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Create your SI character

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by masterpeng, Feb 6, 2020.

  1. masterpeng

    masterpeng First Year DLP Supporter

    Mar 23, 2016
    Munich, Germany
    High Score:
    Looking for Self-Insert (SI) HP fanfiction has been one of my guilty pleasures for ages, with an emphasis on the words "looking for", not reading. That's because most stories in this niche category are either written with the maturity of 8 year olds, completely unrealistic or deal with some dumb romance shit.
    To be fair, I am basically looking for a serious and realistic take on something, that's totally a guilty pleasure trope and should in fact not be taken too serious by author and reader.
    Anyway, to get to the point, I thought of a fun challenge: Create a realistic SI character of yourself in the Harry Potter world. You'd keep your memory of your current life and to spice things up, you'd have to choose a birth date in Britain between 1960 (Marauders generation) and 1986 (you'd be a 1st year in the last book) because let's be honest, we'd love to avoid Voldemort and/or have access to better Muggle technology.

    Some interesting information to tell:
    • Who would you be?
    - Name, birth date, family, blood status
    - Hogwarts House, profession later on
    • How would you...
    - spend your childhood?
    - spend your 7 years in Hogwarts?
    - live through the Wizarding War?
    • Would you interact with the characters or use your knowledge from the books or try to keep the butterfly effect of your existence on the plot as minimal as possible?
  2. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:
    I haven't given much much thought thought to the background, but I do know that my SI would have a magnum dong. 'I' would probably also spend most of my time in the Muggle world taking advantage of future knowledge and magic to make swimming pools of cash.
  3. Heather_Sinclair

    Heather_Sinclair Chief Warlock

    Jan 19, 2008
    The Eighth Circle of Hell

    There you go. Something ready made for you. Have at it.
  4. sildet

    sildet Sixth Year

    Apr 10, 2015
    In my head I've developed a SI/OC that is Harry's distantly removed cousin in America. According to Pottermore, the Potter's made their fortune with the development of the Sleekeazy potion. In my head cannon there's a sweet gum tree that only grows best in the southeastern United States that is a main ingredient in the potion. Feamont's non-inheriting brother/cousin decided to help out the family business by moving across the pond and farming the trees so that the Potter's would have a vertical supply chain for their potions. This family did its own thing until a 2nd(?) cousin of Harry's is born around the same time in America. That's the character that's the SI. In cannon, this character had tried to be pen-pals with his distant cousin in England at a young age, but nobody ever responded (because Dursley's) and he decided to just forget about it. In my SI story, this would change.

    That's as far as I got lol.
  5. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Let's see:

    Option 1: Keep your head down

    Premise: Stay out of things and look out for number 1. Immortality, wealth, the ability to adopt different identities, and a good level of magical skill. Not immoral, but not saving people either.

    Origin: Half-Blood (-100CP)
    Wealth: Middle Class
    House: Ravenclaw

    Skills and Abilities:

    Wit Beyond Measure (Free)
    Occlumency (Free)
    Metamorphmagus (-400CP)


    Philosopher's Stone (-500CP)
    Pet owl (free)

    Option 2: Higher Risk, Higher Reward

    Premise: A harder start in life and a much higher chance of being a target when Voldemort returns, but reaping higher reward in terms of more magical skills. Adopts the approach that if you're going to be targeted by Voldemort, you might as well be friends with his enemies who may protect you.

    Origin: Drop In (+50CP)
    House: Gryffindor

    Skills and Abilities:

    Brave at heart (free)
    Wit Beyond Measure (-100CP)
    Occlumency (-100CP)
    Dedicated (-100CP)
    Non-verbal speciality (-200CP)
    Metamorphmagus (-200CP)
    Muggle duelling* (-100CP)


    Philosopher's Stone (-250CP)

    *On the assumption that the reflexes and instincts carry over to duelling.

    Option 3: Dark Wizard

    Premise: Powerful and dangerous dark wizard who is born into Voldemort's crowd. Could be mistaken for Voldemort's heir, what with being a Parselmouth and born with a Dark Mark.

    Origin: Pure-blood (-100CP)
    Wealth: Wealthy (-100CP)
    House: Slytherin

    Skills and abilities:

    Great cunning (Free)
    Wit Beyond Measure (-100CP)
    Brave at heart (-100CP)
    Clean-blooded (free)
    Occlumency (-100CP)
    Legilimency (-100CP)
    Dedicated (-100CP)
    Non-verbal speciality (-200CP)
    Parselmouth (-100CP)


    Owl (free)
    Nimbus 2000 (free)
    Horcrux (-300CP)


    Oblivious: (+200CP)
    Marked (+100CP)

    Option 4: Ordinary Excellence

    Premise: The best wizard you can be, with the safest, most comfortable and enjoyable life, without seeking immortality. Basically: Cedric Diggory on steroids, if he had stayed out of the Triwizard.

    Origin: Half Blood (-100CP)
    Wealth: Wealthy (-100CP)
    House: Hufflepuff

    Skills and Abilities:

    Just and Loyal (free)
    Brave at Heart (-100CP)
    Great Cunning (-100CP)
    Wit Beyond Measure (-100CP)

    Occlumency (free)
    Dedicated (-100CP)
    Non-verbal Speciality (-100CP)
    Quidditch Star (-100CP)
    Veela Blood (-200CP)


    Pet owl (free)
    Nimbus 2000 (free)
    Dragon-hide jacket (free)
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2020
  6. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    Mackenzie, born 1979, pureblood/halfblood, and unsure of family name. I'd want to avoid being a kid from a Death Eater family, but let's be honest. Pureblood status brings benefits in the Wizarding World and Muggleborn doesn't. If I'm keeping all of my memories then I'll be able to move in the Muggle just fine regardless of whether I'm born into it or not.

    Probably Hufflepuff? Maybe Ravenclaw. I probably wouldn't need a long-term profession as I know enough about the Stock Market to be set by age 35 (which would be 2014 if I'm born 1979). That said, I like the idea of living above a shop that I own. Maybe I could ask Ollivander to teach me wand-making? Except he probably wouldn't. The idea of traveling around collecting bits and pieces for wands is appealing, but not having to handle the shop year-round. Hmmm, I wonder if Ollivander is only in his shop during Summers?

    By the time I'm 8 or so I'm hoping I can convince my parents to either let me run errands in Diagon or "go to the bookstore" on my own, or something. Then I can sneak into Muggle London as needed. Otherwise I'll probably spend my childhood flying, reading, and pre-emptively showing a precocious interest in magic and muggle society (so it's not suspicious later).

    I'll be one year older than Harry & co at Hogwarts. I'll befriend them, along with Fred and George, because these people are going to be important later in life. They'll have money and power and fame and goodwill. There's a bit of risk there but I doubt I'd be targeted directly by Death Eaters if I'm not close to Harry and I'm a pureblood, even if we're friendly.

    I would plan to live through the Wizarding War - no promises I'd manage, but I'd damn well try.

    I would interact with and befriend canon characters that will be important later but I don't want to get too close to any of them. This is because (1) I don't want to alter major events too much and (2) it'd be dangerous. I'll settle for being a friendly, slightly older, student that they like well enough and can count on in a pinch. I'd mostly do my own thing.

    Note: This is assuming that I actually had a choice in becoming an SI. This is NOT what I would write if I was going to do an SI, because frankly it would be a boring-ass fanfic. Fun life though, if it was to happen.
  7. Lindsey

    Lindsey Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2010
    Seattle, WA
    If I woke up in HP, this is what I'd want.

    -Be out of Hogwarts before HP even arrived.
    -'Find' the lost diadem and bring it to Dumbledore (aka early Horcrux knowledge).
    - if I really want to, tell Dumbledore where the others are having 'learned' it from the diadem.
    -Get the fuck out of Britain.

    This is why I can never be anything but a Slytherin. Get out of dodge 100.10 percent.
  8. aAlouda

    aAlouda High Inquisitor

    Apr 25, 2019
    Honestly the Sorting Hat kinda ruins most SI builds you could make, since there is no way Dumbledore would let you do what you want once the Hat told him what it has seen in your mind.

    So even though this takes care of most problems in the books, it also results in a new one, Dumbledore is going to insist that you stay in Hogwarts since you're mind contains even more valuable secrets than Trelwaney, Dumbledore will also become aware that you are essentially an Adult pretending to be a child, which pretty much restricts you from doing anything fun.
  9. MonkeyEpoxy

    MonkeyEpoxy The Cursed Child DLP Supporter

    Aug 11, 2011
    That's just such an easy fix though. The Sorting Hat is clearly a major proponent in the privacy of its charges and won't divulge such information for any reason on any student at any time.
  10. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    @aAlouda - what makes you think the Sorting Hat would 'tell' on anyone? I don't recall that in canon but I'm willing to be proven wrong. I always figured it just sorted kids, not reported on their innermost secrets.
  11. Donimo

    Donimo Auror

    Jul 4, 2015
    Drop-In +50CP
    Memory Spell Specialist -50CP (Discount: Drop-In)
    Occlumency -100CP
    Legilimency -200CP
    Metamorphmagus -200CP (Discount: Drop-In)
    Philosopher's Stone -250CP (Discount: Drop-In)
    Animagus Cat -100CP (Discount: Drop-In)
    Great Cunning (Free: Slytherin)
    Flask of Felix Felicis -50CP

    This is an easy choice. Didn't even use all the points. I get to remain myself, except I could look however I wish. My mental magic is all bought and paid for. Philospheres stone for wealth and longevity. Animagus to hopefully feel as comfortable as cats look.
  12. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Another fun exercise is seeing how BAMF you can make your character if you role play as Harry.


    Prophecy (+100CP)
    Bully teacher (+100CP)
    Saving people thing (+200CP)
    Black Sheep (+200CP)

    Points to spend: 1600 CP

    Origin: Half Blood (-100CP)
    Wealth: Wealthy (-100CP)
    House: Gryffindor

    Skills and Abilities:

    Brave at Heart (free)
    Wit Beyond Measure (-100CP)
    Great Cunning (-100CP)
    Just and Loyal (-100CP)

    Dedicated (-100CP)
    Occlumency (free)
    Legilimency (-200CP)
    Quidditch star (-100CP)
    Non-verbal speciality (-100CP)
    Parselmouth (-200CP)
    Muggle duelling (-100CP)
    Clean blooded (-100CP)


    Pet owl (free)
    Nimbus 2000 (free)
    Dragon-hide jacket (free)
    Invisibility cloak (-200CP)
  13. aAlouda

    aAlouda High Inquisitor

    Apr 25, 2019
    Sure, but OP asked for realistic SI characters, not exciting ones.

    The Sorting Hat cares for the safety of the wizarding world and according to Nearly Headless Nick it also feels honorbound to warn the school whenever it detects a danger.

    There was also a case mentioned on Pottermore where a squin managed to enter the castle with the help of his siblings and after being placed on his head the Hat revealed him being a Squib to everyone.

    Really this whole the Hat doesent reveal anything it detecs trope doesn't have any canon backing.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2020
  14. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    By canon I meant the books, not Pottermore or Cursed Child, but I recognize many consider those canon as well.
  15. aAlouda

    aAlouda High Inquisitor

    Apr 25, 2019
    Nearly Headless Nick mentioned this in Order of Pheonix, most would consider that Canon.
  16. Halt

    Halt 1/3 of the Note Bros. Moderator

    May 27, 2010
    Wealthy Pureblood 200 CP - Listen, if I have to be part of a narrative about class struggle, I want to be on the winning side e.g. Suffers the least casualties. I figure as long as I keep my head down, I won't get targeted by Voldemort and Co.

    Hufflepuff - objectively the best House who would've produced Hogwarts' sole champion if not for extenuating circumstances.

    Just and Loyal - Getting decent friends free? NOICE.
    Cleanblooded - Never get sick? Hell yes.

    Discounted: (I'm in this to do cool shit, not chores.)
    Wandless Magic - 250
    House Elf - 100

    Felix Felicis - 50 (For emergencies)
    Sneakoscope - 100 (The wizarding world is really scary and really well suited for cloak and dagger type stuff, so some early warning can't hurt).

    Moste Potente Potions - 300
    Bottle fame? Brew Glory? Put a stopper to death? Hell yeah sign me up for some of that magic juice bby.
  17. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    Quote from the book? I’ll try to look it up later. Interesting that I forgot it but it’s been years since I read them.
  18. Donimo

    Donimo Auror

    Jul 4, 2015
    The Sorting Hat usually confined itself to describing the different qualities looked for by each of the four Hogwarts houses and its own role in Sorting them. Harry could not remember it ever trying to give the school advice before.

    “I wonder if it’s ever given warnings before?” said Hermione, sounding slightly anxious.

    “Yes, indeed,” said Nearly Headless Nick knowledgeably, leaning across Neville towards her (Neville winced; it was very uncomfortable to have a ghost lean through you). “The Hat feels itself honor-bound to give the school due warning whenever it feels –”
  19. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    Thanks! I never read it the way y’all did. I didn’t think it meant it would warn about specific students. I always read that line to mean it would warn about ‘bigger issues’ like house unity and crap.

    Interesting take - thanks for the link. I never realized it could be read in that way.
  20. Agent

    Agent High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Jun 2, 2016
    High Score:
    Guessing this is for Dungeons and Dragons but a Harry Potter variation? I admit that I only know the very basics of the game but does anyone want to start a game here with this PDF?

    But for me, I'm going full power:

    Starting with 1,000CP:

    Flaws and Futures:
    Black Sheep (+200): It's only 7 years and only during the Summer holidays. So only 42 weeks in total. Plus, I could move out on my own earlier if I come into my own money somehow.

    Bully Teacher (+100): If Harry can deal with it, so can I. All I'd have to do is keep my head down but I know it will be hard to control my temper. One of the reasons why I'm grabbing Occlumency.

    Prisoner of Azkaban (+300): The most dangerous one. Fortunately, with some of the stuff below, I should be able to counter him fairly easily.

    Total CP: 1,600


    Pure-Blood (-100): Pretty much need this for some discounts.
    Impoverished (+50): Money isn't much of an issue. I'll be at Hogwarts most of the time.

    Total CP: 1,550

    Slytherin: Need Great Cunning. Plus, I want to see what all the fuss about Daphne Greengrass is.

    Skills & Abilities:
    Great Cunning (Free for Slytherin): Lets me know when I'm in danger so I can use my other skills (Quick reflexes, nullification).

    Nullification (-500): Seemingly the ultimate spell. This is what's going to keep me alive for the next ten years.

    Wandless Magic (-250 with discount): Essentially, I'm never left without a weapon. And with the above spell, I should be able to counter anything that comes my way.

    Quidditch Star (-200): Need those quick reflexes if I want to use my nullification spell in time.

    Non-Verbal Speciality (-200): Combine that with my Wandless Magic and my Quick Reflexes, I should be faster than any opponent I come across.

    Occlumency (-100): Stops Snape and Voldemort from finding out about all the knowledge I have. Also makes it easier to lie to Dumbledore when I need to (See Wish List).

    Total CP: 300

    Horcrux (-300 with Discount): Immortality, bitches! Protects me from death, gives me a power boost. As long as I only have the one, I should look okay for the most part with no lack of nose or anything like that.

    Wish List:
    These are things that I would want to get but don't have the points so will have to acquire them manually somehow:

    Wand of Elder:
    I do really want this bad boy. Unfortunately, there's very little opportunity to grab it by other means. Dumbledore holds it for the first six years and I wouldn't even dream of taking him on. By the time Malfoy has ownership, I might already be dead. Plus, he seems to be locked up tight in Malfoy Manor during the war so it would be hard to get to him.

    I've got a precious few minutes between when Snape kills Dumbledore to when Malfoy escapes Hogwarts to disarm him and take the wand. Should be easy enough with my quick reflexes and Wandless Magic.

    Philosopher's Stone:
    I'm grabbing this one in first year just before the Christmas Holidays. With my Occlumency, I can lie to Dumbledore and I'll stash it during the holidays somewhere in the muggle world.

    Invisibility Cloak:
    Do I need the Cloak? No. Is it going to be helpful to anything at all for me? Probably not. Do I still want it? Hell yes! Harry leaves the cloak on the Astronomy Tower after handing off Norberta. That's when I strike and take the cloak. Unfortunately, I can't use it for a few years so as to not raise suspicion.

    Goblin Made Sword:
    Pretty much like the cloak. I don't need it but I want it. I'll try and tag along somehow during Harry's trip to the chamber in Second Year and swipe it and shrink it while he's trying to wake Ginny.

    There's a small amount of time between when Lucius leaves Dumbledore's office and when Harry tricks him into freeing Dobby. I simply do the same thing and then offer Dobby to "work" for me. I let him take care of my Philosopher's Stone and the Sword and the Cloak so I can have quick access to those when I call for him.

    I could just do what Hermione did and study hard and see if I get one. If not, then like with the Stone, I'm stealing it from her in third year but I'm not sure when the best time is to do that. Unlike the cloak, stone and sword, there's no ideal time when they're not being observed. Give this to Dobby as well to take care of.

    Marauders Map:
    At this point, I'm just greedy. Stealing this from Harry. Not sure when though since like the Time-Turner it always seems to be with someone. I might try and grab it while Crouch has it while he's being interrogated. Annoyingly, the map's history and locations is quite well known and easy to take before Fred and George took it and before it was in Crouch's office. Unfortunately, I'm not in Hogwarts during that time.

    Felix Felicis:
    Poor Harry, always misplacing his items.