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Discussion in 'Gaming and PC Discussion' started by Feoffic, Sep 14, 2010.

  1. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    My weekend is coming up so I'll finally be able to go ham. I have *a lot* of plans. Did get a small amount done last night though. First, I was happily surprised to see that my aforementioned fiery axe was still fine, as I had the foresight to store it in a chest before the nether adventure, as you don't really need an axe in the nether. So that's safe. Worked on remaking all my other lost tools for a bit. I got even luckier with my pickaxe this time, as it got a lucky enchant on it which means extra diamonds and stuff, really handy. Also took some time to farm (quite literally with magical crops) some moss to give all my shit auto repair, which is neat. Also got to tier 3 magical crops, and I think there's only 1 more above that? maybe 2, but I have to actually start making some seeds to grow.

    Had a slight hiccup with my power manufacturing. I put everything through a leadstone battery, which was working fine. But, I think when I added a second machine off it, things got wonky, and I couldn't figure out why, turns out that input/outputs have to be configured when there's more than a single output. I think there's some default where you don't need to do that if it's just generator + single machine, idk. Anyways, got my lava crucible up, so I can make as much lava as I want, but that shit takes a ton of power. Have to see how much a lava generator makes off a single bucket to see if it's some sort of perpetual energy machine, if not, I'll have to look into wind turbines, if I can remember which pack the one I like was it (I think it was Mekanism?). Otherwise it's 320k RF for a single bucket of lava, which takes 16 pieces of coal to make that much, at 40 seconds per coal, so clearly I need a more powerful energy source.

    Oh, and a I build a 500 block long bridge from my house to PalinJon's
  2. Paradise

    Paradise Paraplegic Dice DLP Supporter

    Jun 21, 2015
    Pine Tree State
    Don't think any of us were quite prepared for this, other than Anarchy obviously, but there is a mod that allows you to look up all recipes just in case.
    --- Post automerged ---

    So microwave and I figured out we could marry, and things escalated from there?




    So uh, yeah... he named her.
  3. Alindrome

    Alindrome A bigger, darker mark DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 9, 2009
    What the heck is this bloodmoon thing? This is terrifying! ALL I WANT IS TO SMELT IN PEACE
    ROFL. You bastards! That's wrong on so many freaking levels

    Luckily, I've got some lava. All you need to do is press q. >:]
  4. Paradise

    Paradise Paraplegic Dice DLP Supporter

    Jun 21, 2015
    Pine Tree State
    Good news is as soon as she spawned as a npc she burned alive, in unrelated news Palindrome the Third is born, and alive and well
  5. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    God some small stuff done in the last 2 days. First, I spent way too much time making a windmill far. Works well, but sticks out like a sore thumb right now. And, I need to upgrade the energy conduits to tier 2 so they can actually pump the power that is generated. Issue with that is that they need a ton of god, and I need like 200 pieces. Hard to mine that much by hand without just strip mining chunks to the ground, and I think turtles and quarries will probably lag the server too much. So, I've been working on my magical crops. Not too far off from harvesting gold from them I think. I spent a lot of time digging out near my base, making a huge plot just for magical crops, which is coming along nice. I fenced it all off, and made a path leading all the way to the nether portal, so you can mostly kinda safely walk to it at night. Archers and spiders are still an issue, of course.

    Today, I didn't have much time, so I had a bit of an adventure. I cleared out that bandit fort that everyone was probably aware of. 30 bandits and 10 or 15 archers, kinda annoying, but kiting worked fine. Anyways, there were a ton of chests to loot, like 50, and I found FOUR division sigils. They're not rare by any means, but you can't craft them, so you have to get them as loot. They're required to make the builder's wand, which is allows you to lay a row of like 10 blocks at a time instead of just one. It's a life saver. I'll probably try and make that tomorrow if I have time to log on.
    --- Post automerged ---
    So here's the windmill farm after Palindrome spent a bit of time prettying it up. I think it looks great.

    Did a lot of exploring today, some of it with jon. There's aloooooooot of dungeons out there. Countless bandit forts and castles, massive villager cities with like 50+ buildings. Bunch of temples. And a ton of mooshroom biomes... like, go 500 blocks away in any direction and that's all there is. Main purpose was meteor hunting, since that's the only way to get the press plates you need for the AE2 stuff, specifically the ME storage system, which is a future project. Took 7 meteors to get all 4 plates, but I have them. Random aside - the meteor compass is worthless. It points you in the direction of a meteor, but apparantly they can spawn under ground, and digging as I might, I couldn't find any, so I just relied on my site and scoured the surface looking for them, which worked well enough,.
  6. Threadmarks: Guide to getting into modded minecraft

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    If anyone is looking to get into this (or really any modpack) and is too unsure or too intimidated, here's some helpful advice:

    First and foremost, always remember that at it's core, this is still Minecraft. The same principles of survival still apply.

    1) Shelter

    2) Food

    3) Mining

    4) Exploration

    None of these things change, they're just more in depth with many ways to do everything. With this modpack (and probably 95% of modpacks), there's a helpful thing called the NEI. It's a mod that gives you a searchbar that allows you to navigate the various items in game. So if you find something in game, you can type it into the searchbox and it will pop up. Right click the item to see what it is used, left click to see how to craft it. Doubleclick the search bar to highlight the search item in all your chests and such

    Anyways. Shelter is shelter. Modpacks give you some more design options. You get chisel features and facades, and a lot more materials to work with. You also get some tools to help you speed up the process, such as a cobble generator and a builder's wand.

    Food is much the same as well, but again, there's more options. You've still got your cows and sheep and carrots and wheat, but there's also this modpack called Pam's Harvestcraft. It's a mainstay of many modpacks. It essentially just adds a lot more food options, a ton of farmable crops and harvestable trees, plus a bunch of recipees to make out of all the stuff. It's pretty straightforward with the NEI. There's a second modpack called Natura that has some stuff as well, such as berry bushes.

    Mining is where the fun stuff happens, The name of the game is Minecraft after all. You've got your pick, you've got your shovel. That doesn't change. But, there's a ton more metals to mine, though I admit it can be a bit bloated since I've seen 6 different version of copper ore. There's also tons of ways to mine. You can build some advanced tools that with mine a 3x3 block at the same time (which is amazing btw). You can even get fancy with a turtle, which you can program to mine a corridor for your. There's also a Quarry, which will wholesale excavate a designated area. Those kind of things can tax the server quite a bit though, so I've personally settled for a different option, which is Magical Crops. It takes a lot of work, but essentially you work your way up through tiers, using blatantly HP sounding essences to make seeds that just grow what you need. Like, you can grow diamonds and obsidian with enough work, though I'm not quite there yet. Furthermore, the'res the second half of mining where even more fun happens - processing. You spent all this work getting your ores - what if you could get *more* out of them? One of the first things I always suggest to do is to pick which method of ore doubling you want to do, but of course if this is your first go, you don't know good from bad. Tinker's Construct is pretty much my favorite mod ever. Building a smeltery is a fun little objective and very satisfying, and it will double the output of ore blocks. There are other methods as well, such as pulverizing. There's even a way to 3x, 4x, and 5x your output using the Mekanism mod, which can be quite difficult (and there might even be others ways to do that, I haven't actually examined all the modpacks in the game)

    Exploration is like vanilla, except on steroids. There's so many adventures you can create for yourself. There's bandit camps, castles, villages, meteor craters and extensive dungeons. I believe there's the portal modpack that lets you create other dimensions to explore as well. Oh, and there's also space exploration, which is probably my personal endgoal. Everything you do is slowly upgrading the resources you have available to you to go and bigger and longer adventures. You can kill the ender dragon, the wither, and possible other bosses provided by the ancient warfare mod.

    This is just barely touching upon what is possible with this modpack. It feels like it has a little bit for everyone. There's *a lot* of magical stuff that I've barely even touched. I've done a Thaumcraft playthrough before, but not actual witchery stuff, which sounds cool.
  7. Alindrome

    Alindrome A bigger, darker mark DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 9, 2009
    Finished designing my tower!



    Haha, yeah, should definitely have hit up creative mode sooner.

    In other news, I've officially become a castle-hobo on the server. No tech, just build castle. Anarchy has generously provided me the gift of flight, and Jon's actually built the useful stuff. And a freaking awesome sewer. Are there crocodiles in this game? Can we fill it with crocodiles?
  8. Zombie

    Zombie Black Philip Moderator DLP Supporter

    Apr 28, 2007
    You guys got a map to look at?
  9. Alindrome

    Alindrome A bigger, darker mark DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 9, 2009
    I have this slight feeling that I'm an accessory to some crime here...
  10. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
  11. Zombie

    Zombie Black Philip Moderator DLP Supporter

    Apr 28, 2007
    I'm surprised none of you setup in the Mushroom Biome. No mobs would be decent for a start. That and I like how cartoony it makes the grass look when you replant in the area.
  12. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    Their bases are all pretty much right on the server spawn point. I chose mine because it happened to be in a place with really large dark oak trees to supply an abundance of wood, and it was in a spot with really good access to sand, gravel, and clay, which is needed for the Tinker's Construct stuff. And I only discovered the mushroom biome much later, and it extends hundreds and hundreds of blocks north
  13. Paradise

    Paradise Paraplegic Dice DLP Supporter

    Jun 21, 2015
    Pine Tree State
    I setup just near spawn in hopes of making a safe haven. The nights on the modpack are hard.
  14. ScottPress

    ScottPress The Horny Sovereign –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 22, 2013
    The Holy Moose Empire
    High Score:
    I'll just throw this out there, if someone wants to join an active Bedrock SMP server, I can put you in touch with our server owner.
  15. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009

    Been a bit busy. Excavated the other half of the hill my base is on, and put in a gigantic greenhouse. Inside is 3 tier 3 farming stations that autofarm 15x15 plots, which I've divided each into 4 for my magical crops. Essentially, I'm growing diamonds and gold and such automatically. Next step is to increase the speed, since naturally growing is pretty slow. Next step is to automatically extract everything, as right now it's all just collecting in chests. I spent several hours finishing up my ME storage system last night (it's very time consuming), so I just have to run the transfer lines to have it collect it. It's essentially just a computer that stores everything instead of chests. It's cut down on the clutter in my base a lot, but there's still aways to go.

    Next few things I do are probably going to be decoration related. Base is a bit of a mess. Since I built the megafarm, I removed the farm in front of my base and turned it into a hedgemaze, which looks pretty cool. But, I still have to work on the walls and such as just looking at raw dirt and stone is kinda ugly. The other side of the base, where the magical crops used to be, has a decent oak and birch wall so I'll probably do the same, and probably make an underground entrance into the greenhouse and connect it to the rest of my underground network

    Oh, and I built a flamethrower.
  16. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    Had a lot of fun over the weekend. Jetpack + flamethrower + blood moon = 100's of dead zombies and skeletons and creepers. Really fun.

    Explored the forest dungeon a bit, and holy hell, these underground dungeons are massive. I went down 4 levels and there's still many levels to go. I even died in there, which is kinda scary since I have like 30 armor rating. And to think, these dungeons are literally everywhere. This modpack also has the Twilight Forest mod, which adds a ton of really hard bosses. And the Draconian Evoloution mod (I think it's caleld) adds some dragon bosses as well. So lots to do still. I did fight a King Slime though, which was cool. And then found a second one about 15 minutes later, randomly.

    Done a lot of work at base. Added a second layer to the greenhouse, and 3 more farming machines. ME storage system can hold about 1.5 million items now. Ran into slight issue with power though. My jetpack is tier 3 and holds 4 million RF, which is really hard to charge up. Made a tier 3 charger, and still not really good enough, as it would drain the entire power grid. I ended up making a tier 3 battery, which helped once the battery itself was finished sucking the lines dry. I put in some energy upgrades into some of the machines, which reduced the power requirements a bit, but ultimately, I decided to build another windmill farm, except this one is at the very top of my base. Since the windmills are so much higher than the previous ones, each one makes about 2.5x more power. And I've got 25 built so far (out of like 60 I think is how much room I have.) So it'll be about 5x as much power as before.

    After that, there's the energy conduit. Making the best conduit isn't actually that bad, 3x gold, 3x glowstone, 3x redstone, 3x ender pearl makes 8 I think, except that the machine that makes them is suuuper slow and I don't think there's a way to speed that up (though there might be a different machine). And then there's the tier 4 battery, which requires ender ingots. That seemed to be the last rare material that I had to find, as it takes platinum to make the ingots. I hadn't found any at all up to this point so far, and didn't want to scour the overworld for it, so I ended up going to the nether. Ended up taking me about 30 minutes to find a single ore, which was good enough, since a nether ore = 4 ingots in the tinker's smelter. I will say, having a jetpack makes the nether waaaaay more bareable, though I still haven't found a nether fortress or wither skeletons, which I needs to make health upgrades. Anyways, 4 platinum ingots to make a magical crop out of it, so now I can grow as much platinum as I want. I'm just about at the point in magical crops where I have enough extra minicio to start making non-essential items. I already have the tier 3 armor, which grants feather fall (useful with jetpack), but the tier 4 set gives creative mode-like flight. Not even that hard to make, just resource intensive. Though, I did waste some of the ingot making a hoe which makes it so the micio crop drops 8 extra, but to my dismay you can't put it in the farming station, so it;s manual only.

    Started on Thaumcraft in my downtime. I think this is the third time I've done it, though when there's 2 or 3 years between each go, you forget most things. Like, you forget how annoying it can be to find the right type of aura node, even with a jetpack to cover all the distance. Still, it's pretty fun, and there's a lot of cool things to do with it. It's just a reminder that despite all I've done so far, I've still barely scratched the surface in what this modpack offers
  17. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    Started dicking around with the Twilight Forest stuff. It's really cool.

    Lich's castle.
    Mushroom fortress


    I got zivicio armor which just lets me fly around like creative mode, so traversing the forest isn't too bad. And I've leveled my Manyullyn Cleaver up to nearly +40 damage. There's a loooot to do here. infinite dungeons and bosses, but you have to kill them in the right order to unlock the next biome, which can be a bit annoying to find

    -edit- yes, I realize I'm retarded and fucked up the image uploaded. not working though imgur or through dlp upload, so idk, and the little error boxes cant be edited out that I can see
    Last edited by a moderator: May 31, 2019
  18. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    you didnt link the images you linked the image pages.
  19. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    fwiw, the server has been down for a day
  20. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    Servers up.