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Disney Princess Mafia: The Revenge

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Vira, Jan 29, 2018.

  1. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    I am amused that gemma is asking fonti to basically play against her own instinct/style.
    Curious to see what will come of that.
  2. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    @Jan you need to actually state a read on me and Waco here quite frankly. You've focused on me to an exorbitant and very strange degree that makes very little sense to me, you're going out of your way to kind of vaguely tunnel on me without that tunnel doing anything, don't believe that you're actually trying to get a read on anything I'm doing here.

    Think how you've handled your obsession with Waco's push on me makes very little sense if you're town here; the level at which you're convinced that Waco was completely right to push me in the way that he did to the extent that you're basing your reads on other players on it is very strange.

    If you actually think I'm mafia here you need to state how strongly you believe that and why, repeatedly saying "nothing Gemma is doing makes sense" and going on and on about that without actually doing anything with it isn't acceptable at this point anymore.

    Please catch up and give an actual take on Beru here; you've voted them from a post during your catchup without seeing what they've done since and without waiting to hear from their response to your concerns which feels pretty eh considering you've just seen a wagon forming on someone you found suspcious.

    You've not done anything further with your Koalas suspicion, you've not looked into why I voted there to see what level on which to read that mindmeld, you've just dropped it and are instead focusing on Beru who is the largest wagon and very much an easy target right now. You're not really put forth reasoning on why they are mafia here overall so much as just looking at a small section of their content and voting them based on that.

    Struggling to understand your process here if you're town so please look a little broader and be a bit more comprehensive to the extent that you are able.
    --- Post automerged ---
    Subtle discredit always appreciated.
    --- Post automerged ---
    (Especially as a combo breaker.)
  3. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011

    I pointed out the posts I liked from bears. You could look at those. I don't think you followed my initial read on bears at all. I wouldn't have even called it a real tunnel, really.
  4. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    You trying to get me tilted here font?
  5. Regfan

    Regfan First Year

    Dec 17, 2016
    Sydney, Australia
    High Score:
    @Gemma - Am I a bad person if my reaction to reading your two posts above was "woooooooo I get to be the good cop for once"? I ditto your Jan point though, I'd really like to hear some more in depth / full reads from him but I was under the impression he wasn't even finished catching up yet and was going to get to those then. I think you're expecting Fonti to play in a way that she doesn't really do so much? I mean I'd love to hear some in depth explanations from her in the same sort of manner that you do but I don't think that's hugely realistic. Her Beruru read and treatment is something I really don't have that much of a concern with at all.
  6. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    I am unlikely to get to your request tonight.
    Already in bed with pc shut down etc.

    I have been wondering myself how any readslist by me would look right now.
    I don't feel good about 80% of my reads .. But maybe some sleep will make the difference.

    My koalas thoughts have mellowed down a little and fonti is more of a thorn in my side than expected.
    Will give actual thoughts when I am at work tomorrow.
  7. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    @Regfan your progression on font fucking sucks and you've not followed up on anything in the way that I think you would if you were town here. You're not actively trying to form a town circle, you've locked me and Von in as town but it doesn't look like you're anywhere near getting anyone else in there, you've not been making significant moves in that direction either and you're not working with anyone to try to get Places With Them. You're not playing like you said you would when we talked before the game and that's not something you can deny here and say you actually are trying to do couldn't do better.

    Your posting is super under-the-radar-Reg and not even in a let-Gemma-drive way. Time is ticking and I frankly don't see you concerned about seriously solving the game. Your take on Waco was 100% weaksauce and think you'd have done FAR more with that at the time if you were town + actually followed up on it significantly which you haven't done. The "need to resolve Beru somehow" is just ???????????????? from you as town, really find that unbelievable. Your entrance is still the most awful part of your play here and I look at that and just want to burn you.

    Only part of your play so far I genuinely liked was your read movement on me to town and your conversation with Jan around that time but when I look at how your read on me actually started it's just ??? and I don't understand how that was you being in thread talking to me thinking I could be mafia but having nothing to say about it until way later when oh you realized I'm town.
    --- Post automerged ---
    Thanks. Get rested, hope sleep finds you well.
  8. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    Okay, let's get this show on the road. As per usual for dC-style catch ups, I will just be doing post numbers and links to avoid excessive quoting, and will just be linking posts I found interesting.
    ...actually, no links because DLP won't let me do it sanely (the insert link button doesn't show the syntax). So just numbers. Too bad!
    Also I'm spoilering the blow-by-blow because oh dear.

    #5 - #8 (font+Gemma): Lowered odds for font/Gemma team. Doesn't look staged and seems just a little too natural for buddy conversation.

    #20 (Waco): Oddly serious post from Waco here kinda stuck out.

    Note: Koalas seems notably relaxed/loose/humorous so far. Seems positive.

    #28 + #31 (font): Hi font! More on this later.

    #43 (Jan): I actually like this, it's a combination of joke post and understated actual work. Suggests not caring about getting credit for the latter.

    #45 (beruru): It's nice to know somebody noticed :v

    #52 (Jan): Maybe it's just because I legitimately find Jan funny, but alright fine townread for you.

    #60 (dC): Oh! Good to know my thinking is apparently consistent across rereads.

    #61 + #68 + #71 + #80 (font): This feels forced, but in a GOOD way. Like the kind of forced that happens when town is trying to end RVS.

    #66 (Koalas): This feels kind of forced. Like trying to carry over the joking to the serious part of the game and falling flat.

    #79 (beruru): This almost feels jumpy? I would kind of have expected meme!beru to just not reply.

    #83 (font): This is good because font knows I'm probably more mislynchable than beru at this juncture, and is following what appears to be a stronger reason.

    #86 (koalas): On the other hand, a second place naked vote never feels good.

    #87 (dC): whoops I did it too. Okay, previous comment rescinded.

    #89 (font): Keeping up with questioning me while poking the bear is good.

    #90 (koalas): This, by contrast, is just useless shade-throwing.

    #92 (beruru): This ALSO feels kind of forced, but I think from the thread so far beru/koalas is really unlikely. Too hellbuss-y.

    #94 (font): Okay, this is starting to look less like scumhunting and more like just heckling.

    #96 (beruru): Sounds about right.

    #100 (font): Interesting read, immediate and novel justification is +townpoints. I feel like font is probably town for consistent gamesolving efforts at this point.

    #101 (beruru): I'd call this out as fearmongering except that I do it too sometimes, and almost invariably as town at risk of mislynch.

    #115 + #118 (beruru): I don't know what to make of beru getting funnier after font points out they're not funny, honestly...

    #119 (font): I'm actually not seeing beru's posts around me being slimy, they look more like meta jokes that you're kind of missing. Most notably beru is not trying to get me lynched, like, at all.

    Note: Dark horse read, beru is actually town this game.

    #125 (beruru): Yeah, they have my meta fairly firmly in mind with all the comments being made here. I wanna say scum!beru would poke that less, or do it for some actual purpose.

    #126 (font): Really? Because I totally do not have a townread on koalas at this point.

    #127 (dC): Oh hey, more internal consistency! Yay for me.

    #129 (font): Okay yeah I can see a townread on Jan.

    #131 (font): Don't actually think beru usually rolehunts, either. From what I remember, they just look for hints in how people are playing.

    #138 (Regfan): This is actually a good start, he excuses himself until later but then posts thoughts anyway. Think scum usually does either/or

    #141 (The Waco Kid): Waco has been fairly quiet and this post reads kind of like shade. Meh.

    #143 (Gemma): Holy shit this is reactionary. However it ALSO looks like it could come from genuinely offended town so I will reserve judgment.

    #146 (Vaimes): This is town!Vaimes, yes? Reserving judgment on beruvote, it's good if he does something later and this is a placeholder and bad otherwise.

    #149 (Vaimes): Hmm. Think this makes me feel better.

    #152 (beruru): Yeah, beru is just tacking to metaposting re: me really hard. I think this explains everything font found scummy.

    #154 (Vaimes): Despite both being naked votes, I can fairly easily see Vaimes reading through the thread and scanning for targets. +town.

    Note: font/beru/Vaimes/Jan townbloc at this stage.

    #163 (Jan): Mindmeld! Good sign.

    #165 (The Waco Kid): So here's a thing: This is a gross weak reason to vote and Jan is just now poking at Gemma. It smells like wanting to get on the wagon early. No Waco/Gemma world.

    #168 (Gemma): Hmm. I'm on the fence about this post. If Waco unreservedly attacks it I'm gonna stare at him, though.

    #169 - #172 (beruru + Gemma): Probably not the scumteam. Also: I think scum!beru would keep town!Gemma open as an option here, and I like Gemma questioning the townread. Not something scum usually does when also under attack from other angles.

    #174 + #177 (The Waco Kid): Again, this feels like a stretch to justify going after Gemma at this juncture. Question seems like it COULD be okay, we'll see.

    #179 (beruru): okay yeah the bear is town. This is good internal consistency AND a mindmeld AND pursuing a new lead.

    #180 (Gemma): This felt very honest, actually.

    #181 (The Waco Kid): This has a "setting Gemma up for failure" vibe. Hrm.

    #183 (dC): Hahaha, no. Gemma/Jan/Vaimes/font maybe, which with beru would now leave two of Waco/Reg/Koalas.

    #184 (Gemma): Normally I'd ding you for turning around and scumreading the questioner, but Waco is actually scummy and I think scum would probably avoid antagonizing such a strong town attack.

    #189 (Jan): That was me, and yes the thought had crossed my mind when I posted it. Don't agree on Waco commentary but making it means Jan probably isn't scum without Waco (think scum!Jan keeps town!Waco more open here)

    #196 (beruru): The thought pattern of "find two more town" feels v. town, and the two people they target are in fact quite town.

    #200 (beruru): oh hey more mindmelding. And yeah that WAS kind of ooc. Tired dC is grumpy dC. It's a minor miracle I didn't get pounced on for it.

    Note: ...actually, the fact I wasn't wagoned is kind of notable. I would have expected scum to take advantage. Not sure what to make of it though.

    #202 (Regfan): I am having a problem where I really don't want to scumread reggie after you-know-what, but this feels good and forthright.

    #210 (Regfan): Following on from earlier, reggie not keeping me more open here is notable. The comment on #95 feels like a real thought as well, and not answering a question is usually something scum avoid doing.

    Note: So, scumteam is Waco/Koalas. Too easy! More likely one of my townreads is wrong.

    #215 (beruru): This seems like an odd thought given I don't usually get upset at rolling scum.

    #202ish - #226 (Regfan + Gemma): This whole conversation feels really good on both of them. At the least they're not both scum, and honestly probably both town at this point.

    #236 (Jan): Re-evaluation on Koalas feels honest and good.

    Note: Jan joins the conversation after #226 and now it feels like three townies trying to sift everything out. Again, I'd be v. impressed if two of them were scum, so max. 1 scum in that group and probably 0.

    Additional note: Regfan's play is reminding me of RWBY, which was a towngame, and I think town players like this usually struggle a little more as scum.

    #248 (Gemma): The random vote on me is weird, but not nearly enough to counterbalance everything else at this point.

    #253 (Regfan): Given my current scumteam call is Koalas/Waco, this is kind of hilarious.

    #256 (Jan): Regrettably, I am not that mean OR that clever.

    Note: Starting to skim here b/c everyone is Just Town...

    #276 (Vaimes): Why is Waco okay Vaimes why is Koalas good Vaimes why you make me sad

    #278 (Vaimes): oh okay you're just scatterbrained lol

    #282 + #283 (Koalas + Waco): This has a weird feel of them posting past each other, although it's weak. Waco continuing to singlemindedly drill in on Gemma is ew when everyone else is doing a lot more looking around.

    #286 (Koalas): This at least feels like paying attention.

    #287 + #289 (Waco): In fairness, this is starting to branch out a bit more.

    #295 (beruru): Oh hey mindmeld read on Waco. Also beru/Waco team probably not a thing.

    #306 (Vaimes): ok seriously why the hell is koalas so high up here he has barely done shit. And Jan midwall? Are we even reading the same game???

    #310 (Gemma): I like this ordering, although Vaimes is a little high in my opinion and beru is a little low I can understand both of those as meta conceits.

    #330 (beruru): This is also a good ordering. Although if Waco/Koalas is real then this game is easy street.

    Note: Nothing to challenge lol waco/koalas yet, although that kind of worries me a little...

    #337 (koalas): ...for precisely this reason, that I might be townreading people for activity. Hrm. Makes me thing scum!Vaimes is more likely maybe.

    #361 + #362 (Gemma + koalas): Har dee har har

    Note: Starting to tire a little, might be more skimmy from here on out.

    #365 (Regfan): Thinking back I can buy fonti + beru as an unalignment. I like this!

    #366 (Gemma): By contrast, I actually feel kinda skeezy about "always 1 in beru/dC". OTOH it does mean beru/Gemma is probably not a thing.

    Note: Where the hell did Waco go? That push for more interesting stuff ended up kind of stillborn.

    #383 (beruru): Nice readlist, nice reasons.

    #397 (Regfan): I...like this naked consensus scumread vote for some inexplicable reason. Maybe because he's leading the charge? No Reg/Koalas world, for sure.

    #412 (beruru): Yeah, sorry about that. As I've said in a couple other places, I wasn't expecting this game to start until about today.

    #418 (koalas): ...ewwwwww "when you see beru's flip see I'm being genuine". It's not as bad as it would be if koalas thought beru was TOWN, but that's never good in my experience. It kind of puts beru's lynch as a foregone conclusion and/or says "don't lynch me before them" (i.e. survival-centric)

    Note: Kinda glazing over here, only notable thing is Jan going after beru which I think makes sense b/c my townread on them is mostly meta.

    #468 (Vaimes) - :V :V :V

    #469 (Votal): Ooooo. That's mostly what I'd expect save for Vaimes camped out on beru. Interesting.

    #476 (Vaimes): Again with the random Koalas townread. Do not like. Feels badly justified and on a scummy player to boot.

    #490 (font): If you're right about Vaimes then loleasystreet time for sure. I'm still skeptical. But yes, let us run over Waco.

    #498 (Jan): Wow, I super disagree with this. But I don't think scum!Jan goes out on a limb to defend scum!Waco like this. Combined with scum!Jan probably not hard defending town!Waco, I think Jan is Just Town.

    #500 (font): Yes, it is! Thank you for noticing!

    Note: Jan/fonti disagreement feels like a slapfight (i.e. both town)

    #508 (Vaimes): Yeah, it hurts me too. But uh, why are you deciding to camp out on me out of nowhere here?

    #511 (Vaimes): Hey look it's my line of thinking but with Koalas in place of myself.

    #521 (font): What's wrong with Jan? Why do you think scum!Jan is so adamantly defending any alignment!Waco?

    #528 (Jan): Alright, alright, ease off a little, you're just having a town spat.

    #532 (beruru): Sorry! Sorry! I'm trying my best!

    #542 (Gemma): The downward progression on Jan is interesting, well thought out, and fairly against the grain. Good!

    #547 (Gemma): And again with reggie! Gemma's apparently on fire today. Very spicy.

    Conclusion time!

    Anti-aligns (max 1 scum in each set):

    --- Null Line ---
    The Waco Kid

    Note that the townreads other than Vaimes are actually fairly strong. Reggie I'm kinda confident on and everyone else it's just increasingly more so.

    Lynch: The Waco Kid

    tl;dr got 'em
  9. Beruru

    Beruru First Year

    Jul 6, 2017
    High Score:
    dC ilu.

    Reg, I'm going to get to that tonight... I wanted to get to that last night but I had a sleepy. Or tomorrow. Actually tomorrow is too late so I'm having another late night on campus tonight, I guess. Not having a computer is literally garbage for doing things like that. z.z
  10. Regfan

    Regfan First Year

    Dec 17, 2016
    Sydney, Australia
    High Score:
    @Gemma - I'm not going to try and force reads or a town circle here at all (Town circle is typically something I'll do when I have lots of reads that I'm happy about / we're a few day phases into a game and I'm looking for avenues to win/lock the game down, not D1 when I'm just sorting people etc). I'm well aware that this is probably my weakest period in the game when it comes to read accuracy and waiting for people to get around to answering questions and start participating and then working from there is mostly how I'm playing this. Very hard to talk with people about X when X isn't here, hasn't posted or hasn't really participated and there's been a lot of people that X can fit this game; don't think you're really factoring in this being a small game and ~half the playerlist being semi-AWOL enough here.

    My Fonti read is weak, yes. And you might think where I'm at on her and what I'm doing about it sucks, sure. But Fonti's someone I've tried to do what you're doing with in the past re; Hope they post transparent thoughts ala Newcomb and it didn't really go anywhere every time I tried. Just having her explain certain reads and try and read her based on her own actions/reads/trajectories is about how I work there and bar her earlier stance on you I've really not that had concerns with her play here. Had concerns with Berurus early game play in Hydra 6 and just put her to the side and do her own thing and managed to get around to strongly town reading her eventually (Albeit not sure how of that is her v Stanari) and was/am hoping for the same thing to play out here. My read/thoughts on Wacos pretty clearly posted in the thread, there's not much more I can do with it or with discussing him with others until he gets back in the game.

    The whole "You don't seem concerned about solving the game" is kind of a low blow? I'd actually much rather see you just misread me and call me scum than go and throw that down since while my reads aren't exactly stellar I'm not too unhappy about my play here in general at all? I don't feel like I'm jumping into anything stupidly, not putting my fingers in my ears and tunneling/ignoring others at all and am working towards getting a grip on the game via reads / narrowing down Anti-Aligns.
    --- Post automerged ---
    Oh lord, trying to read through DC's post without links while at work is going to be hell.
  11. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Ayy, dC, welcome to the party wagon. You can take the von read to the bank, no worries.

    Some food for thought: if you, me, bears, Von and Gemma all are town/not with Waco, that just leaves Kalas, Jan and Reg as potential Waco partners. Consider whether you think the unalignment stuff between Jan and Waco is stronger than all of those other five.

    Gemma, I think you're stressing out over a lot of nothing. I'm considering world's where Waco is town, just like I did with bears, but I'm not going to psych myself out over it.
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  12. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    @Regfan Sorry if that seems like a low blow. I added the "seriously" in there for a reason; it's me being very unforgiving because I'm looking at where I'm at with the game and seeing a world that feels far too easy if you're town and this is me more or less overcompensating to try to make sure I'm not being lulled into that. Thanks for the response, it helps.
    --- Post automerged ---
    I should be above you imo but I can settle.

    Stressing out over a lot of nothing is... my town play? So, uh.
  13. Regfan

    Regfan First Year

    Dec 17, 2016
    Sydney, Australia
    High Score:
    Just finished the trek through DC's big catch up post though I didn't get to reference all of the posts with the persons posts he's referring to. I think I feel pretty solid about him being town from it? Want to reread it again but there's a few comments/thoughts/reads in there that came across fairly genuinely.

    Don't agree with all his unaligneds but can kind of see how he's come to some of them.
  14. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Yeah, I figured.
  15. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:

    Well, if Jan/Waco is the team then Jan is doing the most powerwolf-y play I've ever seen out of anyone. The unalignment primarily comes from the fact he'd be hard defending his buddy while practically everyone else pushes to lynch them. I think that's stronger than most of the other unaligns, which are more one-off and/or "unaligned or hellbus". Hellbus seems more possible than powerwolf tbh, with how weak Waco's D1 has been.
  16. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    Yeah, I don't really think Jan is a wolf.

    Too many small things that I think feel super natural and real and don't give him anything as mafia. Can go into but I don't think he's in danger of being lynched at any point here so not super necessary.

    dC actually misread my recent Jan wall in that it's actually me thinking he's more likely town but just not understanding anything from him and wanting him to help me feel better on that.
  17. Beruru

    Beruru First Year

    Jul 6, 2017
    High Score:
    ... I really hope Waco flips mafia.
  18. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    For your sake I do too?
  19. Beruru

    Beruru First Year

    Jul 6, 2017
    High Score:
    Oh boy if that's what you're thinking I'll be in like three games next day phase so hopefully things will only be on fire here if Waco is town and not everywhere because loooool.
  20. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017