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The Office - A Mafia Game

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Eidolonic, Oct 27, 2017.

  1. Yeti

    Yeti Muggle

    Oct 28, 2017
    You pinged me in your "hey townies vote Vira or fonti" post so are you reconsidering or do you want to make the case I'm town for others?

    I didn't reply to your earlier post that I would need to push fonti after a scum!Vira slip but why do you think nobody else would? Like I know why you think I would be one of the few to push that lynch, because I SR fonti and don't buy her bs paragraphs of how it'd be all different if she and Vira were Really w/w, but do you think fonti could sweet talk her way out of that lynch to other people?

    Do you think Fable is town? You think he's dead which yeah he's kinda giving up but you guys oppose each other on Vira's alignment.

    You say that nobody's mentioned Vaimes in ages a while back, do you think he's town? You gave Tsaiah a TR but no reason.

    Your read on Miner started falling after .113 posted a scumteam and Miner focused on "but more people" - how are you reading Miner now? Is he dropping more or going back to town? And, your least favorite thing to answer, why?

    I read the most recent page of your ISO aka all D3 and I really do not see where you've elucidated your reasons for TRing, SRing, and w/w reading people soooo as you do these ISOs and so forth - please explain why you think all of these things about the people you do, so I can see your perspective and internal thoughts on them. tyty.
  2. .113

    .113 Squib

    Oct 22, 2017
    Once again you only prodded me, and you never mentioned before it was meant sarcastically as a joke. I find this post interesting
  3. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    All of my work right now is for other people and future days (although finding words for my reads is good for myself as well of course). I think today's lynch is pretty set.

    Me saying you would be the one pushing is because there's just not that many overly pushy people left in thread. You, Newcomb and since the replace Reg are the ones I can see really burying people apart from Fonti herself. I'm not as convinced of Newcomb's towniness as I am yours, so it'd fall to you (Reg will be dead).

    I've been townreading Fable before today, but now I don't even know anymore.

    I trust Jan's townread on Vaimes if noone else's, so yes Vaimes is town. Tsaiah a bit of the same, but also now that I'm seeing more of her she's not really pinging me with her posts. If she is scum, she's low enough impact that that's not where my focus has to be right now, nor anyone's I'd say.

    I'm uncomfortable with Miner this game. Which is bad. I've yet to misread Miner ever, but I've failed to get a grasp on him at all this game. On the other hand, I've been able to spot scum!Miner consistently and I don't have that conviction right now either. It's very much possible that Miner post was just a derp.

    Mid-ISO update; leaning scummie on Cuth again.
  4. Beruru

    Beruru First Year

    Jul 6, 2017
    High Score:
    beru made a votal.

    Vira (4): .113, Vaimes, Fontisian, Weiyaoli
    Jarizok (3): Vira, Stanari, Fable
    Yeti (2): Dyachei, Owner
    Newcomb (1): Cuthalion
    Fontisian (1): Jarizok
    .113 (1): Miner

    Abstaining (4): Newcomb, Regfan, Tsaiah, Yeti

    With 16 alive, it is 9 to soft lynch, and 13 to hard lynch.

  5. Yeti

    Yeti Muggle

    Oct 28, 2017
    Thanks doll. <3
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    Vote: fontisian

    Do not trust. I will consolidate to Vira, I don't feel comfortable consolidating/voting Jari today. I need more time to read him/see what he actually explains or comes up with in his ISO. I'll move to Vira if Jari gets like 2+ votes tbh. If he's scum and she's town then lolme.
  6. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    How is Reg not voting Vira!?
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    Cuth ISO


    Initially I obviously disliked Cuth's D1, but we kinda hashed that out near EoD and my arguments were refuted to my (dis)satisfaction. Cuth felt like he was narrating and I didn't particularly like the reads he did give, but it was a busy thread so /shrug.

    Posts like
    Still feel slimy hedgy, but town!Cuth who's not settled into the game could sound as awkward as scum!Cuth I guess.

    This looks bad with the GH flip. "I'm just poking/shading you because of what Zack said."

    "Incredibly shady and hedgy" is too strong phrasing for the situation I think. I don't want to read too much in Cuth getting in on the SR and GH pushes early, but I will keep my eye on it.

    This vote comes out of nowhere. Cuth asked him for reads on some peeps and did the Zack thing. That's it. His SR read felt a lot more real. It's also quickly followed by a Newcomb and a .113 vote and double unvotes. Which is weird for either alignment really, but more likely town? It's too... 'tell me where to vote plz, thread' for scum?

    Cuth also has a Koalas townreads as one of his only solid reads. This is just suspicious? Makes me think TMI. Cuth didn't know Koalas at all, everyone is against him and that's the one person he decides to have a firm read on itt? I did the chainsaw thing here. My past self may have been on to something.

    Fonti is another read Cuth seems to settle on around this time. There's nothing that says Cuth/Font can't be w/w yet to me, but that's not useful just yet.

    Fable looks better if Cuth is scum. He's keeping up the fire a bit there with the Fonti/Fable thing while Fonti is just noticeably pretending it never happened or something.

    The GH read looks like such a sheep read. Cuth barely talks about/with him at all.

    Also juicy, GH said we should kill Cuth, which I think has been mostly swept under the rug. Cuth's response is the first meat to her vote on GH.
    Cuth not with Weiyaoli and/or 113? She seems to encourage Weiyao to make a case on 113. v/v action would be nice for a wolf. Pretty weak as is.

    Cuth veers up when the lynch is averted. That kind of relief comes from both alignments though, so meh.

    End of D1; scummie.
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    Cuth ISO D2

    Aggressive start on SR. Also spews Zack/Reg town I want to say... or he's very brazenly townreading Zack for brazenness which would be fun, but don't think so. Also pocketing.

    Yeti looks on the right track now with him not wanting to let the Cuth wagon go. I'm kind of starting to want this flip. All of Reg/Yeti/.113/Fable(/Wei) would look better from it fmpov.

    Heh. Style points for Cuth.

    Cuth is quoting Koalas' claim as the reason for dropping him lower in the wall. Don't like.

    ^This post is not AI in itself, but it's again very 'point me where I need to go thread'. I feel like I'm lacking the initiative from Cuth that town would/should have. I think someone already mentioned this somewhere, so points to whoever that was.

    This and the forgetting you need to read yourself thing from Vira being nothing according to Cuth are soft defenses of Vira. It's interesting that Cuth commits to such, as Vira only got ??? from him in his most recent readslist. These posts suggest that she's not so ???.

    I sure hope I'm not tunneling and just seeing things :]

    This is a weird backtracky post. "Yes, I haven't doubted that you're scum because you are. But sure, I'll doubt it now for you." Wut? SR rightfully calls him out for it.

    This should have been an SR vote. Wagons were v/v, but the Koalas vote is just not at all consistent with Cuth's reads.

    D2; more scummie.
    --- Post automerged ---
    Cuth ISO D3

    Not a fan of Reg. Not a fan of Miner. Doesn't know about Dya. Doesn't like Newcomb as much as others.

    Stan is top town and Tsaiah gets a like, that's about it.

    But wait! Reg said he liked parts of Cuth's ISO!

    Vira being this low also doesn't fit with what Cuth said yesterday, but consensus is against her, so... And Newcomb being that low isn't real either. Basically none of that wall is real.

    The bit of back and forth about the NK following the list doesn't at all feel like Cuth is suspicious of Newcomb/trying to find out his angle. Then the vote out of nowhere.

    Cuth picks apart Newcomb's wall after, but the whole thing has a very tangible feel of Cuth searching for individual things to disagree with, much much more so than him actually being suspicious of Newcomb and trying to show people he's scum. I'm not sure what this says about Newcomb's alignment, but man is Cuth ever scum.

    This post is actually pretty decent. But screw it, I'm down the rabbit hole again.
    ^See, this post is in line with yesterday's Vira read from Cuth, but since then he's actually put her in his bottom 5 and voted her for a while, before he decided thread should split there attention away from Vira and voted Newcomb.

    @Cuthalion Why would you like to be argued out of this read?

    D3; Yeah, scum. With Vira.
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    I said Yeti would be the next ISO, but tbh she looks really good from this one already if Cuth is actually scum.
  7. .113

    .113 Squib

    Oct 22, 2017
    Just for The record jari already has 2+ votes when you said that.

    On another note i was going to suggest placing me and miner up for wagons just to make things easier, but seemed like there's already wagons going here.. So idk.

    My poe is still Vira, miner but a bit worried about a few other people.. Problem is if i mention who all the town will Probably start Seriously townreading them because no one seems to trust me or be able to read anything i write properly tbh.

    I like Vira coming back though and the responses seem.. Idk Kinda genuine though im a bit worried about her reads..
  8. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    Town circle: Stanari, Vaimes, Weiyaoli, Regfan, Yeti

    Other townreads that contains scum somewhere: 113, Miner, Dyachei, Owner, Newcomb, Fable

    Scum: Vira, Fontisian, Cuthalion

    This is everyone alive right?
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    You/Miner wagons is a terrible idea.
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    Tsaiah is also in the town circle! I knew I was missing someone.
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    Ima try and sort Dya. She's the next closest to town circle for me and if I can get her in there, that's one less worry.

    Miner/113 is too volatile and we should really leave that alone for today. People need time to take solid stances there.
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    If the living Mason is in {113, Miner, Dyachei, Owner, Newcomb, Fable}, maybe it's worth claiming?
  9. Regfan

    Regfan First Year

    Dec 17, 2016
    Sydney, Australia
    High Score:
    Home, not hugely sober but will try and punch out a few htoughts before passing out.

    Hoping to get around to explaining where I'm at with Yeti a little more, going to read up on recent stuff first.
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    For some reason my vote doesn't seem to have been counted, fairly sure Eidos a bastardmod (Fite me).

    Vote: Vira

    Would really appreciate you moving over here Yeti & Jarizok, splitting votes isn't a great idea especially if we're at 10:6 and need 9 just for a soft lynch, will just give scum more control when it comes down to the deadline and pretty sure if they can push through a mslynch almost anywhere today we're probably done for.
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    This is...scarily close to what I'd noted down to myself, just move Newcomb & Fable up and Cuth up and you've got my reads to a tee.
  10. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    Vote: Vira
    --- Post automerged ---
    You seem to have to many townreads mate.
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  11. dyachei

    dyachei Squib

    Jun 30, 2017
    High Score:
    I'm still willing to vote fonti, too.
  12. Regfan

    Regfan First Year

    Dec 17, 2016
    Sydney, Australia
    High Score:
    This'll roably be a rambling mess so I apologise in advance but here's where I'm at with Yeti;

    Did not like her entrance to the thread and way she'd approached the game from a playstyle point of view, don't think it's a good way to play and think it leads towards her being just all over the place without any solidified reads and thoughts, would have preferred her to actually just go read the game rather than "interact and grab reads", that said I think that's entirely a playstyle type concern. I think the way she was throwing herself into arguments with people right off the bat however is something scum would be trying to avoid doing; sure you can make the argument "it's an easy thing to do as scum" but it also puts you on the back foot with a lot of people which is not what scum want to have happen at all since it minimises their influence on the game and potentially sets up a division between them and players making them more inclined to be voted later on. I think the way she jumped into these fights especially over things like "Koalas/SS not being W/W" felt more like her as town just throwing her genuine thoughts and opinions into the thread without caring about the consequences as town.

    I then liked a lot of her thoughts and reads outside of Koalas/SS type things and felt a lot of her prodding and questioning of players felt like her genuinely attempting to gamesolve here, I think she was one of the few people pushing the game forward during day 2 and it's didn't feel like she was trying to grab control of the thread in a scum motivated type of way, could grab a bunch of posts to sort of explain what I mean but w/e I'm way too tired for that right now.

    Then didn't like her entire conversation with Fable today (Wasn't just the one post I linked before, was the entire series) and could see a way that scum would approach the thread in that sort of manner while a partner (Vira) was getting scum read and pushed, also felt the way that she tried to sort of throw the conversation to become about Fonti there would make sense in Vira!Scum, Fonti!Town worlds which reduced the strength of the town read there; it's not a case of I disliked her points thrown out to Fonti there since I do agree that Fontis turnaround on Vira for instance is kind of ??? from town reading her today to now agreeing with everything I'm saying but it's more just a case in my head I look at things in worlds, if X world how does that impact my rads and in Y worlds what does that mean. Here for instance I see no world of Vira/Fonti/Yeti, so I'm looking at it play out and thinking okay so Vira/Fonti, Vira/Yeti or Vira/Neither?, the last feels unlikely given the amount of town reads I have in the game but isn't implausible, the middle makes some sense but doesn't match my read on her and the first one is obviously the one I think is the most likely and fits my reads.

    Her then playing the day phase in a "If Viras scum what are her partners doing here?" while still saying she's town reading Vira but not really doing anything to actively help push the lynch weakened my town read a lot more since it's bringing the middle world to make a lot more sense here but I think it may just be a case of a playstyle clash here rather than anything else since her posts since I've left work kind of feel very town and the more I'm looking at overall worlds the less I can see that include Yeti; she's not with a lot of my potential scum pool left.

    So yeah, this is a long way of saying I had a very strong town read on Yeti, it weakened a bit earlier on but I'm feeling better about it now, still wouldn't keep her on the tier of some of the other players in the game and if I die I'm not saying never lynch her but I think there's many better avenues to focus on.
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    while saying she's scum reading Vira*

    I should not post when I've had some to drink.
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    You're not wrong there, but the middle pile for me there is less "these people are town" and "these people could be either alignment".

    I'm pretty much thinking of a Vira/Fonti? + probably 1 of 113/miner (I wouldn't say there has to be scum in there though PoE says it's likely, I think 113 is more likely but this is something I need to take a look at both to judge since I've lolnotevenisoedmineryet) + some of Dya/Cuth/Owner/Tshaih probably in decreasing likelihood
  13. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    I'd prefer this. How many people do we have though?
    --- Post automerged ---
    Dya ISO D1

    She feels free in her initial thread mingling. Her reads are what I think to be correct reads on Fonti and Vira so that's points, but I'm not legally allowed to award them yet.

    This feels natural. Not how scum normally go about getting themselves cleared I think. It's the right amount of suspicious/indignant/unconcerned.

    I'm not going to quote them all, but there's question that are going places. To everyone. Stanari, tom, Fontisian, Dya is trying to figure 'm all out. The ghost thing happens, and I think it makes a lot more sense for town to get frustrated like that than for scum. Flying UTR while obviously still posting is exactly what you want to happen?

    I just like everything Dya did early pretty much. Did then, still do. But there's nothing that can't be faked yet.

    The bit of acid with Fonti... Fonti is being noticeably careful there. I don't think she'd restrain herself as much if Fonti and Dya are partners there.

    There's not as much here I want to quote like with Cuth. It all just feels right. There's no nerves or signs of investment in the outcome of things in Dya's posting as we near EoD, things stay light but sharp.

    D1; townie, if fakeable.
  14. dyachei

    dyachei Squib

    Jun 30, 2017
    High Score:
    Vote: Fonti

    Only 1 way to find out.
  15. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    Dya ISO D2

    Don't necessary like Dya focusing on Yeti at SoD. Yeti does not strike me as the type of player that needs votes to start doing something, and her top scumreads from the day before in Fonti and Vira are still alive.

    However, I can really see Dya thinking along with Miner, trying to guide him along.

    I can kinda see it. Bit interesting that the scumread is tied to Koalas though. Combined with Yeti Vira and Fonti, Dya is one of the few people who doesn't have a shortage of scum. It's for everyone to decide for him/herself if it's townie paranoia or scum keeping their mislynches open.

    I can feel Dya weighing SR's response in this post. You could call it a hedge, but it's really not. There's satisfaction there that SR is engaging with her, but she's not trying to push him one way or another at all, and she's not overly showy of not knowing what to do with him immediately. Just leave it, pick it up when needed, tie the knots together where you can. Massive respect to Dya is she can fake this as wolf. The balance is friggin great if it's all an act.

    The argument devolves, and Dya is dejected about it. I buy it. I just do.

    This is true, but in Yeti's defence, the game is actually playable this time and Yeti has reads she /can/ confidently push this time.

    Do think Dya got swept up in the SR case more than she had argument for. That's the town rush of figuring things out and wanting to be right though. Scum are more likely to keep the heat low, keep options to backtrack on the town flip.

    D2; Still townie.
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    I'll leave it there for now, because I have to leave my pc. Sad times. Confident in moving Dya to town circle though.
  16. dyachei

    dyachei Squib

    Jun 30, 2017
    High Score:
    I kind of feel pocketed by Jari.
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    But it's also kind of nice, since he's actually reading my posts.
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    I've been working on a reads list and I'm just not happy with it. I have far too many nulls, but I figured I'd drop it


    Light town: (I'm very unsure about this tier)


    Light Scum:


    It's mostly in order.
  17. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    If you could convince me (and thread) to move Fable into the town circle, we're almost there.
  18. Fable

    Fable First Year

    Apr 21, 2017
    High Score:
  19. dyachei

    dyachei Squib

    Jun 30, 2017
    High Score:
    He wouldn't give up as scum. Not EVER.

    Hell, the last time I remember everyone pushing him like this for a similar thing was in that WH game I played here. He was town there, too.
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    And honestly, I understand his frustration. People are constantly talking around everyone else this game.

    I'm fairly confident on it. If I'm wrong, you can all blame me. But if fable is scum, he's really changed his play a lot.
  20. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    Vote: Fonti