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Blizzard to announce new game

Discussion in 'Gaming and PC Discussion' started by KenderCleric, May 17, 2007.

  1. KenderCleric

    KenderCleric Lord of Plot Bunnies

    Nov 26, 2006
    Terra Atlantus
    If you were to visit www.blizzard.com or any of the other Blizzard-owned game urls (such as www.warcraft.com) today you would be redirected to a splash page teaser. This comes as the forerunner to Blizzard's upcoming announcement of their next new upcoming title.

    Rumors have run rampant lately on what the new game could be, but all Blizzard is waiting until a game conference in Korea to announce. However, the company has said that they are looking to hire new top-level developers for a Next-Gen MMO that has nothing to do with the Warcraft franchise. Further teasers from the company have implied that the announcement in Korea is in relation to Starcraft.

    Could Starcraft be the next big MMO? We'll find out soon.
  2. The Dark Lord Squash

    The Dark Lord Squash Denarii Host

    Aug 28, 2006
    Cardbord Box inside your closet
    Hmmm, Blizard has said that they have been working on a game for a while they have just been very tight lipped about it. Many assumed it would be Diablo 3. Strarcraft as a MMO eh? Could be pretty nasty as the guys over at Blizzard know their stuff, and Korea would be a good place to anounce it as it is the Starcraft capital.
  3. Amerision

    Amerision Galactic Sheep Emperor DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2006
    The Gardens in the Desert Sand
    And so, 6 million people have just confirmed that their next 5-7 years will be totally unproductive.
  4. KenderCleric

    KenderCleric Lord of Plot Bunnies

    Nov 26, 2006
    Terra Atlantus
    Meh. I hadn't scheduled productivity until around 2012 anyway so I'm not that concerned. Still....the idea of a futuristic MMO has its appeal...and finally a game where when in PvP people complain of being "Zerged" they'll actually mean.
  5. C.S.Kaniel

    C.S.Kaniel Fourth Year

    Dec 3, 2006
    Portland, Oregon
    I'm glad that they're ditching Warcraft for now. I never really got why those games were so huge...I had more fun playing C&C than any of the Warcrafts, and Diablo 2 is on a whole different level then WoW (which I suppose isn't saying much, because guess what, WoW SUCKS ASS.)

    I just hope it's not Diablo 3. I loved 1 and 2, and a 3 would be awesome, but after what the did with World of Warcraft, I don't trust these guys. Pay $20 to buy the game, another twenty for the expansion, then pay thirty a month just to start playing because there's no single player.
  6. MrMucus

    MrMucus Groundskeeper

    Jan 31, 2006
    Down memory lane
    WOW was an MMORPG so if you bought it purely for single player yeah you are going to have been disappointed. The only MMORPG with single player mode is Age of Conan I think..which is still in development anyway.

    I can see it being something to do with Starcraft..as it was announced in Korea and the Blizzard North team has left and are developing Hellgate London.

    Not sure if it would be an RTS..maybe a MMORTS or MMOFPS. They could always be announcing another Lost Vikings game or something original *shrug*.
  7. Nobody

    Nobody Backtraced

    Jul 25, 2006
    They're announcing the game in South Korea. If it's not Starcraft related, no Blizzard employees will leave that place alive. My bet is on an RTS (Starcraft 2?!?!) or MMOFPS (think Halo or Half-life on a grand scale)
  8. The Dark Lord Squash

    The Dark Lord Squash Denarii Host

    Aug 28, 2006
    Cardbord Box inside your closet
    They could pull a fast one and bring back Starcraft Ghoast. I would love to see Starcraft 2 or a MMO of some kind, not a MMOFPS though.

    On a side note I love WoW. I play WoW. I supose that if you thought it was going to be a single player game then that would suck, but for a MMO it is the king.
  9. Snarf

    Snarf Squanchin' Party Bro! ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Apr 27, 2007
    Forty-Six & 2
    High Score:
    I think an MMOFPS would be a bit annoying and not half as fun to play as WoW. I mean, what's more fun then dressing up your level 70 undead rogue in bad ass armor and watching it glow as he trounces baddies on a raid (Power too the horde . . . better yet the forsaken, by the way)? In a MMOFPS you wouldn't be able to see your character and that ruins half the fun. Unless it was something like an in-space first person shooter in some sort of fighter jet. I'd have fun with that, but it's just not Blizzard.

    I think they are giving teasers about Starcraft because they want to get the fans all pumped up and then they will bring out some original MMO. They can't make another MMORPG as it's impossible to compete with WoW on that level, but a MMORTS would be pretty bad ass. Then again, it might not be a MMO at all, but that seems unlikely.
  10. Mindless

    Mindless Big Boss DLP Supporter

    Dec 31, 2006
    United States
    Yeah, this won't have anything to do with Starcraft. I've accepted the fact that Blizzard will never revive the greatness that was Starcraft. It'll probably be a new concept.

    Edit: Myst. Never. Gonna. Happen.
    Last edited: May 18, 2007
  11. Myst

    Myst Headmaster

    Feb 4, 2006
    Glassboro, NJ
    a Starcraft MMO? Meh I love the Starcraft universe but I don't wanna buy a game then have to pay to play the game.

    I'm hoping for a Starcraft 2 RTS.
  12. Mercenary

    Mercenary Snake Eater

    Aug 10, 2006
    Ah... I heard something like this a while back. Korean news site got translated and rumors of Starcraft 2 were hinted at in the article.
  13. KenderCleric

    KenderCleric Lord of Plot Bunnies

    Nov 26, 2006
    Terra Atlantus
    • World of Warcraft monthly account cost = $14.99
    • World of Warcraft was always advertised as a Massive Multiplayer Online game (a.k.a. MMORPG), not an RTS. No MMO (to date) has ever been single player.
    • Blizzard will most likely not do a Diablo 3 as the team from Blizzard North that was the driving force and inspiration for the Diablo franchise left. They now operate a company known as Flagship Studios and are producing Hellgate: London.
    • The speculation on the new game being an MMO comes from Blizzards announcement that they are searching for staff to work on a "Next-Gen MMO".
    • There is a good chance, from hints Blizzard has dropped, that the game announcement will be Starcraft related. Starcraft 2 is the most popular suspect with a Starcraft MMO being next. The third runner up of the speculation is some form of adaptation of Starcraft: Ghost into an MMOFPS.
    • If the game is a new MMO then the release will most likely be timed to fit with World of Warcraft's estimated "half life". This is the point, after an MMO's first expansion, that the overall subscriber level has peaked and begins a gradual decrease as gamers move to new titles. With Blizzard's sense of timing (can we say Burning Crusade crushing Vanguard?) they will most likely use a new MMO's release to pick up those customers leaving WoW.

    Edit: The timing of any new game released from Blizzard should always be suspected to be timed in an effort to: a)Crush any new title being released by SOE (who blows goats), and b) Embarrass SOE as much as possible.
    Last edited: May 18, 2007
  14. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    ...We don't have ANY Blizzard employees to give us inside gossip? :(
  15. C.S.Kaniel

    C.S.Kaniel Fourth Year

    Dec 3, 2006
    Portland, Oregon

    • Ah, really? Well I still stand by what I said. I'm a Sixteen year old high-school student who procrastinates too much to do both homework and get a job. I can't afford to cough up $15 anymore than $30.

      On the second point, I never knew it was always advertised as an MMORPG. All I heard was that it was Warcraft from a Morrowind point of view and pretty much discarded any thought of it until it's release.

      On the third;Good. They better keep it that way, then. If the driving force for Diablo left, then I want nothing to do with Blizzard at all. As far as I'm concerned, they've lost their touch. I'd rather play Ragnarok, and trust me, that's saying a lot, seeing as I've played it so long there's really nothing left for me to do.

      On the fourth; I really don't have anything to say on this oter than they should have chose another description instead of 'Next-Gen'. PS3 is Next-Gen, and it's still doing bad. I personally don't care about what they call it, but odds are som people will be turned off by it.

      On the fifth; Something newly Starcraft gives me mixed feelings. Like I said, I don't trust these guys, but then at the same time a Starcraft sequel makes me want to jump for joy.

      Sixth and last; The 'half-life' principle doesn't always apply. To cite Diablo 2 Battle net and Open Battle.net, it's still booming. I left the scene for 2 years, came back, and it was still the same as before. I'm sure it'll die eventually, but even now, years and years after the LoD expansions release, it's going strong. Or strong enough, rather.
  16. Rehio

    Rehio Bad Dragon ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 1, 2007
    New Mexico
    High Score:
    They've said before that they want to continue to work on the Starcraft world, and I'm deluded enough to hope for it. There have been rumors abound about this. The hiring of three people suited to MMO creation (Or something of the sort) has led many to believe that World of Starcraft or something will be coming out. (o_< I wanna be a zergling)

    And yeah, they're announcing it in South Korea. So it'd better be Starcraft or heads are gonna roll.
  17. HomicidalPsychoJungleCat

    HomicidalPsychoJungleCat Fifth Year

    Nov 12, 2006
    Vancouver, Canada
    Hoping beyond hope that it's Starcraft 2, it'd be a long time coming
  18. KenderCleric

    KenderCleric Lord of Plot Bunnies

    Nov 26, 2006
    Terra Atlantus
    This thread has reminded me something.

    Warcraft: Orcs and Humans (a.k.a. Warcraft 1) was released in 1994. ...I remember getting it when it first came out.

    I also remember when the first MMOs were actually MUDs and many were hosted by the early internet services such as AOL. My monthly AOL bill in those days from playing MUDs makes me bow down and thank god for something as wonderful as a flat-rate $14.99 monthly fee.

    I'm freakin old.

    Oh...and for the young among us... when AOL first came around it was a per-hour based billing. You would get 2 free hours of useage a month (4 if you were a Gold member if I recall) and after that your bill grew the more you were online (hourly charges were prorated by the minute so even if you only went over 1 minute past your free time you got billed for it).

    Now imagine someone that plays an online game regularly...being billed by their internet provider by the hour as they played. The greatist moment of my first bank account's life was when AOL introduced their unlimited access plan.

    Mind you...this is all back in the day of 14.4 modems giving way to the UBER 56k modems.

    Yeah...I'm depressing myself now.
    Last edited: May 18, 2007
  19. Masked Critic

    Masked Critic Backtraced

    Jun 11, 2006
    The State of Confusion
    I'm gonna be the first one to say this, I guess: I hated Starcraft. I played it once, it sucked, I never played it again. So, I'm hoping that it's one of two things:

    A new, SINGLE PERSON Warcraft game, because WoW really can't advance the Warcraft universe's story much, as it's an MMO...

    Or something completely new, and not an MMO.

    I'm REALLY sick of MMOs. I prefer to have games with more goal in them than "Kill a bunch of shit, get stronger, kill a bunch of stronger shit, etc. until you can't get any stronger." I'd much rather play a game where the ultimate goal is to actually DO something, like save the world, kill a really bad nasty, or just get home in one piece.
  20. Zield

    Zield Fourth Year

    Jun 24, 2006
    Thought I should toss that out there.

    But personally if it's not Diablo 3 being announced I want something brand new.