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Fate/Grand Order

Discussion in 'Gaming and PC Discussion' started by Jon, Jul 17, 2017.

  1. Invictus

    Invictus Master of Death

    Mar 21, 2013
    Hmmm. 5 grails is a lot, but a 1.5k Up for three grails is damn little. And yes, I love Hans. He's my favorite male servant. Hmmm.

    KHAAAAAAAN!! Troll in the Dungeon –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 18, 2011
    Under your bed.
    High Score:
    If you don't have any SRs in dire need of grailing, go for it. Hans at 100 is 12k base HP, which puts him on par with most 4star casters, and he has a much better buff kit.

    Hans, Cursed Arm, and Asterios are probably the most worthwhile bronzes to grail, you just have to take them all the way to 90+ for them to really shine.
  3. Invictus

    Invictus Master of Death

    Mar 21, 2013
    I already grailed Herk to 90 and Cu to 80. Only 4*s I am planning to grail that get released this year are Summer Martha and Gorgon.

    If I grail Hans to 90 it would mean I spent 9 Grails. We have 27 released in JP.

    This is my planned Grail list:
    Summer Martha - 2
    Gorgon - 2
    Penthesilea - 2
    Summer Nitocris - 2
    Mama Lancer - 2
    Altera the Sunta - 2
    TOTAL: 12

    These are the maybes.
    Atalanta - 2 ?
    Summer Oda - 2 ?
    Summer Ishtar - 2 ?
    TOTAL: 6

    Which means it would fit exactly the amount I'm planning. Hmmmm. There is the fact that I want to grail at least one or two waifus to 100.

    KHAAAAAAAN!! Troll in the Dungeon –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 18, 2011
    Under your bed.
    High Score:
    Fufufufu... At last.

  5. Crimson13

    Crimson13 Professor

    Jan 9, 2011
    So who here is having fun with the Rider node and decrease NP gain by 20% for 3 turns so far? Don't forget the next one is Berserker and decrease DEF by 20% for 3 turns.

    KHAAAAAAAN!! Troll in the Dungeon –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 18, 2011
    Under your bed.
    High Score:
    3BP is actually not so bad. I've equipped my extra shana-o on Lalter for the typical aoe dragon, Jalter, Waver, Hans buff stacking plugsuit strategy. 6 attack stack Rhongomyniad gets the adds close enough to death that I can still clear in about 10 turns instead of a clean 4 or 5.

    I only did 4 runs though to clear the missions and get Jalter's final Heart Munchies, then it was back to 2BP cruise control. At 380 million now, so doing 3s is a complete waste beyond contributing to kill goal.
  7. Invictus

    Invictus Master of Death

    Mar 21, 2013
  8. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    I picked this up a few days ago, after the news that DanMachi is looking to block non-official app users, and this was highly recced by everyone posting about gacha games on the subreddit.

    I'm starting to figure things out (first foray into the Fate series, apart from Lungs' old fic, and second into gachagaming), although still low-tier and cruising France.

    How do I figure out which servants are worth levelling? It looks like they don't level stats from coming on missions, only their profile, which is fine. I get that. But is there a way (short of wiki-walking) to figure out stats at max ranks, or is it based purely on starting skills, and it's the interim that changes depending on skill curve? I've got three 4*s (Stheno, Astolfo, Tamomo cat; with apparent tier listings of C, C, A according to grandorder.gamepress), so should I be working on my s-ranked 3*s (Hassan, Cu Chu, Medea) instead? Or does it not matter until mid/end-game?

    Also, I've been told that the premium currency is finite in-game. Does this mean I shouldn't pull on banners unless I've got a stockpile, as I won't be able to fully enhance NPs without dupes?

    Or there's a top-tier waifu up for grabs, obviously.
  9. ChaosGuy

    ChaosGuy Unspeakable

    Aug 21, 2009
    Long and short is the only one you've got worth investing in right now is Mash and Cu, with MAYBE Cat if you're a furry. As for currency, yeah save it for banners, just missed Jalter which would have been a time to use it, might want to throw it at Merlin when he enters the gacha though simply because he's the best support in the game.
  10. Invictus

    Invictus Master of Death

    Mar 21, 2013
    Well, here's a quick Q&A guide https://forums.spacebattles.com/posts/45781153/.

    First, besides stats and normal attacks a big part of FGO is based on Noble Phantasm, aka NPs. These are super special attacks that not only do great amount damage, they also have other effects, depending on each individual servant. You can use NP by filling up the NP gauge, which is gained via 1-hitting an enemy, 2-being hit, 3-skills or 4-CEs. How much you gain on the first two depends on the servant NP gain % and how many hits he has/received. The higher amount of hits, the more NP.

    There are two types of NPs. Single Target and AoE. ST have great damage modifiers and are to be used against bosses or whenever there's an enemy with a huge health bar. Meanwhile AOE NPs are to be used for farming, as in the day to day grinding to quickly kill the entire wave of enemies.

    Quick visual guide:

    To figure which servants are worth leveling in short terms, ask. Because stats, skills, NP Gain, NP type, star making, synergy with other units and role all play a part and you usually can't discover that on your own. But basically let me tell you the good non Gold (aka non rare) servants that you will get sooner or later and their roles:
    1. Cu Chulain (Not Prototype Cu or Caster Cu - Prot Cu is goodish and Caster Cu is weak): He's a lancer and is the best non Gold unit in the game. Cu role is to be a cockroach. That means he doesn't die and his skill set is the best in game for that.
    2. Hans Christian Andersen: The best non SSR support in the game in my opinion. His NP is what makes him so good. His skills are also pretty solid.
    3. Cursed Arms Hassan - a good assassin with solid NP gain and an excellent star maker. A must have for anyony with a Quick team.
    4. Saint George and Leonidas - both are excellent tanks in different ways. George is a cliché tank, and that is super rare in FGO. Treasure him. Leonidas is a good tank and specially useful for enemies that have multiple hits.
    5. Robin Hood - Best in game nuke below 4*. This means that's he's an excellent boss killer. He needs his skills to work as one though.
    6. Euryale - An anti-male nuke. In FGO enemies and servants have traits, and there are special units/attacks/skills anti certain traits. Euryale is a nuke who does extra bonus damage against enemies with the male trait.
    7. Medea - Excellent Single Target caster and NP spammer. this means she can spam her NP repeatedly.
    8. David - Exellent Archer for stall teams. He's good at keeping your team alive.
    9. Medusa and Alexander and Spartacus and Arash - Excellent for farming. This means they are to be used in grinding battles that are not too hard. This is due to their NP type being AOE. Arash has an insanely huge modifier on his NP due to its quirk (Arash dies after using it), and since he promptly dies giving space to a better unit (Arash is useless beyond his NP), he is highly regardd as a great farming servant.
    10. Ushiwakamaru and Caesar - Solid ST servants with a good support kit, use them when you don't have somone better from their class.
    Regarding your gold servants. Stheno is considered one of the worst servants in the game. Her niche is almost useless and she's pretty shit outside it. Astolfo is a meh farming servant only used for farming but due to his horrible NP gain he's usually a one trick pony. Tamamo Cat is a good farming servant with a powerful NP and with a heal of all things, right now she isnt nearly as good as she's going to be later due to her auto-stun after using her NP - don't worry, that gets removed later on.

    Regarding this - the mantra in FGO is this: as a F2P only pull in banners you REALLY want, really really want. The gacha rates in FGO are notoriously bad and they have no saving mechanism like in some gachas (some games up the % of chance you have of getting the banner servant with each roll, its an antifrustration technique so people dont spend a shitton and never get their desired servant).
    Last edited: May 27, 2018

    KHAAAAAAAN!! Troll in the Dungeon –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 18, 2011
    Under your bed.
    High Score:
    Don't worry too much about stats. FGO is one of those rare gacha games where literally every servant can be made pretty damn strong with grails. Some are more worthwhile to level than others though, so I think your best strategy if you don't care to research is to join the grandorder subreddit and ask around, or come back here and ask us when you get a new servant.

    FSN Cu (lancer non-proto) is the best survival unit in the game hands down, and grailed to 90 or 100, he is very nearly unkillable. He should definitely be one of your first focuses.

    Cursed Arm at 65+ can poop out nearly as many crit stars as 5star Jack the Ripper. Very worthwhile to level him up and run him in a buster crit team.

    Medea is more niche, but in a Waver/Tamamo/Medea arts team, she can spam her rule breaker NP almost every turn.

    You were a tad unlucky with your 4 stars.

    Astolfo is only okay for an AoE rider. He is basically just 3star Medusa repackaged. Edit: Medusa is probably the better unit now that her OP af rank-up skill is out.

    Stheno is probably the worst 4 star in the game, and will only be really beneficial against male rider servants.

    T-Cat is awesome for farming and AoE burst. The self-stun on her NP is somewhat detrimental, but if you have Martha or any sort of debuff clear mystic code, she is a force to be reckoned with.

    Aiming to purposefully enhance NP level on 5s is only plausible if you're a whale dropping thousands of dollars per banner. And it honestly doesn't strengthen them that much from level to level.

    Roll for the waifus you want or what you need to fill out your party. After a year or so of ftp playing, you'll be lucky to have maybe 2 or 3 non-welfare 4stars at NP5, and maybe 1 or 2 5s at NP2+.

    Edit: Annnnd I took too long to post so everything I'm saying is just a repeat of what Invictus said.

    Edit2: I've just realized that your first playable event will be the godawful "Journey to the West". Oh you poor poor newb. That's going to suck so hard.
    Last edited: May 27, 2018
  12. Onii

    Onii Slug Club Member

    Jan 7, 2008
    WoodStock, CT
    question i got very lucky and got 2 of that new 5 star assassin from an single gacha roll and was wondering is she wroth lvling up to 90?
  13. Invictus

    Invictus Master of Death

    Mar 21, 2013
    Shuten isn't bad. She isn't great for all occasions like some 5 stars.

    First, she's an AOE Assassin, that mean she's good for farming riders. Regarding her stats, over her base stats, her Attack and Hp totals are the highest of any released 5* Assassin in both areas by a moderate margin. That doesn't mean a great lot though, due to Assassin's 0.95 modifier. While she also doesn't have Jack's bullshit NP gen/Star gen ability (and I mean bullshit, murder loli is crazy in that regard) she has quite good NP gen and Star gen on her (if you used MHX you should have a good idea of her levels).

    She has solid skills which I recommend leveling up.

    Shuten real Ace is her debuffing. She's the Debuff Queen of the game and you having her NP2 will make that even more useful. She's amazing at it and when paired with Jack + a support to up Jack's crit damage and heal, you're gonna have a bullshit team that will rip to shreds any Rider or even most berserks.
  14. Onii

    Onii Slug Club Member

    Jan 7, 2008
    WoodStock, CT
    hmm speaking of 5 stars of them i have Saber/Alexander/cuchu alter/ vlad/ amakusa. what ones of those should i focus on to whale? i have a bunch of 4 stars i havnt touched either because so much to do on this game and i want to max others out first.
  15. Invictus

    Invictus Master of Death

    Mar 21, 2013
    I'm confused. Whale means to spend RL money on the game to get more quartz to try to get more servants. You already have them?

    In any case. Of these three, Cu Alter is the highest damage dealer in the game when not counting class advantage and has great survivability to boot. An all around excellent ST Zerk. Vlad is a good ST Zerk that only works really well when paired with Tamomo and another caster (Waver preferably), since he's the only Arts Berserk and shines on that team. Amakusa is an offensive ruler with a niche NP that is really good at removing buffs. He's niche so take your time with him.

    Meanwhile, Saber and Iskandar are very similar. Both are AOE Buster NP damage dealers, whose main use is farming. Their kit is made to prop up their NP damage and NP damage is really what they have it going for them. They're fairly boring and not very useful besides as AOE beatsticks. Level them up if you need farming servants.
    Last edited: May 28, 2018
  16. Onii

    Onii Slug Club Member

    Jan 7, 2008
    WoodStock, CT
    ah sorry i thought whale ment that the servent was maxed out lol my bad

    KHAAAAAAAN!! Troll in the Dungeon –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 18, 2011
    Under your bed.
    High Score:
    Last 24 hours of bully, 550 mil total and almost 220 mil toward the final day kill goal, and we're still over a trillion off. I don't want to do anymore runs! DON'T MAKE ME! NO BULLY!
  18. Solfege

    Solfege Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Nov 21, 2008
    East Coast & the South
    Fuuuuck, you mean I actually have to get off my ass and work/spend my riceballs?

    Did anyone here build out low level teams to take on 6M Ibaraki successfully? I'm kinda scared of shifting away from double Waver, haha. With 1 trillion to go and all.
  19. Pure Infinity

    Pure Infinity High Inquisitor

    Dec 19, 2012
    Yeah, I basically skipped this event. It didn't look all that fun to be honest. I did a few runs towards the beginning, and got bored pretty quickly. Honestly, I only took the time to log on every day, and I did nothing else. I didn't use any riceballs, and I didn't do any of the daily missions outside of the first two days. I might ghost Going West as well - it's rerun finished last month in JP, and it was miserable. I don't have much interest in farming it again.

    KHAAAAAAAN!! Troll in the Dungeon –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 18, 2011
    Under your bed.
    High Score:
    I did try the Robin, Mozart, Georgios, Mash, Cu setup with an NP4 max skill support Waver and plugsuit just for teh lelz. Blew two command seals to get Robin up to max overcharge, and did about 4 mil in a single hit with all the arts buffs up. Then I command sealed and did it again for about 1.3 mil. Smooth sailing from there.

    Obviously not feasible to waste 3 command seals on a regular basis.