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WIP Limpieza de Sangre by TheEndless7 - M

Discussion in 'Almost Recommended' started by Peter North, Aug 1, 2016.

  1. TheLazyReader

    TheLazyReader Groundskeeper

    Feb 9, 2018
    Does it happen in Chicago by any chance?
  2. Jester

    Jester Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    God damnit.

    Miner fucking spoilers bro!

    Also I'm a bit disappointed in Dumbledore here. I wish he'd do more than just say "But she's 3VOL!", and I really wanted some more Harry boning Emily shenanigans. Disappointment my old friend.
  3. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    People talking about Harry boning Emily might be the reason a sequel is never released (if a sequel is never released).

    Also, fixed.
  4. MrBucket

    MrBucket Fifth Year

    Jan 22, 2018
    Dumbledore in the newest chapter was... not good. The thing about Dumbledore in canon is that he never really loses his cool. The closest we see to him doing so is with imposter Moody, and even then he's just yelling or spitting words. So things like ["How dare you?" Dumbledore spat.] is very odd to read for me.

    I've honestly just stopped caring about this fic. It's becoming too convoluted and I doubt TE7 is going to be able to pull out an ending that makes me go "Oh, okay, that makes a lot of sense."
  5. Jester

    Jester Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Haha. I'm mostly just joking. I just feel the relationship deserved more pay off than she may have just played with Harry's mind.

    I wasn't expecting an actual sexual relationship. I just think the amount of build up was more wasted potential. I wanted more in the relationship after 30 chapters and this ending feels like a cop out. Also a sequel has very little interesting hooks for me. There isn't enough interesting conflict in the story to warrant a sequel. This is mostly unrealized potential, and fan service.

    I enjoyed it for the most part, but it's mostly forgettable and left me wanting more in real character development and actual conflict.
  6. Skykes

    Skykes Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    May 14, 2006
    I agree, very little payoff after lot's of buildup.

    I would like to see a sequel where HP continues on with Emily's plan, maybe after a few years of studying magic.
  7. TheLazyReader

    TheLazyReader Groundskeeper

    Feb 9, 2018
    "How dare you," Dumbledore spat.

    This summarises this fic perfectly. There is nothing else to be said here. My final rating: 1/5.
  8. Skykes

    Skykes Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    May 14, 2006
    There's a lot more to be said, you could go into detail on why you do not like it for example.
  9. TheLazyReader

    TheLazyReader Groundskeeper

    Feb 9, 2018
    I think I've said too much on this thread already (to the point I might have offended people). But if I have to sum it up: Characterization is terrible; the story goes nowhere; motives are whimsical at best; terrible, terrible scenes that seem straight out of a parody/crack fic; side plots that have no purpose except to fluff up the story (I'm looking at you, Hermione Romance); no payoff of any kind: things build up and then just 'poof', disappear; and ultimately, we are taught nothing: Emily was just a misunderstood (and abused) person that committed the things she did out of a misguided sense of justice. This last point is not objectively bad, but a ten-year-old could write this theme. Personally, I have nothing against TE7, but if this story sprout of someone telling TE7 they couldn't write fem!Voldemort, I dare say that person was quite right.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2018
  10. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    I dunno I find it rather strange that everyone is interested in a relationship between a 15 year old Harry and an 80+ year old Emily.

    Ignoring the inconveniences of them being a product of two completely different timelines and the fact that she murdered his parents, the chances of Emily seeing Harry as a love interest at this point is literally zero.

    And before I get ten notifications linking me to quotes where Emily takes care of Harry in some way that can be misconstrued as romantic, let me point out that to Emily, Harry is just as much a part of her as Nagini, or the sword, or her wedding ring. And we all know how she views those objects.
  11. A Lizard By

    A Lizard By Any Other Name

    Feb 11, 2014
    On a rock under the sun
    There was definite sexual tension there imo. Regardless, if not romance then what the hell was the point of this story? Giving everyone blue balls?
  12. Hymnsicality

    Hymnsicality Seventh Year

    Oct 28, 2014
    On the wild plains of Africa
    Probably trying to say something about loss, pain, friendship, desire and growing up. Not entirely sure, but then again most fanfics don't really have much to say about anything, so I can appreciate the effort.
  13. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    The only way someone got blue balls from this story was if they thought with their penis.

    The purpose of the story was to write a female Voldemort that worked; that made sense in the context of being a villain and a female in the specific time period in which she was born.

    Its worth mentioning that TE7 dislikes Tom Riddle as a villain in terms of how he was written by JKR. Too carbon copy. Too cliche. Emily was created to show that Voldemort was human.

    Granted I disagreed a lot with the way she was humanized (I thought the whole "making the world better by killing the bad people or whatever" was a terrible idea), but the rest of it, especially her background and pretty much all the scenes in the diary before Martins death is quite impressive characterization for fanfiction.
  14. Krezter

    Krezter Second Year

    May 11, 2008
    I really liked the interactions between Harry and Emily, and this is one of my favourite guilty pleasure fics, however it feels like the author just changed Voldemort's entire backstory without having that reflect differently on other characters and the world with the exception of Harry and the few times we see her interact with Avery.

    It almost verges into bashing the way that she portrays Dumbledore and how antagonistic he is towards her despite her being far, far different from the Tom Riddle of canon. And as it goes on Dumbledore's characterization just get worse if anything, making him seem like a spiteful and stupid old man instead of the wise calculating though sympathetic character he was in canon.

    Despite all that, I liked the carefree and sweet version of Emily when it was just her and Harry interacting, and while some of that could be her manipulating him there was definitely some inner conflict within her when seen from her viewpoint (the dress she wore for him for example), and I like that it wasn't just pure manipulation and that they affected each other.

    Harry's obsession with Emily I thought was pretty realistic, and it was fun to read about him balancing his feelings for her and the morality of loving his enemy. Although in the end much of that conflict was resolved simply be her being more sympathetic than the corrupt ministry and blase attitude Dumbledore showed her. I think if we had seen more sympathetic ministry characters it would've been more interesting, have Harry experience some conflict over siding with the ruthless Voldemort and see some good people die for it.

    On the other hand I thought those moments with Hermione were pretty cute, even if ultimately it lead nowhere.

    Anyway, I'm not sure what Emily's plan was at the end. It will be interesting to see if there are any horcrux!Harry shenanigans and resurrections in the future or if it will be purely Harry's story from now on.
  15. TallDarkStranger

    TallDarkStranger Fourth Year

    Dec 4, 2015
    High Score:
    Well, of course you think with your penis. Not like there's another organ to think for you....
    We're all sick fucks in here
  16. odonata201

    odonata201 Squib

    May 19, 2012
    You know, I beg to disagree with a lot of the comments made in these threads. To be fair, I really like this fic. Those who question the characterization of Dumbledore, I especially have issues with. Consider, for a moment, the fact that one of the brightest scholars to ever grace Hogwarts's halls, decides to become a clerk at Flourish and Botts? Some would say, it was part of a long-term nefarious plan, but doesn't it make more sense that Dumbles blackballed her (as he is a she in this fic)? I do not think this stretches plausibility based on canon. That Dumbles has serious screwed Harry is also a non-issue. Two times in a row? I think that is a reasonable plot device. Once you accept those two premises, the bugger needs to die. Then comes the issue of making the wizarding world a better place. Why not? TE7's Emily herself admits she cannot herd the pureblood cats, but why not make the effort? OK, gotta admit that this is more than a guilty pleasure. I think Emily comes back via the final horcrux, she and Harry do the horizontal tango and Dumbles goes bye-bye which all leads to a better wizarding world. Given the set-up, I kind of like that as the finale if it indeed is the finale. Oh well. For the most part. you guys offer up great insights, but I think this fic has been misjudged. It could also be that I have had too many beers --- recommend Flying Fish Exit Four to all with the same craving for good beer....
  17. TheLazyReader

    TheLazyReader Groundskeeper

    Feb 9, 2018
    Can we advertise this post for all DLP to see? I think it's brilliant.
  18. Krezter

    Krezter Second Year

    May 11, 2008
    I'm pretty sure the reason Voldemort worked at Borgin and Burkes was to acquire rare artifacts for his Horcruxes. This is seen when he interviews H. Smith on behalf of the shop and she shows him the Hufflepuff Cup (and Slytherin's locket too I think?).
  19. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    I like the fic as much as the next guy, but LdS is clearly and blatantly AU, so canon arguments shouldn't be used to defend it.

    Also whenever I saw you use Dumbles the legitimacy of your argument just dies.
  20. theimmortalhp

    theimmortalhp Third Year

    Mar 22, 2015
    Well... the epilogue came out, and all I've got to say is that TE7 is pretty good at building conflict over the course of a story and then completely failing to deliver on it at the end. He spent so long building a promised conflict between Emily/Voldemort and Harry and threw wrenches into it by practically making Harry fall in love with her, and then the last chapter dealt with almost none of the tension between those two ideas by forcing Harry to kill her in a contrived way. And after that the epilogue basically ignored all the previous conflict and was essentially a generic "powerful!Harry who had feuded with the ministry" epilogue which this fic definitely was not. What a misstep.