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Plot Bunny Threa(d/t) V

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Minion, Mar 1, 2015.

  1. Zombie

    Zombie Black Philip Moderator DLP Supporter

    Apr 28, 2007
    Then what would be the end game?
  2. Ludwig

    Ludwig Fourth Year

    Sep 2, 2016
    High Score:
    Voldemort is always the Final Boss, but this time there isn't some prophecy that links someone directly to his demise.
    I've recently started reading the asoiaf series, and I like the multiple POVs it uses. No prophecy would mean that this wouldn't be a Harry vs Voldemort story, instead, it would be a story about multiple people fighting Voldemort. That's where multiple POVs could come in, James Potter could be one of the 'main characters', so could Dumbledore.

    If it sounds like a mess, that's because it definitely is right now. I'm halfway through OotP and this just popped up in my head, so I'm just getting started on the details (who would still be alive, who might be dead, how could Harry contribute to the fight, etc).

    I'm just throwing this out there. I might fail miserably in finding a way to make this enjoyable, but someone who is reading this might be inspired to either help me or use this as the basis for their own project.
  3. Zombie

    Zombie Black Philip Moderator DLP Supporter

    Apr 28, 2007
    I'd say go for it. I don't really like fics, or books that focus on family politics too much. There is more to the wizarding world than pureblood politics and a lot of good authors get bogged down on it, because while it adds flavor to the story, they get caught up in it and then I have 50 plus chapters of Malfoy and Potter and whoever else fellating each other on how well they dance verbally.
  4. Ludwig

    Ludwig Fourth Year

    Sep 2, 2016
    High Score:
    Or stories where half the words are Lord Potter-Black or Ancient and Most Noble House...
  5. MinusGix

    MinusGix Squib

    Sep 21, 2017
    Hagrid's father died several years earlier, and Hagrid just happens to go to the same Orphanage as Tom Riddle. Could go with Tom Riddle getting his first follower by being nice to him, have them become actual friends, or have them hate each other. I would think Hagrid would tell Tom that he's a wizard if he saw Tom doing magic. For Hagrid not going to a muggle orphanage you could say many things. Perhaps no one wanted a half-giant in a magical orphanage (assuming those exist), perhaps he and his father lived in the muggle world and so the muggles found him and dropped him off at a orphanage, etc.
  6. Zombie

    Zombie Black Philip Moderator DLP Supporter

    Apr 28, 2007
    I think someone here actually wrote Dark Lord Hagrid. Can't remember the name though.
  7. Averis

    Averis Don of Delivery ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
  8. Moukaboy

    Moukaboy Banned

    Nov 30, 2016
    High Score:
    Hm i believe there is already a story with the mauradars as the main fighting force against Voldemort , it still has a prophecy (about them) , i never got to finishing it but i think it was quite good ?

    basically what i'm saying is go for it , never seen one with no prophecies no bamboozle although i think this kind of story has to have really good fights otherwise it falls short
  9. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    His surroundings were not what he'd expected. Granted, his expectations for death had never been all that defined, but a quaint single bedroom was not part of it. At least the view from the small window looked properly ethereal-like for the afterlife, though.

    He figured he should be a lot more freaked out about dieing than he was, but really, it felt remarkably like being alive. Even the fatal wound he'd taken from Bellatrix' spell still ached, if consirably dulled.

    His mood was darkening fast, his thoughts going to the ones he'd left behind, when the door opened.

    "Well bugger me sideways and call me Morgana."

    He said it calmly, but something in his expression must have spooked the angel anyway, as she took a step back and looked ready to bolt.

    The purple-skinned divine being, for surely she must be to possess such beauty and grace (and who knew house elf ears could be this sexy on a woman!?), regained her composure and addressed him with a fittingly lilting voice.

    "Elune-adore. Shal myrinan ishnu Darnassus. Si vas resuman?"

    She seemed to be waiting for a response, but she might as well have been speaking Gobbledegook for all he understood it.

    "I'm sorry miss- it is miss, right? I'm sorry, but I haven't a clue what you're saying. If you're supposed to be proficient in Heaven-language upon dieing, something must have gone wrong. Maybe the manner of my death has something to do with it? I don't mean to brag, but supposedly noone's gone through that blasted portal in hundred's of years, so I am rather a special case."

    It was clear the angel didn't understand a word of what he'd just said, but she raised her hands in the universal 'wait here' way, and closed the door before hurrying away.

    Sirius took this opportunity to get out of the bed and stumble his way to the window, thanking the heavens for the shift he was wearing, for there was no sign of any other clothes in the small room.

    The view was utterly astonishing. He looked out at countless tiny islands rising from the clearest water he'd ever seen. Some were connected by bridges so elegant they couldn't possibly bear the weight they needed to to function, while others others were connected via stepping stones, and a handfull had exquisite gondolins tied to them. In the distance he could see a wall that seemed to curve over all of it like a giant dome. All of that was a mere sideshow to the otherwordly luminescence that bathed it all in what must surely be holy light though.

    It seemed not to have a source, being everywhere whilst coming from nowhere, and the combination with the occasional mist bank visible created silver clouds that made him doubt if it really was water the islands rose from. This was silly of course, as he could clearly see the bottom of the lake, but still.

    "Now this is much more like I imagined" Sirius mumbled to himself.

    Absorbed by the sight, he almost missed the return of the angel, who was followed into the room by a wizard who looked to be close to Dumbledore's age carrying a large staff.

    As soon as he got in the room, the wizard started an incantation. In reaction, Sirius dove at him, but before he coul cross half the distance a blue light flashed across the room.

    "What the hell do you think-"

    "Peace, human, the mage was just making sure we could communicate." Said the angel, visibly alarmed by his reaction to the spell.

    "You could have at least warned me." Sirius said a touch petulantly, still breathing hard.

    She looked at him with laughing eyes as she thanked the wizard for his services, and he could feel his irritation ebbing away.

    "I am Nila Waverider. Welcome to Darnassus, capital of the lands of the Night Elves of Azeroth."


    So uhm, please don't mind the typos, threw this out on my phone on a whim.

    Not sure if I'll ever write it, but the idea of a HP/Warcraft crossover using the Veil as a portal just seemed to work so well I had to do something with it.

    !Spoilers for a story that will probably never be!

    The idea is that Voldemort blasts Harry, Lupin and Neville through the veil after Sirius falls through, considering it the perfect solution to the prophecy. (He hears it there, Neville and Harry made it centre stage before it breaks. Everyon hears it.) He then collapses the veil, making sure they can't return (dumdumdum).

    Harry, Neville, Remus and Sirius all end up scattered throughout Azeroth. They need to find each other and find a way back to England. It just so happens that Azeroth is no stranger to portals to and from other realms!

    They arrive just as Thrall is about to free the Orc slaves and form the Horde. Now I'll be honest, I'll honestly probably fuck up the Warcraft timeline completely, but this is a HP fic first so deal with it.

    Neville ends up with Thrall, going through the formation of the horde (Tauren and Trolls added to the mix), Druidism and Shamanism are totally his thing anyway.

    You know where Sirius is by now, and he'll go look up the Eredar, since they've also come from another realm, maybe they can help.

    Lupin ends up somewhere in Gilneas? I mean, total cliché but I can't resist.

    Harry is in the middle of nowhere, meets up with a couple of adventurers tryin to save someone yadayada initially as a nod to the game (5 man party quest/instance), before they help him find his way to Dalaran/Medhiv for lessons/guidance in portal creation.

    Go from there.

    Sounds good? Sounds like utter crap?
  10. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Slug Club Member DLP Supporter

    Oct 21, 2007
    Hot and humid
    @Jarizok that sounds pretty interesting actually. The Warcraft universe is mythic enough that most HP magic isn't overpowered and there are plenty of real dangers and obstacles for the HP crew. It's also a huge playground to work with, far larger than JK Rowling's world.

    Honestly you could just run with Sirius as a main character, exploring this new world, chasing elf-tail, what have you, and I would love to read it.

    If you went with the four spread over the world then I'd say you'd need to be careful with the structure of the novel itself working with multiple main characters. GRR Martin does a pretty good job with his many plotlines but I've still always felt that he could balance out his character time better.

    All in all it's an interesting premise and I'd enjoy reading it.
  11. Catman

    Catman DA Member

    Jan 8, 2008
    There are a lot of interesting points in the Warcraft Universe you could have them show up in. You could even write it so that Earth is another world in the Warcraft universe, like Azeroth and Draenor. There has been a lot of ret-conning since Legion launch, so if you do write it, it might be worthwhile to make it clear to the reader which "version" you're going with, presuming it would cause confusion if the reader didn't know.
  12. MinusGix

    MinusGix Squib

    Sep 21, 2017
    Don't know if this has been done before. The Horcruxes normally go back to the soul piece (aka Lord Voldemort), because they can't pass on because there is another soul piece still around. But with multiple Horcruxes they go to the nearest soul piece (that is part of the same soul), thus when Harry destroys the diary Horcrux it is 'merged' back into the Scar Horcrux. This could be an easy way for one of those The-Scar-Horcrux-Wakes-Up-And-Says-Hi-To-Potter. It's a lot easier to humanize a sixteen year old Riddle compared to a Seventyish year old Dark Lord.
  13. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    I'm not familiar enough with Warcraft Lore atm to go too deep into it yet. Would have to read up if I want to get all that right.
  14. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    I'm sure the fine people of DLP would help you.
  15. Wildfeather

    Wildfeather The Nidokaiser ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 18, 2007
    High Score:
    What? No WoW is for nerds. DLP doesn't have any of those.

  16. MinusGix

    MinusGix Squib

    Sep 21, 2017
    Before Second Year Lucius Malfoy sells the Diary to Borgin & Burkes instead of deciding to give it to one of the Weasleys. This could lead to several thing. You could have Ginny be closer to Harry because they interact in first year without the Diary, but it would be slow-going. Someone could buy the Diary, or you could leave it there on a shelf for a while. Borgin/Burke would likely not write in it, why would you write in a book that was sold to his 'questionable' shop from Malfoy of all people? Could have a Hag buy it, that would be an amusing story of Tom Riddle possessing a Hag until he could get an actual body. Could have it stolen, perhaps a compulsion charm that Borgin/Burke easily ignores. It would also be amusing that Hagrid goes back into Knockturn alley to buy his Slug Repellant (perhaps he didn't get it before seeing Harry), and grabs it. Perhaps Harry wonders why Mr. Malfoy was so insistent on getting rid of it and nicks it for himself.
  17. Averis

    Averis Don of Delivery ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    Few problems with that bunny: Why would the very, very rich Mr. Malfoy decide to sell a priceless artifact given to him by the Master who marked him? Furthermore, how would the very, very poor Mr. Hagrid or Ms. Hag purchase it thereafter? Last but not least, why would you ever consider writing a slow-burn 2nd year Harry/Ginny fic in the year 2017? Now, I will admit, I would read a story about Tom Riddle possessing a hag and Harry stealing the diary has some potential if it possesses him, but neither sound like particularly great bunnies.
  18. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    A Time Travel Plot Bunny:

    A twist on the genre in that the time traveler instead of hiding his identity gets on board with the people from the past.

    Here's an example:

    A 36-year old Head Auror Harry Potter pursues a group of new-age dark wizards who are following in Voldemort's footsteps of eradicating muggleborns. He tracks them down to their hideout just as they are performing some experimental ritual.

    The ritual is supposed to get them back in time so they can ensure Voldemort's victory, but Harry's intervention causes him to get taken along for the ride.

    They arrive in 1980, a few months after Harry was born and a year before Voldemort was initially defeated.

    The dark wizards go and contact Voldemort, while Harry gets to Dumbledore and the Order. Harry reveals who he is and decides against fucking around with concealing his identity. He gets straight to the point and tells people what is going to happen in the future.

    I am so tired of reading time travel stories where the main characters are making it unnecessarily harder for themselves by trying to hide who they are.
  19. Donimo

    Donimo Auror

    Jul 4, 2015
    It is very frustrating. The problem generally being that laying it all out to Dumbledore fixes everything and makes for a completely awful story. I like the idea here, I'd suggest making (some of) the new age baddies remorseful once they see what Voldemort is really like. Perhaps they're just rebellious kids led astray by some older death eater that got off.
  20. Zombie

    Zombie Black Philip Moderator DLP Supporter

    Apr 28, 2007
    This gets old simply because they end up telling everyone. I hate how its like I'm going to keep it secret, I'm going to keep it secret. And then, they tell four people that they feel like they can trust, which contradicts their earlier sentiments of "I don't know who I can trust."