to forced specifications, it's impossible to screw up putting this thing together. Power on. Let the Bios autoset itself in the 650i's case. Install OS. get into windows install drivers. Wait. BAM done. Saved hundreds by switching your car insurance to Geico.

    Laugh at the poor bastard who can't even load porn to his shiny new Dell.


    D whatever works for you, I'm just saying =P
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2007
  17. Murton

    Murton DJ OEM DLP Supporter

    Feb 28, 2006
    Newcastle, NSW, Australia
    Just swapped out a few parts in my PC.

    OLD PC Parts:
    AMD Spemron 3100+ clocked at 2Ghz.
    1.5GB DDR 800 (1GB of Dual Channel Corsair and 512mb of single channel Geil)
    Come random AGP Motherboard. ASUS I think. I can't remember.
    ATI Radeon 9550R Gaming Edition 128mb AGP.
    Seagate SATA 250GB HDD.
    Pioneer 8x DVD-RW
    Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 5.1
    400w PSU

    NEW* PC Parts:
    AMD Athlon 64 3200+ 2Ghz
    ASUS A8S-X MotherBoard
    ATI CoolMaster Radeon x1600 GT PCI-e16x 256mb

    So new MoBO, CPU, Video Card and PSU for me. Swapped them out of my mates PC when I upgraded his PC to a AMD AM2 6000+ at 3Ghz(Going to fix the multiplyer soon and set it to 14x instead of 15x so I can get full memory performance), Gigabyte GeForce 8500GT PCI-E 512MB (In hind sight should've spent the extra money to go to a 8800), ASUS M2N8 MoBo and a Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 7.1 SE.

    So win-win for me and him. Only problem is of course windows XP had a complete physcho at me for changing over too much stuff and the work around I researched before hand failed.

    Thus I had to try and save my data by installing a second version of XP which worked great until the SP2 CD I have gave way and failed causing the OPS to completely die and resist all my attempts to save it including swapping out files from the original version of windows via the recovery console.

    Thus it wouldn't let me install any more copies of windows, tried 4 more times, and I was forced to do q quick format thus loosing all my data. I'm waiting on another PC upgrade for a friend tonight to use their HDD's to recover all my data (Which I found using a variety of tolls and can recover most of) and finally get back.

    My computer was due for a format anyway, but I didn't want to do it in this way.
  18. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
  19. Darius

    Darius 13/m/box

    Aug 23, 2006
    The Octagon - Say that to my face and not online m
    It works for porn so that's about 90% of my worries gone right there ^_^
  20. Murton

    Murton DJ OEM DLP Supporter

    Feb 28, 2006
    Newcastle, NSW, Australia
    I have recovered basically everything, thank fuck for Xp taking up 10GB by itself so no data was lost. In the process of deleting everything which I don't need, e.g. system files etc that were rescued aswell, and it's taking a hell of a long time I'll tell you now.

    I can see how people charge a fuck load of money for data recovery.
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