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Plot Bunny Thread: Other Fandoms

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Oneiros, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Wild Crossover idea:

    After the events of God of War III, Kratos ends up (somehow) in modern day. His presence is discovered by Gaia, who has been recently using five teenagers to help her clean up the Earth.

    Thus Kratos soon finds himself facing kids with magic rings summoning a being called Captain Planet...
  2. Wynter

    Wynter Order Member

    Jul 31, 2012
    If I was going to write something incorporating Japan/Anime, you go to most works and everyone attached the Suffixes to the characters names (San, Senpai, Kun etc; ).

    Should I go to the length to make sure I get those right and add them or just remove them entirely? I get they're an important aspect of the culture, but same time I'm not really writing to a Japanese audience and I feel like they're a waste of words on a page.

    Gut says remove, and I'm not really seeing a reason to have them.
  3. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    I'm not Japanese, and don't speak any Japanese either.

    Personally, they don't add anything for me as a reader. I won't know if or how you've got them wrong, and whilst I might google one if it's new to me, if it's explained in text I'll just take your word for it.

    However, I know I get annoyed when reading an American author's story set in the UK, and has the characters call their mother 'mom', or name their child 'Junior'. It's never enough for me to close out of a story by itself, but it can be the final straw in an otherwise mediocre story. But if I was reading a story set in Australia, and the characters referred to flipflops, I wouldn't think twice. But for someone living in Australia, would it take you out the story?

    You then have to decide how far you want to take the Westernisation. Do you refer to characters as Harry Potter and Izuku Midoriya, or Potter Harry and Midoriya Izuku? Do they still call each other 'Potter' and 'Midoriya', or do they call each other 'Harry' and 'Izuku'?
  4. Zombie

    Zombie Black Philip Moderator DLP Supporter

    Apr 28, 2007
    I would say as long as you're not writing entire sentences in japanese and then writing the translation right after it, and all the other common memes associated with this, if you wanted to add suffixes that'd be fine. Otherwise it doesn't affect much.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2019
  5. Arthellion

    Arthellion Lord of the Banned ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Apr 14, 2017
    Georgia, USA
    High Score:
    Adding suffixes really depends on what you’re going for. The role suffixes play in Japanese culture influences the social statuses and relationships of the characters. It’s important to get that right more than anything if you choose to use them.

    They can add to the subconscious immersion of some readers.
  6. Agayek

    Agayek Dimensional Trunk DLP Supporter

    Mar 20, 2009
    As a general rule, if you don't speak Japanese, ditch the suffixes. It's not bad to include them, but there's a whole laundry list of really complicated rules about how they all work that conveys a great deal of social nuance and interactions, most of which is incredibly subtle. The way I see it, either your readers will know how it's supposed to work, in which case getting it wrong will be jarring and/or confusing, or they won't, at which point they'll just be mildly annoyed by the extraneous syllables. It's a lose-lose all around, unless you're comfortable enough with the concept that you think you can do it right.
  7. Puzzled

    Puzzled High Inquisitor

    Jul 24, 2014
    I'm a huge fan of the idea, but when Person of Interest starts Reese is pretty broken as a person. I wonder if you could get something similar by having DuMorne's training go longer, which would justify Dresden being a bit more badass at the start as well as potentially giving him parallels to Kara Stanton and Mark Snow who of course would be a winter aligned fae.
  8. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Star Wars idea.

    After Kylo Ren kills Snoke and eventually duels Rey, they both get sent back in time to the day when Anakin Skywalker massacred the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.

    It'd be interesting to see what Rey and Kylo would think of those times and how they would change galactic history.

    My take on it would be to have powerful Force users like Yoda and the Emperor sense a disturbance in the Force caused by the time travel.

    Anakin would sense it too, somehow recognizing Kylo as connected to himself.
  9. Otters

    Otters Groundskeeper ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jun 8, 2010
    High Score:
    Uh. Okay. So Rey & Kylo time travel is interesting as a hook, but it's not a plot. What's your idea for what they actually do once they're there?
  10. Donimo

    Donimo Auror

    Jul 4, 2015
    Kylo/Ani smut is a plot.
  11. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Ok, so I've given it more thought.

    Kylo Ren rushes to meet Anakin and helps him in the duel against Obi-Wan on Mustafar. This prevents Anakin's disfigurement and ends in Obi-Wan's death. On the other hand, Padme doesn't die from sadness and Anakin is present during the birth of their children. Kylo is a bit freaked out by seeing the birth of his own mother. Seeing that Padme is fine and safe and Kylo's very existence being a proof of the long life of his children, Anakin realizes his fears have not come to pass. The idea is to eventually have Anakin and Kylo attempt to overthrow the Emperor.

    Meanwhile Rey is found by Yoda who takes her to Dagobah to personally train her. He would also learn of the terrible future that is about to come. The idea here is Yoda coming to terms with the various failures of the Jedi and attempting to correct them with Rey. I'd have them eventually create a stronger Rebellion against the Empire.

    Ultimately, I'd have Rey finally succeed with turning Kylo away from the dark side, which would be helped by him growing disillusioned by Anakin. Kylo would come to see that his grandfather isn't the mythical hero he thought he was, but an emotionally unstable human.

    The end result would be the Emperor's death and either Anakin dies too or comes back to the light. Finally, Rey and Kylo restore the Jedi Order with various improvements and train the new generation of Jedi, Luke and Leia being among them.
  12. Methos

    Methos High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Sep 24, 2016
    High Score:
    Percy Jackson and the Olympians plots bunnies.

    1) Phoebe wasn't naive enough to accept a gift from the Stoll brothers, not ending poisoned by Centaur's blood, leaving open slot for Percy conveniently to join the quest as fifth member.

    2) Atlas retreats from the battle with Artemis, with only camp half blood demigods and the goddess remain there.

    3) Variation of the 2nd, the battle between Artemis and Atlas takes too long.
  13. BTT

    BTT Viol̀e͜n̛t͝ D̶e͡li͡g҉h̛t҉s̀ ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 31, 2011
    Cyber City Oedo
    High Score:
    This is the result of one of those "combine the last two media you read" mashups, and I take no responsibility for it. Expect no more than this to be forthcoming.


    IT IS with the greatest reluctance that I consign these papers to the travel-worn and battered tin dispatchbox with my name, John H. Watson, M. D., Late Indian Army, painted upon the lid, and then said box to the vaults of Cox and Co., at Charing Cross.

    I have, in earlier narratives, made references to multiple cases which have never been published, which are also contained in that very same box. The reasons for these stories to never see a printing press are many: some are sealed away because of their involving personages of significant rank of distinction upon whose honor they would inevitably impugn. Some are sealed away because their solution was so simple as to be narratively unsatisfying; I have, after all, some pretensions to literary credentials, and therefore shall not attempt to wring a story of decent length out of events which would span a mere three pages. Some final stories are then those which have never been brought to a satisfying solution, and which Holmes has asked me not to bring to light; even one such as him still has his reputation to consider.

    No, the narrative which is to follow - which has, as per usual, been reconstructed based on my extensive notes during the year they span, as well as some minor exaggerations of facts which Holmes so disdains but which are essential to the quality of the prose and the story itself - has been suppressed because in it, events occur of such a singular and bizarre nature that even I, having been present from the very beginning, cannot bring myself to believe they occurred.

    It was the night of January 1st, 1899. Ms. Hudson had outdone herself in preparing a most excellent feast; the roast was, more than any year, delicious. The stroke of midnight had passed, and I had long past retired to my bedroom.

    I make no habit of remembering my dreams; more often than I would like to admit I am plagued by nightmares of that chaotic scene which I witnessed, for a short time, at the Battle of Maiwand, where I was wounded by that Jezail bullet - a wound that, when the weather is particularly bad, plagues me still. This time, however, my dreams were not a replaying of that most horrible chaos, where men screamed, bullets tore all around, and the air was thick with the stench of cordite and blood.

    Instead, my dreams were those of a thick fog - so thick as to impede sight of the surroundings after more than a meter, at most. In my dream, a soft light diffused the mist, though which time of day it was I cannot rightly say. I was not wholly awake, yet not fully dreaming.

    Lost in this fog, my attention moved indelibly to the vehicle riding through it, in fact the only object which could be seen at all. It was a hansom cab, of the type which are often seen barreling through London; no horse was pulling it, yet its momentum was undeniable. It is now, years later, that I hear of motorized cars, which move under their own power. However, the telltale roar of such a motor was immense in its absence.

    Later, when I mentioned this to Holmes, he offered that perhaps the carriage was still and it was its surroundings that were moving. Discombobulated as I was by the experience, I did not reject this little joke of his out of hand, as I otherwise would have.

    My consciousness entered this hansom, in any case, drawn there by some magnetic force. I was, in this dream, no more than a consciousness - less than a soul, more than a mind.

    Inside the carriage sat a man of an extraordinarily bizarre appearance. He was dressed like a wealthy gentleman; his suit, though not in a style I recognized, was wholly black and of a very fine cut. Though the weather could be said to merit, he wore no topcoat, nor was there anywhere for him to have laid it. His hands were clad in fine, silver gloves, each of his long fingers intertwined as he sat back into his chair.

    The most extraordinary thing, however, was his face. He was almost completely bald, except for a shock of white hair at the back of his head. In all the time I would come to know him, I had never seen him without a wide grin, which did nothing to make him seem more human. These two features, combined with his extremely long nose, made me assume at first that he was wearing a mask, one reminiscent of those wildly excessive Venetian festivals of which one hears only rumours.

    Yet as he looked straight at me, I saw at once that he was not masked at all; these features, exaggerated though they seemed, were his own. Would that they were the oddest things about him!

    "Welcome, Dr. Watson," he said, chuckling in that odd way of his. He unfurled his long, graceful fingers and swept his hand across the table which was placed in the middle of the hansom, as if to gesture to the entirety of the cab. "You have found yourself on the edge between mind and matter, I see. My name is Igor, and this peculiar vehicle is called the Velvet Room."
  14. Donimo

    Donimo Auror

    Jul 4, 2015
    You certainly captured the style. I dig it.
  15. BTT

    BTT Viol̀e͜n̛t͝ D̶e͡li͡g҉h̛t҉s̀ ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 31, 2011
    Cyber City Oedo
    High Score:
    The style's honestly not particularly difficult to capture, helped by the fact that I've been reading a lot of Holmes lately. It's a bit of word choice and a bit of sentence structure. The real challenge is in capturing not the style but the spirit of both series.


    Igor regarded me with those masterful eyes of his, still wearing that grotesque grin. "It is the first night of the year, Doctor. An old year has passed, and a new year has begun. Will you allow me to give you a belated gift?" From a valise at his feet, he drew a folder such as a clerk might use, but dyed deep blue and decorated with fine silver filligree. If there was anything else in the valise, I did not know. He laid it open on the table with another flourish of his thin hands, displaying a contract printed upon paper so thin it was nearly transparent.

    I was about to protest; though I never considered myself superstitious, I was not such a creature of logic that I would sign a deal with anyone who appeared in dreams and spoke in riddles. It had all the elements of a deal with the devil, bizarre as the thought was.

    But as the remonstrations were about to fall from my lips, he held up a hand, and some instinct held me back from refusing.

    Igor gestured once more at the contract, and my attention was drawn to its wording. It merely said that during the next year - that is to say, 1899 - I would be honorbound to do my very best to solve a particular case, the details of which would become apparent during that very same time period.

    At its bottom, however, was printed elegant lettering, which spelled out my own name to the left, underneath which was left enough space to sign the document. But that was not what caused me consternation.

    In its right corner was another name - that of Sherlock Holmes. A paradoxical feeling rose within me at once. Relief, that whatever this was I should not face it alone; anger, that my greatest friend should be involved in some sort of diabolical scheme; worry, trust, and more were all warring within me, so that I could neither pick up the pen nor refuse out of hand.

    Igor regarded me with amusement and no small amount of curiosity.

    "Perhaps you are not quite ready yet to sign, doctor Watson. It is no problem, luckily," he said. With another gesture of his hand, the folder within which the contract lay slid closed, hiding it from my eyes.

    Yet even then he did not look away from me. "However, doctor Watson, I will eventually require an answer from you," Igor said in that drawling voice of his, and then added, "Whether that answer is in the positive or negative sense is up to you, of course. Allow me to offer you a compromise, then.

    In a scant few moments, you shall awaken in your bed at the usual time, well-rested. The compromise is as follows: should you, the next time you see Sherlock Holmes, discuss with him this very contract, then that shall be taken as your assent. Should you not mention it at all, then you shall have refused, and therefore you will have forgotten all about it the very next instant."

    This, at least, was agreeable to me, though I had not the slightest inclination to ever mention the matter again.

    Though I vocalized nothing, Igor nodded. "It is agreed, then," he said, and knocked on the trapdoor at the top. I realized, suddenly, that I had not seen a driver for the hansom as of yet. Looking through the trapdoor I saw a quick flash of pale, blonde hair and a face which seemed achingly familiar, but I could make no more sense of the scene before all went white before my eyes and I finally, blessedly woke up.

    It was as Igor had said; I was, indeed, feeling well rested, and I remembered every single detail of the dream from which I had just awoken, though I did not feel any urge to do so whatsoever. My morning ablutions were perhaps slightly more hurried than normal, as I attempted to put the queer man out of my mind entirely, as well as the odd hansom which seemed to be in motion without anything to move it forward and with no real destination.

    I had just come down for breakfast - a full English, served by Ms. Hudson in her usual manner, although - perhaps for the sake of the festivities - she had replaced the usual kippers with kedgeree. I wished her a Happy New Year and thanked for her service; I had already tucked into the hearty meal when Holmes came down the stairs in a state which it was extremely rare to see him in, that being generally bemused.

    "Happy New Year, Watson," he said, and seated himself at his usual seat at the table. But before he began to fill his plate, he turned to me with a queer look upon his face and remarked, in a light and pleasant tone: "Do you know, I just had the oddest dream. Does the Velvet Room mean anything to you, Watson?"

    The quiet clink of my cutlery falling from my hands in sheer astonishment, the befuddled look I cast at Holmes, my sharp intake of breath; these were the signals with which the Adventure of the Velvet Room officially began.
  16. Puzzled

    Puzzled High Inquisitor

    Jul 24, 2014

    “The man in the coat?” Agent Tily looked slighty guilty, but nodded to the detective’s question.

    “That’s what we’re calling him.” He slid a grainy picture from his briefcase across the conference room table to her to join the others. It showed a tall man in a long trenchcoat doing something to a door.

    “This picture is awful, your boys down in Quantico couldn’t do anything?”

    “That’s a funny thing, all the pictures of him are terrible.” Tily produced another much crisper photo, showing the door without the man. “Our techs don’t have any good answers. Their first thought was radiation, but when they did the math it turns out that our man would need to be carrying around a nuke’s worth of plutonium and the CDC would have already found him as the epicenter of a cancer epidemic.”

    “If he’s hanging out with the right crowd,” Murphy tapped the other pictures, chalk outlines, blood stains, and bullet casings, “well cancer is a slow killer.”

    “Maybe, but that will just raise more questions. When we catch him we’ll learn the truth.”

    Murphy spent another moment looking at the pictures before meeting Tily’s eyes. “I’m always happy to help the FBI, but why are you talking to me? Homicide seems like a much better fit for some hitter.”

    “We’ve been looking back at some other incidents. Guys like this, they don’t come onto the scene fully formed.”

    “It’d be hard to miss a guy that big in a coat like that, he’s got to be what, six six?”

    “Based on the door and the angle, around there. And you’re right Lieutenant, if people saw him they’d talk. But since they’re not...” Tily gave a wave towards the evidence of bloody mayhem. “He could be more active than we know.”

    “So what case of mine do you think is covered in his bloody fingerprints?”

    “Victor Sells.”

    “Marcone took credit for that.”

    “Yes, yes he did.”

    “A lot of three eye dealers didn’t make it through the week after Sells died, and those were definitely done by Marcone.”

    “John Marcone is a careful man, and he knows the value of discretion.” Tily tapped the picture of the man in the coat. “This guy has a habit of walking into the front door of stash houses and leaving nothing but fire. Tell me one case of arson by Marcone that’s not insurance fraud.”

    “You’ve got all the answers here Agent Tily, I’m still not hearing what you need me for.”

    “Before I came to talk to you I got a little background. You’re a good officer, and you’re down here in a dead end branch. I’ve seen that before, and it usually means politics.” Another folder came from the briefcase. “You were the first officer to mention the Streetwolves. They’re gone now, and two FBI agents went with them. We know it was this guy.” A evidence bag came out, sealed around a flattened bullet. “The Full Moon Garage was littered with them, before the Streetwolves attempted to beat our man to death with their bare hands.”

    “That coat is bulletproof?”

    “Maybe, but it’s certainly enough to conceal a heavy duty vest under it. We find the flattened shells everywhere he goes, and there’s never any of his blood.”

    “This is interesting and all, but I’m still not hearing what I can do.”

    “Your cases have changed over the last year. Fewer deaths, and the explanations for the weirdness have become increasingly implausible. You haven’t changed, and neither have the crimes. What has changed is that Homicide is taking most of them, they’ve got a suspect and a nice easy answer.”

    “And yet you’re down here at Special Investigations talking to me.”

    “I don’t trust that shiny new headquarters. Marcone is the most obvious, but there’s too many people there with the power to obstruct and delay. You’ve been closest to this guy and you haven’t even been able to look for him. With the Bureau behind you, next time he appears you’re going after him.”

    The Man in the Coat-Person of Interest/Dresden Files
  17. Arthellion

    Arthellion Lord of the Banned ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Apr 14, 2017
    Georgia, USA
    High Score:
    Star Wars: Anakin is found by Maul first who takes him to Sidious.
  18. thejabber27

    thejabber27 Groundskeeper

    Jan 4, 2012
    Fandom: Mahou Sensei Negima.

    So something that always irked me was the ending of this manga, I know it helps a bit with the indirect sequel UQ holder, but I know Ken Akamatsu had health problems later on in the series, it reflected in how the manga wrapped up..

    I also feel that this series never really had enough attention, in the 300+ chapters it really developed a good soft magic system, characters, world that a lot could be done with and wasn't.

    So this is going to be an Author insert ala' the novel's extra style. Ken will get dropped into Mahora as a teacher (it's still an all girls school) probably into a 2rd year class at the beginning of the year. Ken will magic focusing on fire and earth. So the first 16 chapters of the manga were comedy based and spanned a year before the Evangeline arc. Ken will be training hard and having his own mishaps until then so he has some prowess when the switch to battle manga happens. This will take him pretty far from canon and throw him a bit into UQ (Karin yuuki, specifically) stuff. Returns to canon events at in the middle of the Evangeline arc. While Negi and Asuna are fighting Evangeline and Chachamaru, Ken is fighting one of Fate's minions that sparked Evangeline's hunting. Ken forms a pactio with Mei Sakura.

    Kyoto get's a B plot where Ken and Mei are investigating Dynamis, This all heads at the arcs final confrontation with Ken forms a pactio with Chigusa and pretty much he's her warden.

    Now the major training divergence between Negi and Ken will be the way they gain strength. Negi goes through body training with the idea that he has a big reserve/engine so he needs a body that can fully utilize it. Ken will go down the path of research, alchemy, and body modification because while not having major health issues he is not from this world so his stats and potential are below-average to average with above-average art, visual/spacial, and wisdom. I think this is where the balance will come in Ken will only be able to do short fights for the most part become more glass-cannon as time goes on. This really starts to differentiate in the training arc and has Ken against a more scholarly type boss battle where it's a battle of wits over just fighting..

    The school festival arc is going to be trippy, Negi gets the time travel mechanic from Chao but Ken really can't so we're gonna go all out and have dimension hopping mechanic, nothing that can do major changes at once but more Ken looking for the dimension where Negi succeeds, Ken teams up with Karin forming a pactio to stop a subplot by Chao who not only wants people to know about magic but to open more portals to Mars for transmigration.

    Negi still wants to go to Magicus Mundus, Ken will be staying out of Mars until the Ostia festival and instead will being stopping a Dynamis plot in Mahora involving an artifact that would beef up his ability to make a shadow army ending in Dynamis's demise. This drastically alters the end war.

    Mars time!
    Lot of politicing for Ken, trying to align the different countries to help in the final war of the story which is as far as I've fleshed this out. Still debating whether or not to include a hard magic system or not.
  19. Otters

    Otters Groundskeeper ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jun 8, 2010
    High Score:
    SW plot bunny: Vader Peggy Sue

    > Obi-Wan overhears, is alarmed but doesn’t have time to think much of it because they’re off to be Padme’s security detail

    > Padme demands to know who was responsible for the assassination attempt on the landing platform

    > Vader is like “yo, I know. Actually, BRB, gotta end a fool. Don’t wait up.”

    >Vader confronts Palpatine and kills him

    >Jedi Council is perturbed. Vader tells them Palpatine is the Sith lord. Offers to go get proof.

    >Jedi Council refuses, forces Vader to remain as Padme’s security detail. Obi-Wan/some other Jedi go to Kamino on Vader’s intel

    >Jedi manipulated into muling back the clone army for Vader

    >Vader takes command of the army with remembered command codes

    >Jedi Council investigation is satisfied that Palpatine is Sidious

    >Vader reprimanded for hasty action instead of warning the council. He accuses them of being hypocrites - they all have an attachment. To him. He says he can prove he is a better Jedi than then by letting go of his attachments and walks out on the Order.

    >Vader is now unaffiliated with the Jedi but has their clone army. He pledges it in the use of the Republic but refuses to relinquish command.

    >There is a legitimate democratic vote to choose what to do with the army. Someone else is awarded command. Vader refuses and strongarms the Senate into accepting his new position.

    >Confrontation with Padme. She is pissed as all hell. He invites her to a position as a military attache/advisor from the Senate to ensure that the will of the people is carried out. She reluctantly accepts.

    >Clone Wars kicks off with Dooku at the helm

    >Vader leads 501st infantry in the field.

    >War hero with a drive for righteous action and justice, willing to make detours and sacrifices to aid people in need. Also absolutely fucking brutal to his enemies.

    >Compassionate and charitable deeds done with the morality and power of a sith lord. Overtones of “for the greater good”

    >Genuine benevolent tyrant

    >Considers political coup a la Palpatine, understands that he doesn’t have the political chops for it. Considers military coup, believes he would be successful but the cost would be too high.

    >Military presence and control in the Republic gradually increases, even in peace, under his direction

    >Republic begins to strongly resemble the Empire, albeit a little friendlier and without the purges of force-sensitives or xeno scum
  20. Agayek

    Agayek Dimensional Trunk DLP Supporter

    Mar 20, 2009
    That post begs the question though: why does everyone act as if the end of Return of the Jedi and Vader's redemption arc never happened?

    Like, Vader spent thirty years in constant agony, hating himself and what he'd become, regretting most of his life choices but seeing no other way than to carry on.

    Then he got the push he needed, he learned that even with every horrible thing he's done, someone still had faith in him, truly believed that he was a good man worthy of love, and was willing to bet his life on it. And Vader embraced that, renouncing the path of the Sith and giving his life to save his son from the same.

    There is no possible way a Vader lifted from the moment of his death would willingly have anything to do with the Dark Side or Sith teachings more complex than "purge it with fire".