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[Mafia Game thread] What mafia is this?

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Sooh, May 31, 2018.

  1. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    Sounds like my townplay is contagious now D:

    Just, uh...

    well, I don't have a fix for this yet. Good luck!
  2. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    Tammy I don't really want to kill Newcomb today. You can vote him if you want to.

    I don't really like the way people are pushing on him, Cobalt's push is really weak and bad and Jan I feel like would normally never push Newcomb this way but he's scumreading him for something really really small and blowing it out of proportion and yeah I just don't think that lynching Newcomb day 1 is smart mafia. I don't really think he's been super town by any means but I don't think he's been obscenely scummy either and I would want him to be that if I were going to lynch him day 1.

    Maybe you could try to talk about your read on him in more detail so that I can understand better why you're scumreading him enough to want to kill him today?
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    It's part of being a half-assed dumpster fire, I think.
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    dC help me with my reads?




    I have 5 reads clumped together that I've decided are null. Are there any I can push above the line? Maybe Miner or Vaimes?
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    I decided I'm not going to read into Jan's hissyfit at all. He can freak out all he wants for all I care I'm done going out of my way to be sensitive for him and I'm not going to avoid scumhunting someone just because they don't like being scumread. It's part of the game.
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    Actually I should put Tammy and dC on their own tier, then Fable/Zenzao/fonti. Yeah.
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    I wish I could understand why I like Miner.
  3. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    Huh? Oh, yeah I can confirm that.

    Top of my head I do legit think Cobalt would at least leave the option OPEN to pocket me rather than dumpstering me immediately. If nothing else, he knows I have a tendency to pull lynches off myself and/or push them on other people and when it's so much easier to redirect me I just don't see him making that particular read so drastically differently this game compared to champs.

    I'm kind of just leaving Vaimes alone until his V/LA ends, if he hadn't given that then I'd feel like he was kinda half-assing it? But as-is it's really difficult to read someone whose scumtell is "less activity/excitement than normal" when they have OoG reasons for being less active/excited.

    Miner I don't feel great about but I'm having trouble quantifying it. Something about the short posts is making me feel like he's trying to keep to the background. If you could have a go at quantifying why you feel more sanguine about this one it might be useful; does he seem like he's scumhunting? If so, what method does he feel like he's using? Does he feel too relaxed to be scum? Not care enough about his image? There's a few possibilities.

    fluff I have no fucking idea and have never had any fucking idea

    And Jan...hrm. I'll have to reread Jan's ISO, I guess.
  4. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    Well I felt bad about him early because it felt like he was just openly wolfing and expecting that people wouldn't scumread him in spite of that. And his vote on me was awful. And the way he's explained his "understanding" of it since then is also awful. I dunno, like on face value basically everything he's done is awful but I think the good feelings I'm getting are something like... well there's something truthful about how awful he is somehow?

    That doesn't make any sense, does it.


    I need to run to the shops and get some food because I'm too exhausted to defrost my meat. Brb.
  5. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    So...on a quick skim my first impression is reactionary? Like he's mostly posting in response to things rather than saying things himself.

    The thing is...it's the good kind of reactionary where you pick at stuff in ways that might actually lead useful places, and while I agree you shouldn't back off him for the upset reaction thing I find scum tend to wait until later in the game when they have a handle on everything to start trotting out the AtE. So I feel like there's a good chance it's legitimate aggravation.

    It feels like you're describing a sort of TWTBAW where the person is so unaware of how scummy they're being that there's no way it could be anything but real thoughts.

    It's possible, but my interpretation was that he was kinda trying too hard to come off that way.

    I'm gonna go grab dinner, brb also.
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    Thinking about it, the way he's gone about assessing Newcomb has felt genuine as well. Like there's no "get Newcomb lynched early" agenda b/c when I ask him about whether low activity Newcomb is scummy he excuses it for him, and I don't think there's a distancing one because of how flail-y the read was earlier on.
  6. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    I already know it was legitimate aggravation. I talked about that. Or aggrievedness, since I don't really believe I did anything deserving that kind of reaction.


    Ok. Hm.

    Say more?
    --- Post automerged ---
    God this headache sucks.
  7. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    I mean.

    That's about all I had to say about it.

    He starts with a Newcomb townread, progresses to a scumread, but when I ask him if inactivity is scummy from Newcomb he points out something in Newcomb's favour (i.e. that Newcomb specifically mentioned low activity and therefore that low activity isn't a reason to scumread him).

    The idea is this:
    - If he was scum with Newcomb scum then the scumread could be distancing, but then why start with the townread?
    - If he was scum with Newcomb town then the scumread could be trying to get a mislynch, but then why point out the positive thing?

    Which means that the read is probably genuine or in the worst case it's part of scum!Jan's cover rather than agenda-based.

    Missed the bit where you already talked about Jan. I suppose your position on that is something like "he'd be annoyed as D1 scum as w-"

    ...wait, this is coming back to me now. Was it the conversation where I was like "I don't think Jan would get annoyed this quickly at 'being caught' as scum because it's D1 so nobody's really caught yet"?

    In that case you might wanna go back and reread what you said about Jan then, as I kind of think it warrants a higher position on your list if no changes to your opinion have occurred since.
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    also headache boooo

    stay hydrated and other useless advice
  8. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    Yeah I really don't want to kill Newcomb today. If he's mafia it will become really obvious later on and if he's town then the same thing. Killing him today is really stupid.

    We should kill Miner, who could easily be mafia, and who he is probably never mafia with.

    Vote: Miner
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    What I dislike about his Newcomb push is how unconcerned he is that Newcomb could be town? I feel like anyone who knows Newcomb feels like pushing him day 1 is a bad idea but Jan doesn't seem to be displaying that at all, and he had a townread on Newcomb which super easily and quickly and smoothly disappeared. Like, his scumread on Newcomb is literally because of one post.

    I think he said more things about Newcomb since then that I should go back and read.
  9. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    Do go back and read, but also like


    That sounds like a meta thing that I'm not qualified to comment on

    What bad things tend to happen if you push town!Newcomb D1?

    Also yeah sure Lynch: Miner

    Do try and figure out if there was anything of substance to your "good feeling", but I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't.
  10. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    Yeah I probably will need to talk with Tammy about it to figure it out properly since she felt something similar.

    Bad things don't happen if you push town Newcomb day 1, just if you lynch him.

    But also he inned for low effort and it feels stupid when he's actually engaged and playing the game, like does he always have to be super super town or he gets threatened with a lynch or what? I dunno I'd like it if Tammy were able to talk more about her scumread on him.
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    I feel bad for him, basically :V
  11. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    Well, you don't necessarily have to scumread Jan to townread Newcomb (or even to give him a D1 pass). If I had to guess I'd say town!Jan would just be specifically not providing him with a pass (maybe because those passes have been getting more unreliable recently)

    scum!Jan obviously is just trying to generate content, whatever, but the point is I don't think it's accurate to say there's no reason for town!Jan to pursue this line of play.
  12. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    Also like, read Miner's ISO.

    Then read Newcomb's ISO.

    If you can tell me with a straight face that you would prefer to lynch Newcomb's ISO then god why do we play this game.
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    Yeah I didn't mean to suggest that there isn't any reason for town Jan to pursue it. Just that it feels strange if it is town Jan and not strange if isn't.
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    I don't even disagree with his reasoning. I think I was the first person to comment on why that post was bad and I still think what I thought then.
  13. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    pop in!

    oh excuse me I mean villagery pop in

  14. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    For dinner I had fresh pasta with a parmigiano sauce. Was delicious.
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  15. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014

    Do you have a scumread on Zenzao, or do you think he's only a wolf with Newcomb? I saw you disagreed with a lot of what Zen posted but that it looked good.

    Otherwise I mostly like where your head is at.
    --- Post automerged ---
    We're mindmelding again.

    Are you my Mason? Should I tell fluff to get lost?
  16. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    I suppose. Without the surrounding context it doesn't look obviously strange to me, so I guess stick with that thought as long as your meta is correct and in order and I'll assume it's correct.

    Although, why isn't it strange if Jan is scum?
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    It's probably just multimasons, dude.
  17. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    I spewed us not masons when I scumhunted you, remember? You're not supposed to think that's still possible.
  18. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    Same as ever, sorry I went awol again. Fortunately no power outages. After my last post and pausing to get the writing for last night taken care of I did stop to eat and catch the rest of the Toonami block for the week and I'd meant to get back to the game after that wrapped around 4, but I opted to wait for the weather to clear up, and I should have said as much instead of leaving things hanging once more. Note that I started this post around 8 am and it's taking me a while to read, sometimes using his ISO to open his posts and sometimes scrolling the page to catch the quotes and other posts nearby.

    Picking up from where I left off in going over Jan in #227 last night.

    Mostly 'fluff' commentary over his next few posts. For what its worth, he does seem to call to Newcomb in #271 re: 'People are ignoring you'. +/- #273 re: Fluff. Newcomb's response in #274 to Jan's #271, ehh. +/- #277 responding to Newcomb again.

    #288 quoting fonti on part of her response to me is a mystery since the image never loaded(or at least won't load on my end, as has happened in the funny pictures thread a couple of times).

    #311 responding to Tammy's #291 re: lack of font/Jan interaction, seems like it has meaning when pared with the early push on fonti that I brought up before, he says her stuff with dC was 'nothing of interest to me' and her Gemma interaction was the same, and adds that he 'did not fully agree' with her take on me(Zen) but that he can see her point as of #311, so what then inspired the urge to lynch fonti that he pushed for earlier?

    His #349 is definitely worth keeping in mind. Now that I've reread what Gemma pointed out about him for me a couple of days ago that Jan quoted here, I agree with her #299 about the oddity of his Fable question at that time. There were plenty of other things he could have asked about, but I suppose in hindsight that bussing is relevant giving the bussing that was done in RWBYmafia.

    He does seem to shade Gemma here. I don't like his response toward the prod from Gemma on him and Fable, 'You don't know me nor Fable well enough to judge it' since calling out something scummy(in her opinion) shouldn't be frowned upon. I'd also disagree about his assessment of her trying to 'prep a misslynch or two esp when there is no actual reason to it'. I don't think she was trying to set that up, nor that there is 'no actual reason' at least as far as her read on Jan had developed to that point, though I will concede that there isn't much against Fable other than the Jan-Fable interaction.

    + fonti's #350. Not sure what to make of Miner's #351 quoting Jan's #349. Don't particularly like Newcomb's #352 re: Gemma's #18.

    I feel like Jan's #354 is another post to keep in mind re: Tammy's #326 on Jan/Fonti interaction. He says 'I tend to come my fonti read mostly naturally instead of forcing anything' so, again, how did he develop his urge to lynch her? Especially if he 'has no read yet' on her?

    +dC'S #355 re: Newcomb calling out Gemma's #18.

    - Jan's #356 re: Tammy's #330 poke toward his #180 being a read or not. "That was me making fun of 2 people calling her scum for her scumclaiming early on. You know the whole dc/fonti thing. Both von and dc "jumped" on it." And he voted her after calling to them at the time in a favorable way? His #361 "And sometimes someone that claims scum is scum." re: fonti's #350 seems to indicate that he was voting her over that at the time.

    +/- Jan's #368, #371, #379, #383, all of which are mostly 'fluff'. #388 he drops a wall. I'd agree on Vaimes, Tammy and maybe fonti at this point. Still need to look at dC for a while to see if he's doing much better/different from WoWmafia, and I still need to go over Fable, Newcomb and Miner. His #386 is more 'fluff'. +/- his #386 re: dC on Fable. Could be 'fluff' or might be worth keeping in mind.

    +/- his #398 re: Newcomb's #394 addressing Tammy about the 'scumclaim' matter behind fonti-dC a while back. +/- #400 re: Fluff on Jan's wall placement of Fable. He does explain that Fable likes to bus as scum but I don't care for how he phrases the rest of the post.

    Taking a breather. I'm only halfway up his remaining posts on the ISO page.
  19. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Unvote, vote Miner
  20. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    Because then it's just a scum thing.
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