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Mountainous Mafia #2: Murder in Vanilla Town

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Vira, Sep 10, 2017.

  1. Beruru

    Beruru First Year

    Jul 6, 2017
    High Score:
    Fonti keeps making me posts that make me spin around in my chair.

    Does it help that I'm way more confident about Jari and Delphine than Fonti? Descending order, I guess.
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    I also don't understand the Jan vs Fable thing.
  2. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    Fonti started 3 for 3, but has since fallen off a cliff and gone 0 for four. Something to consider.
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    Or she could be scum again. Yeah I like that explanation better.
  3. Delphine

    Delphine First Year

    May 12, 2014
    Automerge Hell
    I still don't follow why that's edgelord town > swagging scum. Feels?

    VT=interchangeable to town in this setup; just meaningful in my own mind/meta categorization (have misread him as town PR when he was scum, as well as misread him as scum when he was town PR). Now that you mention underwhelming, I think the complete unwillingness to give a read early is kinda townie from him
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    I would like to win by then, in great part because I tend to get kookier the longer I'm in a game/would prefer not to be screaming from obs if I die early. Could you answer my question for you in #205?
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    I like [mention]Rubicon[/mention] a lot this game. I interpreted the Jari-GH thing the same way as him and most of his posts make me go "yes!! thank you." Am interested in the reasoning for his read on you though.

    Fair enough re: the rest. I associate her play here with American Gods, which I think is a townread.
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    Do you feel like your investment level in this game is ~par?
  4. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    I'm switching it up to keep you people on your toes, I can now fall off at any time!

    I'm caught up and there's actually some interesting stuff there now, so I'll be posting C O N T E N T in an hour or three, depending on how busy work is.
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    I'm fairly sure Miner was referring to this when he said that it's a scumsided perspective. It's funny, because good scum = townie, and both town and scum really should be trying to be townie in a mountainous game. Beru not bothering to is not good.

    These are good. I also like the Jan vote, more on that later.
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    I already said this. See, we're not that different, except I was scum when you were town and now our roles are reversed.

    This is a throwaway post, but in keeping with my townread.

    This is both accurate and accurate. Although to be honest I'd have expected Fluff to throw in a random two lines of text by now. Beru is imitating doing the same kind of nothing she did in WH9 and commenting on not doing it. The difference is, they were rather unsettled here those first couple of hours/days, whereas they should feel more comfortable here now, so it's out of place. They couldn't keep themselves from posting stuff once they got really into the game, so I've got my eye on that.

    This Beru feels like the mafia version of the cheap chinese knock-off Iphones. They look similar superficially, but one works and the other explodes or does nothing at all.
  5. Fable

    Fable First Year

    Apr 21, 2017
    High Score:
    I mean good is subjective here because I don't think it was/is? Also saying I was trying to drown you out when the whole point was I was trying to get you to explain your reads more is just ??? and I've already said what the point of what I was trying to do was and again whether I had a good reason for doing it or not is a subjective thing but personally I think discussing if someone is being cleared too easily is worth doing.
  6. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    Detached town tone. Also, don't think scum would tag on such a weaksauce read. Wifomwifomwifom, light town.

    I might be wrong here, as I've never visited the site or participated, but I think DM is DailyMafia, where a bunch of people (Fonti, Jan, Beru?, Fluff?) play video mafia. As to the rest of the post, I really like it. Not even necessarily in an AI way, but it has certain groundedness that I like reading. Good on you Asmo.

    Now come sit in my pocket please :)
  7. Fable

    Fable First Year

    Apr 21, 2017
    High Score:
    Fonti keeps doing weird 180s on people and it's kinda bizarre but I also kinda wanna call it villagery I think? Like she'd be more careful about doing that as a wolf right?

    Honestly I don't either. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  8. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    Uh oh, Fonti goes wolfie part 4. The misread of Miner could be town!Font, as she's shown the last couple of games, but it's crap. Don't think she believes it herself. GH is slowly getting townier, and Font is sneakily using Delphine's argument against him for initial shade (if Font is wolf, Delphine is clear) into a case for mislynch. Also linking him to me, but that is to be expected.
  9. Fable

    Fable First Year

    Apr 21, 2017
    High Score:
    Jari could you post a reads list please?
  10. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    Hmm, yes.
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    Righto yessir.







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    Yes, I did in fact purposely avoid posting anything about Jan in my reread cos he gets his own special post.

  11. Fable

    Fable First Year

    Apr 21, 2017
    High Score:
    I'll wait for that before saying anything else than, a fonti/jan wolf team is certainly a unique perspective so looking forward to seeing you explain that.
  12. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    You know me. Always the butterfly, never the caterpillar. Or something.
  13. Fable

    Fable First Year

    Apr 21, 2017
    High Score:
  14. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    Left field is my city.
  15. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Vote Jarizok

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    This is not a reason. I can see why you might have been confused.
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    This is not a reason. I can see why you might have been conf
    Was partially a trap for Jari (he knew I was faking it, and it's unlikely he would have picked that up without tmi), partially a reaction test for miner (his reaction was fine) and partially a "I think miner is town but he's done some scummy things and I should probably get that on the record."
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    Ok, that was annoying.
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    One of these things is not like the other~

    Also, this logic is actively terrible.
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    You should explain how GH is getting townier and why wolf!me would be expected to link you to him (because that makes no sense, unless you're claiming to be my mafia partner, heh).

    Also, narration is not scumhunting. Narration is just being scum.

    And finally, on the off chance you're town, remember that game where you were so convinced Von was mafia and me for defending him, that you told the town to lynch you over the mafia were we going to kill so "fonti will be confirmed mafia"? Because I do. Rethink your Jan read.
  16. Fable

    Fable First Year

    Apr 21, 2017
    High Score:
    Is the thing jari agreeing fluff is a villager and then putting fluff in the null section?
  17. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    No, but I will accept that.
  18. Fable

    Fable First Year

    Apr 21, 2017
    High Score:
    Jan 54
    Beruru 51
    Fable 46
    Fonti 38
    Asmo 37
    Rubicon 34
    Miner 32
    Jari 29
    GH 14
    Fluff 7
    Delphine 5

    For people interested in volume reads I guess.
  19. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    Jan starts the game with strong townreads on Fluff and myself.

    These are defendable, as he's got a good record of reading us both and there's thing to point at to substantiate the read, but they're also tactical choices for scum. Neither of us has a good record townfirming ourselves, so they're townreads that can be easily dropped later. I've also admitted in the past that I'm vulnerable to pocketing.

    What's suspicious though, is his lack of suspicion. Jan is perfectly happy taking my 'moderate hype' at face value. Not for a second did he consider that I was more hyped than I said I was, which is obviously an easy thing to fake. This is likely because he knows I have no reason to be more than moderately hyped, as he is scum and knows I am not.

    His early posts feel less focused than they usually do. He's exhibiting his hype with spam, rvs and memes, but there's nothing more to it than that, whereas I'd expect some kind of insight or probing question thrown in there occasionally from town!Jan.

    Then there's the thing with him "spewing himself town". It's not unthinkable town!Jan would take this route if he'd done so, but it sure is the perfect way for scum!Jan to get everyone to think of reasons why they should townread him, yeah?

    I kinda actually like the Beru posts, but we're predisposed to scumreading each other or so it would seem. Not sure if I'd say they're not w/w either, but Beru would probably at least move up a bit on my wall if Jan's scum.

    Jan is apparently conflicted about Delphine and Font, but hasn't mentioned them or interacted with them at all at this point, except for the wrong gifs at Font. Delphine is who he talks about/to next, but no Fonti. In fact, there's no interaction with Fonti until all the way after the thing with Fable.

    Speaking of, Fonti saying to Fable she's not going to read the thing and go take a walk... Apparently she's of the mindset that Fable is bullying Jan? Where could she have gotten that idea if she didn't read the post? Maybe... scum chat?

    But about the thing with Fable itself, I'm kinda of the opinion Jan blew it up to get some "genuine" annoyance in the thread. It's unlike Jan to get all fighty like that over pretty typical Fable things.

    Then, the big one.

    HOWEVER, later Jan says
    I looked it up, "No flips, just fists" is indead a WWE thing, there's T-shirts with that printed on it with everything.

    Jan knew this.

    Jan already knew this phrase, thought it fitting for this game and used it as his opener, then claimed he took it from Vira's opening post to clear himself!?!?

    There's more Jan posts, but I think I can safely rest my case?

    Vote Jan
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    Yes Font, you can remind me of bad plays all you want, but you've used that tac before when I caught your scum partner (Cobalt in AYAW 4).

    The alternative explanation for me catching on to you not believing your Miner case is because I'm actually getting better at the game :eek:

    I /could/ be wrong, but I'll own it.

    And yes, I had a townread on you until I didn't. As you've so eloquently pointed out, I've been wrong on you before, it's early and I'm allowed to change my mind.
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    I missed a 'but' in that last sentence. In case get confused again.
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    people* ffs
  20. Fable

    Fable First Year

    Apr 21, 2017
    High Score:
    Oh jeez that's a lot to break down but okay.

    I agree the reads on you/fluff are not great and have said as much and talking hype you may or may not have been is and WIFOM-y and exactly the sort of thing I wanted to avoid. That being said this already seems like you're trying to make the evidence fit the crime rather than the other way around. I mean thin reads come from villagers all the time I'm not sure why you're assuming it's inherently wolfy.

    I agree Jan hasn't been as solvey as I've seen him in other games.

    The whole spew thing you need to drop cuz it doesn't make any sense. "Jan is a wolf cuz he said he was spewed and he isn't" is just bad. I don't see that being AI and the extent you're basing your read on that seems conspiracy theoryish. I don't think Jan tries to ride out the entire game using that as a way to avoid suspicion. A couple people didn't even buy it and I don't think it holds much weight for the people that do past d1.

    I don't have a problem with Jan placing delphine and fonti where he did on his list but I do wish he would explain the reads more and it's part of the reason I have a problem with him saying beruru hasn't done anything when he hasn't explained his own reads very well.

    Your reasoning for a fonti/Jan team is....not great. I feel like fonti is predisposed to interpreting my posts negatively anyway so you're reading WAY too much into that. I mean I will say if there were ever a pair that would try to powerwolf their way to victory and try to steamroll everyone it would be a fonti/Jan team but I don't think that's what's happening here because I do think fonti is probably a villager this game.

    I do agree Jan's blowup at me was bizarre and I don't really get it but I have seen him do that sort of thing before albeit rarely but it's been as both alignments so I don't find it wolfy.

    I think in summation your reasoning for a fonti/Jan doesn't hold up at all and the worst you can say about Jan is he has been a bit underwhelming so far in terms of reads.

    I hope this doesn't come across as rambling but it probably will.