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Witch Hunt #9 Halftime Edition

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Jan, Jul 10, 2017.

  1. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    Okay, rereading.

    First off: Vaimes stating straight up that owner is obvtown is notable b/c Vaimes is not known to powerwolf. I think that makes this a weak anti-align (weak b/c Little Witches exist). Cross-reference with owner doubtcasting Vaimes, though, and it gets...weird. It's D1 so I'm going to avoid going down that rabbit hole at this point though, honestly.

    Reviewing the Jarizok/Kai/myself bit around post 65, that's Kai's first thread post? Now that I think about it, seems a little odd to be jumping on a first post as insubstantial. That said, the follow-up mechanics post contradicts the tl;dr with some GD/UT claim advice and also kinda feels like an attempt to score townpoints...but the advice seems sensible and like if he'd left the thread to proceed as-is we might have claimed info scum wanted to have out of ignorance? Then he proceeds to shitpost all day.

    Final verdict: It's not like I have any better targets.

    Okay, now Miner's turbo D1 attack on Vaimes. I've seen this happen in WH before and I think the correct thing to do is leave it alone. Doubly true due to how Vaimes's meta usually shakes out. Won't say more than that.

    tom is doing literally nothing but shitposting. Rubicon shades Jari, Miner shades Rubicon, fluff ALSO shades Rubicon (and yes fluff #84 counts as shade), Jarizok shades me, Miner shades tom (later clarified as a joke), Kai shades tom (or me and Rubicon...? Or it's a joke???), I point out all the shade, then Rubicon shades me for pointing out all the shade.

    From the starting thesis that myself and Rubicon are town...this makes me feel weird about fluff? And...Kai and Tom? And maybe Miner if it wasn't for the Vaimes thing? Like I said, they're probably not all scum so either my assumptions are off or some town players are behaving really weirdly.

    Early townread on Rubicon from Fable is something I'm not even gonna touch, it seems notable but after RWBY mafia I feel like ME attempting to read it will guaranteed result in the wrong result. I mean come on, Fable townreading someone who abbreviates to Ruby? :(

    Fable is confusing me, but not in a scummy way. If I had to guess I'd say this makes Fable town because if he was behaving in a way I understood I'd understand it from RWBY mafia and he'd be scum. Ergo, if he's playing in a way I haven't seen it's probably his townplay? Then he votes Owner, who votes me with what I just realized is an OMGUS (at least, if the underlined portion of what she's quoting from me implies what I think it does, i.e. that my reason for voting her was scummy)

    Miner will apparently lynch my face off if I divert the lynch from Vaimes. Joke's on you, Miner, if I do that it'll probably be by becoming the lynch target myself! In all seriousness though, this is like...whatever the opposite of chainsaw defense is. Chainsaw attack? That's not inherently scummy, but it kind of deviates from the thing I assumed Miner was fitting into (a habit I have noticed in other players e.g. Newcomb in WH12 whereby a townie will pick up a scumread D1 and turbotunnel it until it dies).

    Usually people who do this are town, but I'm not sure if canvassing for votes by threatening to lynch OTHER people fits into it. Town thinking they've picked one scum makes sense, but then extrapolating to anyone diverting from that scum as also scum BEFORE THE FIRST PERSON HAS EVEN FLIPPED seems just a little too self-assured for an uninformed player.

    Oh and now look fluffy does the same exact thing but for me defending Rubicon instead (and not nearly as strongly as Miner did). This in combination with having shaded Rubicon earlier comes off as not great. If fluff thinks scumteam is Rubicon/me then I kinda think fluff isn't paying attention given Rubicon's behaviour so far, while if fluff thinks Rubicon is town I'm not sure why me defending Rubicon is a problem. The whole thing just feels...inconsistent.

    Next up: Jokey interactions between Fable, owner, Vaimes, and Kai. Reads NAI. Thing with Owner not double checking Oracle whatsits, which was weak to begin with and is definitely weaker than the shit on Kai/Fluff/Miner. MORE tom shitposting. Kind of want to townread that, if only because I can't bring myself to townread anything else right now.

    Seriously. I feel like basically everyone has been farting around doing very little except piling on me, with the exception of Owner/Rubicon who actually put in to get that going. Ehh, alright, I guess I can townread Owner instead.

    Praise jegus, tom posted something! It's...about half in line with my own thoughts? I'm greener on Fable and Rubicon and redder on Jari (more or less null on Jari at this point, I think, and slightly above that on Fable). Not really explained, it's a passable start.

    Owner's general approach to me after that is, awkwardly, the same one I employ as scum with flailing town. OTOH it's also the one I employ as TOWN with flailing town, so it's likely just a playstyle thing.

    Fable scrutinizes tom's thing as bad. Little weirded that he didn't say anything about the GIFs being wolfy before now if he felt that way? Like, why wait for tom to post actual content to criticize him for not posting actual content?

    Now Kai is continuing to shitpost. Ordinarily this would be whatever but I kinda don't like that Kai did some meh stuff and THEN proceeded to shitpost off into oblivion.

    tom gets into a talk with Fable about tom's reads and related things.

    Signing off at #220 for dinner and to break up this monstrosity (I am like 90% sure I'm overanalyzing, but not at all sure which part of the analyzing is the "over" part). Current reads:

    Townside: Rubicon, Fable, Owner
    Scumside: KaiDASH, fluffiness, Miner
    Nullside: Everyone else

    (those aren't granular btw, says nothing about who's townier/scummier than anyone else)
  2. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    Oh good. dC can be the day two lynch.

    Anyways, god damn it.

    lynch: Vaimes
  3. weiyaoli

    weiyaoli Third Year

    May 12, 2009
    You've got some good depth on your other analysis in your post, but what does this mean? They did a thing, and?

    Ok, time to read the rest of the 17 pages that happened whilst I was asleep. >.<
  4. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    It's ongoing at post #220, as far as I can tell. Presumably the thrilling conclusion will turn up in Part 2.

    ---------- Post automerged at 08:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:06 PM ----------

    EBWOP: Posting this now b/c it's funny, the thrilling conclusion is on #221 and is just Fable disagreeing with everything
  5. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    Mumble Mumble

    dc's read on Kai is all wrong

    Mumble Mumble.

    fuck, please stop making reg posts. -_-
  6. weiyaoli

    weiyaoli Third Year

    May 12, 2009
    Hot-take, dislike Jari due to the interchange at the start of RVS between Jari/dya. Bad questions, and questions he doesn't seem to care about the answers to.

    I liked Rubicon's opener, but the rest of the posts kinda go downhill from there. Actually I quite like #114 as well. Hmm. He can be town for now.

    Not sure what to make of miner yet. Nothing in particular sticks out from him to me, but he's got a lot of posts already. Okay, he talks about Vaimes trying to imitate his town game and failing but then he does the whole exchange from #143 onwards.

    I dislike owner's vote in #124. Tons of better reasons to dislike dC so far apart from the tone - if anything I felt owner was the one who was more stiff.

    Gotta dash for lunch/work so back later.

    TL:DR reads so far:
    town - Rubicon
    scum - owner, miner, Jari

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:34 AM ----------

    Oh I hate that smiley. :mad:
  7. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    Lol, my top 2 town and me as scumleans.

    Also, I've been refreshing last page for at least 45 minutes... /facepalm
  8. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    Overall I think the exchange reads NAI? It's one of those things where it looks like it has about equal value to both town versions of the players (helping to refine reads/understanding a little) and scum versions (appearing to do this without needing to sink TOO much effort). It's not even elaborate enough to be not staged, so overall the information value is depressingly low. At least they both justify their positions which is a good data point for later.

    tom does vanish at the end there, but I almost wanna say scum would prefer to "close out" the interaction in some way before leaving.

    Lessee...Miner expresses some reads: Scum on tom, Vaimes, Fable, null/more info on Owner, town on Jari/Rubi. Not sure where Miner's townread on Rubi comes from here given the last thing I remember in that space is this post which seems critical.

    dyachei I get a very straightforward and forthright tone from? This can be a scum strategy but I think it's mostly me that uses it and every time I've tried to read it into someone else they've been town. Something something pattern recognition ._.

    Kai support dyachei town, ambiguously wants to lynch fluff? Post #236 is weird as a response to "toss me a scumread", because he says "fluff but it's probably just fluff's playstyle". When questioned, has no more in-depth explanation for either of these.

    Meanwhile, Fable pokes at Vaimes and Vaimes continues to act infuriating. Similar to Kai's infuriatingness, but I think without the pingy elements? Vaimes then votes tom. Not super keen on the lack of explanation given tom hasn't posted for a while and doesn't have all that much content, it's kind of not an environment where the lynch is self-evident.

    260, Fable responds saying it's "too early to be bussing". This is legitimately funny :v. Unsure what it says game-wise, I kinda feel like a bus would have more actual impetus behind it. If this is a scum->scum interaction it reads more like a limp-wristed swing at tom than an actual attempt to bus. So, distancing I guess? I think Fable just wanted to point out the interaction with a joke, honestly.

    Vaimes goes on a bit about attracting early pressure, explains later that he can just do that and it disappears due to meta. I'm going to ignore Vaimes as a matter of principle for now, he's too aware of his D1 meta for anything useful to come of prodding him.

    Rubicon questions tom's "Rubicon breaking RVS is bad" thing. Now that they mention it, that's a fair point...don't think tom has responded yet. Also points out that people "forgetting" not to bother honoring Vaimes's meta might be witches. Much less sure about that one. Rubicon points out everyone always hates Kai and fluff. Now I'm not so sure my reads are good ._.

    Kai says locking in Vaimes as scum is premature. Think I read this as NAI, Kai knows Vaimes's meta and people know that so him not playing to it would be a notable choice as scum and just plain odd as town.

    Beru shows up and naked votes Jari. Claims nothing is going on. If I thought I could read beru I would probably scumread this post. I am under no such illusion :/

    Kai whines about me extrapolating on fluff question. This is followed by me attempting to tease out what his actual position is. Result: My extrapolation was CORRECT, but Kai is complaining that it MIGHT not have been. Conclusion: This is stupid and Kai is annoying.

    Fable builds towncircle with Kai, Owner, Rubicon, and Miner. Reading this after forming my own reads on each of those people gives me a small heart attack because they're all reads I have but two of them are scumreads...I would like to know why Miner and Kai are town, Fable.

    Rubicon complains my Kai case is poorly substantiated and suggests Kai's responses are meta standard. Not townreading him for that, sorry, but I will try to mitigate the "Kai is a pain in the ass, therefore scum" factor.

    dyachei votes me for stuff mentioned before...I mention I find this a little weird as "why now", dyachei explains it was to keep exploration options open and look at Vaimes in particular. This is coherent and I don't see any reason for dyachei as scum to hold off on lynching me until this particular point (she probably wants on earlier for being seen committing, or not at all)

    Fable votes tom. The only surprise is it didn't happen earlier. People holding off on their D1 votes for no adequately explored reason is an interesting theme, but I don't think it says anything alignment indicative (too many people do it for too many disparate reasons)

    Citrus expresses reads: Vaimes/Owner/Jari town, Rubicon...don't like but then town, fluff high town (I do not understand this), then fable, then me, then Beru for neutral, then Kai, then tom for scummiest. Then votes dyachei. I...actually am kind of not a fan here. I don't like the fluffy read (putting him that high on "I like his opening", over what he said about Rubicon?), and I don't like the no commentary vote. He explains later why he did it when prompted, but only when prompted. Mild scumping here.

    fluff surface reads kai as metatown. Honestly this almost feels like a cop-out. Combined with kai???softball???fluff from earlier I kinda want to theorize a coalignment...but that's DEFINITELY premature.

    Rubicon defends Jari, Beru continues pressing. I don't think this is important information until later in the game.

    Acio appears and makes one post immediately voting me and asking a few questions (hi, good to see you too :V). Miner immediately votes Acio for it. Miner --- Games played with Acionyx in the past?

    Jari likes Owner and Miner. Still do not understand people liking Miner. This plus the Beru/Rubicon thing around Jari feels like some kind of big alignment web that might shake out later. Worth revisiting down the line. Jari also posts a thing that is +EV for town that I don't want to point out, but it dings him up a little.

    weiyaoli finally appears on the scene! Town on Rubicon, scum on Owner/Miner/Jarizok. Feels mostly uncontroversial. Post is rushed, so considering that feels like an average catch-up, need more content here to say anything meaningful.

    Final notes: Owner has gone quiet for this second half, but looks like it's due to thread absence. Still therefore townreading over the way their pursuit of me went.

    Town (dC)
    Null (Beruru, Cobalt, Jarizok, jwlk, tom, weiyaoli)

    Final note, a lot of the null pool I want to see how it shakes out before specifying a read. Some of it is "has not posted", some of it is "has not posted anything alignment indicative", some of it is "pending certain in-thread results". Vaimes and Acio are a tossup between The Lightest Townread and the null collection, although for different reasons.
    weiyaoli --- What arguments would you have accepted from Owner as reasons to vote me?

    PREVIEW EDIT: Miner --- I will probably be making one or two per day when I get off work. Sorry not sorry :v. Might decrease as the game goes on, but for now this is me compressing like 8~10 hours of activity into a couple posts.

    Also how am I misreading Kai, exactly? (DISCLAIMER: An answer of "meta" will be met with frothing rage)
  9. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast


    ---------- Post automerged at 07:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:08 AM ----------

    OK but actually, the fact that the biggest problem you seem to have with Kai appears to be when and how he shitposts compared to his serious posts, and that's never AI for Kai.

    ---------- Post automerged at 07:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:09 AM ----------

    dC, I'd highly recommend you take a look at what I did post Acio vote.
  10. Fable

    Fable First Year

    Apr 21, 2017
    High Score:
    Yes? I'm not locking anyone in this early and I feel worse about tom anyway. Also everybody busses here.....
  11. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    *Fable rubs it in more*
  12. Fable

    Fable First Year

    Apr 21, 2017
    High Score:

    When did you push beruru? She just got here and hasn't done much of anything.
  13. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    I mean, the biggest problem I have is he's done a couple sketch things and then everything else is shitposting...usually that reads like trying to distract from the sketch things. Do you think Kai is town or, failing that, less scummy than other people I talked about if I was taking meta into account?

    Also you, uh, switched back to Vaimes and said you'd go for me D2? I don't see how that makes any difference to anything (esp. given your searing hatred of Vaimes probably dwarfs any other reason for voting from your POV). I'd still like to know if/when you've played with Acio before.
  14. Fable

    Fable First Year

    Apr 21, 2017
    High Score:
    Miner is far more active than he was in rwby and Kai I've never seen wolf but I'm tone reading his fluff. I mean I'm not tone reading fluff I'm tone reading kai's fluff, yeah.
    his fluffiness

    I can't believe you've done this. ._.

    ---------- Post automerged at 07:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:30 AM ----------

    ^That was to dC.
  15. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    I said it's NAI. Kai has, to the best of my knowledge, always done this (shitposts with the occasional serious one mixed in) d1 (and sometimes even d2, d3). For you to have him as the lowest is super sketchy.

    As for Acio, I'm gonna assume that you've started repressing rwby from your memory because we were both in that. Prior to that Id played with him in MM7.

    My actual behavior wrt Acio I'm not going to explain now. Just trust in your lord.

    ---------- Post automerged at 07:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:56 AM ----------

    You should be more impressed that I'm phone posting everything because fucking third world country.

    Shut up tom.
  16. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    Hmmm...wait, which way are you tonereading it? I'm assuming from context you mean you're tonereading it as towny, but it's not exactly clear.

    Also on the one hand I hadn't noticed Miner as substantially active...on the other hand if he's actually phoneposting then that is A Thing.

    ...acio was seriously in RWBY? What did he- oh that's right he died around the midgame.

    Yeah it's not so much repression as everything other than The Disaster kind of fades from memory in comparison. If you insist you're doing something specific I guess I can give you a LITTLE leeway...

    Still not exactly convinced on Kai, though. Fable --- Assuming I'm right about the shitposting being tonally town, can you elaborate on that a little? (And do you just not think the stuff I mentioned RE: weird behaviour around fluffy and/or mechtalk is particularly scummy, or does your toneread outweigh it?)
  17. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    The read on Rubicon is on Regards to his opening post (if I remember correctly without checking). I disagreed with his opening reads, but I feel like he'd try to be more liked/believed were he scum. As in I don't think he'd try to go so against the grain

    ---------- Post automerged at 07:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:17 AM ----------

    Word choice, I meant her posts thus far haven't molded my views on her either way (and alternatively that they've given me both town and scum vibes leaving her right at neutral)

    ---------- Post automerged at 07:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:18 AM ----------

    dC can be added to the pile of people not eligible for lynch by me today
  18. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    dC, it's Not Alignment Indicative. AKA null as fuck.

    Citrus, can I still rely on what you told me about your town be scum meta from when we were scum buddies?

    ---------- Post automerged at 08:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:23 AM ----------

    Also, I'm not doing something specific. I'm doing something new (for me) wrt Acio. That's about as much as I'll say.

    ---------- Post automerged at 08:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:24 AM ----------

    Games started brah.
  19. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    I'm pretty sure if it's something new it's a specific something new, still :V. Regardless, noted.

    As for Kai, my interpretation of what Fable's saying as a response to "Why do you think Kai is town?" is, in fact, an argument that Kai is town. I'm after his opinion :v
  20. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    Miner probably? I don't remember what I told you but whatever it was probably hasn't changed drastically just because I took a break?
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