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Complete The Lie I've Lived by jbern - M

Discussion in 'General Fics' started by jbern, Feb 9, 2007.

  1. the-caitiff

    the-caitiff Death Eater

    Aug 18, 2006
    West Central Florida USA
    I whole heartedly agree. Somewhere around three quarters of the people I know between 20 and 25 are in some form of committed monogamous relationship. Those that aren't are those that never lost that teenage "I'm gonna cause as much trouble as possible" testosterone high.

    Take a look at prison statistics. I don't have any numbers in a ready link for you but I'll try to find some for you. More than half of the murderers are there for "crimes of passion", and something like that number for assault and battery cases as well (maybe a bit less as gang members are another big demographic in A&B). Fidelity *is* a serious matter, at least once for adults. Teenagers cheat and play the field, but when they grow up and take on responsibility... They want some stability.
  2. slasheh

    slasheh Seventh Year

    Nov 9, 2006

    true, but where we differ is the definition of the age where they grow up.
    a friend of mine is studying psychology and is currently writing a paper on the phases of growing up, according to him most people start to mature between 13 and 15 (usually about a year after they start puberty). From there on it needs between 5 an 15 years until they have completly finished the process. Some do it faster, others stay fairly immature for a long time.
    I cannot truly comment on american society, but the nesting urge depends to a large extent on how long you are dependant on your parents.
    Meaning students usually are more content to "play around" whereas people who start to work a full schedule usually try to settle down.

    On your (unrelated?) point in austria the numbers for murders unconnected to crimes of passion is around 27%, approximatly 10% of those are what you would refer to as "cold" meaning murder done simply for greed.

    My question to you is though why do so many couples divorce if fidelity is that high a priority?
  3. the-caitiff

    the-caitiff Death Eater

    Aug 18, 2006
    West Central Florida USA
    So if 27% are unconnected, that means 73% are connected... My point being that infidelity *is* a big deal to most married couples (which makes Lily's actions really stand out). Whether through divorce or death, unfaithful couples don't last long. If it's important enough to kill for, it's obviously not a minor issue.
  4. slasheh

    slasheh Seventh Year

    Nov 9, 2006
    terminology clarification crimes of passion by austrian law include everything from rage to fear, yes in some cases infidelity is the cause, but there are quite a few other motivating factors.

    You know, i get the feeling we are having two seperate discussions here. Of course infidelity is a big deal, but that doesn't change the fact that it is sadly rather common in our modern world. There are a whole number of things which can break down a healthy relationship until it doesn't work anymore, and Jbern has done his best to describe such a breakdown (at least on her part) in a few short paragraphs.
  5. the-caitiff

    the-caitiff Death Eater

    Aug 18, 2006
    West Central Florida USA
    Ok, here in America crimes of passion refer almost exclusively to jilted lovers and other "revenge" crimes.

    I was arguing this because not far back you said "for most people around the age of 20 fidelity is actually not that "holy"..." I'm just trying to point out that it *is* a big deal to most of us. Yeah it happens a lot among teens and less often in "casual" relationships, but for a married couple a cheating spouse is reason enough to kill someone.

    Regardless of the fact that James and Lily were only about 20 at the time, they were fighting a war, married, had a kid, and were living in their own home (as opposed to a flat somewhere). That's four firm indications of "adulthood" in most cultures. It takes a certain level of maturity to pull those off (yes even just living in a house instead of a rented flat is a big difference).
  6. LegalAlien

    LegalAlien Denarii Host

    Apr 2, 2005
    I have to agree that fidelity is an important factor in a relationship, unless both partners agree on an "open relationship", which by the way almost never works. It is also a sad fact that infidelity is quite common in society, ranging from teenagers to long married couples. :( While teenagers might be more tempted to commit sexual acts by their raging hormones, anyone who is mature enough to have a sexual relationship should be mature enough to withstand such temptations and honor the relationship. The excuse of "playing the field while one is young" does in my opinion not rectify cheating. If someone wants to play the field and use their youth for numerous conquests, they should abstain from forming fake relationships, just to have someone to go to when they haven't found any evening entertainment.

    While there are unconventional circumstances as outlined in jbern's fic that might lead to actions of infidelity, those do not excuse anything. I doubt that one can truly rebuild a relationship once the mutual trust is broken. Especially in James and Lily's case, recently married and with a baby on the way, I cannot imagine that their marriage would have survived. That the other man was one of James' friends makes this situation even more unsalvageable.

    I however do not in any way condone any acts of brutality or murder, just because of a partner's infidelity. Violence and murder are never justified and can never be tolerated. I do understand that the person who was cheated on will have a hard time to deal with it. Feelings of hurt and betrayal mixed with anger and a thirst for revenge are a given in such a situation, but our consciousness and maturity should enable to deal with it (maybe with some friends help). This is what separates us from being animals. We should always be able to control ourselves.

    Vengeance can be achieved in other ways that do not lead to violence or bodily/materialistic damage. ;)
  7. deathinapinkboa

    deathinapinkboa Minister of Magic

    Aug 24, 2006
    Democratic Republic of The Congo
    Jbern's story thread got hijacked.
  8. Manatheron

    Manatheron Headmaster

    Dec 12, 2006
    Yup! Ain't it fun?
    BTW jbern, what's our time frame for the next chapter of 'Lie'? and when are we likely to see another of 'Bungle'?
  9. LegalAlien

    LegalAlien Denarii Host

    Apr 2, 2005
    I don't think it's hijacked, since the discussion revolves around one of the main topics of this story: the infidelity of Lily with Remus and its repercussions.
  10. thapagan

    thapagan High Inquisitor

    Jun 24, 2006
    I like the "dark/ just plain human" feel of Harry's parents (and friends) and hope to see more of you take on mid seventies england at war.
  11. jbern

    jbern Alba Mater

    Jan 28, 2006
    I have most of chapter 22 of Bungle done. It should be ready by the weekend.

    The wife and I are taking the 5yr old daughter on her first trip to Disney next week, so I probably take a week off from fanfics and enjoy the parks.

    When I get back, I will probably write the final 1-2 chapters of Bungle to set up the sequel. Normally, I would write Lie in that slot, but I would really like to say I have a complete story to my name.

    After that, I'll start alternating between Lie and Darkness so I can finish off Darkness. I've been holding of on Lie to see if BioPlague was actually going to post something. If he doesn't soon, then I'll start working with the crew at AFC to help me improve the story. Since it was originally Vash who requested that I not work with my contributors on this story, and Vash has backed out.

    In the background I'll be writing the sequel to Bungle. I probably won't start posting until I have a sizeable chunk written.

    I like the debate about infidelity and don't really consider it much of a hijack. All I can say is it's nice to see my keystrokes inspire a bit of debate.

  12. Manatheron

    Manatheron Headmaster

    Dec 12, 2006
    Check out Epicot or Universal if the munchkin doesn't keep you tied up too long.
    have fun and come back soon ;)
  13. jbern

    jbern Alba Mater

    Jan 28, 2006
    It's been a long time in coming, but chapter 4 is now up on ff.net and fanficauthors. Eventually, I'll post the story on ficwad.

    As I stated in the author's notes, since Vash withdrew and Bioplague hasn't put anything up in the over 3 months since the challenge was issued, I see no point in continuing to work without the input of Alpha Fight Club and without using a beta to catch my poor and only slowly improving mechanics.

    I hope you enjoy the chapter.

    Now for your comments ...

  14. Muttering Condolences

    Muttering Condolences Card Captored and buttsecksed

    Jan 5, 2006
    Heh, ring her Bell indeed.

    I liked it. The POV was a bit sketchy at times, and was flip-flopping around, but I think it added to the general ambiance of the story.
  15. Ragon

    Ragon Dark Lord

    Nov 8, 2005
    I lived in my mind but I lost my key.
    I liked it pretty well. Right now I gotta say its better than TFTCD's last few chapters. But thats my personal opinion now write Turn me Loose or whatever you calling it.
  16. Bukay

    Bukay Professor DLP Supporter

    Feb 8, 2006
    London, England
    IMO this story is better than TFTCD. The sorting hat is amazing/amusing :D
    Anyway, I am a bit curious as to what kind of Azkaban-worth rituals Lilly did in her room...
    While I've never seen "Grosse Pointe Blank", the idea of a Tesco market being built in the Godric's Hollow place was refreshing. That's a new one :)
    And finally, good work...
  17. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    The use of Oliver as a primary character is interesting and I can't think of another time when I have ever seen him used as anything more than a passing comment.

    I get the feeling this is going to turn into a semi man-whore Harry story. Now I can't say for sure how well you could do that but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't like it in anything that isn't a comedy like nonjons A black comedy were it works quite well.

    The sorting hat continues in amuse. Nice to see you still have it being an ass even when it has grown to like HJ. I wonder if the lack of sexual organs causes ones sexual frustration to just build and build until... well you become like the hat. I supose for a treat Harry could transfigure it into a condom and while he gives a Muggle girl a once over. I'm sure the hat would enjoy it... well until Harry blew his load in him...

    A few things I would like answred if your willing.

    Firstly:- Do you have some fetish for animagie? All of your stories have Harry as one and this is only 4 chapters old. I don't mind at all since you do it in very non cliched ways and use them to good effect (Giant glowing Jaguar of doom anyone?) I just find it interesting that they are in all your stories. A secondary question would be, If you were an animagus what would your animal be? I'd hope for house cat or dog. Seems to be a pretty sweet life.

    Also Is Prongshorn a real animal or did you just make it up? I've never heard of it before and the name seems wierd. Almost like someone couldnt be assed giving it a real name so just gave it a discription. It would be like calling a snake Scaleystick.

    Scondly:- As I asked in TFTCD what is the size of this fic going to be? This is just me being curious since you said it was going to be short and I dont think you or anyone could pull off this story in that few words with what you have planned.

    For a general opinion of the story... I like it. The first 2-3 chapters didn't really grasp me but I held of judgement since it was only 12k words and the idea seemed new and interesting. This last chapter has cemented my interest but I still feel it could go badly. The pitfalls I see turning it bad are making Harry to powerful. The Hat said it himself (It is a he isn't it? or is it just a "it" with no gender?) With James knowledge and Harrys power he is going to be one bad ass wizard. Going back to Hogwarts seems a waste since he knows everything there unless he chooses to take the coarses that James didn't take to round off his knowledge. Another pitfall for me personally is the man-whore Harry but hell others may like it so it doesnt matter what I think.

    That being said First person seems to be my least favourite writing style. For some reason when ever uses a lot of "I did" or "I do" I always picture William Shatner sitting in a bathrobe in a leather wing back chair reading his life story to his granchildren. I have no fucking idea were that image comes from but it's there. But then again saying this is my least favourite writing style is like saying it is my least favourte flavor of Ice cream... It's still fucking Ice Cream so I'm not going to complain.

    PS Now I'm going to flame you... you SUCK at nicknames! HJ and horny... from the man who brought us a sexual deviant talking hat and Giant glowing Jaguar of doom we get those? In fight the coming Darkness you also gave us Hannahs and Justins nicnames of Statue and Tails (I thought Tails was rather good actually but then you went and changed it) I find it sad that you can fluently write a mentally ill hat but stuggle to get good normal nic names... might be saying something about your mental state.
    Last edited: May 28, 2007
  18. jbern

    jbern Alba Mater

    Jan 28, 2006
    Glad your interest in the story is picking up instead of waning.

    As for the story length, I specified 40-50k for the contest as a minimum length. I had always planned on about twice that for the completed story. I do plan to keep this under 100k. There might be room for a sequel. There might not. We'll see. Mainly, I'm trying to do this to make me tell a story within the limits of what would be acceptable for a novel submission (typically 80-100K)

    That way, when I do try and write my own original stuff, I can have a frame of reference for how long to make the story and where I should trim ...

    Now, on the topic of Animagi - why not? Too often, it's just something an author throws in on his/her checklist of superawesomeultratrainedHarry and we barely see it again except when he needs to cry his phoenix tears. Don't get me started!

    The Pronghorn is a real animal. Google it and see. It is distantly genetically related to other types of deer and antelope, but it is the last link on its family tree. They are the second fastest mammal on land behind the cheetah, but are gifted with a higher level of endurance. Where the cheetah is a burst of speed that drops of after several hundred yards, the pronghorn can sustain it for miles.

    Sorry about the nicknames, but a pronghorn just begs to be called Horny. HJ is probably something only the Hat will call Harry. It probably won't stick with the other characters.

  19. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    I got this from wiki. Not a realiable sorce of information but good enought for this. I thought if I didn't know what it ws others wouldn't to.

    The pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) is the only surviving member of the family Antilocapridae, and the fastest land mammal in North America running at speeds of 61 mph (about 98 km/h) and the second-fastest land animal, second only to the cheetah[. The pronghorn is also known as the pronghorn antelope, but is not a true antelope. It is a unique animal with no close relatives. Both the males' and the females' horns are made up of a hairlike substance that grows around a bony core; the outer sheath is shed annually.
  20. jbern

    jbern Alba Mater

    Jan 28, 2006
    I never answered your question about what kind of Animagus would I want to be. Tough question, but I think I'd go with something that could fly, simply because like a house cat or dog, I can lay around the house and not do much - just ask my wife, but to actually fly now that would be something.

    The only other thing I could think of that would be about as interesting is to be some kind of shark (after all, being a smaller fish could get me into trouble) and being able to explore the depths of the oceans and find all the cool shipwrecks.
