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The 100 Mafia

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Cobalt, Jul 8, 2018.

  1. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    Stanari is town. And pretty obviously the vig, wtf wolves.

    Smiles is clear via dLGN's roleblock. I've thought about this one a lot, and I'm willing to just hard clear - they knew there was an info role still out there, dLGN would have thought he was in pretty good position after pushing on Beru and her flipping wolf, the odds that he targets a partner in that position as someone who cares a lot about scum roles are pretty much zero.

    Still think Newcomb is town here, though him pushing on me is setting off every alarm I have. Genuinely have trouble believing he's read my posts and thinks they can come from a wolf this game.

    Vaimes is very probably town. I get that he's improved his wolf game, but I've never been wrong on him personally and don't think this is the game I'm going to start. His 'I'd have killed Stanari' thing doesn't do anything for me, but I think he's had several posts this game that he's not capable of making as a wolf, and I don't think the way he's played the game comes from him as a wolf, in this playerlist. The way he went at Reg, then slowly backed off reluctantly is very much a Town!Vaimes thing, not a wolf who doesn't want to lose a possible mislynch, because Vaimes would know that was never a mislynch he was going to get. It feels kind of gross, but Vaimes just being all 'Next game!' after Roman's fake reveal feels pretty villagery from him too, and I just really don't think he's a wolf this game. Lolme if I'm wrong, because we probably lose it if he is one, but it's where I'm at.

    That leaves Jarizok, M+7 and myself.

    Realistically I think we win the game 95-99% of the time if we lynch Jari and M+7, despite thinking they are probably town, because I'm that confident in everyone else being town.

    So the only real quibble I have in being lynched is that I've played 319 forum games, and never been mislynched, and there's enough lynches left that I don't need to be mislynched for us to win.
  2. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    I thought that was Jari was claiming Vig when the "game ended"?

    If he's not, he can be the third instead of Vaimes, sure.
  3. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    Like no, fuck this, @Newcomb.

    You want this lynch, you're going to have to make it happen with me kicking and screaming.

    I'm never a wolf with Beruru this game, and you've read those interactions in both directions. That is just never how that interaction goes - if they come swinging at me the way they did for voting a villager, I use that interaction to town read Beru, because no wolf would ever have the balls to do that, etc. I don't push back on Beru because it's not how they'd handle me as a villager, and Beru doesn't go into appeasement mode if that is w/w. They tried to get easy town cred off me, knowing I town read that kind of thing, and when it didn't work, just was like 'okay I guess you're town please get off my back'.

    There was no progression there from Beru, they talked to me like they knew I was a villager. Go back and read their posts, and the way they addressed me, that's just not a w/w interaction, and deep down you know this. Look at the way I dug my teeth into them at EoD2 when I thought they were frozen and couldn't give me a proper response to what I was asking. That's a hallmark of my village play, and you fucking know this. I had Beru, I knew I was right.

    That's just not how I play that EoD as a wolf, especially given I'd already strongly attacked Empoof for his word salad vomit about w/v wagons, I locked myself into making them both dead, and would have 100% have dunked Empoof the next day.

    The progression (or lack thereof) on Tsaiah and Jan slots never happens if I'm a wolf. You know me. I have an ego, I hate being wrong. Go back and look at the post where I got to a town read on Jan, for that matter, tying Jan to his play in the WH14 game is not something I do if I'm a partner to him, you can see my thoughts there, I refuse to believe you can read that post on me getting to town on him and not see that I'm town here.

    The read was wrong, but I thought I was right. Because I'm a villager.

    Track my progression on Tsaiah (which stayed pretty static), to how it evolved once Empoof replaced in. Tsaiah is town > Empoof struggles to post well as a wolf, let's see how he does > Man those posts aren't great > Okay yeah, you do not believe what you just posted, die.

    I genuinely believed I caught him there, it's a pretty fucking simple mindset thing, and you know this.

    If I'm going to latch onto a partner there with a good case, with conviction in catching them, I don't switch off to pressure another fucking partner, just to get a response from them, when the wagon on Empoof was pretty solid. I stay on Empoof and ram it home for the credit.

    I didn't call for votes to switch, it was just Fonti, Citrus, etc who followed me like the sheep they are. If I'd gotten a response that was at all satisfactory from Beru I'd have switched back, it just felt like Beru was frozen, and it dialed me in.

    Man, go look at my reads posts on D1 again, follow my progression on Fenwicked, read the damn case I made against Fenwicked - I never, ever, every push like that so confidently on a villager on D1 if I'm in scum chat with a team that is like all afk and replacing out, I'd already be positioning to go deep, not being brazenly and blatantly wrong.

    Just. Go back and re-read that, I really, really believed Fenwick was a hit there. I can't fake that . It's not words, it's not actions, it's mindset and thoughts. We've talked about this dozens of times in terms of reading people, time for you to put it into practice here.

    Go look at the way that Empoof snapped at me for the scum read I had on him. That is never a w/w interaction.

    Look at the huge, rambling posts I made the other night, that is so far out of my wolf range it hurts. That was pure stream of consciousness and babble that I have no chance in hell of ever faking. I can fake solving, I can fake paranoia, I can fake interactions, but that kind of 'have thought, post thought' post isn't something I can do.

    You aren't wrong that someone faked the 'postgaming' interactions, so I'm not touching on that, though I'd argue that's never how I play that as a wolf. I was at the doctor, then had a client meeting, and came home and saw Roman conceding, and relief just flooded out of me. I think it's pretty apparent in my posts and the kind of change in...tenor? compared to my previous posts that phase/this game, just so glad the game was finally over.

    Fuck. I'm reading through my own ISO here and I just literally can't believe you've actually sat down and read through it, because you'd be there on me being town if you had. I almost hope you're actually a wolf here, and are making the push one me now because you know it'd be so much harder to do in a F3 situation. Because if you're a villager here, remember the reunion game, and how fucking shit it felt to have poured effort into that game and just get shrugged PoE mislynched? Don't be Beck.

    We probably still win even if this happens, as long as people don't do something stupid. I've accepted that. But I refuse to roll over, I refuse to let a mislynch happen after 10 years and 319 games, it's a matter of pride and ego and self-worth - I firmly believe the measure of a player is in not getting mislynched, and it's not happening this game. Not with this many lynches left.

    If you're a villager here, give me the due respect of fully reading my ISO and not shrug lynching me, especially when there's so many things that make me town this game.

    1) My interactions with Beruru (both ways)

    2) My interactions with Empoof (both ways)

    3) My town read on Jan, and the way I got there on it

    4) My progression on all 3 of them

    5) My /town/ reads on everyone that is town, and the depth/nuance behind them.

    6) My push on Fenwicked, and the mindset behind it, genuine belief

    7) The huge rambling posts

    8) The night kills (I don't leave you and Reg alive, I don't leave the obvious PR Stanari alive, I don't NK Fonti when she's hard town reading me over..almost anyone, because if there's one thing Fonti sucks at, is reconsidering on town reads).

    9) My body of work in general this game (read the ISO).

    10) Post-gaming stuff after Roman's concede.

    11) This fucking post.

    12) Actively destroying my paths to victory.

    13) This one is hard to put into words, but I just don't /fit/ into this scum team. That EoD2 never happens the way it does if I'm a wolf, Empoof doesn't come out flat and 1-dimensional poor posting if I'm his partner, DLGN doesn't come into the game and read nothing, and immediately go blazing at Regfan and tilting him if I'm his partner - I give them better angles to take, I give them things to do, I set us up better for the long term than the game stagnating on w/w wagons all day. As much as I bitch and moan about my wolf game and how awful I am - I'm a damn good wolf in terms of setting my team up to win, and if I'm a wolf this game, I did not do that. Think about Mistborn, and how I leveraged the thread to our win condition. There's none of that present here because I'm not a fucking wolf.
  4. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    How did ppl not see M7 being frozen and triple wtf when Booty did his thing? Eido totally rolled with it. M7 said YAY once snd then silence.

    Vote M7
    --- Post automerged ---
    Never let it be said that town fake wolfcatting can’t be useful.
  5. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007

    This kind of feels like a misrepresentation of M+7's play there, he went 'Yay', but then was talking about how he wants to play here again, and I had an exchange with him about that. It wasn't 'and then silence'.
  6. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    That’s a pretty low blow.

    If you’re a villager, I’m visor, not Beck. Don’t put his shitty attitude on me, that is the polar opposite of how I’m treating you right now.
  7. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    We were all proceeding to post game talk. M7 only jumped in after and even then it wasn't about this game at all, but future games/oog stuff.
    --- Post automerged ---
    Can I be Klopp?
    --- Post automerged ---
    He was funny that game.
  8. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    And you were the one who told me after that game how understandable my lynch was from an outside POV.

    Like, yes, you have some very reasonable points in your post, and I’m not going to freeze you out, obviously, but if you were pretty much any other person I’d be like “that’s nice, but who’s the last wolf?”
  9. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    Yeah, sorry. You aren't Beck. Maybe Montecore. Since Visor mostly just let it happen, where Monte was like 'no hard feelings, it's just PoE kid' and actively pushed it.

    Comparing you to Beck is a low blow regardless of your alignment, I'm just tilted because I super have trouble understanding how you can think I'm a wolf this game both from interaction standpoint and from my posts in a vacuum.

    Maybe it's a case where I think I'm easier to read than I really am, but I got there on you pretty easy, and really think you should be there on me at this point.
  10. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    The difference is, you just 1400 posted as a wolf, and I just got lynched D1 as a wolf.
  11. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    And I think you'd have put me into the ground on D2 if you were in that game and engaged. You definitely would have when I made my push on GH, because the progression wasn't there, it was a drastic tonal shift from my previous posts, and it was just not a good interaction.

    I really, really think that if I roll wolf in a game with you, you'll know it, and not this 'idk I guess he just fits better than some others' shrug PoE thing.

    I just 1400 posted as a wolf, but probably 1000 of them were me spamming shot lists and doing useless commentary and LOL THIS GAME SURE IS HARD FELLOW VILLAGERS shitposts.
  12. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    It’s not for either of those things, it’s the fact that this game was decided in the four hours leading up to EoD2.

    I’ll quote some posts when I’m not on my phone.
  13. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
    It has its ups and downs.

    At a certain point the insanity townpoints overflow and turn back into insanity scumpoints.
    --- Post automerged ---
    I actually think there's a reasonably sized chance it's just MP7, because aforementioned sanity thing.
    --- Post automerged ---
    Vote: M Plus 7

    ~ I don't want to deal with Eido ~
  14. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015

    Speed Lynch! Speed Lynch! Speed Lynch!
  15. M Plus 7

    M Plus 7 Squib

    Jul 2, 2018
    What the fuck???!
    --- Post automerged ---

  16. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
  17. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    This is some tasty tea.
  18. M Plus 7

    M Plus 7 Squib

    Jul 2, 2018
    What’s so funny, bird face? :3
  19. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
  20. M Plus 7

    M Plus 7 Squib

    Jul 2, 2018
    *runs away*
    --- Post automerged ---
    Seriously I have no idea what to do. Didn’t expect to still be playing. Sigh.