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The 100 Mafia

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Cobalt, Jul 8, 2018.

  1. Regfan

    Regfan First Year

    Dec 17, 2016
    Sydney, Australia
    High Score:
    @Eidolonic - Here's ~roughly~ where I'm at, pls tell me where you disagree when you finish catching up.

    Gemma/Newcomb/Stanari - 0 Scum
    ^ All reads I'd bet the game on.

    M7/Jan/Citrus/Eido/Vaimes - 0-1 Scum (Other than Citrus/Jan, Citrus/M7, Jan/Vaimes worlds)
    ^ Listed in stronger town read to weaker one order.

    Fenwicked/Beruru/Nothing Happens/Miner/tsaiah/KaiDASH/Nego/fontisian- 3-4 Scum
    ^ Listed most likely scum to least likely though most of this is ~eh~ and hard to place.
  2. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
    I have literally no idea how this follows from what I said? I don't know where you're going with this so I feel like I'm answering your questions in the wrong way to get you to understand what I mean :|

    I am village reading Miner, let's start there. But my read on Miner...isn't really relevant to the angle from which I'm interested in this. Miner is not in a strong position in the thread and doesn't have much presence, so in the absence of confounding factors, is an easy target.
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    Yay! Mafia is fun! Words are hard!
  3. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    @Vaimes I love you
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    Yay words!

  4. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    Stop trying to vote me, and vote me.
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    ^Rip quote, last part of that is what I'm trying to say.
  5. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    Please let me know if you are able to rule out the MP7/Citrus team at any point please thanks.
  6. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
    Miner is totally a wolf. I mean, look at his posting. It's totally wolfy. Y'all should vote him. Yes. Definitely!
  7. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
  8. Nothing Happens

    Nothing Happens Squib

    Jun 24, 2018
    Is this something specific to what you read in those games? In a vacuum I would think it's the opposite - an excuse to never "get there" on Tsaiah later in the game.
  9. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    I know this isn't addressed at me, but just toying around with these groupings after seeing them visually. I actually pretty strongly agree with these, with the exception of maybe lower down grouping for Newcomb (but still town-side) and then switch places between Miner and Eidolonic (and then really strongly lean to the 4 scum being in that big ol' group). That's with exception to placing you somewhere, which would probably be in the middle group also (as in fitting in the 0-1 scum group) although the weakest member of that group for me rn

    So something like (no particular order):

    Gemma/Stanari/M7 = 0 scum
    Jan/Vaimes/Miner/Regfan = 0-1 scum
    Fenwicked/Beruru/Nothing Happens/Tsaiah/Kai/Nego/Font = all the scum
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    @Nothing Happens

    Could you give me a readwall of where you're at on the game right now? Or a link to where you've done so if I missed it?
  10. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    Hey @Citrus
    Why is font in the group that she's in?
  11. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    I don't think it an intuitive angle for mafia to take.
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  12. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    What group would you put me in?
  13. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    Whichever one has you living until day three and then figuring out your alignment from there.
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    By the by, Im gonna assume that I'm able to sort of apply similar mindsets to people like Euro.
  14. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    I'm caught up, though I got a little skim happy.



    I doubt there's a wolf in those names. Ranked in order of confidence, but all pretty confident.



    4 wolves in 8.

    I really think Fenwick is a hit. I'll make a post entirely about him, and what I was doing with the vote, what I was looking for, and what I got out of it, tonight at some point.

    I think KaiDASH is super likely to be a wolf, and though it's kind of bad taste to have this read, I think he's even more likely to be a wolf in a world where he doesn't know any of his scumbuddies very well, and especially if with Fenwick who immediately gets wagoned. I don't think he's a wolf with like. Newcomb, Fonti, someone who would be able to at least make him pretend to care.

    Beru is going to get a post of her own at some point too. I don't think that vote on me comes from villager Beru very often - I think it probably comes from wolf Beru who is trying to make me think she's villager Beru. Because wolf Beru would be scared shitless to actually come at me with a push. But like. There is no push.

    Miner could certainly be town playing pretty poorly, and not super confident on it. Because it just...might not be alignment indicative for him to not explain reads and be unpleasantly salty. I just have a lot of town reads, and nothing he's really done made me go 'oh, that's some good insight that I think actually displays that he's thinking about the game and the alignment of the players'. I ask him to talk about his town reads, he gives me 4 names and no explanation. I think his scum read on you is pretty terrible, and struggle to see how it's a real thought he has. The downside is, like, he reminds me a little of Kami, that it could be a kind of spite/annoyance push and not something he 100% believes? Eh. I don't really want to go down that route, but it feels super over-reactionary and over the top and not like a genuine scum read. He's not trying to get other people to understand it, he's just shouting it/spamming it.

    I want to have Smilefires higher. I feel like they're super isolated and not having a good time, and that makes me sad, for reasons that aren't super indicative of either of our alignments. That isolation kind of makes me want them to be a villager, but it'd also fit with some kind of Fenwick/Kai/x type team where wolf chat is awfully lonely. I want to iso them and try to solidify this read because I've seen a chunk of votes on them. The reason they /aren't/ higher is like. Ton of town reads.

    Fontisian I just can't quite get there on. She's not out of wolf range. She's done some stuff that I like, but it's just not something she can't fake. The price you pay when you take pride in being relatively inscrutable. She's not someone I'm lynching d1, and frankly don't want to spend a ton of time on her because I don't think she's done anything to generate a strong read in either direction.

    Citrus is in need to iso pile. There's 1-2 posts that had me super concerned, and I need to find them and maybe talk about them. General flow from him is very...Citrus? He'd 100% do the light hearted sheepy stuff as either alignment, and some of his questions don't seem to make sense on the surface, but I think they make sense to him. Just doesn't necessarily mean he's a villager for making them. I've gotten really quick town reads on citrus before (see: wh14) but they've usually been because of something gimmicky he's done that I can understand where it comes from and why he does it, and mindset etc.

    I could arguably put Nego up in the first tier, but not quite willing to do that. I think Nego is a slightly better wolf than villager, and also struggles a bit on D1. I think the frustration they are displaying with playstyles etc is genuine, and even emphasize with it to some degree (even if the playstyle kind of is my fault that it exists). Might go back and pull up some posts that I like and don't like, but they aren't a d1 lynch option for me, so isn't highest priority.

    I really think Tsaiah is a villager, and demand that everyone read her iso here, and then go read it in The Office, before they ever lynch her. She's not the same poster. The tone is different, the energy is different, it just _feels_ like she randed town here in comparison. I was concerned about the drop off, but RL medical issues exist, and explain it. This is probably not a read Reg is going to love because it's the kind of thing he struggles with (see: Vaimes), but I'm feeling it.

    Stanari is somewhat far down list because she's just not quite hit the critical insight barrier for me. I like a lot of the things she's poking at, I can see her kind of hopping through the thread doing her thing that makes sense in her head and it just feels really villagery. The only thing that has me a little bit of a doubt is that I don't actually know her wolf game, and there's a little bit of a 'spark' missing that I struggle to quantify. Maybe it's a D1 thing, maybe it's a wolf thing, but she's not quite 'lock town forever and forget about' status.

    Gemma is hard to put into words, but it just doesn't quite...feel like the Gemma that was practically having a breakdown in the one scumchat in a game I modded. A lot looser, more comfortable, etc. I don't really know how to read her, though, as it seems...pretty heavily emotion/mood based and I struggle with that sometimes. Really easy for posts to ping as false positives, and...vice versa? Easy for me to misread posts. Kind of sheeping Reg and hoping they aren't w/w too, on some level.

    If I'm wrong about someone on the top list it's you, and I'm just not wasting time talking about you. Not lynching you, you're probbbbbably town just from the kind of earnest desire and need to post even through your restriction. Doesn't feel like there's a gun being held to your head and making you mimic the need to post.

    Vaimes has fallen off a little bit, and I'm now only 95-97% sure he's a villager. I just straight up don't think he's capable of faking some of the posts he's made, and when you add them up together, it'd take faking too many individual posts that I don't think he can fake. Body of work read isn't there this game, maybe he's narrowed the gap on that. But there's 4-5 posts that are just uniquely town Vaimes, and I really don't think he's capable of faking all of them. 1-2 sure, but not that many.

    This is the towniest I've ever read Jan. He was sulky and salty about the cliquishness of things, but still powered through it and played the game. He's made a couple posts I've really liked that I can dig up if need be, but I'd damn near bet the game on him being a villager, already. Considering last time I really played him I nailed him to the wall under 100 posts into the game, I feel good about the read.

    M+7 is a villager. He's a villager that struggles to wrap his head around certain playstyles, but he /tried/ to wrap his head around it, and there's just a genuine, earnest sifting through the game that is consistent. The only hesitation is that sometimes I read a question he asks, and I just think 'okay, and?' because it's either a pointless question, or extremely obvious. A hint of 'asking a question to be seen asking a question' to it, but I think the over-arching body of work strongly points to a villager, and one I wish was having a more enjoyable time. I'll address him and some of his problems with me in another post, because I feel pretty bad about some of it.

    Congratulations Newcomb, you've taken over for Vaimes in the 'easiest to read player on DLP'. Your options are suck it up and get lynched immediately every wolf game, or git gud. More seriously, there's just some depth and nuance to his thoughts that is pretty uniquely his town self that he struggles to fake. A lot of his Nego interactions I think showcase it pretty well. He's going to die soon, I'm not spending any more effort than this on talking about why he's a villager.

    I'm a villager because I'm not a wolf.
  15. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    I spent a decent length of time talking about Newcomb.
  16. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Vote: KaiDASH

    Let's go.
  17. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    Nothing so far has screamed town!font + you're + not +gonna +accidentally +poe + scum!font. Best thing I have to read her with so far this game is she was genuine with her development on me (I believe the progression) , but doesn't rule out scum! Font enough for me to move her up. I see a lot of what she does as NAI. She's partly in that pile for fear, not gonna lie
  18. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
    I can't believe Eido has me on the same tier as Tsaiah smh.
  19. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    To be honest, I think the difficultly in reading is pretty over exaggerated.
  20. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    I was expecting you to read something into my early stuff (being a sheep) and you haven't (based off how early!D1 went). Was there anything you left out of the blurb on me for the sake of brevity?
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    Sure why not. It's almost Australian time too.

    @Nothing Happens
    If you don't post the read-wall or link one for me, I WILL switch back to you. Consider this higher prioritization of Kai, not lower of you.

    Vote: KaiDASH
