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The Office - A Mafia Game

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Eidolonic, Oct 27, 2017.

  1. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
    Remind me of your feelings on Cuth?
  2. Fable

    Fable First Year

    Apr 21, 2017
    High Score:

    Not really liking a lot of his posts in terms of thought process but as I've before he had that one explanation post I found genuine. Only other thing that sticks out to me is I remember cuth being super agenda-y the first time I saw him wolf but I'm not seeing that as much here.
  3. Yeti

    Yeti Muggle

    Oct 28, 2017
    What's up Fable how's it going.
  4. dyachei

    dyachei Squib

    Jun 30, 2017
    High Score:
    Why not SS/Yeti?
  5. Fluffiness

    Fluffiness DA Member

    Nov 19, 2013

    Koalas (3): Vaimes, Revenant, Vira
    Yeti (3): tom, Cuth, dyachei
    Cuth (2): Yeti, Koalas
    Vira (2): Zack, Jarizok
    Revenant (2): .113, Stanari
    Newcomb (1): Fonti

    Abstaining (7): Fable, weiyaoli, Tsaiah, Scott, Jan, Miner, Newcomb

    With 20 alive, it's 11 to soft lynch and 16 to hard lynch
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2017
  6. Yeti

    Yeti Muggle

    Oct 28, 2017
    I got curved by dya rip.
    --- Post automerged ---
    I saw the tom+Cuth votes on me but when did dya vote me?
    --- Post automerged ---
    And why. She's said maybe one thing about me iirc.
  7. Fable

    Fable First Year

    Apr 21, 2017
    High Score:
    Eh, I need more time to see what yeti does on her own, not willing to judge her just by SS.
  8. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
    @his fluffiness

    SR is on that votal twice, Fable not at all. Intended?
  9. Yeti

    Yeti Muggle

    Oct 28, 2017
    Oh I found the post I somehow didn't see it at all and naturally it has absolutely nothing about me but also seems to think SS could've been w/w with Koalas??????? HOW DO ANY OF YOU COME TO THIS CONCLUSION I'M SO CONFUSED.

    I can't explain why SS did whatever he did (except that I think his votes were just fine) but if people feel he was "off," well, do you see him here or do you see me?

    I dunno it honestly feels like there are enough people on this forum who think SS's vote onto Koala makes them w/w I don't know if I'm gonna have an enjoyable game because I just... can't argue with Bad at some point, and I consider that Really Bad.
  10. Fluffiness

    Fluffiness DA Member

    Nov 19, 2013
    Its called the somewhat accurate Votal for a reason.
  11. Fable

    Fable First Year

    Apr 21, 2017
    High Score:
    I believe I specifically noted when the day began that I thought SS/Koalas as w/w was unlikely if that makes you feel any better.

    Surprised so many people came to the opposite conclusion.
  12. Yeti

    Yeti Muggle

    Oct 28, 2017
    Thank Fable.

    I don't even know how to "defend" against something I know is wrong that SS did that I from a third person POV wouldn't find scummy. I very rarely sub into games (I didn't start this bc it was on my anniversary so I felt I could do it more justice entering later).

    I don't really have a read on Koala yet so I don't want to like dissuade anyone from voting him if he is scum nor encourage them to if he's town until I've read up on why he got voted D1.
  13. dyachei

    dyachei Squib

    Jun 30, 2017
    High Score:
    fable and SR are really the same person ;)
  14. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
    I feel ya man. Thanks ^__^
  15. Fable

    Fable First Year

    Apr 21, 2017
    High Score:
    Oh I looked back and saw I was super vague about about it, sorry.

    If you look at all the vote counts Swedish voted for Cuth and then voted for Koalas and never voted for GH. Then if you take into account Swedish put koalas ahead at the time (or tied them up at least? I'd need to actually look back at the vote count at the exact time swedish voted) I see wolf!SS making that move if V/V/V wagons but not if he's partnered with Koalas.
  16. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    Why don't you find it scummy?
    I'm not gonna ask you to defend SS there, but... like, yeah. Revoting the person you just unvoted for claim and then peacing out for the day.

    But also no you don't need to talk about this just do stuff. Reading koalas would probably be a good start.
  17. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    I've a test tomorrow. Won't be back until after it. Try not to blow shit up while I'm gone.
  18. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    I think I dig this from Wei's first post. @tom is this what you liked about him?

    It's like... stream of consciousness, but that term is too nonspecific. It's believable that he's catching up and going, "okay what do I think about tom?", and that's what came out. Starting with tom being a tough read, filtered through that lens, thinking about the past, comparing it to this game, bringing out an essential feature of that player - tom's self awareness -as the salient thing he noticed, then reminding himself to follow up on another thing.

    Lack of agenda could fit, here. Because this isn't so much a read as it is just like... "here's what I think". I've seen wolves who can convincingly fake organic / freeflowing but ultimately not actual concrete reads / stuff like this - Sunbae comes to mind - but Wei doesn't strike me as that type. Not that I've ever actually /seen/ his wolf game, which. Eh, might be a problem.

    Doesn't... super feel like he knows Visor is town here. Could maybe see Wei/113 together in the world where Wei's a wolf - that kind of incredulity stands out - like "nonsensical" is kind of a /strong/ word to use compared to the language Wei uses as a baseline; slight chance it's TMI.

    Caught my eye. @weiyaoli can you weigh in on this at this point?

    I think I dig this from Wei's first post. @tom is this what you liked about him?

    It's like... stream of consciousness, but that term is too nonspecific. It's believable that he's catching up and going, "okay what do I think about tom?", and that's what came out. Starting with tom being a tough read, filtered through that lens, thinking about the past, comparing it to this game, bringing out an essential feature of that player - tom's self awareness -as the salient thing he noticed, then reminding himself to follow up on another thing.

    Lack of agenda could fit, here. Because this isn't so much a read as it is just like... "here's what I think". I've seen wolves who can convincingly fake organic / freeflowing but ultimately not actual concrete reads / stuff like this - Sunbae comes to mind - but Wei doesn't strike me as that type. Not that I've ever actually /seen/ his wolf game, which. Eh, might be a problem.

    Doesn't... super feel like he knows Visor is town here. Could maybe see Wei/113 together in the world where Wei's a wolf - that kind of incredulity stands out - like "nonsensical" is kind of a /strong/ word to use compared to the language Wei uses as a baseline; slight chance it's TMI.

    Caught my eye. @weiyaoli can you weigh in on this at this point?

    I thought this section would be pretty telling, knowing GH is town now, but I'm really just.. not getting much from it. I think you could pretty easily call it hedgy, wishy-washy, or a read that makes sense on a potential D1 mislynch from a wolf perspective, just like... there's nothing that feels like it has to be.

    I like the mention of GH's "baseline" - rather, not knowing it. Felt consistent with his previous approach.

    Wei's ISO so far is less IIoA-y than I remembered.

    One thing:

    What changed, essentially? Or I guess, what standard do you used to judge what's working and what's not working in your approach?

    Yeah this also kinda feels like w/w shade here. Like, the whole "I voted on my partner, and he's ignoring it, and I'm very very aware of that" kind of vibe?

    Yeeeeah okay scratch that. Adding a layer of "really liking" something he just posted, and then the whole confusion / sparring with 113, that's not a partner interaction. "I don't even think my case on your was airtight or anything" - hard to articulate exactly, but I feel like you'd just spontaneously combust from the awkward feeling you'd get writing that to a partner.

    It's almost like he'd have to be feeling two different motivations / drives at once? Or something? "I'm gonna push on my partner and distance, but when we interact I'm going to admit my case has flaws" just... doesn't track.

    Going off that, Wei talking about how his case wasn't airtight, I think it's kind of interesting to imagine wolf!Wei talking about Scott here. Either he knows Scott is town or he knows Scott is his partner, in this world. If he knows he's town, idk if he brings up the fact that he himself felt Scott was wolfy at that point - since he's attacking / arguing with 113 here and 113 would be town in this world, he's like.... making himself look bad in a way that he'd kind of instinctively know? Like, when I'm a wolf and I'm actually going to butt heads with someone I know is town, I like to load up some ammo, not go "yeah I also thought he was kinda scummy..."

    In the world where Wei knows Scott is his partner, this is just like.... hrm. I guess it's kiiinda possible? Like, admitting Scott was wolfy makes a whole lot more sense if you're going to call a town out for an attack on your partner. Softens it, a bit. But it's just such a weird way to do that.

    Would appreciate insight into your mindset when you made this point, Wei, particularly about Koalas having a fair amount of thread impact. Like.. in what way?

    Yeeeeeah. This just... feels town. Like I said, I think in the world where Wei's mafia, 113's almost certainly town, and I just can't wrap my head around Wei being this... solid, for lack of a better word - Confident? Grounded? - to someone he knows is actually clean. It's like the perfect balance between aggressive and passive.

    Think I'm gonna punt the rest of this; I'm coming out of this leaning pretty solidly town on Wei and I have a pretty limited amount of free time.

    I do want to check out that one post he made about Koalas / GH though, since I remember thinking I'd maybe yolo shoot him if I had a gun.

    It still definitely feels.. bad, surface level. I think I can maybe see a mindset behind it where it's like, "ok these people aren't w/w, I don't have a slam dunk read on either one, but 55% wolf on more content overall is probably the better vote, and if I'm right then the person who'd posted less content would be clear and I wouldn't have to read them."

    Which, yeah. Think I can buy that.

    Moving Wei to pretty solid town.
  19. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
    Is there a distinction between something being contrived, and something having a scum agenda behind it?

    Is it the specific reason which SR gave that you found problematic, or the way in which he gave those reasons, or something else?
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    (You may have answered this downthread, I'm not sure, but your conversation with SR is kind of hard to parse.)
  20. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    Welcome to the "Weiy is Town" club, newcomb.