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Medieval society - most QOL impact a single reborn future person can achieve

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by James, May 1, 2023.

  1. DrSarcasm

    DrSarcasm Headmaster

    May 16, 2010
    I will say that the most important element in a story like this is failure. Whenever I see a successful uplift story, the really good ones, there is always some form of resistance to the main character's plans. They'll misremember or forget how something works, lack the needed skills to replicate a familiar technology, go through multiple failed prototypes, take months to years to accomplish even small goals. and so on.

    There are always people who will fight back against change, as well. They might be traditionalists and conservatives who want to keep to the old familiar ways and distrust something new, or they might go against it out of pure self-interest. Not necessarily greed, but self-interest. They could be profiting off of the status quo, wish to get a (larger) piece of the pie, or the new invention/technique could help their neighbors but harm their own lands. Feudal societies and Westeros in particular are notorious for this, with one of the reasons why you have medieval stasis being every minor lordling pulling each other back down into the muck whenever someone starts to crawl out of this.

    As an example, Spanks' suggestion of building a canal across the Neck, a common idea in ASoIaF stories and threads. Take a look at this map someone made of a canal route:

    The location uses existing rivers to reduce the amount of digging needed. You'd think that the kingdoms would love the increased trade that would come from building the canal, right? Well you've got several problems. House Frey controls the Twins crossing and would be upset at how their ability to collect tolls are being bypassed. There would presumably have to be cities--or at least, naval bases--established at each side of the canal (as well as methods of guarding the ships on the river from land-based pirates). One of those bases would be in the Crownlands and the other in the Riverlands. Would the current king (whoever they may be) be happy with allowing such a position of power to someone outside his direct control (aka bloodline)? Would the ruler of the Riverlands be unhappy with either the king or one of his vassals have such an increased amount of power over his domain? Would the Iron Islands cause issues with such a tempting prize at their very doorstep, or would they change from a pirate kingdom to become the new naval base? Then there are ecological concerns. How will changing the flow of water affect the surrounding areas? Will farmland dry up and fish migration routes be disrupted, leading to a famine? A mistake in dam building causing a massive flood?

    Things to think about whenever planning a story.
  2. Otters

    Otters Groundskeeper ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jun 8, 2010
    High Score:
    So asoiaf magic clearly exists, but is vastly different and less versatile for the everyman than HP magic. Which is hereditary.

    Whether he manages to set up a school or not is immaterial - institutions rise and fall, and figuring out how magic works can be the work of future generations. But Harry's contribution is to spread his wild oats as far as possible to ensure that the genepool of Westeros adopts magical potential.

    Q.E.D Megamatt is the only true tech uplift writer.
  3. James

    James Unspeakable

    Jan 22, 2015
    I agree with this. Though, of course, it’s a delicate balance between MC having to be an idiot and a magical curbstomp.

    i can’t tell how serious are you - because yes, not doing everything themselves should probably be an important part of any magical story, but the route I’m thinking of taking is that the part of Asoiaf magic that already is sort of hereditary (skin-walking? Greenseers? Probably something non-Stark centric) just needs to be found and taught in HP-magic.
  4. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:
    He's very serious. Otterly serious, one might say.
  5. Raiko

    Raiko Groundskeeper DLP Supporter

    Jan 30, 2011
    Where is the thumbs down button when you need it
  6. Heosphoros

    Heosphoros Fourth Year

    Jul 9, 2008
    Making lots of those two-way mirrors would be a significant development. Instant communication would do much to shrink Westeros' vast distances, making centralized administration easier. Even if only two mirrors can be connected, just put one of the pair in a hub with some operators to align the calls and you have a pretty good system.

    Always hated that sort of thing, making two completely different magical systems "one and the same" always sucks. See most HP/Star Wars crossovers.
  7. James

    James Unspeakable

    Jan 22, 2015
    I get where you’re coming from, I really do, but some mix better than others. And while parts of asoiaf magic are different - control of elements, learnable shadow magic - others aren’t so far - steeped in symbolism, half subjective/half objective, achievable only by some…

    it’s IMO not quite the same as force/magic forced merge, what with midichlorians and stuff.
  8. Spanks

    Spanks Chief Warlock

    Jun 8, 2007
    New Jersey
    It helps that neither JKR or GRRM put too much thought behind their magic systems. Harry Potter magic only has a few rules that we know of and I don’t think we’ve ever gotten any real discussion in the books regarding magic in ASoIaF beyond magic is a sword without a hilt from Maester Luwin, and that magic is for some reason connected to dragons (probably something the Valyrians did?)
  9. Drachna

    Drachna Professor

    Jun 22, 2016
    High Score:
    You could have a HP character replicate the conquest, but with magic instead of dragons. Jump 300 years into the future and you would probably have a weak, inbred squib on the throne. The hatching of dragons could instead be some displaced squib heir coming into their magic after some symbolic ritual.