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Star Wars timeline

Discussion in 'Movies, Music and TV shows' started by Erotic Adventures of S, Jul 10, 2022.

  1. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    There is a bit of Star Wars planned and already a bit that’s come out.

    Yet most of it is set +/- a few years of the OT.

    There was a lot of talk in the fandom about Disney redoing their episodes 7-9, which is so extremely unlikely as to not be worth considering.

    But it does seem like they know how badly they fucked it up.

    Not a single project I have seen properly touches on their sequels era. Mostly because it doesn’t make much sense in the narrative.

    What do we think their long term plan will be? Continue to build out the prequel era and the time before episode 7?

    Eventually move into the sequel era slowly retconning it to make sense? Actually redo the sequels? Or somehow handwave them away?

    Now we are years past the sequels, and the initial wave of fan anger is cooled, they are still considered poorly executed. Episode 7 was generic as hell, episode 8 was beautiful but broke the narrative, episode 9 was a mess trying to reverse episode 8.
  2. CrackedMind

    CrackedMind Minister of Magic

    Jul 17, 2011
    They like that early rebel era, so we’ll see a lot more of that.

    I would love for them to go in the pre-prequels era. I’d love to see Qui-Gon and young Obi Wan running around.
  3. Agayek

    Agayek Dimensional Trunk DLP Supporter

    Mar 20, 2009
    Disney's already building out the Jedi Lords thing again in comics and stuff, not unlikely they'll go there for future movies. I'd also be kinda surprised if there's never anything set in Revan's era, just cuz of how popular and well-regarded that is.
  4. yargle

    yargle Professor

    Dec 29, 2019
    Well, Knights of the Old Republic is getting a remake but from my research it is likely still set in Legends continuity (which gives me hope they are going to continue it, things were getting interesting at the point of Star Wars Crucible). I'm probably the only Star Wars fan who hopes they don't bring Revan into current canon, but that is a different conversation.

    I know a lot of sequel era stuff has been done in the comics, but I'm not a comics guy so I haven't looked into it much yet. Star Wars: Shadow of the Sith just came out end of June. I haven't picked it up yet, but I know it's about that period Lando mentions during Episode IX when he and Luke where hunting Ochi of Bestoon, and it explains how Ochi got this old thing. There's also Star Wars: Bloodlines which takes place around the same time Ben falls and it really explains the galactic political situation that allowed the First Order to happen, how Leia learns of a large threat/the start of the Resistance and how
    the galaxy learns Darth Vader was Anakin Skywalker
    and the fallout of that. Sadly, part of that book is fucked now because JJ Abrams decided not to talk to the loremasters when writing/directing Ep IX and as such fucked over the dream of a truly flat canon. There's also a Phasma centric novel which I have just haven't yet touched because of inherent laziness.

    Right now the big thing going on is of course the High Republic, taking place ~200 years pre-TPM and I'm greatly enjoying the adult novels side of it so far. Haven't really dug into the other stuff yet. Star Wars: The Rising Storm (High Republic book 2) has introduced the most anti-Jedi thing I've seen in Star Wars since the voxyn.

    Look into Star Wars: Master & Apprentice by Claudia Gray. Eight years pre-TPM and it is about Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan's relationship and how it went from troubled partnership to something actually good.

    Long-term, don't really think we're going to see anything post-sequels until the timeline between RotJ and TFA has been more solidified. They've definitely taken lessons from the last decade or so of the Legends continuity on long-term continuity and storytelling outside the movies. We're going to see more early Empire era, immediately post-RotJ/Mando era and High Republic stuff in the upcoming years than anything else.

    There'll be some smaller projects outside those eras, but no major storylines for a while.
  5. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Speak for yourself.
  6. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    It’s still a bit amazing they paid billions for Star Wars, then went into a trilogy with no overall plan. Between that and Solo they seemed to just think they could slap the Star Wars brand on anything and make money.
  7. Mr. Mixed Bag

    Mr. Mixed Bag Seventh Year

    Jun 18, 2021
    I mean that's kind of exactly what they've been doing. Solo lost money, but the sequels were still net-positive. Volume over quantity is working for them, which is probably why they're sticking with it.
  8. Iztiak

    Iztiak Prisoner DLP Supporter

    Dec 4, 2006
    They’ll bleed their fat pig to death by a thousand cuts, & charge us for watching them do it.

    I doubt anyone at Disney is concerned with the artistic integrity/consistency of the franchise.

    They have a guaranteed recipe for success, and none of it involves spending effort or money. Obi-wan was the nail in the coffin for me, I’ve seen student films with better writing/editing & by all reports it’s a resounding success.
  9. ScottPress

    ScottPress The Horny Sovereign –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 22, 2013
    The Holy Moose Empire
    High Score:
    And Mandalorian, Book of Boba, Kenobi and all the upcoming shows are what exactly?
  10. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    I know you don’t like them, but The Mandalorian is pretty well regarded. Kenobi a bit mixed. BoB they tried and failed.
  11. R. E. Lee

    R. E. Lee Groundskeeper

    Nov 3, 2012
    I like most of them, but there is something off about their TV shows. On top of the occasional script clunkiness, BoB and some later episodes of Kenobi and Mandalorian just feel cheap to me in places. Which is insane, because they're something like $15 million per episode.

    I mention this because I'm watching the new season of Westworld, which supposedly costs half as much per episode and is also in a weird sci-fi / futuristic setting, but it never feels cheap or like they're on a set.
  12. Arthellion

    Arthellion Lord of the Banned ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Apr 14, 2017
    Georgia, USA
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    I think the simplest answer to all of this is that Star Wars is made for kids and adult nolstagia. They are making these shows with kids and preteens in mind, not adults who look for actual quality.
  13. Pirazy

    Pirazy Groundskeeper

    Dec 29, 2010
    Let the sequels die, cut it off like the gangrenous limb it is and focus all efforts on The High Republic, The Old Republic and maybe start making some plans for The Republic Resurgent set at least 1000 years in the future. I'm so incredibly sick of the fucking deluge of media set in the same 50 year period.
  14. Othalan

    Othalan Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Oct 4, 2007
    I call bullshit on that. That's their go-to excuse/bit of ridicule when people bring up legitimate criticisms that Disney isn't able to immediately handwave as some kind of -ism or -phobia ("Oh, you didn't like how we did that? Chill out you worthless man-child, it's a show about space wizards made for kids!").

    The reality is that almost 100% of what they've made in terms of television or movies has absolutely been aimed at adult fans. Adult fans are the ones who understand the fan-service and tongue-in-cheek references Filoni and Favreau think are a suitable substitute for plot, not kids. Adult fans are the ones that spend the vast majority of the money that goes into Star Wars at every level, and most of that spending isn't for their kids. And, using the Obi-wan show as an example (though the same applies to Book of Boba), adult fans are the ones who've been clamoring to see that for years, not kids, because adult fans are the ones who grew up with Ewan MacGregor's Obi-wan, and they wanted him back.

    Literally the only Disney Star Wars television or film projects that I know of that were explicitly made for children were Rebels, Bad Batch, and that Star Wars: Resistance cartoon that nobody gives a shit about. Everything else has been very explicitly and deliberated targeted at - and marketed to - adult fans.

    Anyway, back on topic. Personally, I wish they would get their hands off the Old Republic era. So far, not one solitary thing from Legends has been improved by Disney meddling with it. The Old Republic era (at least the part of it covered by the SW:TOR mmo) is already problematic enough from a lore standpoint. We don't need Disney's special brand of hackneyed fuckery making it worse.

    What I want to see from Disney Star Wars is a completely new era, set far enough into the galaxy's future that nobody remembers anyone named "Skywalker" ever existed in the first place. I want them to use that setting as their playground so they stop fucking up the things and characters that I actually like.
  15. Agayek

    Agayek Dimensional Trunk DLP Supporter

    Mar 20, 2009
    I think I've mentioned it somewhere on here in the past, and if not definitely on the discord, but what I would really like to see is a new trilogy set a few hundred to thousand years after the current set of movies where they embrace the Space!Feudalism idea that's been toyed with in the EU a few times.

    The idea would be that it's a few hundred years post-Empire, and while the Rebellion did restore the Republic, it restored it as it was, and didn't fix any of the fundamental design problems that allowed Palpatine to coup it in the first place. It was still just as bloated and unwieldy as ever, but this time with even more rules and restrictions in place to prevent anyone from pulling a Palpatine ever again. Naturally, this hampers the new government so much that they simply couldn't fix any real problems, and at best make token efforts at surface-level solutions.

    In the face of government ineptitude, more and more people kept turning to their local Jedi Knights that Luke's new order had trained up. And while they don't want to step in and start dictating how things should run, if they didn't, millions to billions of people were going to suffer, and they couldn't bear to just watch that. So reluctantly, they stepped up. Again, and again, and again, until it stops being the last resort and starts being the first. Until, over the course of generations, it becomes the Republic that answers to the Jedi.

    And with power, comes the temptation to wield it, something not even the Jedi are immune to. Corruption begins to fester, as the Jedi become increasingly unmoored from their mandate and wield their power to satisfy their own petty desires.

    Enter our protagonist, a menial laborer from the ass end of nowhere whose life begins and ends with working to meet the tithe demands of the local Jedi Lord. It's miserable, grueling work, but it's all he knows, and it's been years since he dared to hope for a better life. Until, that is, he finds a little tetrahedron in the guts of the old ship he's tearing apart. It's an old device, clearly a container of some kind, and likely for something valuable, but whatever's inside is just as clearly beyond his reach, as despite his best efforts and cutting tools, he couldn't leave a scratch on the thing. That meant someone would pay a pretty penny for it, right?

    The good vibes last until he gets home to find a smoking ruin and a squad of the Lord's goons where his family's hab used to be. This pushes him over the edge, and rage and hate send him screaming at the goons. Power fills him, a power he's never before known, that lets him manhandle grown men like unruly children, that tells him exactly what they're going to do and how best to make them hurt.

    And in the aftermath, surrounded by dead men in the smoking ruin of his everything, the Holocron at his feet unfolds and begins to speak.

    Through Passion, you gain Strength.
    Through Strength, you gain Power.
    Through Power, you gain Victory.
    Through Victory, your chains are broken.
    The Force has set you Free.
  16. Othalan

    Othalan Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Oct 4, 2007
    That's a fairly cool concept. Though really, with that kind of political setup, a new schism within the Jedi Order is basically inevitable.

    The thing with the Jedi is that they actually kind of can't do normal corruption like you're describing. Because normal corruption like that which goes uncorrected inevitably results in a Fall at some point, and whatever bad stuff they get up to will be cranked up to eleven by the Dark Side in short order.

    The more likely scenario is that the Jedi Lords who like the power more than the responsibility form a political faction to protect their aristocratic interests and prerogatives, which over time quietly morphs into a new Dark Side cult. When their corruption and Fall is revealed to the Jedi who are still on the straight-and-narrow, civil war is basically inevitable. Rather than a rebirth of the old enemy, that version of the setting would make a perfect origin story for a new one, with new philosophies, new secrets, new Force techniques, and new motivations.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2022
  17. Agayek

    Agayek Dimensional Trunk DLP Supporter

    Mar 20, 2009
    Kinda? My thinking is mostly that the Jedi Order has a whole would fall, to some extent. Just a slow twisting of ideals and philosophy over the course of many, many generations into something only barely recognizable.

    The thinking being that, thanks to losing most the thousands of years of tradition in the purges and deliberately throwing away most of what's left, there isn't much of a core throughline to the philosophy of the new Jedi Order. Just a vague idea of doing what's right. Then, as they adopt more and more responsibilities and powers over the people, the right thing becomes increasingly the right thing for The Greater Good (tm). And from there, the Greatest Good then becomes themselves; after all, they're the ones looking out for and serving everyone else. It only makes sense that they're the best rewarded for it. If not for them, anarchy would reign and that would just be awful.

    The whole idea is for the Jedi Order as a whole to be corrupted by their own good intentions into something not so good, at which point the Sith would have to step up and act to restore peace and freedom to the galaxy.

    It doesn't really matter because there's exactly zero chance Disney would ever sign off on a Sith protagonist and Jedi villains, but it would make for an interesting way to explore the setting.
  18. Othalan

    Othalan Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Oct 4, 2007
    Well, that would still entail a significant portion of them outright Falling. The Light Side isn't something you can cling to while doing evil shit. The very attitudes that drive a person acting in a corrupt manner are anathema to one's ability to draw on the Light, and make it significantly easier and more tempting to draw on the Dark Side instead.

    As for the Sith "restoring peace and freedom", no, just no. It's not even an issue with the Dark Side itself, it's that Sith philosophy is fundamentally incompatible with that goal. Their whole philosophy is constructed in such a way that they would be vastly more likely to want to usurp - or even join - that corrupted Jedi Order than they would be to try to tear it all down. A widely-accepted, galaxy-wide system of absolute feudal lordships where each lord can do whatever they want to the weaklings they rule? That's the utopian dream of any non Bane-ite Sith. And for the Bane-ite Sith, the only problem with that setup is that it's not centralized into an absolute monarchy.

    The Sith are a political philosophy as much as a spiritual one. To propose a series of events where they promote peace and freedom is so out of character, you'd do better to expect hardcore fascists and communists to act like benevolent libertarians after they take power.

    That's part of why a new schism or a new enemy born from the Jedi Order's own ranks is more compelling, imo. It would force the Jedi who stayed true to the Light to re-evaluate themselves and their position, and would make them realize how far they've fallen from the true ideal of the old Jedi. The likely result, assuming a Jedi victory in that civil war, would be the Jedi themselves breaking that feudal system and surrendering their political power.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2022
  19. Agayek

    Agayek Dimensional Trunk DLP Supporter

    Mar 20, 2009
    Yes. That's what I said. It's about the Order itself being twisted into an egocentric and somewhat myopic version of itself, which inherently comes with shifting mores around acceptable behavior and, eventually, normalizing drawing on the dark side and other such things. That's literally the point of the whole premise.

    As for the rest: You're pulling in a bunch of stuff from the EU that has no need to be there. You don't have to derive "the strong prey on the weak and that's an objective good" aspect of Sith philosophy from the base Sith code or whatever. Diverging from the 'standard' depictions of each side and exploring the different ways the ideas can go is the whole point of the idea.
  20. Othalan

    Othalan Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Oct 4, 2007
    The base Sith Code is from the EU too, so if you're drawing on that, then the rest should follow unless you explicitly note that it's an AU where being a Sith means something completely different. Besides, all the depictions of Sith we've gotten even outside of the EU where they actually voice their opinions support the idea that their basic philosophy is Social Darwinism taken to a psychotic extreme, with a focus on accruing temporal power over those the Sith consider their natural inferiors.

    While you're right that the Jedi slowly morphing into something evil could be an interesting story if it's handled properly, I kind of recoil at the idea because of how prevalent and obnoxious the Jedi-bashing and Sith-apologia already is in the fandom, and in some official works too (SW:TOR is probably the worst offender). It's not much of a subversion or a twist when seemingly half the fandom are the kind of edgelord morons who already think the Sith are just misunderstood rebels against the "tyranny" of those dastardly kidnappers and mustache-twirling manipulators, the Jedi.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2022