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The Office - A Mafia Game

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Eidolonic, Oct 27, 2017.

  1. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    I have not even attempted to make full scumteams.
    Full teams of 5-6 are so hard to make this early. I think individual anti-alignments and town/scumhunting is the only way to handle scumteams of this size.

    But .. I don't even understand your question to be honest.
    I think people like Zack Cuth and SS would be more likely to see a n0 check and think it might be real.
    And the only person in this game that would think enough about mechanics (and know eido rarely uses seers with n0 checks in our games) to veto it would be fonti (or myself).
    Most other dlp folks might know it, but they are unlikely to think about it and more likely to let other people with more thread presence/experience lead the nightactions.

    Sure Visor could just die because he is visor, but if miner was scum, then the scumteam would know he is not a seer with a n0 check, which makes him less of a priority for a nightkill for them.
  2. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    You do realize the main point is that rule of three inherently is BS lol.
  3. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
    I thought seerless setups were pretty common on DLP?
  4. .113

    .113 Squib

    Oct 22, 2017
    I know thats Why i said it was just for fun

    But youd be surprised how often wolves actually follow it
  5. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
    The best way to put this is that I'm pretty sure this is still in her townrange by a lot.
  6. .113

    .113 Squib

    Oct 22, 2017
    And you sure reacted badly to it as well :)
  7. Yeti

    Yeti Muggle

    Oct 28, 2017
    If Newcomb is a wolf, why would he bother putting a fake w/w read into a post JUST to change it into "jk I was wrong" 2 quotes down in the very same post? I would think he would just be consistent and start from the non-w/w posts he quoted rather than have what looks like a genuine "this is w/w" "but this isn't" progression. But maybe that's within his wheelhouse as scum?
  8. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    It isn't. You just have to know when on on whom you apply it, but it has caught a very very high amount of wolves and softcleared a good amount of villagers too.

    Even people who know about the rule often enough forget about it for a second.
    And it is this instict that wolves have to surround their pubs with villas.

    Similar to the higher likelyhood of scum not being next to each other in a votal.
    It does not always work, but scum don't want to sit next to each other and prefer a town between them.
    Again .. does not always work, but there are situations and people where this read applies.
  9. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    By pointing out that your points were incorrect?
    --- Post automerged ---
    I've literally only heard rule of three as a meme before this game.
  10. tsaiah

    tsaiah Squib

    Oct 24, 2017
    I’ll catch up with the stuff since I fell asleep afterward, right now I wanna get the initial mass sorting thoughts I was working on at work last night down. (These aren’t strictly ordered within groups, more of the order I thought about them when I was randomly jotting things down on napkins--and some people are in more than one category for reasons. And I pretty much need to iso everyone, from the bottom up.)

    Not worried about today, maybe ever:

    Jan - claimed mason, and I was already leaning toward liking him before that--kinda surprised to see him so low on a few people’s lists rn, tbh? Re: the mason claim--something that really struck me there was the timing/apparent motivation of it, it reminds me of when I claimed doc d4 in anniv, where the motivation that decided me was to not get shot by some hooligan in itas. This feels just like that, not wanting to get vigged by a yolo shot, not to mention fakeclaiming mason seems like a pretty dumb strat, imo.

    Stan - everything she posts feels like town Stan. It’s like she spouts whatever thoughts pop into her head, unworried about the consequences. This isn’t the powerwolfing Stan that I know--she’s pursuing leads and picking fights without having established towncred first, even while doing the obstinate holding-cards-to-the-chest thing she does. Has she fooled me before? Yes, but there’s literally nothing pinging me here, nothing I feel like I’m brushing off or excusing her for, even tho I’m looking for that. Rapidly approaching ride or die here.

    General towniness feels:

    Vaimes - this is mostly a sheep the multiple Vaimes-whisperers read, but there’s also been a number of times where he just, idk, like says something so delightfully townfeeling that I can’t. Even. xD He seems enthused and eager to be here with what little time he’s got, and from what I understand, he dislikes wolfing a lot, so emotionally it doesn’t make much sense for him to be that way. And I sympathize greatly with work keeping him away, which I feel like isn’t necessarily strictly NAI here, when coupled with the rest.

    Miner - like Vaimes but different, he seems eager to be here, enthused to play. And I have no meta here, but those who do seem to have a favorable viewpoint of that for him, AI-wise. And I feel like he’s just...unafraid to spout out whatever he’s thinking, just say whatever’s in his head at any given moment, which I tend to like. Also possible lolSHC, hue.

    Fable - minor mindmeldiness sprinkled here and there, starting with points on Stan. And he just feels so damn agendaless here. Like, he’s not driving, he’s just sitting in the passenger seat and thinking about what he sees through the window. I should probably reread at some point, bc I just kinda went “yeah, he’s probably town” early, but on first readthru I’m just...not finding things to object to to counter any of the things I like, and I feel like none of the people who’ve played with him a lot are objecting, either.

    Zack - I feel like if I had meta here, he’d be easier to sort, but in a meta-less vaccuum I’m getting townie vibes. He seems a bit omgusy in his pushbacks on getting scumread, but I’m getting the impression from others that this probably isn’t out of the norm for him? And at multiple points, he’s made posts that just made me knee-jerk react with “town says that” and a nod.

    Limited info town leans:

    Tom - I read him as scum when we were both town, and killed him as town when I was scum bc his reads were too good, hue. So I went into this thinking it was gonna be hard to get a comfortable read on him. But the longer the game goes on, the more I find I just...like him. And I feel like it’s for no really good reason. Maybe it’s tone, maybe it’s the vague notion that his posts somehow feel like, honest to me. Maybe it’s because he makes me laugh! xD LolFunnyGuy reads. I feel like I’ve only got just enough meta here for it to potentially bite me in the ass, one way or another, and I’m trying to watch out for pocketing, but yeah. For whatever reason, dude just feels towny.

    Scott - general noobtown feels and tone, some derpiness, but like, not in a bad feeling way? He just kinda came across as pure. I also feel like he was putting a lot of effort in at first, and really not doing bad (regardless of align) for apparently being in his second game.

    Dya - from what I’ve seen Dya, I can only recall her getting tilted like that over feeling ignored when she was town. And I need to look back at Gotham, but iirc, I want to say she was...like, pretty content to be left alone as scum there? Looking to see what all she does next, but I’m feeling decent enough about that for a start.

    Vira - more thoughts on Vira down below, but this part goes here: I liked the way she didn’t want to ruin Stanari’s plans, if she was in the middle of something. It jibed with the potential Stan’s trying get something out of this here kind of play I also thought she was up to at the time, and it just struck me as such an odd thought to not come from a town mindset.

    SS (Yeti) - Maybe unpopular opinion, hue. Thoughts on Yeti down below, but I did want to note that the redacted things I posted about looking for SS to do earlier, he did--as town, he generally spends more of early game looking for townsigns, and here I felt like he was really trying to determine my perspective in a way that spoke to my alignment. In the games we’ve played, he’s generally been what I thought of as a lifeline for quieter town, looking for and then supporting less widely read town, off of those kinds of questions. And tbh, I’m not getting what people are seeing in his voting sequence yesterday, if somebody wants to explain like I’m five?

    People I feel like could be important to get sorted associative-wise:

    Fonti - I don’t know her meta outside of spectating WH, where she subbed into a hole and iirc pretty much immediately went into antispew, hue. I will say she felt more concilliatory there by sheer constrast--here she’s opinionated and pushy straight out of the gate. That seems pretty ballsy for scum, unless she’s prone to powerwolfing? In any case, I need to reread, after the push on Zack I can’t pull off the top of my head what her opinions have been, just the impression that she’s had a lot of them. x3 I will note that I remember liking the way she went about her reevaluation there.

    Jari - zero meta here, I don’t know what to expect, and I can’t seem to tell what he’s doing in a vacuum. The greatest potential info-gleaning I can see getting here right now is associative--like, I read his posts/posts too him and think, well that might make him town if x is w, or scum if x is v. Possibility to read better after more flips or mechanical actions, for now I’m mostly just gonna be looking to see how others are taking him, and what my read is on them.

    Vira - similar associative potential here (including with Jari), I see a lot of well, that might be more likely w or v depending on what x is. This is primarily a fallback way to try to get a read going on her stronger than just those few early posts, which I didn’t find any more of jumping out at me after I went into stop-trying-to-timewarp-respond and just spend every available moment reading mode. : P A lot of what she says seems meta based from games and players I don’t know, so looking thru some other games may be necessary here.

    People I feel like have a shot at resolving themselves:

    Newcomb - in a vaccuum, I’d be generic townfeeling here; from multiple meta takes from others, I get a sense of paranoia. From what I’d heard in discord chat, I got the impression he’d be somewhat self-resolving, so I’m kinda surprised to see people discussing a lynch here on d2? I don’t know how much of that is paranoia-fueled or how much is real, need to go back and look through to see who all’s been saying it. I do get the “unhappy with the wagons but not seeming to actively try to change that” argument. I like the way he seems to evaluate from an if scum this/if town that perspective, which generally makes me feel like someone’s actually trying to determine alignment/come at reads from a town mindset. And I sympathize with his not being able to be here much. I guess the questions here are, just how much is he capable of faking? And how likely is he to just self resolve and show it, if town?

    Yeti - I was excited to see Yeti sub in! :D My instant thought here was that she’d be likely self-resolving--I haven’t specced a lot of her games, but the thousands of posts across those make me feel like she’s certainly capable of showing town well. Then the uh, bruhaha happened, yeah. While always agressive, she did strike me as...like, more bitey than usual? And I get where people are construing overdefensiveness there, over what felt like small things. The question is, does she do that as a wolf, maybe not used to having to be scum after rolling it so little? Or does she do that as town, maybe with a chip on her shoulder from being deathtunneled previously? Or is it a site meta conflict, where she’s used to being townread for acting this way, and could maybe go either way? In any case, it looked like she was getting on with it afterwards--I kinda wanna give her time to keep going and see what she shows, bc I know she’s a valuable asset if town.

    Weirdness feels:

    .113 - speccing him as town in wildcards, I scumread him. Speccing him as scum in WH, I scumread him. x3 I’m thinking in general, I just find him difficult to read. There was one post that stood out that I did kinda like, where he had like a scumread on Jan, but then faced with the mason claim, reconsidered with like, blatant reluctance. Want to look back through his stuff for potential agenda especially.

    Koalas - primarily the push on GH and surrounding it, and the complete lack of meta. I need to go back through that whole battle, bc I got the impression at points that they were talking past each other, that they were missing things in what the other was saying. That could indicate purposeful ignorance, or it could indicate a possible misunderstanding, particularly around the spot where it sounds like they were both waiting for the other to respond or something?

    Cuth - this is primarily bc for all he’s said, I feel like he wasn’t saying as much as it looked like he was--I feel like I can see the whole post/impact ratio reads. Especially early on, though I did note the loopy head posting reason. And meta-wise, I’m not sure how to read him, either--need to look at who all the Cuth-whispers are, and probably a good candidate for looking back at other games in comparison. I do remember a point, think it was in anniv? Where he did a [redacted] thing that was a pivot point for me getting a townread on him, still looking for that kind of feel jump out at me here.

    Not sure where else to place yet:

    These are the two people I couldn’t actually remember off the top of my head while I was at work, which strikes me as maybe interesting...but I’m not sure what it means yet. Definitely need isos.

    Secondhand Revenant
  11. Cuthalion

    Cuthalion Squib

    Oct 22, 2017
    That was not at all how it came across iirc? Will have to dig up post, but.
  12. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
    Oh my god.
  13. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Yes and that is the point.

    MU people are used to seer setups and are likely to see a n0 greencheck that is wrong and not kill a person for that reason.

    dlp people are more likely to ignore things like that.

    I don't think a lot of dlp people are that much into mechanics and the history of dlp to actually tell other wolves that the chances of a seer in this game are slim. (and if there is one then it is more likely it has limited uses and no n0 action)
  14. .113

    .113 Squib

    Oct 22, 2017
    Its mostly used as a meme but it actually happens a lot. No statistics on it but Ive seen it happen several times and I havent played that much tbh
  15. Cuthalion

    Cuthalion Squib

    Oct 22, 2017
    Ok sorry that was discussed my bad.
  16. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
    This seems...questionable...but okay I guess?
  17. Yeti

    Yeti Muggle

    Oct 28, 2017
    I'm comparing this to her Koreaboo play which she just died in as town and she does make the "needed to catch up"/"something about rl being an obstacle" posts in that game BUT every time she makes that post she ALSO has content in that post even if it's just a hot take, OR she genuinely makes a bunch of game-relevant posts after saying she's caught up.

    Like she makes a post containing this: "Not even caught up but the i read isos yesterday left me with two things"

    but then makes several in the next 10 minutes that comment on the wagons of the day anyway.

    Like her posts that game are "catching up real quick" followed by ACTUAL catch up, not "sorry guys need to catch up" then a day later "still need to!" and nothing. That's what I see as being different and why I think she's scum here not producing any content, because she DID produce content even if it was just "who's being voted rn and how do I feel about that."
  18. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
    Hey maybe you should check out the giant-ass wall she just dropped.
  19. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    Wanna tell me why you're right and I'm wrong? Cuz that's the more important part of that post.
  20. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
    It's not a super amazing wall though so I won't begrudge you a continued scumread.