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WitchHunt 9

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Miner, Mar 29, 2019.

  1. shadowlancerx

    shadowlancerx Muggle

    Nov 8, 2017
    Good morning. I’m not going to quote wall cause Mobile, but let’s do this thing.

    @Newcomb/Fonti: How specifically do you figure my first three posts of trying to engage in the thread/be funny and failing have anything to do with my alignment whatsoever? I’m unconvinced I’ve said anything even AI all game, let alone in my first few posts. You guys say I’m separate from the conversation and trying to poke in...yeah...and?

    @Newcomb: I did check the OP for lump and saw zero mention of it, it’s why I asked. As far as the rest of what you’ve said...it boils down to you think I’m being awkward. And that makes me a “great day 1 lynch”. Just no. OoG swipe that I know I shouldn’t make but I’m gonna anyway, but me not being a part of this insular click and having my jokes fall flat might make you point and say “ew so awkward!!!” but really it’s cause I’m not in the in group here.

    @fonti: I wanted Newcomb to give us reasons in detail because at that point I didn’t think the whole planned time event was going to take place, and giving generic “hello fellow kids” reason for my first three posts is a garbage read. As far as your response to my later posts, it feels an awful lot like you’re taking the absolutely worst interpretation of them and shading them for it.
    I really hate Vaimes sheep vote because he should know me better, and he was actually in the game that I was just mislynched day one.

    @Dels “I have nitpicks but I won’t bother with them” why not?

    I do not believe Fonti actually cares that much about her read on me with confusing silver replacing out for me, and then unvoting there, when cognitively, if she thought I was silver then should would have thought that’s where her vote already was. That’s not a real process.

    Vote Fonti

    @jari There are zero worlds where all the people shading me are town.
  2. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    What the fuck are you talking about? I saw silver's post while I was middle of something and wasn't really paying attention, thought it was your avatar because of the similar colors, and then realized my mistake a few minutes later. That doesn't mean I had you two swapped in my head for every single post, jesus.

    Your early posts weren't awkward so much as you very clearly trying to fit in and look town. That can come from town trying to feel their way in the game, but the mindset behind buddying up to the dels scumread(that was frankly pretty bad) comes from scum trying to look good more than it does town.

    I appreciated if you actually your thoughts in the later three posts I called out, instead of just saying I'm mischaracterizing them.
  3. Dels

    Dels Muggle

    Jul 25, 2018
    I didn't have to determine his alignment but I found him quite detached and commentary-mode-ish, he has much more character and diverse thoughts here. But he was also like this last game here as town I think, could just be different environments.
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    No, there is absolutely no reason for that response to be in a spoiler except for some sort of bizarre formatting fuck up I apparently made.
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    To be honest, I did think the silver/shadow mix-up at least meant that Fonti may not be w/w with either of them or she'd have noticed her error? But also maybe not, lol.
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    Nitpicks are nitpicks. I agree with the case overall and don't want to waste words on stuff that doesn't matter.
  4. shadowlancerx

    shadowlancerx Muggle

    Nov 8, 2017
    Are avatars aren’t similar...not really a the point.
    Who did you think you were voting when you Unvoted and went for silver?
    I really wasn’t angling for pushing a Dels scumread, what does it even mean to buddy up to a scum read?
    Or I’m actually trying to get a bead on silver. And I’ve not actually “gone after” Dels, I’ve been trying to figure him out.
    At the point of the second post, newcomb had already given his brief reason; and the whole “reads on shadow all at once” thing seemed to have fizzled out.
    Come on though. Dels played his heart out in the team event, like walls and effort like crazy. He self reported that he hated scum, and had given his town level of effort anyway. Yet here he’s been nothing even close to that. It’s not “weird” for me to comment on this.
    This is pedantic. I think they are good enough players to have decent scum/scum interactions, but having a data point where I can say “this is worth some town credit” as an unalignment is fine.
    You can’t have it both ways. Either I’m not drawing a conclusion or I’m choosing a side to come down on.
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    @Dels: I mean, Mafia really is just a game of nitpicks is it not?
  5. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    I knew I was unvoting you, dude. I thought you were the one who was replacing out. That's all.

    Ok, so Von and Silver are pushing Dels, and you came in joking about how Dels was scum. The joke implied that Dels was suspicious, which is weird, because the case against Dels was bad. So you jumping in with them felt like you trying to latch onto that push like "haha, I am also a town who finds Dels scummy, yes."

    So, you started off the game with this stuff:
    I see that as you agreeing with the scumread on Dels, adding in your own questions (the first of which was meant to imply a scumread) and adding in another reason to scumread him. Is that wrong?

    To the first part, I mean, we were still talking about it, but whatever.

    Sorry, I worded that badly. You were refusing to actually come down on a side, even though it was pretty clear from your wording that one side made more sense. A comparison would if the clouds covered the sun and I was like "well, either this is the end times or it's cloudy." I wouldn't be picking a side, but we all know which of the two options I presented is more likely. Makes sense?
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    Woops, forgot to talk about the Dels thing. Eh? Maybe I'm not just getting it, but you're saying that Dels can put in effort regardless of alignment, but his lack of effort here is scummy-weird. Like, the normal thought process there would be thinking that Dels may be putting in less effort because he doesn't feel like he has to try-hard as scum, but that's not a strong thing and shouldn't clear him.

    I think your wording is just off? Like, you said that something be a clear unalignment, then said you wouldn't lynch one person if the other turned out to be a witch, which means it was a clear unalignment. My concern with that is that mixing up level of certainty is more a scum thing, because they're not really sure how /exactly/ they would weigh something as town even if they have a general idea of the logic. Again, let me know if that's not making sense.
  6. Dels

    Dels Muggle

    Jul 25, 2018
    Well, if you want nitpicks, I can defend Shadow's PoV slightly regarding what he said about me. "They're playing differently than they were as scum, but it's still weird" actually sort of makes sense as a thought to have. Because presumably the way I was playing as scum was at least sort of trying to copy my town game, so the fact that I'm not playing anything like it could indicate I'm scum again and not efforting enough to look like I care. Or it could just be... I mean, it's weird either way, y'know? You expect people to at least act sort of the same. I noted this as a weird post too but didn't say it, so I understand why you called it out, but I do also think it's sort of a relateable thought.
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  7. shadowlancerx

    shadowlancerx Muggle

    Nov 8, 2017
    I am just not following how your thought process was working. This is what I see:
    -Voting shadow
    -sees silver replace
    -votes silver, thinking it’s shadow
    -changes vote back to shadow

    I’m not seeing how you had this chain of thoughts coherently.

    So I really didn’t have strong feelings about Dels when I posted, I like the idea of a peek on strong players which is why I said what I did. I asked about his statements because I don’t particularly think I’ve got good early reading skills, but digging into mindsets is something I think I’m at least okay at, which was the point of the question.

    In a nutshell, yeah. There’s got to be some really strong stuff for me to buy into a scum read that early.
    I get your point, but the purpose behind the post was passively looking for someone who knows Kai to weigh in, because the idea behind “people ask me to do things, imma continue to not” just struck me as odd behavior regardless of alignment.
    So I have only ever played with Dels once, and he was scum with me, and he was ridiculously high effort. However, he lamented being scum, and said that mimicking his town style was taking it out of him. So here he is, much lower effort, and that wasn’t in line with my expectation for Town!Dels.
    Okay. Basically it’s an unalignment that I’m not going to holdfast to in a LyLo scenario without heavy scrutiny, but one that I would be happy to have in my world building up to that point.
    Like, some unalignments are reliable enough to take take to endgame, this one isn’t.
  8. Cobalt

    Cobalt Third Year

    Aug 29, 2015

    Making my top townread an option.
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    I played alongside noncommittal scum Manasi. This isn't it.
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    Your slot is my top town. Don't let me down.
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    ...huh. Shadow might be onto something here.

    @fontisian you've explained that you thought shadow was replacing out when you voted silver, thinking silver was shadow. But if you unvoted shadow in order to vote silver then that would mean you would know you were UNvoting shadow, not voting shadow.

    Can you further elaborate? Cos that looks like a major brainfart and could potentially be a deliberate backpedal.

    Or maybe you just confused who shadow and silver were in your head. But the way you explained it doesn't really make sense.
  9. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Oh my god. I thought the replace out post was from shadow because I wasn't paying attention. I was voting shadow. I did not want to vote someone who was replacing out. So, I changed my vote to another suspect, Silver. But then, I read Gemma's post and realized it was silver replacing out, not shadow, so I put my vote back on shadow.

    Like, I assume shadow is probably just scum doing his best to deliberately misinterpret, but you Cobalt, are likely town. What. Even.
  10. shadowlancerx

    shadowlancerx Muggle

    Nov 8, 2017
    This makes more sense!! Could you have not lead with that?
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    Seriously, the way you were talking I thought you were trying to vote for me for replacing out. Not the other way around.
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    Unvote :thinking:
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    Vote Vaimes
    Gimme your strongest reads right now.
  11. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Are you seeking information that is not readily available to you?
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    Eh okay I'll dial back a bit.

    Newcomb is my only sure townread.
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    I think I like Cobalt and Jarizok, but there's like a mile-long gap between them and Newcomb.
  12. shadowlancerx

    shadowlancerx Muggle

    Nov 8, 2017
    Why so strong on Newcomb?
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    And when did that read start?
  13. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Because Newcomb is stilted as all hell when he's scum.

    As for when, you'll have to read my posts.
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    What do you think I should be looking for in order to townread you specifically?
  14. shadowlancerx

    shadowlancerx Muggle

    Nov 8, 2017
    Is he actually just that obvious? Okay I guess...

    As for me, do you really want me to try and self meta rabbit hole? Because you should know by now that whatever I say comes with a big asterisk of “I also attempt to mimic that as scum”. Realistically, after my last game here, scum!me very feasibly could have peaced out instead of deal with the prospect of a day one lynch.
  15. Umami

    Umami Squib

    Dec 17, 2018
    Gambler seems like an overpowered position for witches. Like, if a witch happens to get it then 1/2 the time 1/2 the witches are safe. That's sort of insane.
  16. Fluffiness

    Fluffiness DA Member

    Nov 19, 2013
  17. Umami

    Umami Squib

    Dec 17, 2018
    Just going stream of consciousness. When does Day 1 end again?
  18. Dels

    Dels Muggle

    Jul 25, 2018
    Is Newcomb really that stilted as scum? Right now he's in sort of like casual dismissive apathetic mode, which I feel is easy for scum to emulate if they're trying to seem relaxed
  19. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    In 28 hours. Gambler only offers protection at night.
  20. Umami

    Umami Squib

    Dec 17, 2018
    Oh that makes more sense. Thanks
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