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WIP Don Dresden by cyrileom - M

Discussion in 'The Alternates' started by Paradise, Nov 19, 2019.

  1. deyas

    deyas Groundskeeper

    May 4, 2009
    New Mexico
    I was going to call this a 4/5, but the most recent plot "twist" reveal (released today) has me rethinking this to be more along the lines of a 3/5. Not only did just about everyone call it like 5 chapters ago, Dresden had way, way more then enough information that he should have put that much together. Yes, he does tend to sometimes overlook things in the books, but I don't buy that he wouldn't have seen this coming. In addition, I'd say that its a bit of a problem throughout the story in general, Dresden is just a touch stupider, or less observant, then what he should be, in my opinion. This is only made worse by the narration not being quite the same as what we get in the books; it's possible there are very reasonable, very immersive reasons for why Dresden overlooked what he did, but the narration style keeps us from seeing what those might be.

    Like @Agayek said, there's a bit of textual uncanny valley going on.

    I dunno, depending on how the author handles the fallout (within the story, that is to say) from this, I might bump it back up to a 4/5, but I doubt it.
  2. Zerg_Lurker

    Zerg_Lurker Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2010
    So this finished a while back and now I've gotten around to reading the end.

    I'm rather disappointed and feel like it isn't good enough to be in the library proper. Also feel a bit cheated at how little Potterverse actually factors in.

    The story seemed rushed and paced towards finishing the arc to push out the sequel, which hasn't caught my interest. The writing is still technically sound, which I guess is above average by spacebattles standards. Suffers from the occasional plural 's but that's just a pet peeve.

    However, it all feels like hollow power wank. It's like most of the effort went into showcasing Dresden's abilities, especially soulfire, and the scraps remaining of that budget went into character and dialogue. Super!Harry ventures around nudging evil ass with his foot and saving the day, but there's little substance to it. The payoffs feel unearned. There's also the smattering of pop culture and geek references that pass for humor on the first read but really fall flat when your brain isn't turned off.

    The "textual uncanny valley" is a hell of an apt description. Not only are the voices jarring and eerie, the characters themselves all seem to be wearing the ill-fitting skins of canon Dresden characters but speaking, out of sync with their mouths, "OC DON'T STEAL!". I wasn't thrilled about it with my initial review but the author doubled down on the concept with the introduction of the White Court, and the revelation of Ravenclaw as an inheritor of a powerful magical legacy and a genius in her own right but emotionally/socially stunted and definitely not an adult Ivy analogue. The plot also suffers from this; at its core I see a retelling of Dresden canon events with medieval window dressing.

    In that same vein, most characters don't really have much of a personality aside from a couple of tvtropes-esque traits and only serve to drive the plot along. There's also a lack of competent or compelling characters, which really highlights how off Dresden is. The dialogue often amounts to him spouting off exposition based on canon as references to his past, which I find briefly entertaining but ultimately unsatisfying.

    Other minor complaints: Uriel's Seven words sounded cringeworthy, dumb and irrelevant re: plot. Mab's character is jarringly, grossly naive and aside from being unrecognizable from canon, lacks personality and feels wasted. The explanation for the title is awkward and contrived.

    Bonea. That is all.

    There's a fair bit of genuinely interesting and immersive writing, like how people remark on Dresden's dining utensils.
    I just can't view it positively in light of all the flaws. Most egregious is how Dresden never feels like he's in over his head or that he's the downtrodden underdog. The setbacks come across like action hero flesh wounds and he recovers with no lasting consequences. And there are a lot of chunks of bad writing that I found ridiculous even in context.

    Revised to 3/5. Average, leaning towards more bad than good, but would not recommend.
  3. Paradise

    Paradise Paraplegic Dice DLP Supporter

    Jun 21, 2015
    Pine Tree State
  4. Zombie

    Zombie Black Philip Moderator DLP Supporter

    Apr 28, 2007