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TinyHunt #8

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Eidolonic, Mar 4, 2018.

  1. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    (I don't count, huh?

    ...fair enough :V)
  2. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Hm? Is there a joke that went over my head?
  3. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    The joke is that I am doing poorly this game, and also that I had been consistently present and unengaged and in fact asked for something to do and then after like half an hour you're like "hey is anyone here?"
  4. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017

    @Newcomb I've sat staring at 710 again for like five minutes and just don't understand what you're seeing there? If he thinks you've used copypasta a bunch / recently as town then it kind of makes sense that you might not want to do it again as town but if you're scum it's a nice little way to mimic your town meta? Am I not reading this correctly? I think the reasoning is pretty bad but I don't see why that can't be something shadow genuinely believes is alignment indicative here? Help?
    --- Post automerged ---
    I can't help you in the way I'd like to this game dude but like, you need to go back over your reads, look at the reasoning you've got in there that you feel best about and try to come away with 2-3 townreads that you're comfortable with putting aside for the dayphase, if you don't have a scumread then go through the slots your townreads are pushing and look at the reasoning they've put out, see if there's anything you agree/disagree with and talk to them about it / follow them until something feels right. If you disagree with all of it and talk to them and still disagree then look at what the wagons are, ISO any of them and go through your reasoning, see if you come away with anything that makes sense with the slot being mafia, if not then try again.

    Think you're too active in thread tbqh and Newcomb is very correct that a lot of your energy is wasted, part of what I'm doing here this game is trying to let things come to me much more rather than going out hunting for them constantly and I think if you spent a little more time marinating and a little less time charging around you might find things start coming together for you and making sense a bit more again. If meta is becoming an issue for you then try to just put it out of your mind and focus solely on the reasoning you have for your reads because I think you do well when you have a good amount of that and stick to it / don't overthink and overlevel on stuff.
  5. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    Well I managed to forget about looking at the wagons as a thing you can do, which I think exemplifies the fact that the problem is mostly in my own head. The charging around thing is largely like "oh I'm not doing well, I gotta try harder!!!" which it appears has been counterproductive.

    I do appreciate that, though it's midnight now so I'll have to give it a go tomorrow.
  6. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Can't you give me an easy cluster like Cobalt/Fonti/Gemma?
    They are all unaligned unless Gemma decided pregame to go all out disgusting. Which I don't thin they do.

    I will try to look at this once I have recharged my batteries and am home from a swim.
  7. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    You’ll never be Grant, but I’ll grant you that you’re approaching unprecedented question mark levels in your play.

  8. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    This is @Gemma as well.

    I thought it was pretty obvious, considered the parts of those posts I bolded.

    It goes from specific->general. Having one of those thoughts would be whatever, even having both of them would be somewhat understandable if there was some depth or progression about it, but with that exchange, there's none of that.

    The first bit implies a meta-conception of me, like shadow has a box that generally has ideas about what Player X would or wouldn't do in a game as either alignment. The second bit smoothly and without comment pivots away from that specific meta take to a general meta take that reverses the outcome of the read.

    It would be like if we had the following conversation:

    Me: "Vaimes, I think it might be raining outside. You're wearing purple, and I think purple suits you better when it's raining outside, just from my understanding of how you think about colors."

    You: "What if I told you that I've only ever worn purple when it's sunny?"

    Me: "I'd want to see some numbers on that. I think the more people do things when it's sunny, the more likely they are to also do them when it's raining."

    It's pretty obvious that I'm trying to fit you for a hat in that example. I already have a hat picked out, and I'm trying to make it fit onto your head. I'm not looking at your head and trying to figure out what kind of hat would go on it.

    Another way to look at it that might be helpful to really dig into the mindset of those bits is to see how the goalposts change. This ties into the specific/general thing, but like... when you have a small little nugget of thought in a mafia game, a mini hypothetical, what's your first instinct when the premise of that hypothetical is challenged? Like... examine the premise, examine the mindset of the person calling it into question, reject the hypothetical and start over... any of those things, sure. This is Option D, "immediately toss the hypothetical in favor of a less specific more general one that fits the world you're trying to push."

    It makes the whole thing read ephemeral. Floaty. Full of hot air. Below the threshold of charitably lazy/understated townplay.
  9. shadowlancerx

    shadowlancerx Muggle

    Nov 8, 2017
    @Jan (and kind of Fonti also): wrt Newcomb, I can’t just ignore the copy/paste thing, because it happened and pretending like it didn’t is a disservice to that read. Maybe it is NAI, but I don’t have the confidence to say that for sure. As for how I feel about him, I think he’s greater than rand scum, and kind of like the idea of lumping him over lynching him. I dunno, if we lump him and he’s town then he just dies, but I selfishly want him checked.
    As far as things that lacked a point, I feel like he’s posted a reasonably high number of gifs in response to serious posts, specifically he’s responded to a bunch of Tom posts as such, and a few others iirc.

    Wrt Cobalt: we had a back and forth as well, more than just what you quoted, but basically I would have a thought as I caught up, posted about it, then read through a Cobalt post that completely mimicked my thoughts. It shows a very real town mindset from him and proves I’m not crazy. (This is also a part of the reason I’m confident in my waco scum read)
    As far as the word “pocketed”, I don’t know what to tell you. It’s a good way to express my feelings towards another player in a single word.

    Wrt Delphine: there’s a level of constant thought that pushes my townread there, like she’s always got depth to her posts and replies. I can see where she’s coming from and make sense of the questions being asked. I also loved the bit to Newcomb about being shocked that she might have read Newcomb wrong on first impression, it feels so pure.
    So this post really stuck out to me, it’s why I wanted to know DC’s alignment preference. This is the kind of post that I think scum preferring players make as either alignment, and town preferring players more often make as scum. DC not having a preference /probably/ means it can come from either alignment, and thus is not as helpful as I was hoping. The line about probably not wanting to be scum this game maybe means something, but I think overall it doesn’t have enough weight by itself.
    --- Post automerged ---
    @Newcomb: You’re misconstruing my point. “I think it better suits him as scum, just from a meta perspective” is not referring to your meta. Frankly I don’t claim to have an understanding of your meta. I do claim to understand how players use meta in general to their advantage.
    “From a meta perspective” implies that anyone who adds something to their town meta has that tool to use for their scum game. Yes I said it suits you, but that’s because I was talking about you, not your meta.
    --- Post automerged ---
    1. The bolded is more accurate to what I said,
    2. Do you disagree that this is a thing?
    --- Post automerged ---
    Hey Tom, why Delphine?
  10. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    I will be honest for once in this game.
    My brain is too lazy to make thoughts of my own and answer Newcombs question .. so I will just mock other peoples thoughts until that changes.

    Talking about a mockery. Here are All of Newcombs gifs this game and the posts he was responding to in one funfilled spoiler!

    dCs intital post :
    Newcombs reaction :
    toms serious post about a bamboozeling problem :
    Newcomb being silly again :
    Toms mechanical question.
    Newcombs precious gif and nonsensical reaction :
    The gif is Newcomb saying that he endgamed with it as scum in his second game of the mafia. Or maybe third. I am not sure if Hannibal or Tinyhunt was first. I think tinyhunt was.

    Delphines shortcomings :
    Toms cheeky response :
    This one has a 3 quote dialog between shadow and Newcomb embedded I will just try to add the quote despite dlps attempt to not let me nest quotes.

    So yeah. You might want to try again Shadow. Because that explanation was nothing but an airball.
    (For non sports people: Airballs are bad.)
    Here a picture of one of those:
    The goal here would be to shoot the ball through the hoop. That is the thing on the right with some net hanging from it.

    Okay enough sports for today. I am already exhausted.
  11. Waco Kid

    Waco Kid Groundskeeper

    Jan 3, 2015
    Nowhere Special
    @Delphine, @Jarizok & @Vaimes

    Talk to me about Shadow a bit. Ignore my read on him for a minute. Please talk to me about your thoughts regarding him and his thought processes so far. Because I don't see someone searching for town and scum. I see someone trying to muscle events to fit how he wants it.

    See the bolded below.

    Time and time again he's applying outside concepts without considering how they fit into the game. He's trying to judge dC through his outside conceptions that have nothing to do with dC's play.

    He harps about my lump campaign is "low effort" and my reasoning for wanting it "hollow." Which maybe it does look to him, but lacks any interest from looking at from my perspective. Maybe shadow is limited by being one of the only players in this game not familiar with the previous game, and certainly not with my meta, but note how he completely brushes off any suggestion to look at it.

    With the Newcomb situation, it just feels like he's locked on his OOG reason why the copy-pasta was a scummy thing, and just doesn't want to let go of it.

    Beyond any of this now that he's been in the game for a few days, looks at his reads. Do you see any sort of progressions? Does it seem like he's taking events into account and adjusting his reads in a way that makes sense? Because I don't see it.
  12. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Wait, Delphine started the game by taking about how a partner being lumped when she was scum contributed to the feeling that the walls were closing in. If you were agreeing with Delphine, and paying more attention to her posts, why was evaluation so far off from hers?
    --- Post automerged ---
    That's to Shadow, sorry.
    --- Post automerged ---
    I'm curious what you think of me not townreading you.
  13. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Lump : Mallorean Thug
  14. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Post count:
    Tom - 130
    dC - 116
    Jan - 109
    Jari - 72
    Von - 70
    Fonti - 59
    Waco - 55
    Newcomb - 43
    Cobalt - 38
    Delphine - 38
    Gemma - 23
    Shadow - 16
    Mal - 15
    --- Post automerged ---
    Jan, explain things. And do it all in the same post so you don't overtake dC.
  15. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Oh that .. well .. I am looking at a different game right now.

    If you don't post until I have made the reasearch then my postcount won't go too much higher!
  16. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    I'm vaguely uncomfortable with this process. Was following in real time and had to hold myself back from being like "dC is town, what the fuck are you talking about?" Eh. I can understand why town!comb would point out some inconsistencies from dC in an attempt to lock down a town read, but this didn't feel like. Specfically, in the above post, the extended bit about head versus heart is over the top and showboaty. Like, I'm at a place where my head and heart think dC is town, and I think it's pretty clear, so I don't get why Newcomb would be having that disconnect or why he'd need to go on that long explaining it.
    --- Post automerged ---
    I'm vaguely uncomfortable with this process. Was following in real time and had to hold myself back from being like "dC is town, what the fuck are you talking about?" Eh. I can understand why town!comb would point out some inconsistencies from dC in an attempt to lock down a town read, but this didn't feel like. Specfically, in the above post, the extended bit about head versus heart is over the top and showboaty. Like, I'm at a place where my head and heart think dC is town, and I think it's pretty clear, so I don't get why Newcomb would be having that disconnect or why he'd need to go on that long explaining it.
    --- Post automerged ---
    Or, you could use the magic of paragraphs.

    Did anyone else see my last post appear three times in a row?
    --- Post automerged ---
    Now it's four times. Ok.
  17. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    And you couldn't wait for a minute!

    I thought Mals behavior around lump felt scummy.

    Mal talks about general things in regards to who to lump without looking at any reads on the game.

    When there was a bit of traction for Mal to maybe get lump he selflumps but doesn't campaing for it in any way.
    The selfvote feels like he would like the lump, but the play other than that does not fit a person wanting to get lumped at all.

    I am inclinded to lump him just because of that.
  18. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    mal has the fewest posts? Really?

    Lump mal

    sorry tom

    Waco and Newcomb I'll get to in a bit...or in the morning.
  19. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    No, I actually lied about the vote counts to make my team look better.

    We could lynch Mal and lump Newcomb?

    (Do the work, Von.)
  20. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    I've been actively lurking since too many people started townreading me
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