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The Office - A Mafia Game

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Eidolonic, Oct 27, 2017.

  1. Secondhand Revenant

    Secondhand Revenant Muggle

    Oct 23, 2017
    By that do you mean him asking .113 about the article? Because yeah, that was a bizarre leap.
  2. .113

    .113 Squib

    Oct 22, 2017
    Onwards to Jan.
    Jan, part 1.
    First posts are all about Koala, I'm thinking Jan is definitely a player who could and probably would talk with a wolfmate first just because then he could later say "You really think I would start by talking with my own team?". Not happy about this start, especially considering the earlier thoughts about Koalas tbh.

    He proceeds with a reads list of the previous witchhunt game members. More or less he says we are null or townish but with a slice of i'm watching you. Not that much of a reads list tbh, but I guess it was just based of skiming through the thread?

    I do believe Jan, if wolf, went there (to the WH list) because one of us is also a wolf. As it is, I do believe the soft townread on fonti is the worst because I feel it's the kinda "towny" defence we both did a lot in the previous game. The thoughts on Jari's vote could also fit tbh.
    The Fable comment is a bit more aggressive which also fits. Those 3 are the most likely candidates for a wolfpartner among us (once again IF Jan is a wolf).

    The Miner thing is so vague I feel Jan wouldn't say it about a companion, it's too vague and could come back and bite him in the *** so it's not likely he would write that. Same with having no thoughts on Stanari, I believe he would have had something, rather go for the "slightly scum" or "slight town but something pinged me" path, not just "nothing".

    Actually the thing he wrote about me is exactly what I'd expect him to say about a wolf bro tbh :) But I do play different, since I haven't been around yet.
  3. Secondhand Revenant

    Secondhand Revenant Muggle

    Oct 23, 2017
    Feeling alright with dyachei, hasn't done anything that pings me, can understand her Proph push. Fonti read could use more explanation but I don't take issue with it because I'm somewhat inclined that way myself. Not really any confidence about her though because it feels like she hasn't done too much since early, but that's just something I expect will change later anyways.
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    .113, you seem to be wolf reading Koalas but where did that come from? I just checked your ISO and you've barely said anything about him until you leaped into talking about bussing on his wagon.
  4. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Wait - I read the people that played the last WH?

    I didn't even realize that. Was mostly random brainstorming at the time.
    --- Post automerged ---
    I want to say SR and Dyachei are not w/w for this.

    Dyachei was getting a little pressure and this defense here instead of letting it work out by itself looks so bad if she were to get lynched and flip wolf.
    --- Post automerged ---
    Fuck me.

    Reading through .113's iso and seeing him talking about the seer claim over and over again.
    Reminds me of his slip up last game when he spewed the three musketeers town d1.

    I want to say that ..113 is not wolf with #17 for that.
  5. .113

    .113 Squib

    Oct 22, 2017
    Jan part 2:

    It's kinda hard when you read a quote, try to jump to the quote in question and end up in who knows where? "newcomb said *arrow*" ---> someone else talking no where near newcomb... wtf..

    Anyways, his post about Vaimes being towny would most likely (99%) mean if Jan is a wolf, vaimes is town.

    Talks about newcomb a bit, thinks he's scummy. Doesn't remove the odds of w/w, Jan is very likely to bus a teammate making a bad call.

    On another note, Jan reading up seems all goodie good compared to last game I think. Kinda would get townpoints if it wasn't for the fact it seems to be 90% focus on stanari.

    First Isoing stanaris 400 or so posts (though I think he didn't go through them all, only about half) but he then proceeds by also going through another game by stanari. I feel like jan is kinda wasting time here, not sure if I'm just reading things wrong here but there's 21 other players in the game (besides jan and stanari) so that's a whole lot o focus on just one player, especially one that isn't likely getting lynched toDay.

    Being busy just to look busy kinda. And I mean, if he's got a headache and all (I'm sure he does btw) why go through all that pain on just one player, instead of being active in the thread a bit.

    Conclussion: I played wolf with Jan last game and I don't like what I've seen so far. I'm also considering changing my mind on stanari because of this and the last posts where they have so much interactions and buddying kinda. It does seem genuine but I'm pretty sure me and Jan also did last game.
  6. Secondhand Revenant

    Secondhand Revenant Muggle

    Oct 23, 2017
    Jan, what do you mean by #17? Referring to a specific person? checked post 17 and that's not it.

    Feeling somewhat concerned about him right now and his Koalas stuff.
  7. .113

    .113 Squib

    Oct 22, 2017
    Sorry, I guess I wasn't very clear on that stance, I haven't done any iso or anything it was simply a reflection IF koalas is wolf. I seem to recall a few other thoughts in the thread about wolfiness there and just thought "i wonder if.."
    --- Post automerged ---
    if i got it right #17 is yeavoxxnosomething
  8. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    #17 is street or suburb or visor or whatever the fakeaccounts name is.

    He was #17 in the sign up list and we talked about it before the roll.
  9. .113

    .113 Squib

    Oct 22, 2017
    I was busy doing an ISO of Jan and made a passing comment. I noticed by reading the thread he seems to be awol and thought it's likely a wolf jumped the chance if he's also a wolf. I'm here to hunt wolves, i comment on anything I find that could lead to finding wolves, sorry if that doesn't fit your scheme
  10. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015

    Does it help you to know that Stanari was not my first or only iso?

    I looked through Dyachei Newcomb Stanari Vaimes and now you.

    When catching up in a game that you have only skimmed before the easiest way is to pick some isos that you feel capable to get a read on and move on from there.

    I isod Stanari because she didn't leave an impression on me while skimmming before and that is not what I expect of her gameplay after the witchhunt. (Pretty sure Stanari and I even talked about it)
  11. Secondhand Revenant

    Secondhand Revenant Muggle

    Oct 23, 2017
    Mm. That last sentence is awful, honestly. The problem is your curiosity about things seems a bit surface level for not really checking his self-vote and deciding that he could be a wolf that asked to be bussed when a little bit of checking up should say otherwise. Then when this is pointed out this sort of aggressive somewhat accusatory response feels too defensive when a "Oh I didn't realize that" seems more appropriate.
  12. .113

    .113 Squib

    Oct 22, 2017
    Well it does help a bit, I figured out you did one of newcomb because you went in a bit more in detail there but as for me and dyachei I didn't get the sense by your posts that you had done that. Isoing me especially makes good sense because we played together, skipping fontisian who was also a wolf also makes sense because she died fast.

    I'm about to make lunch and then taking the kids to a birthday party, but at least I feel like I'm starting to get into the game. I'll be trying to do more iso's of the WH members (and yeah you did only give reads on them even though you mentioned you wanted to go through vaimes I think? was some other name but.. deduction kinda..)
    --- Post automerged ---
    Oh I didn't realize that
  13. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Skipping fonti is more a case of me knowing that it is harder to get a solid read on her, which makes it more likely to be wasted time.

    And I only isoed you just now after you said that you have been playing differently this game etc. (basically after I gave the read on you).

    Newcomb was the person I started Isoing first, because normally his catch up posts are a good way to get an impression on what happened this game.

    Dyachei I looked at on my phone last night after I went to bed. But there was nothing fancy that made me be sure one way or another.
  14. Secondhand Revenant

    Secondhand Revenant Muggle

    Oct 23, 2017
    That made me laugh at least.

    Also proper punctuation makes everything feel wrong.
  15. .113

    .113 Squib

    Oct 22, 2017
    I thought it was pretty funny myself

    anyways, I'm off for now, I'll be back later I hope.

    Also EOD is at 2-4 am or something so I won't be around
  16. tsaiah

    tsaiah Squib

    Oct 24, 2017
    Laying slank cover til tomorrow; I just worked a double on friday followed by a long shift on saturday, with staying up til dawn on this in between--even if i could manage to stay awake much longer the most coherence i'd produce would prolly resemble something like Hrrrbtyfllrrrbrtthiphydoo. xD Don't know that I'll manage to catch up all the way tomorrow at this rate, but i'll read up thru as much as possible and coalesce thoughts best i can from there, then work on whatever catch up i don't get done overNight.

    annnd actually hitting post now after falling asleep the the first time. x3 G'night!
  17. weiyaoli

    weiyaoli Third Year

    May 12, 2009
    I see a Jan. Yay :)

    Probably not going to be around until after the LoL semifinal finishes - catch you all after.
  18. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    I'm in an overconfident mood with an abundance of free time, so I'm going to pop in a full readslist via phone.

    Please stand by for awesome.
  19. Secondhand Revenant

    Secondhand Revenant Muggle

    Oct 23, 2017
    Liked Jan so far. Need sleep, later.
  20. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    Top towns

    Scott - I think Stanari is town, so he's on the wrong track. However, I can kinda see how he got there, I 100% believe the "what's yvtn" derp and we've engaged in some freeflowing conversation that I think new wolves would more likely avoid just in case. Solid town, only lynch in case of major slip.

    Vaimes - This is not my own read. Newcomb Fonti and Jan all ending up there is good enough for me though. There could very well be scum in those 3, but they'd townread Vaimes correctly anyway due to the presence of the other 2. Moreso because the reads only came out itt after Jan subbed in, making it harder for any of them to pull one over on the other one or two. Solid town.

    Miner - I had a holdover read from pregame that made me sideeye Miner early. His later posts have lead me back here though. The frustration about the CPs is real, the "THERE HE IS" at tom alone would have convinced me, but most of all it's been the spats with Zack. The residual guilt from misleading the thread as a wolf means Miner would have restrained himself. He did not. Solid town.

    Dyachei - This one may be a bit controversial, but she's been saying a lot of things I've been thinking while I was thinking them, or even hadn't quite found the words for yet. I buy the ghost thing completely. I think feeling that way makes for less drive to post, which coupled with the burn out from last game results in exactly the Dya we see here. Solid town.

    tom - It's always a risk townreading tom, and I've been burned before, but let's face it, I'm not one to let that stop me. I once made a scum!tom case because he wasn't meaningfully present enough, I think it was Owner's Market. He is now. Also I like a bunch of his reads. Solid town.

    Stanari - It's very much like last game didn't end, but just kinda segued into a new playerlist with proper punctuation and such added. Solid town.