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Board Games

Discussion in 'Gaming and PC Discussion' started by Ash, Mar 22, 2012.

  1. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    Here's a site my little brother found, when one of his players ordered from it


    You customise a model, include weapons, armour, and a base, and then choose what material and size you want it at. Models come in plastic, steel, or bronze.

    Looks really cool, and I'm gonna keep poking my circle into someone else DMs for a bit so I can make my own
  2. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    I've started a game of Pathfinder (guess who's GMing?), but the groups split up, so we're using Roll20.

    Does anyone have a handy cheatsheet or something?
  3. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
  4. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    Sorry, I meant for roll20, I've got the system mostly sorted, we played through the beginner box last week, and are familiarish with 5e
  5. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    Oh, can't help you much there. I've only watched a roll20 campaign online, haven't actually used it myself.
  6. Halt

    Halt 1/3 of the Note Bros. Moderator

    May 27, 2010
    I haven't played DnD but I'm familiar-ish with Roll20. If you can figure out which rolls you have to make a lot of, you can actually set up macros, which are commands that you can type and have the site autoexecute a dice roll or formula for you.
  7. Paradise

    Paradise Paraplegic Dice DLP Supporter

    Jun 21, 2015
    Pine Tree State
    Recently started playing epic spell wars on TTS with my friends it's pretty fun. Basically the point of the game is you have 3 different types of spell cards openers, boosters and finishers you can string them all together for maximum effect. Pretty fun game worth a play
  8. Immet

    Immet Seventh Year

    Jan 30, 2012
    Recently played an interesting board game with similarities to Mafia/Werewolf called Chameleon.

    So the idea is you have any number of players, one of which is the chameleon, and you have a grid of words of the same theme e.g. drinks, famous people, modes of transport, fruits and vegetables etc.

    One word is selected that everyone except the chameleon knows, and everyone has some time to come up with another word connected to that one. So if it was vehicles and the word was spaceship you could do 'Enterprise', or 'Kerbal', or 'scifi', or 'vacuum' or whatever tenuous connection you want. Meanwhile, the Chameleon has to come up with a word that connects to it without knowing what that word is. If their guess is too vague then it's obvious who the chameleon is, but if it's too specific it's likely to be wrong.

    Everyone then quickly goes round in a circle saying their word, and then everyone can discuss who they think the chameleon is before voting on the chameleon. If they guess wrong the chameleon wins, but if they guess correctly the chameleon still has a chance to win by guessing the correct word.

    So, it has that element of bluffing and accusing, then voting for the odd one out from mafia/werewolf, but it also has word play and figuring out people's train of logic. Each round is quick, can be less than 5 minutes, and the chameleon changes so no one is stuck in one role.

    [mechanics are that chameleon is chosen by random deal of special cards, and the cards of the non-chameleons have a key that links a dice roll to the correct word]
  9. Agayek

    Agayek Dimensional Trunk DLP Supporter

    Mar 20, 2009
    I use roll20 all the time (mostly for Pathfinder rather than 5e, but the tools are largely identical). You can find a wiki with useful info here: https://wiki.roll20.net/Macros

    If you're looking for something specific, feel free to ask and I'll see what I can tell ya.
  10. Fenraellis

    Fenraellis Chief Warlock

    Dec 29, 2007
    In the Comfy Chair
    I would offer my own modest assistance in the matter of Roll20, but I've only done the player side of things. That being, filling out the character sheet, including a few formula entries into data cells(such as "(@{class-0-level}/3)+.67" to auto-calculate uses per day of an ability which gains an extra use every three class levels after the first, or simply "(@{class-0-level}/4)+1" for a scaling bonus to a stat every four levels for a buff set in the Buffs panel), and general usage of the program.
  11. Dr. Strange Lulz

    Dr. Strange Lulz Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Dec 26, 2006
    On Melancholy Hill
    The Compendium can be incredibly handy for rapidly importing spells, among other things. Sorry, but most of my experience is as a player rather than a GM.
  12. Immet

    Immet Seventh Year

    Jan 30, 2012
    Anyone got any suggestions for games for up to a dozen people?

    I go to a monthly get together to play board games and it can vary from 5-12 people. I think it would be fine to split up into two groups, but the host would prefer to play one big game and so the only options at the moment are team games. They have about 5 team games suitable, but they are all quite similar so it would be interesting if there are other options.
  13. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    I can barely scrape together enough people to play with myself... so I'm no expert on games for that many people. However, I would check out BoardGameGeek.com.

    You can either search for games by number of players (and other aspects, like user rating and number of votes) with the Advanced Search option, or go to this handy discussion thread, where the top-rated games on the site have been listed by number of players.

    If all else fails, uh, I hear people like Werewolf...
  14. StrawberryPingu

    StrawberryPingu Second Year

    Jun 7, 2013


    This one is a fun, quick, "social collusion" game, where everyone has to try and communicate to each other about who they're going to vote to kill. You can be as obvious or secretive as you want, but after about a minute or two of signaling or discussing or what have you, everyone simultaneously reveals their vote.

    If you didn't vote with the largest plurality/s you're out that round. Whoever got the most votes is also out, unless they read the signals and knew everyone was gunning for them. Because instead of a vote, you may put down an Ambush card, and instead of you taking the fall, you get to take out one of the people who voted for you.

    Players are removed in this fashion until there is only one or two people left standing. If two people are left, the Final Showdown round happens. There is a pot of 4 facedown "gold bars" with point values between 3 and 5. The players secretly put down one of three cards to decide how the pot is going to be split: Share, Steal, or Grab 1 & Go. If both players Share, then both get 2 cards. If both players Grab 1, then the other two cards are forfeit. If both players Steal, then neither player gets any cards, and everyone else gets one card from the deck. Then everyone is revived and the next round begins. The game ends when a player has accumulated 25 points or more of gold bars.

    Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
  15. Immet

    Immet Seventh Year

    Jan 30, 2012
    Cool, thanks. Theres a few games there that look really cool and I'll have to discuss with people about which to get and try out.
  16. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    I bought a game recently called "Alien Artifacts" and it's sweet. Pretty easy to learn and not to difficult, and not as intimidating as something like Pulsar 2849 which has about 500 parts. It's essentially a boardgame version of a 4X space game, which is my kind of jam. I'm actually surprised that it's not rated that highly on BGG but I haven't played it enough times to really encounter any shortfallings.
  17. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    I've added a few more games to my collection during the memorial day sale at my LGS. Orcs Orcs Orcs, Storm the Castle and Principato. They're not the highest rated games, but they were on sale, so I gave them a shot. So far all I've done is play Principato, and it's pretty fun. It's super simple and streamlined. It's a good game, but I wouldn't say great. Not really much to it, so I would said it's a good introductory game. Scoring is kind of anti climatic. I would say a 7/10 is fair. haven't played the other two yet, but I don't have that high of hopes.

    Also, bought Boss Monster awhile back. For as many expansions the game has, and for how nostaligic the graphics are, it was kind of meh. It was okay fun, but in the same sense that most games by their definition are kinda fun. It's sort of baseline, where I probably wouldn't actually recommend it to someone and despite being travel size, I don't bring it anywhere, not when Star Realms reigns supreme in that regards.

    Also, I've played a lot of the Firefly game over the past half a year. It's pretty good, but supposedly the game called Xia is a much better version of what it's trying to do, so I'm thinking about getting it, though it's out of print and like $80.
  18. Krogan

    Krogan Alien in a Hat ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Dec 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    So anyone played Sheriff of Nottingham and if so does it better with more players? Because while I like the concept, the game is ludicrously easy with only three. I won a copy in a raffle and I gave it to my best friend but so far every time we’ve played I’ve won in a landslide by simply lying as little as possible and collecting apples.
  19. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    I've been playing a fair amount of boardgames lately. Nothing particularly new however.

    I finally had a 4 player game of Alien Artifact, and it was really fun. I just don't feel like the game lasts long enough. Like, it ends maybe 10-20% earlier before you can really make it too far in the end game. Some of the technologies are completely inbalanced as well, as anything that gives you partial action bonuses are going to be A+. Also, there's almost never time to actually attack another player. I'm thinking about making a homerule of adding +1 resource deck playthrough to make the game feel a little more epic and involved. Might also look into the expansion for it.

    I played the old Firefly game a few times as well. It's still a great go-to, but it takes awhile to teach, and it can take quite a long time to play with new players. That said, the game can get really epic at times. I had a game recently where I was several effective turns behind winning. The only way to win would be for the other player to have an extremely bad string of luck, and it happened. Essentially, you can move 5 spaces a turn (by default), but each space you move triggers a movement card, and some of those movement cards cause you to stop your move action. Well, as luck would have it, the player got hit by it once (it's the card where the alliance crusier moves to their location). Then, next turn, the first space they moved trigger the card where the other player moves the alliance cruiser 1 space... so I moved it right onto that player again, causing them to full stop. This bought be enough time to complete the final mission and fly by the skin of my teeth to the final objective... only for me to trigger the Reaver version of the full-stop. Which, in turn, allowed the other original player to literally beat me to the final objective by one single movement space. it was pretty awesome, how a game that lasts for 2.5 hours still comes down to a single movement square at the end.

    Star Realms is still my normal go-to. It fits in a mtg fatpack box, so it's easy to carry around, and it's easy to teach and it's fun. One issue is that there's a loooot of expansions, and trying to figure out which ones to use and not use and create a balance is pretty difficult. And to be frank, some of them are just duds. There's one that adds event triggers to the game, where as soon as it's revealed into the trade row, it triggers. On paper, they're all balanced, but if you're already played your whole hand and trigger the wrong one, you get completely hosed. And if they trigger on the first few turns of the game, one player can get a massive insurmountable advantage. So, for the most part, I've removed most of them from the deck.

    That brings me to new games. I just bought the Fallout game. It might have been a mistake to at least not look at reviews first, but it's hard for a game to be truly bad and unplayable, so I took a risk since the back of the box looked interested. After reading through the instructions, I will say that 90% of it looks awesome, and 10% of it looks way too complicated. I have yet to play it, but I'm hoping either tonight or tomorrow, and I will have a better idea then.

    Onto other games I have my eye on. I'm still really into space-type games, similar to alien artifact. Pulsar is still on my list, and theres a few different Mars colonization/terraforming type games. And that Xia game I mentioned in my last post, still wand that. Aside from that, Scythe is pretty high up on my list. Really expensive though, but has had a lot of rave reviews for awhile. And finally, there's a new Firefly game. It's not as complex as the only one (which requires an entire dinner table to set up since it has a 6 tile board, player sheets, and 13 decks of cards with discard piles, and stacks of money). It has pretty average reviews, but honestly, it could be rated an F and I would still buy it because it's Firefly, and luckily it's not that expensive.

    -edit- I got one game under my belt now, and I will say that it can be a bit confusing to start. Ended up taking about 4 hours, but once you learn how all the actions work, individual turns go pretty fast. There's just a lot of different mechanics at work. The end-of-turn activating monsters part is still pretty difficult to parse and can take awhile, and mob density can get a little out of hand if you keep getting railed. But, it was very fun.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2018
  20. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    I've got quite a few games of fallout under my belt now. None with more than 3 players though. It's a really good game. It's really fun, if you're into the actual rpg aspect of it. If you just want to win, well, you can end the game pretty fast if you want. The biggest weakness of the game is the victory conditions, which are entirely too random. Like, you can play perfectly and still get crushed by the guy who didn't do shit but manage to get lucky with drawing the right agenda cards. From what I've seen, it's highly recommended to use some sort of alternate scoring system so it actually feels like a conclusive game, and I agree. As is, the game itself is a C. New California (the expansion) with it's coop mode is a B. With good house rules, it's an A.

    I've also been playing Terraforming Mars. Amazing game. Highly recommended everywhere, and I agree. Had a 5 player game today, with 4 new players, and it still ended up in a really close game at the end. Definitely an A+. The game shop has 1 expansion and 1 alternate game board for it, which might be worth looking into maybe.

    Also, have the newest Firefly game. Apparently it's made by the same people as the previous one (which came out in 2013). And, it does show. Instead of focusing on flying a Firefly around, it focuses on the crew itself. It's kind of, at it's very core, a very lose sort of D&D game, though beyond buying/selling equipment, it's not much of an rpg. It uses a grid board, dice combat, skill checks, exploration, etc. It's kiiiinda like a Heroquest game, though extremely lite (and Heroquest itself was D&D lite). I'm actually undecided on how much I like the game, certainly not as much as the previous game.