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Heroes Reborn

Discussion in 'Movies, Music and TV shows' started by LINKed up, Sep 27, 2006.

  1. japanese_jew

    japanese_jew High Inquisitor

    Dec 7, 2006
    Nexus: Good point. I had completely forgotten about that. Nathan's mom had already alluded to the possibility that she had a power. Look at that. I can't really draw a tree, but . . .

    Nathan's Dad (xx)-Nathan's Mom(X(?))
    Wife(xx)-Nathan (Xx)-FireWoman(X(?)) & Peter(Xx)

    DL(X(?))-Nikki((??)) & Jessica((??))

    Possible pregnancies:
    Nikki & Nathan
    Parkman & Wife

    Anywho. They aren't x-chromosomes. They're dominant or recessive autosomal alleles. I'm suggesting that it's a single allele because Walking through Walls + Super Strength=Talks to machines does not make sense. I'm suggesting that it's a dominant allele, although it could be a recessive allele. Eh. My logic is faulty on the grounds that it's supposed to be new, but . . .

    Edit: I have no idea what I'm talking about. Don't quote me. This is idle speculation. I have taken a single class on genetics. I am not an expert. If I am doing something very badly wrong, please come out and tell me.

    I suspect that he plans on having Micah coordinate all of the signs and such to say, "Evacuate".

    Quazijoe: Yeah, it's not obvious that it's Sylar. It doesn't have facial features or anything. If you aren't talking about the panel in String Theory, speak up.

    I don't think that he's flying and shooting lightning. He could be a magneto-esque character with E/M powers. He could have two powers, but I won't believe it until I see someone else who obviously has two unrelated powers. It is possible that someone else has an ability similar to Eden's, but I don't know why they would half-ass it, especially considering that we haven't seen anyone who only had partial abilities before. I guess Parkman's could be considered a partial ability (he can't send thoughts) and I suppose that Nikki's could be considered a partial as well, but, eh. Perhaps Sylar doesn't have perfect control over other people's powers?

    Also, yes, the "Go Away" didn't work the first time on Parkman.



    Edit: I just reread comic 32, and there's a sort of sumo-wrestler guy who might have something similar to Nikki's power. A'course, we don't know whether it's Nikki or Jessica (or both) who have the power, so . . .

    The tree should be spaced out, but the forums didn't like the spaces.
    Last edited: May 8, 2007
  2. QuaziJoe

    QuaziJoe Dolphin Boy

    Oct 28, 2006
    The Other Surrey
    your got it right, I was talking string theory...

    Frankly I'm still curious what Nikkis' slash jessicas power is.

    I'm working under the assumption that Nikki actually doesn't have any powers at all.

    I think it's jessica. I don't believe nikki is actually crazy with the multi personality super freak lying in wait.

    I think its actually jessica who has the powers... somehow she died, then instead of staying dead, her power made her take over her sister...

    the strength is just a side effect of hero jessica taking over normal nikki.

    Jessica's true power is possession.

    As to micha... he's probably going ot be used to give nathan the election. I don't know if you went to that internet ladies website, but apparently through the power of the tv fans ( rolls eyes at the cheesyness of it all), they have some how kept linderman from rigging the election like he originally planned. thus he uses his trump card and gets micha to change the votes all in Nathans favor.

    Thus becoming a hero in lindermans little nucular world...
  3. deathinapinkboa

    deathinapinkboa Minister of Magic

    Aug 24, 2006
    Democratic Republic of The Congo
    I'd like to point your mind to the scene were Nikki tosses the prison guard to the side, Nikki not Jessica. This leads me to believe that Nikki's power is super strength and that Jessica's might be possession. She can simply utilize Nikki's power now she has control of her body. With Jessica controlling her Nikki isn't able to get at her own power.
  4. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Or it could be the opposite, with Nikki having the passive power of channelling her dead sister, and aggressive Jessica having the super strength. The both of them in one body would, I assume, allow them to tap into each other's powers. Nikki's channelling would have to bring others' powers back from the grave as well, but that can be explained away as magic :p.

    I posted a thing on 9thwonders.com about the genetics (and I just know Anna's gonna call me boring again :p, but I'm interested in science), and I did find links between the parents' powers and the child's... Except Micah's...

    Claire got her power from Nathan & Meredith - Fire & Flying, the main traits, along with regeneration, of the Phoenix.

    Micah, has technomancy (I think that's what its called, though they've probably renamed it again), which I assume combines DL's phasing power with Nikki's mystical channelling... It makes sense, if you squint and turn your head round it a bit...

    Molly Walker has the ability to find people, anywhere, and her father possibly had cryokinesis... I don't see a connection, but her father's dead so I don't think he cares too much.

    Matt's child was confirmed to be alive and under the protection of Bennet in Five Years Gone, so I assume he/she has a power. What that could be is up for debate, but I reckon it will develop according to his father's power (one-way telepathy) and the dangerous way he'll grow up, i.e. constantly on the run... So possibly a type of ESP, maybe danger sensing, or the ability to detect other specials.

    I dunno, but Heroes is my favourite TV show for now and I've put some thought into it. But alas, I must go back to my diet pepsi and last minute studying :(... I could handle it if it was Pepsi Max, but not this crap :p.


    P.S. Trying to work out where Peter's power(s) all came from, and what they are, is bloody difficult for 2am :D.
  5. japanese_jew

    japanese_jew High Inquisitor

    Dec 7, 2006
    Quazijoe: Or it could be the other way around. Or maybe a combination of the two. Or perhaps a completely outside factor. No real idea.

    Death in a Pink Boa: Not sure exactly what scene you're referring to. Are you sure it wasn't Jessica? She didn't seem to be able to use her power in #32.

    Aekiel: Mmhmm. The Phoenix bit is a bit of a stretch, I have to say, although I can see where you're coming from. Other than phoenix, the only flying fiery things are rockets, airplanes, fireworks, weapons, and dragons, basically.

    Micah . . . eh. Machines are too new for us to really talk about anything, although it's arguably a reference to the matrix (technomancy . . . not really. More like two-way technopathy. Hana Gitner has a similar ability). Kitty Pryde is the only thing that I can think of that can go through walls, except for maybe ghosts, and then Jessica is either Mr. Hyde or the Hulk. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was a reflection of the society's fears of technology (more specifically biological advances, but it sort of works with machines.)

    Yeah, now that I think about it, I'm definitely going to stick with my "They don't have to do with parents" paradigm, until Micah and Hana Gitner have a child who can travel through IR waves and fiber-optics cables.
  6. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    It's getting better, but with this last episode had me wtfing.

    Syler interaction with him mom. Fucking stupid.

    They had him go all puss, then he talks about redemption, his mom's a batshit nutcase. He starts flying snow around, gets this evil look on his face, winds up slamming snow globes into his mom while she shrieks in terror. WTF was that all about?

    And the bit with the scissors was epically retarded.

    THEN he kills his mom, Hiro freezes time, only it doesn't work worth a damn, and Syler goes from looking for redemption to ready to murder Hiro, then instantly back to a son again once Hiro bails out. Really ruined that whole plot line right there, along with making Hiro look like a lil bitch again.

    I repeat. Ando must die. NOAW! Or have they effing kiss or just come out of the closet, because it's stupid the way they keep having all these little moments. Unlike some of the folks on the 9thwonders board keep trying to say, Japanese men ain't that fucking emotional. I have plenty of jap friends, and they're way more like Hiro's dad then Hiro's goofy ass.
  7. japanese_jew

    japanese_jew High Inquisitor

    Dec 7, 2006
    Truth. However, I argue that Sylar's interaction with his mom was necessary, since the fundamental part of Sylar's character was that he was just doing the stuff because of natural selection, because he would become more advantageous if he killed off other people and took their abilities, so he was dismayed about being the bomb, which would have killed people who couldn't compete with him. After his mom suggested that he be great, and then was afraid of him, he decided to dive right back in.

    He wasn't back to a son until after he realized that she was dead on the floor, so I think that that could be called on just instinctive mama's boy-ness.

    By the way, you know that George Takei (who plays Hiro's father) is gay, right?


  8. Oujou Akaash

    Oujou Akaash Unspeakable

    Nov 30, 2006
    It's actually healing like the girl. They had a conversation with each other and thats when she and i quote "You're just like me?" Even though she said that before, this time, the way she said it meant that they had the same power. Not to mention the fact that there both related.
  9. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    We don't actually know what Angela Petrelli's power is. When she said "you're just like me", she meant personality wise, not in abilities.

    I reckon her power's the dream prophecies that Peter's had since the beginning. Either that or something we've not had a sign of yet.

  10. japanese_jew

    japanese_jew High Inquisitor

    Dec 7, 2006
    Hmm, Aekiel, that's a good idea. Especially considering how she's linked to Lenderman and the deceased Petrelli.
  11. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    Nada, I didn't know that, but I was meaning how the characters act, not the real life personalities.
  12. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    I'd be shocked if she wasn't linked to her husband :p.

    The main link to Linderman I can see (or guess at) is that she was part for the group Linderman talked about, the ones who were trying to help the world. I imagine it would be Linderman, her, Mr. Nakamura & possible Mr. Petrelli (probably where they met/fell in love/etc.). Its just speculation but it kinda makes sense to me.

  13. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    OMFG moment when they wiped out Linderman by yanking his brain to bits.

    Last episode was awesome, but the stuff with Hiro's dad was weird.

    Hiro should've transported his dad back in time with him and learned how to fight, say 2-3 years worth of maturity. Would of gotten him trained up, and not been so cheap feeling. And wtf is his dads power? or Nathan's dad's power?
  14. Nadino

    Nadino Third Year

    Apr 10, 2007
    Ann Arbor, Michigan

    Hell yea, last one was pure ownage..
    It got me thinking how he learned to spar so easily.. His father kept saying it was something about his legacy and shit.. Got me kinda confused..
    Too many questions, too many!
  15. QuaziJoe

    QuaziJoe Dolphin Boy

    Oct 28, 2006
    The Other Surrey
    I'm wondering about papa petrellis powers. Cause in the comics we were led to belive he was a average joe...

    But Linderman made it sound like he had some power as well... I might be wrong cause I was half awake at the time.

    Also I'm trying to figure out how linderman could have been offed. Because in the original timeline, with the linderman act in place we are led to belive that he is alive.. unless it was named after him post-humously. the only thing I can think of that would have lead to this was the fact that claire was alive and met up with her dad before he went and met up with nikki/jessica and DL. something in there interactions must have changed the scenario...

    I want to say that maybee he healed himself but since the hand went in the brain.... doesn't seem likely considering all we know.

    I'm starting to get annoyed by the symbol though... it appears everywhere but they don't even try to give it any meaning. I mean there was a doodle of it in the yellow pages for crying out loud.
  16. deathinapinkboa

    deathinapinkboa Minister of Magic

    Aug 24, 2006
    Democratic Republic of The Congo

    For the purpose of my own continued enjoyment of the show I'm just going to pretend that Hiro did take his daddy back in time.
  17. Oujou Akaash

    Oujou Akaash Unspeakable

    Nov 30, 2006
    Actually i think that episode is pretty good since it tries and gets you into the mind of Syler. Before i thought he is just a heartless man that wants to be god but now i understand him just a little bit. He got this idea in his head that since he knows how people work, he thinks that taking there power and becoming god is his destiny or something like that.

    Also, his mom is like the link that pulls him towards humanity that separates him from going worse then before. And when he finds out that he is going to explode just strengthens it. But now that his mom is dead, he will move forward and starts to act like a heartless monster. interestingly enough, he wasn't a heartless monster before but just a monster with a heart. now things will get interesting.
  18. japanese_jew

    japanese_jew High Inquisitor

    Dec 7, 2006
    Yeah, the sword fighting bit was a bit . . . bad. To be fair, since Sylar doesn't even have a sword, he just needed to know how to swing it with confidence.

    I'm really not looking forward to the next ep, because it'll be the last. Although allegedly, they're going to have a miniseries over the summer. Which could kick much ass.

    The "DL phases with everything he touches" thing is bullshit. That makes the only black guy with powers Micah. I'm sure there's supposed to be some irony with Linderman being the only only one who could save him, but it's just annoying. Now Peter can't get either of their powers, and they were both really cool.

    I'm pretty sure that Hiro is the first Nakamura to have elite x-men powers. Remember, "You are the first of the line to ascend." George Takei is my hero. When Hiro was like, "What could you possibly know about killing?" I thought, "Oh god this is going to be lame," but Masi Oka was actually the one who ruined that scene by not shitting his pants.

    Quazijoe: It's not . . . sure that he has a power. Linderman could have been referring to his ability to go to any length to do what he thought needed to be done. Papa Petrelli (it just rolls off your tongue, and by tongue I mean fingers) killed the grow-y girl (Au . . . Co?) when Linderman didn't have the heart to. Sort of a similar thing to what's happening with HRG and Molly. Aw, Molly is adorable. I'll admit it.

    By the way, has this thread just given up on spoiler tags? I know I have.
  19. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    Yeah screw the spoiler tags, I dont check it until I'm caught up.

    The way Hiro's dad, and Linderman, and Mana Pet. have phrased it, it's like they had some secret heroes club post WW2, and they all had powers.

    I'm going to just assume Hiro's dad had the power to teach folks things incredibly quick so I don't ruin the show overthinking, lol.

    Also, yeah Heroes: Origins is the name of the miniseries. 6 episodes, doing backstory.
  20. Miss Selarne

    Miss Selarne Sixth Year

    Aug 21, 2005
    Dream Land
    That sounds about right. For the betterment of the world!

    Anyways, anyone else wonder how DL got behind Linderman in the last episode? Because there is no way he could have snuck around without either Nikki or Linderman seeing him. Second thing, during the sword training, the swords have huge gaps between them and never actually touch. Can't they fake it a little better?