Yeah they made me cringe at first. They're 3 speed fans controlled by a switch, on low they top at 25 decibels, on high 30-33ish. On low you can't tell they're on from 3 feet away, on high you can tell, but barely, I hear the vid card and chipset fan way better, heh, those bastards around around 40ish. On that note, why in the blue hell has Nvidia always positioned their video cards to expel hot air back INTO the case... duuuurrrrr... it's something they changed recently, but it fails me to understand why they thought blowing air off a 40-50c+ chip to be sucked into our hard drives then blown into your CPU was a good idea to start with.
you make me jealous, I need a new computer, but don't have the money. I'm a poor student:cry:. Yeah nice computer. I'd build something similar to this.
On the contrary, the bigger the fans are, the quieter. Less RPM to accomplish greater CFM. I try to use 120mm fans where I can for this reason.
I've started my EVGA step up to a new vid card to celebrate a 5k$ a year raise I just got =) looking at the benchmarks and posts online, this bad bitch is going to add.. oh... 40 fps to the games I'm playing at least, muhahah. I had to get ready to take on Spacks in Company of Heroes, that game is a brutal use of my current vid card without any FSAA or AA turned on!
the card's around 430$ish, newegg, or tigerdirect. The upper tier one is 600ish and. there's a new one released that has around 320mbs of ram, but some games are having issues with it. I just packed my card up for shipment to EVGA, i'm having to use a Geforce mx 4 now.. =(
Geez... my 7600 GT KO shrinks in shame (It replaced a Sapphire Radeon X700, so I'm definitely one or two steps behind the bleeding edge when it comes to graphics cards. )
You got rid of ATI, that was the first step towards enlightenment Hahukum! Nividia ain't the end all, be all, but at least their drivers work more then bare minimum.
Don't feel bad, I'm using a Geforce 4 MX 440 to post and view the web atm while my card is shipping. It's a rebranded Geforce 2 with 64 megs of memory, and it nearly chokes loading my desktop, lol.
Heh. For the time a GF4MX wasn't a bad bargain card to have. My laptop has a Geforce 420 Go in it, and it's actually not bad if I don't try playing fancy games on it.
New Monitor =) 22 inch lcd monster w/ VGA/component/DVI input ftmfWIN.
Just ordered
Ooooooooh, niiice (Although I personally don't go for fancy cases like that, they do look nice if they're not ostentatiously bright)
3 120ms @ the Radiator 1 120mm fan as exhaust in the back, drawing air over the 1 90mm fan as Exhaust @ the hard drive 1 90mm fan as Exhaust @ the top of the case hrm, weird that there's so many exhaust fans, maybe I'll get the side panel for the massive intake. good thing about that one is, it's like my 200mm fan ontop of my Antec 900, it's quiet as fuck @ 15dbs.
Got the case today, lemee point out that it looks very barely like the pics. It is fucking beautiful. If it was a woman, it'd be a 11.5 on a 1 to 10 scale. It's sturdy as shit, totally toolless, the damned door has magnets to keep it sealed shut, it's glossy as hell, and the front of it... the pictures just don't do it justice at all. Going to be hooking it up middle of next week when my damned extra stuff gets here, and I can't wait. Also on the weight issue, you could get the silver one, which is all alumninum, and it'd weigh 17 lbs less.