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TinyHunt #7

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Newcomb, Jan 5, 2017.

  1. Story Content: TinyHunt #7

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    MemeHunt 7
    A Witch Hunt Variant
    ~brought to you by Newcomb and Eidolonic~


    The Village wins when all members of the Witch Coven are dead, and at least one Villager is alive.

    Priest: Each night, check if a player is in the Witch Coven.

    Acolyte: At the start of the game, you learn who the Priest is.

    Judge: At the end of day, if the Lynch vote is tied or no lynch, you may kill a player of your choosing. This does not count as a lynch for Vigilante purposes.

    Vigilante: The first Night after two consecutive lynches of Village members, you may kill a player. A Vigilante kill appears the same as a regular Witch Night Kill.

    Oracle: Each night, pick a player. If that player was visited by any other party, you learn how many Witches were alive at the start of that night. Possible Visits: Witch Kill, Vigilante Kill, Priest check, Clown throw, Angel protect - including a deathcurse blocked Angel protect.

    Gambler: At the start of the game, choose even or odd. On those nights, you have Protection from a kill.

    Leeroy: You may kill yourself to immediately determine the Lynch target, so long as a majority has not been reached. Your death, and who you select will be announced at day end. This does not count as a lynch for Vigilante purposes.

    Graverobber: Once per game at night, pick a dead player and learn their role. Witches are told when you do this.

    D.O.B.: When you die, choose another player to die with you. Your death and the target you select will be announced at day start if you are killed in the night, or at day end if you die to a lynch.

    Clown: Each night, select a player to hit with a pie. Players hit by pies are told, and if you selected the same target as the Priest or Oracle, you have Protection from a kill for that night (though you are not informed you had protection).


    Witches win when all Villagers are dead or nothing can prevent this from happening. Witches can freely communicate with each other and have a nightly kill.

    Demon: Each night, you are informed of who the Priest and Oracle visited, but not who visited which player.

    Occultist: At the end of each night, you are informed of the Guardian Angels' protection target that night. If the Guardian Angels protect same target two nights in a row without preventing their death, learn that target's role.

    Necromancer: Learn the role of players killed by the Witch Night Kill.


    Timing: Day will be 72 hours, while night will be 24 hours.

    Lynches:The day ends when the day end timer arrives. The day can be ended prematurely with a HARD LYNCH, which will be roughly 3/4 of the alive players. SOFT LYNCH will be majority, and will determine the lynch at Day End. If a SOFT LYNCH is not reached by Day End, it will go to the Judge, or result in a no lynch. Voting for No Lynch is permissible. There are no deadline votes.

    Deaths: Roles are not revealed upon death.

    Soup: At night, instead of making the group Night Kill, a Witch may instead choose to drink Soup. Doing so allows them to Match a player to an Innocent role one at a time until they are incorrect or choose to stop. Each correctly Matched player dies. They may do this once per Witch. Dead Witches cannot use Soup.

    A successful Match will only give the 'PlayerName has Died' message. On an incorrect match, the message is 'Xanthippe the Witch attempted to Soupkill Yolanda the [Incorrect Role Name], but failed', but if no players have been killed that night with Soup, the identity of the Witch is not revealed - 'A Witch attempted to Soupkill Amelia the [Incorrect Role Name], but failed'.

    Lump, the Faithful Panda: On Day 1, there is a plurality vote for Lump to be a player's friend (witches choose who wins a tie). Lump always Lynch votes the same as his friend, adding an extra vote. If Lump's friend dies, Lump leaves the game.

    Guardian Angels: Dead players become Angels. Each Night, the Angels decide by plurality vote to Protect a player (tie = no protect). A Protected player can't die to regular kills that night (Vigilante Kill or Witch Night Kill). "No Protect" is a valid vote.

    Angels get the results of Priest checks at the end of each night. Angels are unable to give Protection when there are four or fewer living players at the start of night.

    Death Curse: Once per game during Day, dead Witches may cast a Death Curse, which renders any Protection that Night ineffective. After casting a Death Curse, the Witch may not vote any further in Angel chat (but can still post in it). Living players are not informed of a Death Curse. Angels are not informed of a Death Curse until the end of that night.

    Witches Last Gasp: If a Witch dies to a standard lynch (not judge or leeroy), their power continues to work for the coven that night.

    Night Kill Survival: If a player survives being killed at night there is no public announcement made. However, the player is told privately that they survived.

    Timing Specific Role Actions: D.O.B, Leeroy and Judge can have pre-queued conditionals set up at all times in their QuickTopics. (Ex: If I reach soft lynch at any point, I wish to activate Leeroy on Player X. Ex #2: I'm currently setting myself to revenge kill Player Y if I die).


    -Only living players may post in the game thread
    -You may not post in the game thread during the night phase
    -You may not edit or delete posts from the game thread or in any QuickTopics you may be posting in
    -You may not privately communicate with anyone except the game moderator unless you're specifically allowed to do so (i.e. the QuickTopics for Witches or Angels). This includes using systems outside the scope of the game to communicate something game related.
    -You may not post in codes or ciphers.
    -Votes must be bolded, brightly colored, and on a separate line.
    -All actions that are not explicitly worded as optional are not optional.
    -Moderator decisions are final. Play to the spirit of the game and don't make me make judgement calls.
    -Be Nice, and have fun. This is not optional.


    Day Action Priority
    -Start of day + Announcements
    -Day ends
    -Gambler protection choice locked in
    -Lynch if majority, allow Judge to pick if no majority or no lynch (if alive)
    -Lump joins his friend (Day One only)
    -DoB Revenge if lynched
    -Witches Death Curse
    -Vigilante informed if he can kill

    Night Action Priority
    -Everything resolves effectively simultaneously, with kill happening last.

    Hot Spicy FLAVOR

    It all started with the panda. Fourteen of you were living comfortable, if slightly boring lives in your sleepy little village. Then one day, Old Man McGreedy bought a panda from a passing menagerie. Everyone gathered in the town square to marvel at the size and cuddly, warm friendliness of the panda.

    You’re all so enamored with the panda, in fact, that you don’t notice the storm clouds on the horizon. Storm clouds on the horizon are never a good thing. The frenzy around the panda reaches hilarious levels.

    “We should make him an honorary member of the village,” someone says.

    “No, let’s make him the mayor!” chimes in someone else.

    “No, let’s induct him into the Inner Circle with the Ritual of a Thousand Ice Cubes!” (The village you live in is pretty odd)

    “No, let’s sacrifice him to the Unholy One, K’tesh, Devourer of Souls, God of the Underworld, Hate, Misery, and Telecommunications Companies!”

    There’s an awkward silence. No one’s quite sure who spoke up with that last one.

    Everyone looks left and right at their friends and neighbors. You all back away, slowly, into your houses. Doors are locked, torches are lit, and everyone spends a tense, sleepless night wondering just which one of you is some kind of unholy monster. And if perhaps, PERHAPS, they weren’t the only one.

    In the morning, you find Old Man McGreedy’s body strung up in the rafters of his barn. There’s a large pentagram carved on the floor, in blood of course.

    Witchcraft. Just as you suspected.

    Luckily, Old Man McGreedy managed to carve a shaky message into his own flesh with his fingernails. Always was rather clever and quick-thinking, McGreedy.


    With that helpful bit of information, you all agree that the most sensible thing to do is to construct a noose in the village square, and hang people every day until you’ve finally rid your town of witchcraft, once and for all.

    Oh, and that panda’s hanging around, looking mildly confused. You should probably figure out what to do with him, too.


    his fluffiness
    The Waco Kid


    Day One ends in 72 hours - January 7th, 2017, at 6 PM PST.

    Day One End

    With 13 players alive, it will be 7 to soft lynch, and 10 to hard lynch.

    Also, don't forget to elect someone to give Lump, the Faithful Panda to!

    Any questions can be directed to me in your QuickTopics - I will respond as quickly as possible. Good luck, and have fun!
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2017
  2. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    I am the priest!

    First post as always.
  3. Waco Kid

    Waco Kid Groundskeeper

    Jan 3, 2015
    Nowhere Special
    In other news, this player list makes me incredibly happy.

    So here's a thing: I read a TinyHunt over at FantasyStrike to bone up for this game, and it seemed like a Thing was that Priest/Oracle/Clown should target the Lump N1, and then kind of freelance from there. That seems like a pretty decent plan to me. With that in mind...

    I would really like to be the Lump friend.

    Joke reason: I've always wanted a panda friend.

    Semi-joke reason: I'm a huge narcissist and it would make me feel special.

    Serious reason: I was townfirmed in Narutomafia and that helped town PoE, and I was a pretty big target in Hannibal mafia and I got some pretty good reads off the way people pushed on me. If you give me Lump, it'll be the best of both worlds - extra scrutiny today, giving me good reads, and then soft townfirmed (when Priest doesn't out) tomorrow, giving me an extra vote to pressure people with.

    Meta reason: I think Lump should go to someone who'll be active and use it to get information and pressure people, and that's me.

    Entertainment value reason: If elected, I promise to roleplay Lump the Panda. I.e. I'll add Lump's commentary to the bottom of all of my posts! You will find this charming. Or possibly annoying. But hopefully entertaining!

    In conclusion, elect...

    Lump: Newcomb

    ...for #1 panda friend.
  4. Typhon

    Typhon Order Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    Goddammit Waco, I was going to do that :p
  5. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    I am not the Priest.

    Lump me.

    Lump Snowvon

    ---------- Post automerged at 21:07 ---------- Previous post was at 21:06 ----------

    Let the Newcomb meme die.
  6. Typhon

    Typhon Order Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    Were you in that game? All that I can remember of it from the deep, dark hole that I've repressed it to is that Newcomb rekt me because I townread the shit out of him for that.
  7. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    But it's memehunt!
  8. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Imagine me pasting Newcombs initial post from 2-3 tinyhunts ago right here.

    If you can't trust anything else, you can trust my incapability regarding everything.

    And my question for everybody at the start of the game :

    What is your favorite superhero power and why?
    People with a creative/fun answer will be awarded more points for it.

    And no kai, making america great again is not a valid power, sorry.

    ---------- Post automerged at 03:08 ---------- Previous post was at 03:07 ----------

    Ah nice .. waco did the same thign i was too lazy to do :D
  9. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast

    Make China Maoist Again.
  10. Fluffiness

    Fluffiness DA Member

    Nov 19, 2013
    Hi everyone.

    Waco, plz no roleplay.
  11. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    I'll be creative and fun after I get Lumped.
  12. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    why should we lump someone who can be forced into a vote via peer pressure?

    Why should we want a check on you n1?
  13. Typhon

    Typhon Order Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    In fairness, where else should it live on if not in meme mafia?

    On a more serious note, I was going to wait a bit till we kinda hit our stride with the game, but I think I want lump here so

    Lump: Typhon
  14. Waco Kid

    Waco Kid Groundskeeper

    Jan 3, 2015
    Nowhere Special
    I do have a vote for you if you want Von, but it won't be a lump, lol
  15. Typhon

    Typhon Order Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    Newcomb promised me RP as a panda once, I'll not be tricked by sweet words again.
  16. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014

    Scum entrance?

    Day1 Vote fluff

    Waco, if you can't say anything nice, keep quiet and let me do the grunt work.
  17. Fluffiness

    Fluffiness DA Member

    Nov 19, 2013
    Now's a good a time as any.

    Lump: Fluff

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:15 PM ----------

    You haven't seen my DLP scum entrance yet. I'll make it spectacular, just for you.
  18. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    We're using the lump as a cop check. The priest is going to check them or I will strangle them.

    It will work this time.
  19. Typhon

    Typhon Order Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    Yeah, I'm with Von, that was super flat.

    Vote: his fluffiness
  20. KaiDASH

    KaiDASH Auror DLP Supporter

    Oct 6, 2010
    What kind of powers do you need to be the savior of western civilization?
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