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The Office - A Mafia Game

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Eidolonic, Oct 27, 2017.

  1. Regfan

    Regfan First Year

    Dec 17, 2016
    Sydney, Australia
    High Score:
    I think it's highly likely she's been told to wait and see how people respond before re-entering the thread, I don't think that's a dirty tactic at all and I think it's smart scum play here; if someone jumps in and defends her and the wagon moves elsewhere or if someone pushes a wagon elsewhere she's able to potentially dodge a lynch out of it.

    Zack had a scumish read on Vira but wasn't confident in it FTR.
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    I've got a townish read on Jarizok, if you actually go through his ISO his reasoning behind all his reads and his reads are presented pretty clearly, I think a lot of his reasoning behind the reads make a lot of sense and for the most part I'm in agreement with him.
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    And with that I've got to go again, I'll try and check this at work tomorrow.
  2. Yeti

    Yeti Muggle

    Oct 28, 2017
    I'll read his ISO after I sleep and see if I can find the answers I seek.
  3. .113

    .113 Squib

    Oct 22, 2017
    Is it dirty? Or rather, I'd say using strong ATE to win is kinda dirty, but staying away and waiting for the wagon to dissolve is just a good way to play.

    Either way I think both scum and town could be away for being busy so that part isn't even AI, even if it looks bad.

    on the fable/jari think I agree, and then they were both town and scumreading each other to the point it seemed like they really didn't like each other outside the game if i recall it correctly (at least for a while there I remember thinking it).

    What would that say about them now? W/T? W/W?

    Fable using ATE and jari backing off as W/W kinda makes sense tbh. I don't see how jari, after the last game, would let fable play like this without any suspicious comments about it.
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    Overall I've felt Jari is playing towny though, so this would basically be everything I have against him in particular. :/
  4. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    Rude. But also this shows that you don't for a minute believe I could actually be scum.
  5. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    I'm astonished that people actually think avoid the thread and hoping people forget about the case is a viable scum strategy, but clearly some of you think that. I imagine Vira is avoiding the thread at this point to avoid giving away any more infirmation, though if I were her partner I'd be pushing her and findimg ways to help her fight in scum chat. Reg should absolutely know that, by the way, which makes him claiming that vira is waiting to see how things turn before posting and that he thinks I'm a likely partner disingenuous. I also find him calling the yeti part of my post good and the rest bad when that is the part he disagrees with weird, and I think that post vame from a genuine and thoughtful enough place that him not townreading is either a reflection of excess caution or ulterior motives. Tl:dr I think it's possible reg is bussing vira. The evidence against tgat theory is that vira probably would have tried distancing with him on her end, and it shouldn't be considered unless reg is still alive in a final 5 situation or something similar.
  6. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    And woofs can't sound good?
  7. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011

    Listen. I'm probably going to stop playing mafia after this, and you're part of the reason.

    I am not sure of my opinion of you, and oscillate between a strong townread and a doubting null depending on what I see, because I'm fickle. I'm addressing your reads and trying to help you, because if you are town, your mindless tunnelling will likely help lose thr game, again.

    The next time you take an attempt of mine to talk to you and respond with an attempt at a witty answer without any rational thought will likely also be the last time I talk to you in a game.
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    Bluh, should respond to this. Its hard not to say get lost?

    I tunnel to develop reads. When it doesn't work, I switch tactics. As scum, I can tunnel forever without comsequence, because no one reads wall or processes long quote wars. As town, I chose to give zack space ans see what he did with it instead, which lets me read him, gives better anti-alignments, and is 40% less likely to make me hate everything. I can, of course, back off as scum, but it's more contingent on whether I think it will make me look like I'm trying to solve as opposed to actually solving.

    In shory, your point is simplistic, irritates me, and makes me think you're scum.
  8. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    This is just complete bullshit man. You're no one's top scum. You are the only vote on you.

    Every fucking game you've done this. It's a part of mafia that people will be suspicious of every other player in the game.
  9. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Also, seriously yeri, are you going to complain about every w/w read anyone suggests about your slot? Why do you care?
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    This probably isn't entirely fair, as there's a point to differentiating genuine reads from fake ones, but you still have a weird focus on w/w on you.
  10. Regfan

    Regfan First Year

    Dec 17, 2016
    Sydney, Australia
    High Score:
    Can easily see a world where you join the push on her as a partner and direct her towards standing back for a bit and see how the thread takes it all, then plan a fake claim for her to try and save herself closer to EOD with the idea that even if it doesn't work her being away hasn't given anywhere near the information away that her fighting it the whole way through would, it's not something I'm ruling out being the case here at all.

    I understand your Yeti part inside the post, I'm not at the same conclusion that you're at with it but I can follow your thought process there and don't actually have any issue with that section from you. It's the phrasing behind the Vaimes & Jari reads there that I'm side eyeing, it feels...wrong? Like you're getting to the same reads I am there but the reasoning and way you're getting there feels like you're approaching it entirely differently than I'd expect Town!You to, it's plausible that it's just a case of you being drunk and thus not articulating yourself well during it? but it's not something that's hugely warming and when I'm considering things in my head like your town read on Vira / lack of focus on her earlier and you coming into the day wanting to focus on Newcomb when I'm pretty sure he's town (Though I do semi-buy you missing that post from him, I think even Scum!You probably doesn't push him after that) it makes it awfully hard to discount that you're just buddying up to me here as scum.
  11. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    I'm also going to do work today.

    There's things I'm trying and things I want, but there's also me only being able to play on my phone. Which is sad.

    Anyway, we should lynch Fonti before Vira because the other way around people will go "but Fonti totally pushed Vira yesterday" tomorrow and refuse to vote there. Reg will be dead and Fable is already, so it'd be up to yeti to push this and she's not familiar enough with the playerlist that I trust it to happen.
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    I don't care.
  12. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    That is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. Were I Vira's partner, I would push her to post in any capacity, because no town is going to defend her if she doesn't put effort into defending herself and fooling one person can lead to a vital mislynch after. Fooling a few more makes the pr claim viable instead of a transparent last minute ploy. And fooling more then means we could turn the lynch around on a town and delay and distract for the win.

    The only, only way I would ever advocate for this line of play from vira is if she was so broken by the case that she felt she had no chance of survival and i wanted to use this line of reasoning to clear myself. But even that is super -ev compared to her just tryimg, even if I had to help compose the responses. Evidence for this: Every qt ever where a partner has suggested to me that they might try to just lurk o a scum read, followed by me flipping out and begging them to post. The one with cobalt from a while back is a good one to lool at.

    I dont think there's a good way to respond to this, except to point out that at my core, that post represents how I think about things, and if you think it's off, then your understanding of my play is wrong.
  13. Yeti

    Yeti Muggle

    Oct 28, 2017
    Yall drama queens need to stop with the ooooh I'm quitting mafia ooooh I shouldn't have come back to mafia I wasn't really this game is making me so upset I'm just not having any fun

    Like stfu and solve the game if you're town. Thanks. Night xoxo

    I'll even help you: I'm town and I think by disproving people suggesting w/w pairings for me I can help show that. Ok now you make a read.
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    wasn't ready* whatever tf
  14. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    The full push on Vira from .113 before Reg's post. It starts a fair bit into Day 2.

    I'm a bit torn on it. I think his conviction for a read based on a joke is pretty crazy, though within the realm of possibility for a town's read.

    Stanari put it well:
    The post being Vira made a joke about being perfect and then didn't give many scumreads. The scumreads thing is actually probably a mafia sign from Vira, the joke obviously isn't.

    The fight with Vira got a little personal for a scum/scum fight, but I can also see Vira going the extra bit to distance.

    tl:dr Definitely not clearing for .113 if Vira's mafia, and I hope other people look at it.
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    Yeah, it really doesn't show that you're town though, it just shows that a w/w pairing read is weak without proving that it's impossible and bothering with it means you're not actually trying to read people or work with anyone with that time. So. What's the point really?
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    It should also be noted that .113's vote was on SR for that entire Vira push Day 2.
  15. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    What's being drunk without a bit of drama.
  16. dyachei

    dyachei Squib

    Jun 30, 2017
    High Score:
    OK so you can fuck off a bit, fonti. If anything I'm more cautious about reading fable because we are friends. Which is why I was null reading him most of day 1. He has never acted like this as scum. Yes, he has done some AtE and there has been manipulation in the past, but NOT LIKE THIS.

    This is frustrated town fable and you can blame me if I'm wrong but I don't think I am.

    I'm not responding to you as much because you're not actually saying much other than that you're failing to not be a jerk.

    And reg, I give zero fucks that you don't like anything from me today. You don't even know me. I've given my reasons over and over again and yeti keeps saying she's read my posts but can't seem to find them? How is that towny? It's not. She's not actually reading my posts and she's probably scum for continuing to push at me despite it. Like with the vira read. I even mentioned today I'm still wolf reading her but I think yeti looks worse
  17. weiyaoli

    weiyaoli Third Year

    May 12, 2009
    Sorry for not being around yesterday evening at all. Have a cold so was staring at Cuth’s ISO with a raging headache and decided to put off reading until today.

    Will try and get something done tonight even with a cold.
  18. dyachei

    dyachei Squib

    Jun 30, 2017
    High Score:
    I'm also trying to get other people to tell me why they think yeti is town and am getting mostly nothing back.
  19. Fable

    Fable First Year

    Apr 21, 2017
    High Score:
    I'm just gonna not respond to anything 113, Fonti, Reg says for the rest of however long I'm in the game and don't worry you'll never have to deal with me again after this game cuz I'm done.

    Stanari I'll get to your post in a second.
  20. dyachei

    dyachei Squib

    Jun 30, 2017
    High Score:
    I hope you're not done for good. But I get the general feeling.