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Disney Princess Mafia: The Revenge

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Vira, Jan 29, 2018.

  1. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    Don't recall you saying. Probably because your posts are incomprehensible to me and I kind of glaze over when I read them, but. A thought I or Reg had when reading Beru's post doesn't become your thought just because you say it first. :p

    And if you hadn't noticed I've actually been defending you here even though I've had... basically no reason to?
  2. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    ...I just realized I don't know how to ISO on DLP, and also something OOG ate up a bunch of my time. Nevertheless, I have run out of acronyms so I guess I'll just get to it with thread skimming instead.
  3. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    I .. don't want Waco to be scum because even if I was wrong on Gemma early then Waco is reading me town for the things I am doing and I want someone on my side.

    Look through his catch-up and tell me he isn't the best.

    This game is stupid and if Waco is town then I don't feel like an idiot.
    If he is scum then I can say that he pocketed me and move on with my life.

    My gut says Waco is town, but if I get to town on both Bears and Gemma on the reread later then I can see him piggyback riding me.
    I would prefer him alive regardless of alignment right now.

    Are we sure we can't just lynch fonti? Pretty please?
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    click the small magnifying glass under someones Avatar in thread and you get all their Posts in here.
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    It is funny because whenever you and reg talk in walls I just feel blessed that I don't own a gun to shoot myself.

    And you not being on a similar wavelength with me should surprise exactly no one. :X
  4. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    Jan, I think it's a little bit ridiculous to be relying on your gut at this point with this read. Don't find your Waco thoughts in 723 believable at all quite frankly. You're not actually doing anything to get a read on him here. Bunch of people are telling you you're wrong, he's a strong lynch candidate, you're looking at his ISO going "if he's town I don't feel like an idiot and well if he's scum I'm pocketed I guess" and that's it ???
  5. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    Oooookay, so I got to like page 27 (I'm on 20 PPP) and I'm actually feeling better about Vaimes than I did before. Reading all his stuff in a row reveals an understated level of consistency (like, popping onto me many pages after first scrutinizing me but without waffling at all, and by quoting an old post, in a scenario where I'm not posting and therefore unlikely to pick up a wagon, it doesn't seem like anything scum would do except to votepark and he was already comfortably parked on beru)

    He also seems to be fairly "loose" which I've heard is apparently a town!Vaimes thing? But it's mostly that I can see thought processes and actions ticking away in the background that aren't being made obvious which is traditionally a hallmark of townplay.

    I have no idea who I'd put him above on my readlist, though. I think I might feel better but not better enough to actually move him above anyone at this stage. Beru was complaining about "too many townreads", yeah? Yeah >_>
  6. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    I somehow missed Wacos very last post.

    And I Kind of like it.

    Questions are deep and reasonable enough and are things that I might have asked if I would care enough to ask things.
    (or had reread the game up to that Point)

    Good continuation from his early thoughts. I don't think he would stay on that track as scum with how much blowback it caused.

    Similar Thing. In his post before he likes my read on bears and he wants to understand fontis read on bears because fonti is not using the best words. There is some Evaluation here.

    Not unfakeable, but I like it on a baselevel.
  7. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    You're going to need to talk about your fonti read here asap. Why is font so mafia that you want to lynch her over everyone else day 1? Who is her partner?
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    Elaborate on ticking away in the background please?

    Who are your townreads? If you think you have too many, who do you think you're mostly likely wrong on if you have to be? "I have too many people slotted as town" doesn't feel like a very realistic reason to not townread someone if you're genuinely getting that read from their content, so, question mark?
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    (I know you posted a readslist. You haven't really demarcated any kind of levels in there.)
  8. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    I just don't think Waco is really scum and bears is not an option.

    When you have too many towns then fonti is likely scum.

    There is nothing deep about that read. it is a mixture of poe and me wanting her lynched d1 on dlp.
    If I had a strong scumread then I would push that instead, but I don't.

    You can lynch me instead because similar things apply to me. But for unknown reasons lynching myself is not an Option to me.

    You can argue Koalas instead of fonti .. and since I have them as unaligned a Koalas scumflip would clear her.
    But I think Koalas is likely to die down the line either way if the game continues like this, while if Fonti is scum then she just kills me n1 and Wins the game because no one else will care.

    So yeah - I'd rather see what happens when I push fonti for now than anything else.
    Worst case I can see how weakminded the People on dlp are despite not townreading her.

    Maybe I get some reactions that give me reads.

    Best case I get a scum lynch.
  9. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    I don't know how the fuck you are real as either alignment here Jan tbqh.
  10. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    I think his Progression early on was towny.
    People disagree.

    I think his very last post was towny.

    I like having someone that reads the game in a similar way I do.

    Mafia is 98% gut-reads People just like to Sound clever and prefer big Long wordwalls to mask their stupidity.

    The only evidence is meta and rolerelated.
    I don't have meta on waco.

    Even People playing towards or against your expectations is just you making your best guess based on possible wifom Levels.

    I am just more honest on the matter than most. sorry, not sorry.
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    That is fine.

    I don't think you would be able to read me on my best days of Mafia.

    We just don't click.
  11. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    Like, if you're mafia your read on Waco is almost always a level 1 whiteknight / TMI read which is ??? when I don't expect level 1 scum play from you.

    If you're town your push on fonti feels like you trapped in a corner thrashing at anything near you. If you're mafia your push on fonti is just insanity.
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    Found you very easy to read in the hydra game while I was speccing.

    You're just... an alien here.
  12. Regfan

    Regfan First Year

    Dec 17, 2016
    Sydney, Australia
    High Score:
    Couldn't sleep so thought I'd check in here one more time.

    I have absolutely zero idea what to do with anything Jans posting at the moment, kind of want him to be scum so this is all just fake made up stuff more than actually thinking it's the case? If he's town here then he really should be able to see Beruru and Gemma (Particularly the latter) bleeding town all over the thread here rather than this continuous "I'll look at them later, they're not priorities". And the reasoning behind wanting to focus on Fonti is just ugh? Bad on so many levels? Like the whole "People are just too scared to lynch her and he wants to test that out" isn't really the case? Isn't really how I think he'd try and treat her here? Isn't really him trying to decipher alignments. Like I don't know what to do with it. And I've not seen him play remotely like this before as town or mafia so I'm just left going ?????? is it Things that have caused this and if so how alignment related are the Things? If he's town I need him to snap out of it and start playing properly ASAP.
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    Back to bed for me.
  13. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    Wait come back!
  14. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Yeah but in the Hydra game fonti and I were basically in constant conversation about the game.
    Daily voicecalls plus normal Chat on the matter.
    There is a big difference. Imagine me to be unfiltered here.
  15. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    Ok good I'm not just crazy then thank god.
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    I am pretty sure it is Things yeah.

    I don't know what to do about that.

    I think it means he's town.
  16. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    This is just a big pile of horsecrap.

    Like .. I am annoyed to no end that at this Point and time only you and gemma are in thread, because just reading you here makes me want to scratch my eyes out.

    I am just keeping you on ignore for my own sanity for the rest of the Phase.

    Like .. I have very different experience and expectations towards both bears and gemma in regards to their Play than you.
    You don't get to judge me on the matter. What you get to do is to sleep and shut your mouth.

    Thank you

    How does anyone expect me not to be tilted in a game when 90% of the game are People telling me that I am stupid, off and should be ashamed of my reads.

    Sincerly either be useful or get lost.

    Thank you.

    P.S. with this I am gone for a few hours. can't be asked to invest more of my time right now.
  17. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    Ok so Reg we need to talk tomorrow because. I have issues with your dC read. I think.
  18. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Like .. you might mean it well .. but this constant telling me that I suck because my reads are not your reads etc is pointless.

    If youa re right with those townread sthen I will get them in my own time. And if you are wrong then I get to hold it over your head for a couple of months.

    And yes I am off .. I am in a very different and refreshing mood. And I enjoy every Minute of it.

  19. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017

    Sorry you feel beaten down, Jan.
  20. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    The demarcated levels are as stated, I townread everyone except Koalas/Waco. So either I've caught the scumteam or I'm wrong on someone. It WAS Vaimes I thought I was most likely to be wrong on, but...ugh, maybe one of Vaimes/beru now? I don't think that gels with my earlier readlist but beru's the person in the game I feel like I could read the MOST wrong, if that makes sense. The complaint RE: too many townreads was more that I was bumping my Vaimes read up but not to the point of getting it past any of my other reads. So it felt kind of weird.

    Ticking away in the background is like, I gave an example of it there but I'll elaborate: Scumreading me early on, chasing a different lead, and then coming back to me with seemingly nothing prompting it. What this indicates is that in private he was considering me as a scum prospect and decided to act on it later (hence the seeming disjoint in public content). It COULD be scum-motivated but the motivations I'd expect would be "pushing a mislynch" and "voteparking", neither of which was applicable (he knows better than to try and mislynch a lurker early D1, and he was already safely parked on beruru)
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    In fact, here, quick notes:

    Beru --- Townread, but don't trust myself to read them and it's a weak "traditional" read (i.e. if I had no metaknowledge of anyone this would be sketchy)
    DC --- Townread :)v)
    Font --- Townread, strong traditional (i.e. town-based play)
    Gemma --- Townread, strong traditional
    Jan --- Townread, weak-to-moderate traditional and specific behaviour around Waco doesn't seem to make sense for scum!Jan regardless of Waco's alignment
    Kalas --- Scumread
    Reg --- Townread, moderate traditional and moderate meta
    Vaimes --- See above, weak traditional and moderate meta is the summation here
    Waco --- Scumread

    So beru/Vaimes are reliant on metaknowledge which I'm a spot leery of, and I guess next on the list is Jan but that doesn't feel right but I think it's just because everyone else is townier than him. It's like a weakening of the townread by PoE.
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    fucking emoji