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TinyHunt #8

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Eidolonic, Mar 4, 2018.

  1. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    dC you're making me sad.


    Can you talk about Waco's day 1 and what you're townreading there exactly? And what about how he's coming out swinging on tom seems town to you? Because it's more than a little weird that you've gone from screaming about people pushing easy mislynches to townreading Waco for pushing tom, especially when it's tom who's been pushing on you yesterday and today.

    The rest... don't seem like strong reads? At all? I'm not looking for scattershot reads from you I'm trying to figure out what you are actually capable of talking about coherently. What you've given me here just looks more made up than anything and doesn't make much sense given your previous stances on these slots.

    Like... how is this actually you on day 3? It's like your reads have been steadily devolving as we've gotten deeper into the game and that's super worrying. I mean am I wrong to expect you to be someone who has a pretty strong grasp of where they're at at this stage in the game? I've barely given anything to this game and feel pretty clueless on a number of levels and even I seem to have a better sense of where I'm at than you do.

    I honestly don't know what to do with you here dude. I feel like I need to go back over my reasoning for townreading you and try to reread you and see if I can get you to make sense with that again because it just feels like you're falling apart here in a bad way. Would really like to be able to start feeling better about you again so please help if I'm being bad?
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    Go back and find the unaligned with shadow stuff pls pls? Also how do you feel about him being super underwhelming right now? Because I feel like my read on him for most of the game in a word has been ~overwhelmed~ but he's not really projecting in that way anymore?

    Also um, what worlds do you have here where Asmo is town? Because I don't really have any except ones where dC/tom are both mafia and I kind of don't think tom busses dC here in the way that he is.
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    (Can I thunderdome you?)
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    (...you know that witches can read your posts, right?)
  2. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    If you are a witch, yes. If not, no.

    As for all that other stuff, you're just NOW catching up on the dC disappointment train? The font read being hilariously wrong was maybe some kind of last straw, but town's doing perfectly well without me (we have a living Priest for fuck's sake) and I just don't feel particularly...necessary or competent this game, I guess.

    Also if you want focused answers you need to ask focused questions. Your question was, what, "what reads do I feel strongly about"? Newcomb and Waco. That's it. I feel a bit better about tom now I understand where he's coming from, but at the time he was weirding me out. Vaimes/asmo are too slanky for me to feel strongly about (to be fair this does raise alarm bells), Cobalt and you sort of similar but more towny.

    Like, if I have weak reads it's because to my knowledge nobody's fucking DONE anything this game. D1 was a derpfest that zeroed in on low actives, D2 was a red check, and now we're here!

    I mean this is probably just me not paying attention, but like.

    I have very little grasp on this game. I have barely seen anything eminently scummy or eminently nonfakeable, and I suspect my instinct has been to neutrally interpret things because it's less work.
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    like for serious though basically the only thing I did feel interested about overnight was potentially running up font and then that was proven to be a stupid idea in the most conclusive way possible

    I was scumreading Newcomb too, remember. Just about the only GOOD thing I did this game was point out shadow wasn't campaigning for lump at EOD1, and that didn't even get him lynched >_>

    Anyway, I'm not "falling apart" so much as "fell apart about halfway into D1 and despite extensive attempted assistance from all the king's horses and all the king's men nothing useful has come out of my mouth since". Nonetheless I'll try again I guess.

    Newcomb is town.

    I remember Waco wanting lump near EOD1 and I was actually a fan of how he came out against tom today. (Side note: The fact nobody is picking on asmodeus is contributing to my "is everyone here just town and it's Vaimes/asmo" thing)

    I don't remember much of Cobalt and...

    ...okay so I gave in and briefly skimmed his ISO and I found, erm, this.

    I'm also noting that like

    5/6 of his ISO is D1? Which seems like a bit much even with D2 being redcheck day.

    That plus the whole "huh maybe Stanari was probably town" thing is making me think I should probably be more leery here. If I was going to pick someone to put under the microscope and try to sort out, it'd probably be him.

    Anyway, who else...

    You feel like you were basically a nonentity before today, but your gameplay today so far has been way more motivated than I'd expect from scum in your position. Like, if you're scum then you kind of get cruise control for the next day or two and focus on winning XYLO rather than driving this hard I think? The tipping point is that I can sympathize with being super lost this game.

    Vaimes felt really good D1 but has also kind of crashed out since then, which is a Very Bad sign coming from him.

    asmodeus is kind of "scum by default" which I'm not a huge fan of but also like
    I don't know. Has not posted enough and what he has posted has been big meh walls of text.
    Maybe that's enough to string him up?

    Finally, I was leery of tom earlier but I'm not sure how much that sticks given he's apparently just ignoring the mechanical side of the game. Which is fine, I guess, but...
    ...look, I'm not gonna pretend to be able to read the muppet. It feels like he fell back on OMGUS today but at the same time he was predisposed to do that if I in particular went after him so it's kind of meaningless. I'm not sure I'll be able to get a handle on him at all in his current state.
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    (if you're wondering why I was able to put that out despite my earlier protestations, I AM in fact pretty ashamed of my performance this game so far. It just rarely outweighs my exhaustion/apathy)
  3. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Good afternoon.

    I’m honored that there’s finally some honest to god (!) paranoia at my expense, and that I actually deserve it, buuut also these aren’t not the droids you are looking for.

    Don’t really think the “Vaimes has dropped off” reads are very fair or true. The game as a whole seemed to die after the initial redcheck drop; it got so slow that people wanted a majority lynch, which I supported, to get the game moving. So don’t give me that.

    Second, the font shot is ??? I don’t know what to call it beyond an Angel dodge.

    Third, shooting people who are townreading me makes the game easier because __________. You have to understand that a huge psychological, I dunno, cloud has lifted. I’m not afraid of leaving people alive and having them change their minds on me. Fear killing Jan or font for the sake of fearkilling just feels like a waste of time now.

    You know. Hypothetically.

    I actually think holding onto the check is a good idea, especially if it’s a redcheck, because you’d think having confirmed mafia would fire the thread up, but unless it’s a super unexpected check, I think it als encourages lazy conf-biasing and activity takes a hit because no one is really forced to reevaluate.

    Okay, your fears are assuaged. I am town. Uh, we’re in a bit of a rough spot because of the potential extra town death via DOB, but not all hope is lost.

    Be back in a bit.
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    man, that post just flowed from my fingers when I’m normally not even at my most articulate

    hooray for restful nights
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    hey tom remember how you said I'd eventually turn on you if you weren't eventually townfirmed?

    because I remember @_@

    but I'm gonna fight it, just for you
  4. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    Oh, hello Vaimes.

    I'm impressed that you managed to complete that whole post without making any actual reads! Fighting tom sounds like a great idea, you should do that. Oh, you mean you're fighting the urge TO fight tom? That's boring. It's D3 and our lynches are a slanker and a red check. I wanna see some blood, dammit!

    The game did drop off D2 but my memory of it is you were more absent than other people. Still, do your best to shake it with more posts today, okay?
  5. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    wow, rude

    I literally just woke up

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    as I'm sitting here coloring my reads

    maybe I'll wait til you're gone to post them :V
  6. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    Well fine, maybe I'll stay up until zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    (Unrelated: [​IMG] )
  7. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014


    Waco Kid




    Reads and sentences.

    I'm town, Newcomb's town, some dead people are town, Cobalt is super town. I actually think Jarizok was town for being the main shadow contendor, but that's all I have for him, given that personally I didn't really care for his posts.

    I don't think tom actually has a scumrange and that anything is possible for him. All the things I like (tone, postcount, quippy responses, consistency, blah blah blah) mean next to nothing nothing. Buuut also don't really think scum!tom takes a yoloshot on font for no reason when Newcomb is 1) the claimed Priest, and 2) has openly discussed his lack of surety on a tom read.

    I like Gemma in general because she reminds me of Reg, and because I was sort of sheeping font a bit. One thing that looks good for her is that she seemed to step up the activity/flow as the game went on, despite it steadily getting worse for Witches (shadow getting run up, and then swapped to Lump). Given she reminds me of Reg, I uh, skim a lot of her posts. If she becomes more of an Issue, I'll go back and read carefully, but yeah.

    Waco is very much a "he had good interactions with shadow that don't look ww". That's it. Other than that he campaigned for Lump and had some opinions on some things that sort of got lost. But I think "not ww with shadow" is p good.

    Hi dC and Asmo. Hm. Asmo feels like he's still catching up, so no real opinion there, wouldn't be shocked if it's some kind of stalling tactic. Can see this team being too afraid to Soup Newcomb because wine, especially since dC feels so disconnected from literally everything. He's kind of just, I don't even know. Nothing at all like I've seen in past games. Which is something I see more from scum than town, the whole "hm, they're not playing their towngame, but they're also not playing their scumgame".

    "But Vaimes, do dC and Asmo work as a team?" Fucked if I know, that'll be my homework.

    Stanari I honestly have no idea. She went after shadow, but it was 100% for tone, which kiiinda sounds like a TMI-ish bus. She also played up the whole "I hate you all" at EoD and it felt fake. idk, kind of feels witchy, but it feels safer to assume shadow is the only dead Witch.
  8. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    Do you have, like, REASONS that Cobalt is town?
  9. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    A lot of reasons.

    Some of them are DLP-specific meta, town-indicative attitude (pushing his reads without trying to take the thread hostage), going after Newcomb in the early game (possible ww show but now proven not to be), being thoroughly pocketed by shadow's ~mindmeld~ (lol).

    As a person who knows him and plays with him somewhat frequently, he's among the easiest to read DLP players.
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    (I have townread him correctly in every game he's played here, as well as pegged him as scum in a Mountainous)
  10. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    ...the shadow mindmeld thing is town-indicative? When I saw that post it immediately pinged as powerwolfing for me.

    Is that just not how he works, or?
  11. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    what are you talking about
  12. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    (...not necessary or competent is exactly how I feel this game. Except, you know, I read fonti correctly. Easiest read of my life. Noob.)

    Yeah, of course. I mean, I was hoping that you would have something non-vague to say about me that I could get you to talk about. It feels like everyone's just been avoiding reading me this game since I freaked out at Jan. So when you had literally nothing to say... meh, I don't want to force you to talk about something you no feelings about and would much prefer to know what you /do/ have feeling about. And then go from there. But I was just left feeling like there was nothing for me to dig into because none of what you gave me made sense.

    But like, talk about the two points in particular re: Waco that I asked about? It's not that I disagree with your read on him but I'm not really townreading him, I just have him as unaligned with shadow. So if he's the one read you feel strongly about (Newcomb literally doesn't count dude) then I would kind of like to know what you're seeing there exactly?

    Tbf I don't think I've been much different. I spent most of day 1 just not really committing to reading anything too deeply because I wanted to both take the game slower than I have in the past and also just knew that I wasn't really wanting to engage with this game very much with where my head's at atm. Not sure how I'd have managed without fonti tbqh.

    I believe you dude. I would've also trashed you with her if you tried.

    Say more about this? Don't understand how coming around to Stanari being town is scummy?

    I mean Newcomb is alive so stressing out about reading him seems fairly pointless. Also Jan locktowned him and he pretty emphatically told me after Princess about how he soulreads Von so I'm kind of inclined to trust him on that.

    What do you mean re: ignoring the mechanical side of the game? (My brain is fudge right now btw and I'm barely capable of holding a continuous train of thought which also means my memory is shot, so, bear with me.)

    Like, I have been completely ignoring the mechanical side of the game too for the most part. It's actually one of the things that has left me kind of confused about the game at points (like now) because people start talking about mechanics and stuff and I just don't know any of it and my opinion is worthless. But like, what scum motivation are/were you reading into there from him?

    The OMGUS thing I've noticed but not really known how to factor it into my read on him if at all. It's eh, don't really think it's actually a good tell or very indicative, at least for most people. More inclined to just note it and put it aside as probably meaningless how you've done. Kind of have issues with your progression on tom but will talk about that at a later point when my brain isn't fried.
  13. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    oh yeah, I forgot, font is fired from the Holy Trinity

    I'm now taking applications to fill her spot
  14. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    The bolded, when I encountered it in a post linked in #1882, caused me to start considering cobalt/shadow w/w coalignment whereas it seems to have had the opposite effect on you saw it. Is that because of something specific to Cobalt (i.e. it's his meta to fall for scum pockets and to NOT "fall for" scumbuddy pockets), or is it more general?

    @Gemma --- I'll get to that post in a little bit.
  15. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    it's more Cobalt just misreading people in general as town

    Scumbalt fakes mindmelds on villagers
  16. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    Take your time I am about to sleep.
  17. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    Hmm, I see, I see.

    I wanna say I can discount everything but Cobalt/you, and probably that because you don't traditionally do stuff like stepping up to defend a buddy who's not even under threat in this situation (like, with the bottom of the pile containing you but not him? Makes v. little sense to me)

    Okay, well that's helpful (doubly so if Gemma keeps up her current trajectory). Speaking of, lemme just go get that...
    --- Post automerged ---
    Hoo boy, okay.

    Well excuse me for not reading your partner better than you :v

    Ah, well if it's any consolation I barely noticed that whole Jan thing tbh. Like, there was some drama then it went away then meh? I guess if everyone else was reacting like that it might explain why you slipped under my radar, but in terms of avoidance I think me NOT avoiding someone would be more unusual at this point >_>

    I mean, uh.

    If he's unaligned with shadow, that's a townread :V

    It's kind of a stew of things, his D1 play reminded me REALLY strongly of Princess, his lump campaign seemed genuine, he was in the mix to be a counterwagon to shadow until people started moving off him (which I'd ascribe as scummy if shadow had been town, but as-is it looks more like "scum consolidating on Jari" and if he'd been scum I can imagine a buddy sticking on him as a safe/good votepark).

    His attack on tom this morning was super brazen and mirrored some thoughts I'd been having, and most importantly did not seem like good scumplay OR the sort of bad scumplay that a team that doesn't kill Newcomb does (not killing Newcomb seems like "bad idea" scumplay, while attacking tom seems like "weird idea" scumplay. I don't know if this makes any sense to anyone but me, or is even a good point)

    Finally, yeah he seems unaligned with shadow. Which, uh, would make him town.

    Well yeah, I didn't exactly have the same level of help (although several people did chip in like Jan/fonti and I am thankful for that). Still, maybe if I take it slow and try to keep my head I can get somewhere.

    Even after getting her to trash me with you? That seems kinda backward.

    Well, because he wanted to lynch her earlier on and so it seems a little fairweather? OTOH now I think about it there was no reason for him to ADMIT to wanting to lynch Stanari if he wanted to avoid that, so maybe it's a stupid point. (Plus if I listen to Vaimes then it's incorrect anyway, and unless we're in Vaimes/Cobalt world or Vaimes has misread Cobalt then I should)

    Okay sure, but Princess!Vaimes scared me :V

    It's probably fine if he keeps talking today tbh.

    Basically I was reading that he just wants to mislynch me and has locked on target since sometime around D1. I was expecting him to be more reevaluatory with the weird night outcome, but then instead he just showed up saying "RIP fonti" and beating the dC/asmo scum drum (ooh, I'm keepin' that one for later) and being cagey and unhelpful about all of it. So the overall picture was not "attempting to figure out dC/asmo's alignments" but rather "attempting to get dC/asmo lynched". Which I mean, some town do play like that sometimes but ALL scum play like that ALL the time, essentially.

    My progression on tom is exactly as coherent as tom himself, and I don't think you can ask any more of me :v
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    ...hey, does ANYONE here think asmodeus is town?
  18. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    A Witch asking to be sweet-talked by a villager? That's new.

    off the top of my head I can't recall anyone townreading Asmo, but I thought mal was ~okay and I know some other people felt decent about him
  19. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
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    Also, I’m going down to Seattle today and tomorrow. Phone posting / low activity until Saturday night.
  20. Cobalt

    Cobalt Third Year

    Aug 29, 2015
    --- Post automerged ---


    Also I'm kinda mad that Scumbalt actually became a nickname. Fucking Roman.
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