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Mountainous Mafia #3: Desperate times, desperate measures

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Vaimes, Mar 24, 2020.

  1. Keldeo

    Keldeo Muggle

    Oct 14, 2019
    Haha, I guess Rhand has the opposite read on Sloth sort of keeping some of his reads hidden.

    But I believe Sloth's explanation about why he wanted Miner's flip over Umami even though he had talked more about Umami, especially since he presented Umami w as tied to Miner w, and tied in GH's slot to his read on Miner's slot in a post near EOD. I believe trying to connect suspects to their partners is part of his process.
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    I don't think MP7/Cuth initial interaction - right after MP7 finished catching up, and voted Cuth for low game engagement - comes from w/w... Particularly the very start, and the tail end of their interaction where Cuth kind of carried on with the "incisive" post. This read would be stronger if that post had come later, but it's still a read.

    Does this actually improve my read on either of them alone? Probably not, but it's good to feel like I don't have to tinfoil some weird world where their mutual townread is blinding me.
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    And honestly, I think Cuth putting Fluff over MP7 just now makes me feel a bit better about that anyway.
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    There's no way I'm getting through all of MP7 right now, so a few things that stick out to me are:

    I think his approach to me toDay is fairly towny. If he's mafia, he was obviously setting up early toDay to suspect me more, which means that dropping me along with tying me to Rhand was an agendaed move. But I don't understand why mafia MP7 would then reverse that read and stick me back into towncore. Maybe he's dedicated to realism and mimicking how he would play as town rather than pushing an agenda all the time, which I think fits with something he said earlier, but at this stage that would probably box him in a bit more than it benefits him.

    I can't say I fully understand his switch off Rhand last night - I thought he seemed very fervent in his post on Rhand? It's very... poking around, but no matter his alignment, I feel like he doesn't really need to poke around with his thread position. So maybe it's genuine in that regard, but I still don't understand the first part. I dunno.

    At EOD2, confusion wrt Osie is probably something that he feels/expresses regardless of alignment? The fact that he reversed on Grape between EOD2 and toDay seems good if Grape is town.

    There's a lot of energy in his push on Umami, which doesn't necessarily mean anything because if he was mafia he was faking that "aha" moment - but it seems to me that he really did believe in what he was saying. I can track his progression from the detached "this progression is fake" to that energy after Umami's EOD posting. The read started with Sloth, but he didn't attempt to defer blame, although I guess it wouldn't have been easy for him to because he was the wagon's major proponent at EOD.

    Just overall "stuff I find generically towny": evaluation, reevaluation/flexibility, a lot of depth in his ideas. Haven't really dived into his progressions but they seem alright.

    More comfortable putting MP7 as town after reviewing stuff, I think.
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    Really quick glance at Cuth: Sure I guess. I feel like some of the time I'm seeing only the edges of his thoughts, but the ones that I can fill in seem good.

    fluff progression from deciding he needs pressure to meta townreading him is nice.

    I honestly feel like his confusion/incredulity toward Osie's points probably exists as either alignment because I got the impression that he thought that some things Osie said were objectively incorrect. I don't feel strongly about my "not like Nebula/Ant-Man" read any more.

    I don't think I'm working with a good idea of how Cuth operates as mafia because he said that Nebula was a persona, and the game where he was Nebula is the only game I have played with him. But nothing feels super overexplained or done to look good.
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    @Cobalt @The Waco Kid

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    I think you both see Waco more harshly than I do. Agreed that his recent low activity has been quite underwhelming but it seems like that's for out-of-game reasons. I liked some moments of depth in his day 1 posting, but eh, I guess "nothing dramatic" is a fine description of how his play overall makes me feel.

    MP7, what do you think of my read that he and Rhand aren't w/w?

    Unrelatedly, I think we should talk out perceptions of the Umami questioning. It's kind of as though he has a conclusion in mind but I feel like in presenting it neutrally, that's towny... maybe? The alternative is that he's disguising shade on Umami as a question and her answer didn't actually matter to him. I can't dig into it just this minute.
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    I guess that leaves me at basically agreeing with MP7's shots POE, but shifting people around the town tiers and probably moving Sloth and Waco a little higher than he has them? Hmm.

    MP7, was there something specific in the stretch of posting that made you think me/Cuth/Grape was v/v/v? Or was it just a general feeling?

    glgl Miner!
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    (it's possible I should be placing more weight on this in terms of the same "urgency" feel - idk)
  2. Waco Kid

    Waco Kid Groundskeeper

    Jan 3, 2015
    Nowhere Special
    This took a little longer than I expected (got caught on a video call).

    Here's where I am



    Grape- As I said earlier in the day, with the benefit of the flip and retrospective think, his EoD2 play didn't make a lot of sense from a scum slot in the drawing attention for no reason department. Given that was my main issue with him throughout the game, he's the townie I'm most convinced on.

    MP7- Grown on him a good chunk over the last couple of days after the slow start. While we've had differences in opinion, I feel like a good chunk of the time I can at least understand the thought process behind them. In a way, his read on my slot actually raises my opinion of him a little bit, just because it's the same type of thing I've seen from some good players before from a town perspective (kinda sad to see I haven't been able to fix that, and yes I realize activity has been a thing for me). The other big thing toDay is the shift that came midDay wrt Rhand/Keldeo. As we'll see below I disagree with his change in thoughts, but assuming he holds to them, feels like he maybe boxed himself in a little much as scum? Finally (and this a gut thing), I like the feeling he's had in his posts, he feels invested in the game and it's results.

    Keldeo- The look through the iso sealed it for me here. His end of Day 1 just isn't good. He effectively follows GH on the Unami wagon at a point where he says he's not caught up, then spends most of his time after he makes the vote making a spectacle of hemming and hawing about how she might not be scum anyway. Then we go to his #855 where he says Fire was in fact his top pick of who he could have lynched D1. However, by the time he next addresses the subject in #964, he's talking how he agreed with Miner's scum read but doesn't want to put a read on the slot from fire's posts, which feels inconsistent and a bit like dodging the slot. In either case, as recognized in my #1035 & Miners own posts, there's simply no evidence that Keldeo had those Fire that low during day 1. Despite him being his preferred vote, he made no mention of it, despite ended up voting for someone he was fairly high on most of the day. Then at #1161 he had Fire as just "vaguely non townie" (Yes he had Rhand's section as vaguely townie, but it's the inconsistency with his thoughts on Fire). As pointed out in the comment he responded to in 1161, there was no push from Keldeo in D2 to show that he was following up on him thinking so poorly of Fire. While Fire did switch out in this section, the whole thing just strikes me as trying to have a non controversial scum read that he never had any real intention of doing anything with. Then D3 it just feels like he's walking the line with Rhand. Really that's kinda gone both ways with those two.

    It's getting late so I'll keep this next section short but wrt to Rhand, I'm just not seeing the towniness. His scum hunting has been very one note, and his big case wasn't convincing to me. Then his early D3 stuff is just dripping with WINE in the worst way. His thoughts on tom and Miner as mislynches just isn't a town mindset to me.
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    I don't really do urgent very much from either alignment. When I was new I did more, and then I played in Naruto Mafia (it's a page or two back on this board, and it kind of broke my from that). I fully admit I've ended being a bit busier than expected and it's limited me from being as involved as I'd like to have been.

    I'm going to crash (should've been asleep an hour ago. If I'm the one to go, hopefully my town flip can give the clarity I haven't recently
  3. Rhand

    Rhand Muggle

    Mar 29, 2020
    So @Waco you think ignoring the gun going to miner and just let him shoot one of the people mafia knew he would shoot is the correct town approach then?
  4. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    I lied.

    But anyways, here's my legacy.

    I think that there's scum equity in Rhand/Keldeo and Waco/Sloth, but obviously I don't think that both pairs are scum. I'm going to shoot into one of these, and if I die, then I'd support lynching one of the other pair. I don't think fluff is scum and I'd probably be willing to take that to the bank even in MYLO. Cuth/M7 is the last 'team', but the odds of that happening are probably the slimmest, IMHO. I think that if they're scum, then I tip my hat to them and they really did play well enough to keep themselves out of my POE.

    To be completely honest, I think Grape is still the best shot here because I do believe there's many worlds where he could be scum, but I'm willing to "reevaluate" here because I've been on his case since D1 and he seems like the most obvious shot.

    But ultimately, my headspace exists here: Rhand insisting that the gun isn't at all WIFOM feels wrong to me, especially the way he insists on my "top 2 scumreads". My gun has been aimed at Rhand's slot (fire) since I replaced in, and ultimately the way he talked about the gun toDay determined my shot.

    Pew Pew: Rhand

  5. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    (I’m at work so excuse the lazy formatting.)


    A shot rings out!

    Miner’s gun backfired and resulted in a mostly self-contained explosion! He was a villager.

    Rhand, who didn’t even know he had a gun pointed at him as he munched on his cereal, continued minding his own business. He’s also a villager.

    The Day marches on.

    Deadline is in about seven hours.
  6. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    Well. That's about what I expected in terms of results.
    Chose a good time to come back.
    Ok, I'm catching up for real. I apologize for drunk!Sloth being drunk!Sloth.

    Rhand, as conf!town, I guess we take your lead but it becomes my job to make sure you dont lynch me because I'm town (you idjit).
    Let's work on that, yay. This is going to be so fun.
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    ...It's April 4, how long is this April's Fool thing going to last?
  7. Rhand

    Rhand Muggle

    Mar 29, 2020
    @Sloth who is mafia? Convince me.
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    And sorry @Miner
    I kind of felt it coming. I’ll never understand why, but I knew I was going to get heat when I started talking about the gun use as soon as I posted it.
    I’m kind of happy that you listened to me and shot outside of your 3, but well... I was hoping you would go for Sloth.
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    I think the scumteam were mainly counting on him shooting Grape. I need to look back at Day start and see if someone was pushing the Grape narrative there.
  8. M Plus 7

    M Plus 7 Squib

    Jul 2, 2018
    A townie does not say that.

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    Also I'm super multitasking, so I'll say other things soon.
  9. Cuthalion

    Cuthalion Squib

    Oct 22, 2017
    Really? Why?
  10. Rhand

    Rhand Muggle

    Mar 29, 2020
    Lol guess who was pushing Grape toDay.
    Hint: it starts with an S and ends.
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    Gah I really dislike this forum. (not the people in it, just the weird shenanigans and what the forum does with posts I’m making)
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    So yeh Sloth was all over Grape while apparently town reading me but ignoring the fact that Grape must be town because miner got the gun.
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    It’s cute.
    When miner was confirmed town, he didn’t ask that.
  11. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    This is only true in general situations, this is a case-specific basis.
    It's not as if Rhand's a newbie who doesn't know what he's doing. He's considered a strong player for the most part, and there's literally 0% chance he's not town, we have mod confirmation.
    Why exactly do you think this isn't a pro-town statement?

    ...also he's sort of gunning for my head?? Why would this benefit me as scum?
  12. Cuthalion

    Cuthalion Squib

    Oct 22, 2017
    Rhand, I don't really think Grape is a wolf but him being the top suspect of Miner and Miner getting the gun makes me think he's more likely to be a wolf than if that hadn't been the case. Fight me.
  13. Rhand

    Rhand Muggle

    Mar 29, 2020
    Replied to the wrong person lol. Mist be the wine.
    I was talking about following the lead.
    He didn’t say that to miner. He does to me.
    Pocket denied.
  14. Cobalt

    Cobalt Third Year

    Aug 29, 2015
    Ok ok ok ok ok

    I'm alive

    Tbqfh I was overwhelmed by the amount of posts I need to read and sort of just.... procrastinated

    Is there anything that anyone wants me to keep an eye out for while I actually start reading now
  15. Cuthalion

    Cuthalion Squib

    Oct 22, 2017
    We're talking about different things. I'm wondering why he expected the shot to miss.
  16. Cobalt

    Cobalt Third Year

    Aug 29, 2015
    This is actually pretty intuitive

    Wolf!Grape in that scenario wants to give Miner a reason to doubt the current state of his reads

    He's unlikely to shoot his top scum if he knows that's what wolves "want" him to do
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    Oh. RIP Miner.
  17. Rhand

    Rhand Muggle

    Mar 29, 2020
    I get that idea, and it has crossed my mind, believe it or not.
    But I don’t think it’s a risk mafia is willing to take.
    I wish I had some meta on Miner, but I don’t. He strikes me as impulsive though, I think he’s a bad choice if you’re counting on re-evaluating?
  18. Cobalt

    Cobalt Third Year

    Aug 29, 2015
    this looks fake.
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    "Hmm, yes, you are now the confirmed villager so we will follow you but not onto me because I'm town also silly!!!!!!!!"


    Do villagers ever say that

    I'm with MP7 on this
  19. Cuthalion

    Cuthalion Squib

    Oct 22, 2017
    I think with other people it might not be a risk mafia's able to take, but I get the impression Miner's not the sort to double down and make a shot just because he needs to feel he's right.
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    That said:

    vote Sloth
  20. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    Fire was weird, and Rhand's just wrong. I wasn't scumreading any of them in particular. More on that later.