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Mountainous Mafia #2: Murder in Vanilla Town

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Vira, Sep 10, 2017.

  1. Beruru

    Beruru First Year

    Jul 6, 2017
    High Score:
    That post wasn't about Jari, it was about my feeling of the lynch changing to someone who has much less of a case on them that wouldn't really give us any information, like GH or Fluff.


    Unfortunately, I'm beginning to convince myself that Jari is town, and double unfortunately, I still think he needs to die to eliminate possible worlds. If he's town, I want to look at Fonti tomorrow, and if he's scum, I want to look at Asmo tomorrow. Fonti's pushes and reads have been really, really weird and flip-floppy (and that most recent reads list has way too many townreads), and Asmo's defenses of Jari without fleshed out other options has also been weird.

    This isn't really a time for me to say "or we could just lynch Fonti", because Jari has way more people tied to a strong stance on him... but also because losing town!Fonti is worse than losing town!Jari, at least in my opinion.
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    If you're using Chrome, you can "request desktop site" and then it gives you the regular forum layout.

    The ISO button doesn't exist on the mobile layout.
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    I'm beginning to understand why Prime just started yelling "YOU" at people at the end.
  2. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    This setup is annoying. Will likely only use it for isos.

    Thanks bears.
  3. Fluffiness

    Fluffiness DA Member

    Nov 19, 2013
    Having dinner, will respond to questions when I get to a computer, tyvm.
  4. GeneralHankerchief

    GeneralHankerchief Muggle

    Sep 6, 2017
    East Coast (US)
    40 minutes since Fluff's drive-by vote on me.
    35 minutes since I called out his reasoning as bad.
    21 minutes since he mentioned Fonti's reaction to his vote but not mine.
    20 minutes since I called him out again.
    20 minutes since Fonti also called him out.

    What are the odds that Fluff's actually using this time to productively address the points I raised against his case?
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    Oh, now I look like a shithead.
  5. Asmodeus

    Asmodeus Squib

    Sep 8, 2017
    Back temporarily while gma is in xray
    Reading up on phone but can someone give me a quick sumamary of where thread's at please?
  6. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    And then there were reads! No reasons for them, but reads!

    More asking other people to do things, and shade at one of her three townreads?

    Another of her three townreads is now a scumread? Also Delphine.

    Now that I've made a case on someone I'm /actually/ scum.

    Complete busywork.

    Rambleramble *anyone pushing Fluff is scum, but people defending Fluff are obvious scum* rambleramble

    Some more fearmongering and shifting the wordload onto other people, followed by a nice helpful attitude.

    Hey, another scum found!

    Lol, let's just lynch Jari, then we'll know if he was scum or not! You were right Beru, the reasons must indeed be really bad from your perspective. Also some misplaced confidence in that we'd think Beru was ever going to be the nightkill? I'll open this one to the floor, how likely was a Beru nightkill tonight? I'd have been really surprised tomorrow if we lynched me or Fluff or whoever and Beru ended up dead tomorrow.

    Also, They can't can't find reasons I'm town.

    That's it, Beru's ISO.
  7. Fable

    Fable First Year

    Apr 21, 2017
    High Score:

    So your case on beruru is identical to jan's but jan is a wolf with beruru IYO?
  8. Beruru

    Beruru First Year

    Jul 6, 2017
    High Score:
    Do you remember my "We're not lynching me, we're not lynching Vaimes, we're not lynching Citrus" post from D1? The one you replied to with "Noooo, Beru. We aaaaare lynching you."

    The TMI about being holy is that you know you're holy and the TMI about knowing your acolyte is "shit, we're both holy".

    I never explained my townread on Vaimes until the end, and nobody ever thought it was TMI when it really, really was.

    This isn't really related to this game, though?

    Hot fire reads, boys.
  9. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    Preemptively calling my town flip, but we need to lynch me anyway. I'll add that to iso.
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    Vote Beru
  10. GeneralHankerchief

    GeneralHankerchief Muggle

    Sep 6, 2017
    East Coast (US)
    Yeah I don't like this part about Beru's posting but I chalked it up to meta difference. Where I come from you find the scummiest sonofabitch you can and kill him dead, you know?
  11. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    How is my case at all identical? Jan's taking stances and faking emotion whereas Beru is just not doing anything at all and making everyone else do things to make it look like she is? What are you even saying?
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    That's what I like to hear. My momma always says "The deader the better".
  12. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    I was about to skim and leave as much of a legacy as I can ..
    But this is basically the same grouping I have right now. Fonti I little bit lower, but her having the exact same reads is pretty good.

    I have no idea about scumreads right now tbh.

    I think the top 8 are town, with maaaybe 1 scum in the bottom 3 (technically one between fable and asmo, still think fluff is likely town).

    Jari could go anywhere at this point. I see the points people are making. I think him trying to lynch me is so stupid that it might be real .. but he knows that, which is why it makes me somewhat paranoid.

    And I really don't have a good scumread.
    Will rather spend some time to talk more about townreads for a moment, because haveing a good and cemented towncircle is the best way to win a game like this (because with only 2 scum reading into interactions is way more minimal compared to other games etc).
  13. Beruru

    Beruru First Year

    Jul 6, 2017
    High Score:
    Jari, instead of trying to find reasons you were making for yourself or, like, your actual content, I decided to look at other people's thoughts on you.

    There is a point where thread consensus can reach a critical mass where the chances of a person being scum actually goes down.

    We are juuuuust reaching that point where either your partner is one of a few really obvious people, or you may in fact be town.

    ... I want to find out which one it is.
  14. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    I'll look forward to you doing the things. You should probably try the actual content bit though.
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    @Fable I really don't have a clue what you were trying to say with that post, please explain it to me.
  15. Fable

    Fable First Year

    Apr 21, 2017
    High Score:
    I'm not saying your case on jan is the same as on beru I'm saying your beru case is the same as jan's beru case.
  16. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    Mountainous Mafia #2 Votal 1.14

    Jari [3] - Beru, Font, Rubicon.
    Fluff [3] - GH, Asmo, Fable.
    GH [2] - Delphine, Fluff.
    Fable [1] - Miner.
    Beru [1] - Jari.

    Not Voting [1] - Jan.

    With eleven players alive, it will take six votes to soft-lynch and nine votes to hard-lynch!

    Day One ends on September 14 at 3pm PST.

    One hour left!
  17. Fluffiness

    Fluffiness DA Member

    Nov 19, 2013
    After this, you never speak of Rubicon again. You then vote me (with no explanation in the post that I could see), and your next posts after the vote are about how I'm a compromise lynch.

    Please explain how my interpretation of events is wrong, cause I don't see it.
  18. Asmodeus

    Asmodeus Squib

    Sep 8, 2017
    Noting this hedge if Jari flips town.

    You say you're starting to see Jari being town, but want to lynch him anyway "for info", and then preface his flip by setting up the next lynch regardless of what he flips. Not a good look.
  19. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    Ooooooh. Well, that would make it more unlikely for them to be partners, yes.
  20. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Rubicon - was a big questionmark for me and I don't think that I have a good read on him myself, but the way people treated him and have read him makes me feel good.
    That moment where Delphine and Fonti read him town with very similar phrasing/reason made me think that it is likely just town finding each other.
    The one thing I disiked was his "Jan is still null" statement half way/early into the day, ebcause there was no point to it and felt like he did it to be different and never explained it.
    But like .. there was nothing else that rubbed me the wrong way and while I wasn't completely agreeing with everything like others, disagreeing with nothing ias a good start.

    Delphine - There is not a single step she has takes so far that made me think she might be scum.
    Very comfortable despite being hindered by reduced in thread time.
    No awkward moment or missstep that she is likely to happen as scum.
    While I want to see where she goes tomorrow there are enough people to check her (fonti + fable at least) and she should be an easy 100% clear d2. (already kind of is).

    Miner - Can't read him well, but the way the thread has treated him makes him almost always town.
    Jari is known to have a good read on him. If Jari is town that gives Miner a good couple of townpoints. (and if Jari is scum then he is somewhat spewed)
    Feels a bit lackluster to me overall, but sometimes people change their style and it becomes worse before it becomes better.

    Fonti - feels good. The one person that could actually fool me, but she has been giving reads and thoguhts that I agreed with and basically a lot of her conclusions are similar to mine.

    Fluff - Talked about him a lot. Easy to fake, which always makes me a bit paranoid in the long run, but the way he came back in thread just now feels loose and careless.
    There is a thing with him that he cares way less about being town than being scum, because he only rolled scum once in his entire career and we had a lot of fun that game and he played more active because he was actually fooling people.
    Which is kind of more important to him than solving the game, i think?!
    That is just my impression of him and his stance on the game of mafia.

    Fable - I think he is jsut town .. but considering our clash was a good amount of me overreacting it makes me think if I am wrong on someone it is him and I am reading somewhat into my reaction towards him and giving him cred for it.
    Don't give him a pass for my sake, If you feel good about him and have no idea why, then recheck him twice at least, because that is when he is at his best as scum.
    Still likely town.

    Asmo - Feels good. If I am wrong on everything and Fonti is scum, then there is a chance that she faked the metaread on him and they are partners. Stupid thought but otherwise I think her read on him is real which makes him town.
    Plus his approach and way he tried to push the game to productivity by giving reads (half way through d1) and was slightly annoyed when no one really reacted to it felt good/real.

    Those are the people I feel somewhat good on at the moment and why.
    Basically two groups and Fonti in a special place inbetween, mostly out of respect, not because I really think she is less towny than the people above her.

    Fluff should be in the topgroup as well, but that is one of those cases of .. you don't ever want to lose to someone that plays like that .. but I also think he is town and should not be the stupid misslynch that might lose the game.
    And I am strictly against policy lynches on people that my gut says are just town.